FEBRUARY 16, 1971
The regular meeting of the City Council was held in the City Council
Chambers, City Hall, on the above date. The meeting was called to
order by Mayor McKeen. All Councilmen were present.
It was moved by Conklin, seconded by McCannon that the minutes
of the February 2, 1971, regular meeting be accepted and placed
on file. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Soderberg, seconded by Conklin that the departmental
reports for the month of January be accepted and placed on file.
Conklin asked the City Administrator hm¢ Southern Oregon College
and the Mark Antony are billed by the City for work performed by
the City Electric Department. Hr. Almquist indicated he would have
a report regarding the matter at the next Council meeting.
Willstatter requested that the fuel consumption report be included
with the Airport F~onthly Report each month. City Administrator
Almquist assured him this would be done and indicated he would
provide fuel consumption reports for the past few months. On motion
to. accept reports and place on file, carried unanimously.
At this time, the meeting was recessed for a short period and
reconvened at the Hillah Temple to accommodate a large audience.
a. Finance & Property Committee - No Report
b. Public Service Committee
1. Chairman Roble moved for adoption of the recommendation
of the Committee that the Civil Service rules for Fire Department
be amended to grant Oregon residents a five-point bonus on
entrance examinations. Fol]owing brief discussion, motion was
seconded by Conklin. City Attorney Salter indicated an amendment
to the original ordinance would be necessary. tie also pointed,,
out that some definition should be given to the term"residents--
such as defining a certain period of time required for residency.
Considerable discussion followed.
Conklin withdrew his second and Roble amended his original
motion to state on entrance examinations to fire service, a
five-point bonus be granted to all Oregon residents qualifying
such Oregon residents of six months or more. Motion seconded
by Conklin. On roll call, carried unanimously.
Following brief discussion, it was moved by Soderberg, seconded
by Roble to instruct the City Attorney to draw up an ordinance
amending the original ordinance for presentation at the next
Council meeting, with Council action to be taken before March 27
(date scheduled for next Fire Department entrance examinations).
On roll call, carried unanimously.
c. Streets & Traffic Committee
1. Conklin moved to accept the Committee~s recommendation to
allot one authorized vehicle space to W. G. Mattix, 30 South
First Street, for proprietor use only--not for customer parking.
Motion was seconded by Soderberg. Several members of the Council
expressed concern that the City conduct a study of the available
parking spaces per dwelling (including their availability to
tenants). On roll call, carried unanimously.
1. It was:moved by ~cCan~on, seconde~ by Willstatter that the
minutes fo~ the Ash]and Ilevelopment Commission meeting of January 22,
1971, be accepted and placed on file. ~otion carried unanimously.
2. It was moved by Conk]in, seconded by Soderberg that the minutes
for the Planning Commission meetings of January 11 and 25, 1971, be
accepted and placed on file. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Council's attention was called to a memorandum from City
Attorney Salter regarding alley vacation located bet~een Elm and
Prospect in the vicinity of Leonard Street and Palmer Road. City
Attorney Salter requested that the matter be continued to the
next Council meeting for presentation of a resolution. IIe explained
that, due to a misunderstanding between ~r. Richard Cottie, Mr. Harry
A. Skerry and himself, Mr. Cottie and Mr. Skerry were not present
at the meeting. It was moved by Willstatter, secondDd by Roble
that the matter be continued to the next regular Council meeting.
Motion carried unanimously.
Unfinished Business:
1. 8:00 P._~{. PUBLIC HEARING: City-wide ban on open burning
prop~FF~ ~kson County TB & RD Association - ~{ayor HcKeen
requested that members of the audience wishing to speak comment
on the subject at hand only (City-wide ban on opening burning) and
limit their presentation to five minutes unless they give advance
notice of their intention to speak longer. It was pointed out
that comments by the audience will be recorded for perm.nnent record.
Dr. Wayne Linn read a letter from the Jackson County TB & RD
Association which indicated the Association's reasons for
desiring an open burning ban. He also pointed out that the
Association was not stimulated to take this action by the
Environmental Quality Control Commission. ~1
Dr. Elmo Stevenson indicated he thought a burning ban would be
discriminatory since many of the older people in the town use
wood in their furnaces, etc. FIe did not feel that a danger
of air pollution existed at this time to warrant such a hasty
decision and urged the Council to give the matter careful
consideration before taking any action.
Mr. William Myer indicated he recently moved here from the
Eugene area. Eugene does have an open burning ban. He felt
this action was necessary in any area where the wellbeing of
neighbors is determined by what one does. tie indicated that he
is willing to pay the price to have his garbage hauled off in
order to improve ~he public health.
Mr. Miles Everett presented a report dealing with the effects of
air pollution on the ~edford area during a period of years. Following
presentation of the report by Mr. Everett, Councilmsn Roble requested
a copy of the report for study by the Public Service Committee.
Mr. William Keddie felt that he was producing more air pollution by
mowing and raking in his yard than by burning.
Dr'. Lloyd Pennington felt that the public needed to keep the issue
of banning open burning in perspective. He felt this type of
ban to be unnecessary until the population density warrants this
type of action.
One member of the sudience pointed out that western Oregon has the
potential of becoming the worst pollution affected area in the
country as soon as the population increases. She urged the Council
to give the matter of open burning ban careful consideration,
because the danger is already present.
Dr. Elliott ~[acCracken pointed out that as long as greene~ grows,
it will take carbon dioxide out of the air and produce more oxygen.
He felt that Ashland has not reached a point where a burning ban would
be necessary for public health.
Mrs. Connie Battai]e, representing the League of Women Voters,
pointed out that the pollution created from various industries has
decreased from approximately 94 percent to 56 percent; believer, the
pollution from individual sources has increased to approximately 12
percent. She felt that now ~s the time to establish some type of
pollution control regulations.
At this time, City Administrator Almquist read a letter from the
League of Women Voters urging the Council to support an open
burning ban and suggesting alternate methods of disposing of garbage,
A member of the audience asked Fire Chief Reed how much it costs
the City to answer fire alarms caused from open burning. Chief
Reed replied that approximately 34 percent of the Fire Department
runs last year were caused by careless burning; it costs approximately
$65 to move a piece of fire equipment out of.~he station.
Following more discussion, it was moved by Roble, seconded by
McCannon that the question of open fire burning be tabled to
a time when the Council and the Public Service Committee can
study the matter further. Motion carried unanimously.
COB~IUNICATIONS: (continued)
4. City Administrator Almquist read communication dated February 10,
1971, from the Board of Directors of Ashland School District No. 5
requesting to be informed of any future discussions concerning
major street arterials which include Walker Avenue, Mountain Avenue
and Beach Street. It was pointed out that these streets have been
designated as pri.mary thoroughfares as access to Southern Oregon
College and movement of cross-town traffic. City Administrator
Almquist recommended that the Planning Commission be requested to
forward its findings to Councilmen Conkljn add Willstatter (BCVTA
Policy Committee representatives) by '~iarch 10 in order that they may
present the Council's position to the BCVTA Policy Committee following
a consideration of that policy at the Council meeting on March 16.
Mayor ~!cKeen so directed.
New &Misccllaneous Business:
1. City Administrator Almquist reported that a request had been
received for a Class C Liquor License from Black Forest Enterprises,
Inc., 1700 Ashland Street; however, since Chief Hays has been unable
to contact the applicant to obtain fingerprints for a routine records
check, it is recommended that action be deferred until March 16.
It was moved by Conklin, seconded by Willstatter to accept the
Administrator's recommendation. Motion carried unanimously.
2. City Administrator Almquist reported that the Water Division
is requesting permission to call for bids for 18 fire hydrants
for new and replacement purposes; estimated cost is $3,350.
Suggested bid opening date is March 1S, 1971, at 1 p.m. in the
Council Chambers. It was moved by Willstatter, seconded by Conklin
that staff be authorized to call for bids for the fire hydrants
as specified. On roll call, carried unanimously.
3. City Administrator Almquist reported that the Water Division
is requesting permission to call for bids for gunnite to be utilized
in lining portions of the TID irrigation ditch, as well as for the
Lithja Park Project. Reference was made to a memorandum from
Public Works Director Alsing dated February 12, 1971. Hr. Almquist
recommended that Council authorize the call for sealed bids for
both the TID irrigation channel and the HUD Lithia Par}c Extension
Project, with award to be made by the Director of Finance based
on low sealed bid. It was moved by ~cCannon, seconded by Soderberg
to adopt the City Administr~tor's recommendation.
carried unanimously.
On roll call,
Ordinances, Resolutions & Contracts:
1. City Administrator Almquist read ordinance amending Ordinance
No. ]361, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Ashland, to rezone
certain property from C-2, Commercial-Downtown and R-3-1.2,
Residential-Hultiple Family, to R-i:B-10, Residential-Single Family.
It was moved by Soderberg, seconded by McCannon to pass ordinance
to second reading. On roll call, carried unanimously.
2. City Administrator Almquist read Ordinance No. 166~ increasing
the fees to be charged for lien searches. It was moved by McCannm~,
seconded by Conklin to adopt Ordinance No. 166~ On roll call,
carried 5-1, with Willstatter dissenting.
3. City Administrator Almquist read ordinance providing for
parking prohibitions on one side of certain streets from 8 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m. except Sundays and holidays except where parking
has heretofore, or may hereafter, be more restricted; providing
for the enforcement and penalty for v~o]ation thereof; providing
for the effective date of said ordinance; and declaring an emergency.
Following some discussion, ~.~r. Almquist read letter from F~arvin D.
Davis regarding allovqng parking on the east side of Glenwood
Drive. Mr. Almquist also reported that he had received a
petition signed by 50 property owners in the vicinity of the
college requesting that Council give careful consideration to
prohibiting parking on both sides of streets with restricted
Some discussion followed. City Attorney Salter pointed out that
the request from ~r. Davis regarding changing the parking prohibition
front t.he east side to the west side of Glenwood Drive would constitute
a substantive change in the ordinance and, therefore, the ordinance
would have to be reprocessed (two full readings of ordinance).
It was moved by Conklin, seconded by Roble to adopt the ordinance
as read.
Several members of the audience spoke in opposition to the
proposed ordinance, indicating that it was discriminating against
the college students. It was pointed out that the parking lots
presently provided by the college for student parking were
inadequate, since they were frequently muddy and rutted.
Several residents in the v~cinity of the college indicated that
they had been bothered by blocked driveways during school hours
and would we]come parking restrictions on their streets. They
also expressed concern for the safety of'children walking along
the s~des oF the streets ~n question, indicating that the
severe congestion presently existing creates safety hazards.
On roll call on motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1668, carried
4. Following presentation of brief backgroun~ on the matter,
City Administrator Almquist read resolution approving the Sewerage
System Study prepared by Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield,
Inc., completed with an advance from HUD under the terms of Public
Law 560. FIr. Almquist pointed out that the technical portions of
the sewer study have been completed; however, the issue of financing
of the proposed facilities is a matter of Council policy and should
be discussed at a future study session. It was moved by Conklin,
seconded by ~cCannon that the rules be snspen~ed and resolution
passed to second reading by title only. On roll call, carried
unanimously. Following second reading by title only, it was moved
by Roble, seconded by Soderberg that the resolution be adopted.
On roll call, carried unanimously.
5. It was moved ~y EIcCannon, seconded by Conklin that the
Memorandum.of Understanding by and between the City of Ashland
and the Asialand Employees Associatjon relative to salaries, fringe
benefits and working conditions be adopted and the Mayor and
Recorder be authorized to sign the agreeme~t on behalf of the
Roble complimented the Employees Association and the City
Administrator for their ability to negotiate to everyone's
Mr. Ed Pentkowski, President of the Employees Association,
also expressed appreciation to the Connell and the Administration
for their cooperation in negotiating with the employees.
indicated that a big gap in communication has been bridged this
year and the employees are grateful for the considerations granted
them by the Council and staff.
Mrs. Ruth Beck indicated that this show of cooperation between
the employees and Council will make for better cooperation
between the citizens of the City and the employees. She commended
the City work force for its excellent performance.
On roll call to adopt Memorandum of Understanding, carried
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned
subject to the call of the Mayor.
Acting City Recorder