June 22, 1971
A special meeting of the Common Council of the City of Ashland was
called to order by Chairman Roberts, in absence of the Mayor. All
councilmen were present; Councilwoman Soderberg arrived late.
Resolution transferrfng appropriations within a fund ($1,000 from
Ashland Economic Development Commission Advertising to Contract
Services - Chamber of Commerce; 1970-71 budget).
City Administrator Almquist stated he had been requested by the Mayor
to draw up the resolution. Willstatter moved that the resolution be
denied because the matter had been previously tabled, and noted the
City Attorney had pointed out that advertising expenses were illegal.
Conklin said the business license was brought into being at the re-
quest of the businessmen in town, and the funds were now being put
in to the General Fund; this is businessmen's money and should be
spent according to their wishes and legally.
Upon a question by Soderberg, City Attorney Salter said a letter had
been received from the City of Corvallis. Their City Attorney stated
that no city funds were spent on advertising: the only activity was by
the Chamber of Commerce. Soderberg asked if the City were to adopt an
ordinance in conflict with Oregon revised statutes and there is no
remonstrance from citizens, would it then be valid. Salter replied the
higher authority prevailed; the law was very clear; the people must
initiate the action by a petition containing at least 20% of those who
voted in the last election.
McCannon asked if some payments made to the Chamber of Commerce were
valid (i.e., manager's salary). Salter said they were to a certain
extent in that they were valid to pay the Chamber for services rendered.
McCa~non pointed out that tourism was a large part of Ashland's income.
Mrs. Smith of the audience pointed out that Oregon State had a package
of information, in which there is quite a detailed brochure of Ashland.
Conklin and McCannon again brought up the point of the business license
Tax being requested by businessmen for promotional purposes. When
Willstatter said the matter had originally been tabled, Roberrs pointed
out it was not this specific matter, but merely on the same general sub-
ject. Salter noted the funds originally received from the business
license tax went into a separate fund, not into the General Fund, and
that advertising was legal in that case. In the General Fund, it would
be spending city money, which was prohibited by State law. Conklin did
not like the idea of the city actingas a collection agency. He felt
the AEDC should be abolished. Roble pointed out they couldn't lease or
do much under the present ordinances.
The motion by Willstatter to deny the resolution died for a lack of a
second. Roble moved to grant money to the Chamber of Commerce and pass
the resolution as presented. Conklin seconded. Carried on roll call
with Willstatter dissenting.
Conklin moved for a second reading by title only. McCannon seconded.
Carried on roll call with Willstatter dissenting.
Conklin moved to adopt the resolution; Soderberg seconded. Carried on
roll call with Willstatter dissenting. Resolution adopted.
2. Public Hearing to consider the proposed annual budget for Fiscal
Year 1971-1972 as recommended by the Budget COmmittee.
Finance Director Bob Nelson, acting as Budget Officer, explained changes
as adopted by the Budget Committee:
c. Economic development
d. A~sessment improvement
fer of General Fund.
Salary classificaton plan for hospital.
$100 for Friendship City program channeled through Chamber of
reshuffled line items.
fund budget to clarify nature of trans-
He noted ~here was a 10% limit on additional appropriations for each
fund which could be added to the budget; there was no limit to the
amount Which could be cut from the budget. The budget could also be
amended later in the year.
On the ecbnomic development budget, Conklin moved to abolish the $9,000
appropriation. Willstatter seconded. Conklin noted that there will be
a $1,000 differential between the business license revenue and the EDC
appropriation after further action regarding this commission is taken.
McCannon stated he would like to see the EDC have another year,
the council be given more time for consideration and a warning
commission before taking such drastic action.
and that
to the
Soderberg said it would take an initiative petition by 20 per cent of
the voters in the last election to permit money to be spent from the
General Fund. City Attorney Salter confirmed. City Administrator
Almquist noted that from March of 1958 to July of 1958 (a period of
only four months),.the money concerned was in the EDC fund. After July,
-this was amended to go into the General Fund.
On roll call, the vote to abolish the appropriation was
Ayes: Roble, Willstatter, Conklin
Nays: Soderberg, McCannon, Roberts
as follows:
Chairman Roberrs noted that the apparent intent of this action was to
"cUt the legs out" from the commission without exploring further possi-
The action was not carried due to lack of a majority vote and the
absence of the Mayor to break the tie vote.
3. First reading of Ordinance adopting the annual budget, making appro-
priations, and levying taxes for Fiscal Year 1971-72.
Soderberg requested that certain budget items either be deleted or a
stipulation made to transfer them to an unexpended or on-hand balance
so that they may be reconsidered at some future time.
a. Overtime or Seasonal - Page 9
City Administrator Almquist said that a major portion of the
expenditure was for a part- time intern to complete the position
classification study authorized by the Council as a part of the
"Memorandum of Understanding" with the employees. Finance Di-
rector Nelson suggested this could be put in the Operating Contin-
gency Fund rather than Unappropriated Balance (which would require
a public hearing to spend the funds). Conklin said he didn't
think it was right to tie the hands of the Staff with techni-
calities. Soderberg moved to place $1500 of overtime and sea-
s6nal expense in the Operating Contingency Fund. The motion
d~ed for lack of a second.
C6nsultant Services Page 11
'Soderberg noted that the Development Commission did not request
this item, as they felt the service could be done themselves.
she felt she was simply asking for more time by wanting to
place this in the Operating Contingency fund. Conklin objected,
stating that the services were needed by the Development Com-
mission, and that it was taking away from their funds to work
with in case they should discover it was not possible to do it
themselves. Roberts noted contracts always come back to the
council for approval and he preferred this spelled out as a line
c. Salary of the Recorder-Treasurer - Page 13
Soderberg pointed out that, according to the Charter and from a
legal standpoint, the salary of the City Recorder-Treasurer
should be $868/month rather than his current salary of $925/month.
Mrs. Smith, from the audience, asked whether there wasn't a pro-
vision to take inflation into consideration. Roberts said it
was not the purpose of the City Charter to penalize any city
employee. Conklin said this was an internal affair, and had
nothing to do with state statutes; therefore, the whole thing
should beignored and rectified in the May election.
Roble made a motion to approve the salary using 1970-71 budges
figures, and withdrew the motion. He then corrected the motion
to state that the salary of the Recorder-Treasurer be establish-
ed at $11, o~n or $925/month until the May election is effective.
Conklin se ded the motion to retain the current salary. Car-
ried on roll call with Soderberg dissenting.
d. Contract Services Page 14
Soderberg pointed out that $5,000 of this amount was for a census
to be taken in October. City Administrator Almquist said this
contract must be approved by the Council: however, a footnote
would be added explaining this item.
e. Consultant Services Page 36
Soderberg requested that a footnote be added to line item 439
that this appropriation was for engineering of a high-level
pump station.
f. Public Works Personal Services - Page 21
Soderberg requested that a footnote be added, noting that if
funds later become available, a part-time building inspector
be employed.
Chairman Roberts requested that the staff add the requested
footnotes. Finance Director Nelson requested that the decision
to abolish or retain the city business license be made as soon
as possible due to a pending mailing of notices for renewal and
issuance of business licenses. He noted there were many licenses
from out of town businesses.
g. Salary of City Administrator - Page 9
Conklin moved that the salary be increased by $TS/month, plus
fringe benefits to which the City Administrator is entitled,
effective July 1, 1971. Roble seconded. On roll call, motion
carried unanimously.
Finance Director Nelson suggested the funds be provided from the
unappropriated balance or Operating Contingency. The salary
would be increased to $17,700 and employee fringe benefits to
$3,286. Conklin noted the increase should be taken from the Op-
erating Contingency Fund and if any action is taken favorab]e to
abolishing the Economic Development Commission~ the funds ~ould
be restored.
Roble moved for the adoption of
as amended. Conklin seconded. Carried on roll
berg dissenting, stating she was upholding her
City Administrator Almqujst read the ordinance
Willstatter moved that the ordinance be passed
Roble seconded; carried on roll
the budget for Fiscal Year 1971-72
call with Soder-
legal oath to the
adopting the budget.
to a second reading;
call with Soderberg dissenting.
4. Second reading of Ordinance No. 1404, as amended by Ordinance
No. 1483, adopting a Personnel Manual and declaring an emergency.
City Administrator Almquist read the ordinance. Willstatter moved to
adopt the ordinance. Soderberg seconded. On roll call, motion carried
unanimously. Ordinance adopted.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned subject to
the call of the Mayor. .
Respectfully submitted,
W. E. Bartelt