July 1S, 1971
The adjourned meeting of the City Council was held in the Council
Chambers, City Hall, on the above date. TIle meeting was called
to order by Mayor McKeen. All councilmen were present with the
exception of Councilmen Roberts and Roble.
First reading of Ordinance establishing an Economic Development Fund
and declaring an emergency.
COuncilman Willstatter recommended that since there had been consid-
erable turnover of businesses since the business license ordinance
was enacted in 19S8, the present businesses should be contacted re-
garding continuation of the program.
After further discussion, Soderberg moved that the ordinance be passed
to a second reading. Conklin seconded. Upon roll call, motion car-
ried, with Willstatter dissenting.
First reading of an Ordinance providing for the expenditure of funds
in the Economic Development Fund, and declaring an emergency.
Conklin moved that the ordinance be amended to provide that all seven
members must be residents of the City of Ashland. McCannon seconded.
After further discussion, the motion was withdrawn with the consent
of the second.
McCannon moved that 'the ordinance be passed to a second
Conklin seconded. Upon roll call, motion carried, with
Willstatter dissenting.
Authorization for Mayor and Recorder to execute a consent agreement
relative to the lease between the City of Ashland and McGrew Bros.
City Attorney Salter advised that City property had been leased to
McGrew Bros. in 1963, and that a lending agency wished to be assured
of its authority to continue operating the business if it should
have to take it over (in the event of~failure to comply with the
terms of the loan). The proposed consent agreement would enable the
lending agency to continue operation of the business.
McCannon moved that the Mayor and Acting
execute the agreement. Conklin seconded.
carried unanimously.
Recorder be authorized to
Upon roll call, motion
4. Resolution initiating vacation proceedings on a portion of an ease-
ment adjacent to the Lithia Park Extension Project (Hillah Temple).
City Administrator Almquist displayed a map showing an easement ad-
jacent to Hillah Temple which the City needs, and a City easement
which Hillah Temple's governing body had asked the City to abandon
in return. He advised that the exchange would not impede the use
of the parking lot, as Hillah Temple is presently using it even
though it is City-owned. The other alternative would be to insti-
tute costly condemnation proceedings.
Councilman McCannon considered the exchange to be the best approach.
Councilman Conklin also recommended approval, since the city has no
present or foreseeable use for its easement.
Councilman Willstatter indicated that the city was negotiating under
Councilwoman Soderberg was in favor of the exchange, provided that
the easement abandoned by the city should be restricted to parking
and vehicular access use only. The City Attorney verified that the
city could vacate conditionally. He also pointed out that if the
Council adopted the proposed Resolution, it would only be calling
for the public hearing and authorizing the publication of notices.
Answering questions by Councilman Conklin,
said that the proposed exchange would not
stairway, nor affect pedestrian access.
the City Administrator
involve vacation of the
The City Administrator then read the Resolution.
Willstatter moved ~o a second reading by title only.
Upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Conklin seconded.
The proposed_Resolution was read by title. only. McCannon moved to
adopt, and Willstatter seconded. Upon roll call, carried unanimously.
Resolution adopted.
Upon request by Councilman Willstatter, he was granted permission to
refrain from Voting on the next item on the agenda.
S. Authorization for Mayor and Recorder to execute an agreement with
Sobthorn OregOn College regarding the use of swimming facilities.
City Administrator Almquist presented the annual swimming pool agree-
ment between the city and S.O.C. which was proposed for the summer of
1971. He said that the program was currently in progress, and that
next year the Recreation Commission should be requested to give prior
Soderberg made a motion authorizing execution of the agreement.
McCannon seconded. Upon roll call, motion carried unanimously, with
Willstatter having been excused from voting.
6. Recommendation of Street and Traffic Committee relative to the improve-
· 'ment of Oak Street.
--~--McCannon moved that the recommendation.of the Street and Traffic
Committee be approved. W llstatter seconded.
Director of Public Works Alsing provided the following information
in response to a series of questions by Councilwoman Soderberg:
a. Load limits would be suggested by Public Works, but the
decision would be a matter of Council Policy.
The width would also be a policy question, but 36' would be
adequate and 40' would be recommended if the dollars are
c. A 36' street would allow two parkigg lanes and two driving
d. The street was believed to be designated a collector in the
Cnmprehensive Plan.
If Oak Street should later become an arterial for the freeway
interchange, its value would be limited because its strength
is substandard.
f. If it became an arterial, catch basins might be extended, but no
underground chaDges would be required.
Twelve feet of right-of-way would remain on each side after
construction of a 36-feet street.
h. This is the only City-constructed collector street, other than
Helman Street.
County has no responsibility regarding construction of Oak
Street, but on Tolman Creek Road they are the owners.
Curbs and gutters are pro'posed, as on most of Mountain Street.
k. Existing right-of-way would be used.
1. Public Works has not yet researched the question of load re-
Councilwoman Soderberg indicated that the city had a responsibility, but
her concern was that if the street is to become an arterial, it should
be done properly at this time, and not torn up later. She also wished
to have traffic restrictions.
Councilman Conklin advised the Council that the
owners had.requested load limits.
Upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
adjacent property
Answe~ng a question by Councilwoman Soderberg, Alsing suggested a
40 foot street, although the City's cost would be about 2,000 more.
Also, the potential effect upon the street trees would have to be
As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned subject
to the call of the Mayor.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert D. Nelson
Acting Recorder