HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-1123 REG MINJ, ROj,I, C?,I,L:
Zi'l~Itl\;A!, Of; ~',i j\Li'Fi:S:
$'lCC;'~hH, d~ }~C,:i!l o(1 Off[ []lo {:(l~')CCtjOil O]'! ]'agC 6~ paragraph 2 of the
IiljllI~'LCS c,f 11~0 ~ LI~E~)' ldLrLz[j ;i,,~ Oil Novc)nbcr 2~ ]97): '~Wj]]sLaLLeF"
shou l,q be, vc rur'.d "i,[cC~,m-:c,x,". ]lob 1 c: li,ovcd ~]~at The IRi, l]l~tc, s o.f
3'('?,11] UJ' ji]C L'~ i]~p. Of NC~VC'~]~]~(:~ 2 > OS OBtCi)dC'd ~ algol l:]lC' ]BiIll~[:CS O~
Cojl], r 1~/ s:~ ,:j~<l{,(], 013 vo~ co, vc, Ic> ]3Dstcd laj~Ol)jlllolts:])~.
iV. Sl'/,.i,!}!i':(, ~:r;.Ti
A, ];]~[:,l,io [i I>FOj>e'i)'
l~clbc:rEs~ rc. ctoinmc~dcd that two jndcl~endcnl apprai.%a]s be conductod
tO (]CL('i]Hq~JC ~l]]C ~}VC'.l'i'~IC' ~]})p/TDiSOd 'Vgl]llC C) f 11110 prolX, riy ]ocaic'J
a'(: I}OIEL<5 O]~Cl Nnz'mO] /kVCi]I~C5 ~ c4Ild so IIIL~VL'.L] . CO/JIll ~ 1~ sC~collcled .
Mc-C;~na<n~ ]>cdnlcJ ont '[],uL iJx.]5 v)a5 '[]~e prtq>ol: t~yoc-eclul'e ill
, ~,~ ul C ] { v Count i ]
{\, ?i~4 Li ~ 3', ] 9
c c ~ o r 7 ]
] V, A. 2,
(CO]lL;n'.u,!c]) Adln:iliiql..L:i'ol' .",l~:~quis;'~ pTcsouted the CoJ/lTE~Ct
l'CCOjvcc] :fFl'o]r~ t]~C ]Ic~;i(N~a] ])Ol, c]o!.~,~cD{ CODLet. Sealerborg
felt ]nero, time x, ms nee:clod to stud)' t]~o contract~ a'mld ]~o])]o
]l/O¥Cd I O t ;'l}] O t]lC ]'CCO)~I,uC]](I~' [':~ OiL lll}['.i J ~:}IU IlCXt l?~C'O'['tt]~g;
CO~]C]i~, Socvz~c]~'c], 0i~ vozicc: Votc~ p[~s:od ttzn;tl~jl}lously.
rut p,'o]~c'rty s:i/t~,/,.,cl o~, R;:isi']c'i. oc' Roud in the [ndush'ial par]<
bc ac~r~i.'c'd ~or ~B aJj:i'i::io~u:l five year:;, v,'ith a 1, rovSsion that
ihc~ lh'an:.,:iL:rs be given 60-du) ~,otico for me'vineS; he so ]ncwod,
anti Co,fir I ~ u sccoizdod. On re] ] c:al ] ~ iresrod UJ~JljltlOtl5])r .
Rohc!,'is TU('Oa!~IDC]J(]C'J t]l~t'[' []~c' CSty Admjnjst]:atc>r tie ~,'uthorizcd
to nc:[,.olj u[ c: x.'~'C]~ the: G~'anac' Col Op ~o~' ihc purchal:;c o:F properly
sjCuc'~<:d ;!'[ l',b,'ic:i ~]ad u]FI ,qtru~,ts a]Kl ~-cpo]'C back ~o t]/e Counc:i],
Ilc :,o luaw'cq> and P, ol,]e sc!cundcd, It t,'as r~oted t]l:is v.'ouJd bc
us<.d :Fo:,: t,o[-c~i']a] ];ar]dl,E;, Oi~ voice veto> p/tsscd t~])cinimot!5]),.
]~,ol>c~,'C.~:, ]lrc;scnlc'd au :LRT'oe:,!cnl- to l>o cai crod jnro by the C:~ty
o[ As]~:l ~.~c1 amcl McC.~'c:','z Bj o'~:hf'rs S~n..r iq:i :I ~ , Cj tf Attorney Sa] tc)'
and l~'l'jl~&t o[})c:y:~ 'i:o l,]~C a1'(nllLz) on OE thC COLlllC:i] ill tile ftriU]'C
At thin po:l~ll> the Mn)~o3: adjou~nc, cl tile mc-c!ili;-., to the Ili]]ab Teml>tc,
due lo t]:e ]alSe ))tlull>c>r o'[ pcol,3e :13~ al:t:c]ld/u]cc:,
B. Ptlbl:i c S~ Iv)c.c Coxl;uj [lc'(':
]. Rol}lc b(r<l nO T'ct,O3'[s at: ibis t.~lnc.
.S_~TCe L~; ~ 'J"ra F:[:i c: Ccti,nn i i
] , CO]lie] ill l:(,,couLirN:ndoJ 111[!
fol,c- ]tonr/uo- ovL~ i',i,ql~t pnrl<i
]in/:i/:::'Lio~lh l>e jmlm::c'd on r, lYl S:islcl}'ou ]~ou]evzvrd -refuges or
rcs.lclcui:; rd~c>'n~ l,n3'l,l~,U [ibuL;e a]:d ]-i(~ avr, ilcd, i lily of snc]~
for visj lc>~'s or i:]~O:, [' lc.'u~ pa~'lciu~,, dtl]'il)&,. ~h(' d:~), beco~nj~g
]~z~1: ~d u,~c'l :l idc. ])jilt::; tO SChOu!,
c:r 23~ ].qTl
(col!'izjnucd) lie' laovcd llial '[:l~e rcx:ommc,!)datzion bc ;]iulHcn~oDtcd;
Sealerberg s,cohd~d. Rebc~[s added t]lat who)~ the spaces vcro
pul ~3, fhc Cc~tn~cjZ1 and s~r~:Fg expertdad a great deal of time
wo,'l:~nU' ~]x,n~ ouE to he co~nl,ut:ib]c ~,;]t]l t]T't.'us~ Otc. IIC poS~tcd
out: t]3c:)' wc"~u ~.ot &'s:ig~cd ffo:r ]ong-tern~ parl, Sng, al-~d that
t]l.i5 lfiOL:]O]~ l'7r~s jil OTt~C~:C, Oil Toll call~ pnssed t!}l~uljlllously.
East Ns:i~ S'[?ec'i u~ ']'hj~d S'trcct to a]:lo~: bet'get vts~bjVi,ity,
DDd SO htOVed; b!l(]e~lP~()/i Secoztlde(], OIl vojcc vote, passed.
Con]< l i n rucenuu~c!~lJQ d tla:~ t
OZfi<:e UC c]~cm2, cd to a lo~:cJirU~' zone. tlo ]~OjHtC'd OUt thc~1
dc~]jvc:)'J 13'LICKS fOl' the rosLaurant,
hnd rccuS~ud tickegs j~ 1:1~~, sl3ot~ aud the:it only oiLor choice
wgs In deublc' park~ v:bich would not l>e ucceJ>l:ab]e to the Police
llei,z~.,t}r.c,n [ ~ Con!c] illl SO MOVCd
Co:4djn roco!suncadc,d that l}/,~ rc;quos'L fron! the Ash]and Arnmry
re3 E,B 'At~tJ~c,':':iYc-d Vch]clcs On])"' zone be: denied, alld so nKnred.
Robe3'is; sc'condc:d~ it ~,:~s fell tha't th:is :,or~c was jusl: not
needed ,i n lhi s ar<'a, as tl~cre v/us t~arki 3~g 5 ]] the rocks,' a] so.
Oil VO3 ce VU't t', passed unrm:i~n,~tuxqy.
ConkJjn ~ccouii~!endc~d tl~at no cJ~an[,,e lie n)~tdc in the traffic
pattcTns c>n l'Jatc'] Street: at this fringe, lle also rccomrnundod
that the sta:Ff be instructed to carry out the tlmup,]~ts o[ a
previous Cour~ci] that l]a]t You,~i: ~fc, ttlcl ]~aX, c to remove t]~c
l~loc]:a2, c~, c]ean tip lilac prel,cr'ty Cat H;~:in a Waler Streai:s)and
put up a fe~3ce with imlurovc~ v.isibS]Sty. He so moved to inc]uclc
both rcco.~,ncnduLions; So&~rbc:cg seconded. In reply to a ques-.
15o3~ :F~om Rob]e, Conk]:in st'riled 1]~is vas to be immcdia1, cly.
roll cr:]], passcO unc, n5mou:]y,
C;onJ:l i n si (! (ted thut ljl('rc xzclul d bc flu :i te3u 7~eE, ard] n,ff a proposu]
1:o i]nlz]:e oJ,c' l,~:zrl;tmT, sl~uc:e a bloc'I: for ]~j c):c']o ]]f/3]~il]2, Oh t,}~c~
llOX'[ ~E%onda> '[ O COl) [] T]T) Sodc]'],c'~'ft I S ([l!CStj ell ,
t' ,J City Cou!lcfi
.No .... lOT 23~ 19721
Orbit {l'¢!m the Audience
,]~m Mo~'rjs o:[ ]40 ],jncoln dc.:,%'ra'od bjs quc>aiu3fs o:r! the "stop and
f'j':is~[' Ira.: tu~t:~:l ]~o:t' on the a~%o~ndu, hut }30 did sugp. e'st that the
(]OUi!Ci] ]OO]( ill~O lPfilCi]i/',/OOI}~Lt[:tlS ~L;/7Ct]l as bicycle lmths with the
fundj~V, a] loca Led.
ko-,')/ ]k,)ile o~ 24SU No/zj]Li c! Lanc;~ lxlc, d:ro~d, asJ:ot! w]~ot]ac, r tilere wcu'o a
progr~,m jn Ashla~M for tho s;afc, marJ, inft of b.]cyc]es, insuring a decrease
in accident potcnt':it,]. McCam~oa~ fcJt this wi~s a good poi, nt, espocia]]y
sjl,cc thc:~c woyc mpu), bj]~c:- witl~ont ]j[,hts. Sode]?bel'g recommended that
the Pub:lie Serv;c.o (:omm!Utcc. c]mcJ< jn'[o ord~nzmcos on bicycles. Conk!jn
po:[n'ind ou{ lhSU u scrv:i(:c~ orf, z~j2'n~:;cm jn Asld~d bad in'evjot~s]y under-
talon tl~:is i~'ojc:c[:~ ai,d ~llFOfillcttlt}il slmu]d be obtaincd from them. The
biaO~o~' l'o Fe)'~c d tla ~s to the Pu]~] ic Scl'v:icc Com}~li tto. o.
Margc ]',jclio!j¢l [ o:F i]~o P] ~nl]Kill[,, Coi~u,,,:i f;sj o]l s tat cO tlmt Tc~colnqlc,,ndat
fTOhl lhf~i CO~inll:~l:s~O~l ]'e~,,ar(]5]l~ S'lt(' dOYCloplnt')ll
a'~'ou3~d t.cas1~ a3'c~,s~ e8c.) had bcen so. nt to 1]~c' CotnLci:l~ bt~t no act:im~
had br.c,~ tul:c,n ~u~d sbo wondered whc,3~ fit would be. City Adm:in~st~:'ato~'
A]mc[ttisL ~o[c'd '[:}~c:[ (~n ()~d:iszar~co was ~3} p~oces:-; aud would be in'esentc~d
to i,]~o Council in 1']~<. ]iDa]
mactin[!, o:[ Ociobcr S~ ]97l~ bo acccpEcd a~,tcl placed
socoa)clcd; on voice voi:o~ p~,.sscd unaDjmotm]y.
Co]~l!il~ SS :t 0]~
on f:L] o; Conk] jn
Sodcrbo~g dGd ~3c!l: fee! tllE:t the mi3nytcs of the Ash]a~3d Jiconomic
Dc!~ic]opnic'ni Co;n,tjss:io~ :Joy Novoml~c'r ]0~ 397] -re:gJoci:ed the ~toms
d:iscu~;scJ a~ tlK..t tinto, she po:inted oul; there was no rccoTd o:[
l:]~e ~s~.:e~' l,o a ([t~est~on g:ivc'u> and v,'ou]d like to have the lf~]nt~i:es
role, Trod l,~cJc to l-]~o COlili~i:i SSjOi] fOF antc. nd;nout or c:l a-rifj ca tj on; s}3c
so nN~vcd 1. orc, fe~'; C:o3~L]in sccondc,q; cm vo:ico voge, passed.
Con](]5,]] movcJ t]];lt t}]c! 1i/i311li¢!S lOT tl~e l']Emn~)f~ Conmuission mec!tjp~Ls
of Octobc~3 ]] ~ Ociobc~r ]8 and Novcui~l~c:f g~ 1971 be accepted and
placed on fq]e; Bjc(',;ulnou seconded; on \:uice \'ore, p;~ssod,
Cjly Admjnis1:rut:or A:lhtqt!jst rend a ]etLctr ;F:r~!m 1be Center :[cu'
POllitJU'[i(i)~ ]~(~S('~ti'C]l ~lnd [lc~}sus (Po'r11~md Stntu lh~jve~'sit)') ro-i~.aYdinZ,'
st;~tzis;tjcs fTo,;i Lh,_, ruccnt cc~s;us s[-uO), A]mqt~}st staUod titat
Staff, h;al t~ec:;~ nn! i Fjcd lo c]~L,c. iho [ii,J res cna City
';h~ u~cl C5 iv C. ouuc~i ]
V ~. 4.
(coni:jnued) In rcl,]y to ~! qtles[~cl~ from ]%o1/]o, the City Admi~is-
trator staled tkat it vzotl]d lnt'.s:n a d:i~fcfencc o[ a]most $23,000
fi'om state mm~cy. Sodc-j'l)orL moved ibal the Administrator be
auil~oTj zed to sign the co:rti f:icut:ioa documun/'; Conl:]in sccond, ed.
(:o~fi:] ] u added his i-]3:m!:s to the Cj
the }itattc:r and for his foresi[:ht wh'ic]~ pald of:[ for the C~ty
Ashl:md, On VO:iLC. VoLe, I/DSSCd Ull?fi~lllOt!S]y.
Vll. SPli'Ci/",':
A. UnFiriis]lc~d ]lus;hlc~ss: None'
Pulll. ic llca3'inf, - g:00 p.hn. C~ly Ad,~liTljst~ator A]n~ciuist: read
a ]clicl :[]'oh~ l]~c ]~:lct3~}~:]]~ Commjss:ioD Tcccu nendinl,' a])p]ova]
re',' au al~]jcalion for Zone Chsn3e (No. 027) to reclassjfy
propey~y ~ii'iu~.tcxl on Tsx Lc~[ 300 in Towns]~:ip 59,
on ll:igln.:u.)~ 66 holy'con ]'o]mr, n C~cc]: Ro~:d s:,d ]interstate No.
from ]{. F to C-] (C]~'cc;oi~ Co3]ui,,c o:F Art ]~ic]~ard
tic sta?c.d t]:~ai. khe ncccs, sc,'~'y ~>oi- i:F:i catjerks and publicat1 ons
~or iLe l:,ub]jc ]~e~r.in5 had been
](arc!n 'fhotntui~ of 166 North M:,i31 Street asked how muc]~ of 1he!
la~d x,,'as 5nvcl]ved in actual use for the college, to ve]dch the
Maycu' rcpq:icd th;:t a vcu'y small area was being rczoncd and
there wou]d bc buildings o~ al] i:hc~ laud.
?uh.l::i.C tlea:.,':inS. - 8:~5 ]}tr.,}:_ City Admin:istrator AJn/qu~si: gave
the bacJ,grotmd and Tcsd a letter from the P]auning Commjssioa.
recomlncucljD3 't-]3al tin Ull]lflBlC~(l El]ICy fCC';~li]y widened to street
wjdt]~ ])c'~hrCCll lJerscy anJ GJenn Streeis, e~ster]y of Nor'rh
Stl'oc:~ ~ bo dc.g:i~natod as a siTcot and liEUnOd t~j.ori Lane'. AJsxing
no aed 'Lhc, s i::ccc i v,,j dtb was now 46 feet.
(con L im!ed)
,.,1 Cit,)~ CouHcj:I
\'i] . ]5. 3, (co~it:j~u/d)
Club 255 ]i. I, jc/Sn
OmaT'ts Rcstnu3'a!it ]3~0 Sjslij)'c,i
TYoe ~cStc~dYaht 2365 lliSln.'a
}iizmlc I,!c~n']:c:~ No. 5 -- 304 N. }.]r~ St.
Ivlj~utc' MnY],<'i: No. 6 - ]690 S:isl<jyou
Cooh~s I{c~ce],[joit T~,vur~ - 66 E. ~.~aqn St.
}[ncy's Na~']<f:t -- ]044 ]]j2]~v. ny
},;cC: z~ on mo;~c,d '[h::~t l]v! a]~p3jcatjoY{s he recommended to the,
OreZ:o~ St~'[c' iuuor CentTo' Commission; Co~k]c]jn seconded; on
]',oblc vuutu<l ~]:c Corn/oil to cons;iderjz}g ainend:ing Ord.i~}ance
3544, S,o~<'}',~i~L~ rule:; and t>rocedu~'cs o:[ the Couhc~],
:[<.t., [i~t<.5 Cotn~ci] ~,c'mbt'r:; wot~3C ]j]co ntorc i~3:[ormatjon a~nd
Cjt)z A'[~ClFHO)' S~!:ItCI' poiwicd out l]3at an "~lbsta.in" vote
t]~C' SOltiC O:F:['eCt aS 8 Hl~{9~ Vote, as under t~obeTts Ru] os of 0rdor.
llox, c. vc~-, :it con3fi have a djC~le:ce,m~ ~,~ennia-~g ~o those readi~g the
]njnu'[cs. Sodea'be'yg pointed out that the Cily Charter realcos
t}rov~s.ion For ;,n "~d~str, in" vote, and vzanted t}m matter refe'rrcj
~o a si. udy se~s;:ion aud ]tavu a lognl op:in:ion proparcel by the
Cjt'y Attc:.~ncy, 2~ ~atotioa~ v~;,s ~c~<]o ahc] seconded, then xv:ithdva.,,'n
lay Rol, 1e ai~d CcmJ;:l i~, ~c, sl,ec'[.ivob~, Io an',end the ord.inr',nce to
a]]o'v~ an '~abs'ini~" vote, Sode}'l~eig tlnen moved t}wt the Cit)~
Attorne)~ be. 5]~nC3-ucled to provide a Jeg~] opiuion on the terms
o:~ an 'al~s i:{~:i n" vote; McCannon seconded; o~t voi ce vote, l}assed
C. _O?J.i]~;Tn.c'?s , .lteylo'] ulVi ol]s ~: Cg~i~_),q%-,1~:
'l'],e City Admi~!:istr~tor gave i],o fj'rs[ readin2. of axl. Ordinance
vacat]~,.g (,zt alley located adjncc, nt to tlae Hil]ah Teml,]e at the
i]11:c~]'soctio~ o:F ~,[jll])llCll /'(~)r and As]~:l:md Creek. tie noted
it tzou~d be ~pl~:i'o]n'i atc to tfiJ, e OC~S()~I Ol1 the qui tcZ/a:inl 6,~c, ds
bcLx,.euz~ Llm C'iL)~ 05 Asb:i;znJ and l'1~c lli3]ah Te)np]c a]so.
Sodurl~t, rg me, reel to imss t]~c (ll'<]i~l~ioc~, to [~ Secolld
az~d to authorize the Bfayor a~td City l~ocordcr to e~:ecuic the
p,-or, qtfi'[clnim dc:<.d after' l>~,ss:i2, n o:F ihc: Ordjl)nuec; McCanDon
SOCL~D(]O[]; Oil ru]] C~13:1 > ])~SSOd llnD~ilil~tOttS])'.
C, 2.
(continued) JantroT}' 4. on the proposed annexat:ion of property
located ou the nort]~ sjr]e oZ ]ijghu'ay 66, east ef Interstate 5
(Vun V]c, et 6 A',;socj~,tes~ applicants). Conklin moved to pass
to a second rc~djnt~; SodeThcrg seeended; on roll call, passed
llj] all ]IB Oft% ] )r ·
City Aclmjnj.%trato~: Almqujst gax, e the second rcadi}~g of an
O'rdir~anc:e a!nc:21d:in2, Ordinance No. ]57~ (as amenclod by Ordinance
No, 1587) te exf~nnd the arua haviup, twe-houT parkin/~ ljmitat:ions
and to de]ere certu~n areas duTjng certain monl:hs; and declaring
an en~er/~uncy. ConJc3in ~noved for the adopt:ion of the Ordinance;
McCannon sccondud; on rol'l call, passed u~r~jn~ousqy.
At this tjlue~ the l,[ayor ca.J]cd a shot1: recess.
City Acln~jn:istrator Altotit!jar gave the second reading c/f an
OTdjnt!ncc al~e!3dinl,. Ordinance No. 3600 rc]~tjng to deCent-ion
and lhreshoJd inquiry by ]~oJice Off:tc'els; lna]iSng un]av:ft~] to
resist such detez}tjo}~; rel,cvljng Section 26 of Ordinnncc No.
1.600 which related to ]oiLtrine and pz'ouajnS; and dec:laring
an emergence2. Conlcli~n moved :Eor adoption; McCannon seconded.
McCamlon staEed ]1o apprccja'i-ed tILe murkbet of i~eotl3e 5n atleudancc!,
and that he bad a few reservations himsc]:F about the proposed
Ordinance. Chjc:[ o:F Police Ilays asstu'ed the Counc'tJ teat t. bc
Ordinance v:ou]d be uphoJd strjctJy on the hasjs of actions,
not ]ooks~ and was kot sintool at certaiB pooi~]c.
Rory Boyle, 2450 Ncvllle I,a~e in Medford, asked how c:ffective
the O:cdinancc, wouHd be. It was noted that this O'rdinance was
in effect. fin Phocn:ix and Mcdfo'rd, altl~oug]~ had only l>c~cn used
eight tines duTing the past year for the ]atl'er.
Susan llo]n~cs of Scluthern OTegon Co_liege asked why the Ordinance
was necessary. Chief llays rel~J'ied that his depari, mcn'a had
endorsed the proposed amc, ndntent l:u fi]] a void left when the
old sectjeh had heen decTIn'red unconstjl:ul:jona]. lie pointed or1'
thai' tbjs v,'ou]d deal with possible problems on a ]ocaJ h, vc]
without an a,'rest, which waq less serious and restrictive than
tllldcl' the Sirvie Cljl~iil]sJ Code (s~op~ arrest and interrogation)
to go into ef/cct: ,lanunry 1, 1972 unless theft' was a nmnicjpal
pl'ovjsi on .
llays read the deFi~tion e:F "]ojter:ing" f'ccl~!i 11'-.o CTilnjual Code
and poinf¢~d cut ~m arrest for vie]alien o'f such cou]d Tesult
in a pcrseil t)oj3,~,. f:ingcrprjnlcd and ]~avjBg t~ i)cTfiiane]il record.
r Mc:etirC.
~sh~and Cjty Council
Novenlbcr 23, 1971
VII, C. 4.
(conlinued) Allen ]'rsist~:r of 11] Thjl'd Street, Ashlaz~d,
stated (]) the prollosed Ordirm~K'e souuded just like tbc one
recently dec] arcd uHcolls'tj tit1 ]ella] ~ and (2) he felt the (]i ty
of Ash]and Police Department was stS]l working under the old
law, which was no lofT. or ]cgal.
I)O1]y Hack of ]5(~;:c]l AVo~3uc, #2, Ashland, asked jf persons were
rcqu:iTed to carry identi:ficatjon at all times. She felt that,
if they d'id not, the officer could use 5t as grounds to take
the pe3'sen fin for questioning. Chicf }lays replied that carry--
ir~g :1.1). x','~:; llot co~ili~ulsory~ and that there would be no reason
for the of:ricer to doubt
Je:ff l,c]c!nS of 40 Granite Strcet~ Ash]and, to]d the Council of
an i~3cjdcnt jn which he and friends we.re stopped by a i'ol~ce
Officer as they wc:,'c walkj~g in 1he carJy morning hours a~d
l]te subsequeu1: questioning th~D, received. lie felt nervous about
possjb]e Po:l ice ac't i cm under the proposed Ordinance.
Dr. l',lil]iam Co'c}~ellius of 10111 lliawaiha PJacc, Ash]and, gave a
] ecllu i e to the (]ettllc~ 1 o11 the proposed ordjnance. 110 read
de fj u5 [ 5 o1~ of "ar~cs'a" and "kj d3~api~j rig" from B]ack ' s
I)ictioz~;~-~y, and pojnlcd out that any actio~ ot]~e'r than arrest
could not b:: ]ogal and would nov acijvate the jnd~vjdua]'s
rights. lie cited cases and p~'occdura] Tights, due process
law, etc, Dr. Corfio]:ius wanted the City to avoid taklnfi action
on a "questionable Ordinance" encroaching on thc rights of
poop] c,
l)cma ld Pj nnocl of 263 'l'c.r~acc, Ash] am], reprosentjng the
Americalx Civil Libertjc~s Unjon~ said he w~s upset by the con
tents of the Ordinance, which he felt ~vou]d be passed on to
help tbo Police l/c~t)~iFtntcnl: and ]lot lot freedom o:[ the people.
lie c~ ted the Oregob Revised Statutes,
arrest. Mr. P~nnock pointed out that a person could always be
quostioaxed under "probal~]y cause" wjthot~t this Orcljnance, and
that cnnspjr~cy lm.,'s too]c care of the "...or js about to commit
a C]'jI~ic:" c]altse. lie felt the Ordinance abdicated the Police
Offj cot from rc:sl~oas:]bi] j ty.
Jim MoTris oF 2140 ],Snco]n, Ashl~md, was concerned ahout lhe
concept of goretrench1 by the ix~op]c, and quoted Article IV of
the l',]]] o:f t~g]~i;:;. lie felt the (]OtHICjl had already ~TLaClO Up
ihejr m:ind before, the reading of the'- O~djHanco.
Mark Nelson, cdilor of tlx' South~!rn Oregon Colicfie newspnper,
stated tbc.y had contr~c1:cd the ACiI,[I. lie also pojnl;cd out lhat
[t 511Y"V(!y Of studc=~gs on campus showed they felt the proposed
Ord~,trmcc. would be primarily ;~imtd at: i]~c'iu. Mr. No]son w;~ntc. d
the Cotu]c'i/ 1o strive for law ;~;K1 ordc, r'~ but with
also s/atud thr, 1 he wfil/iod to st]'cf, s t]~(' po]itica] power Tel)re--
scqlio. d by lho studorals nc~w [ranc}~isc' lo vole, and th;[t
of tills (]] djhnt~cc would lnc. ot with ]c, ga] action b)~ the sl:ttdci~[s,
a] i }~cuU,.]~ thi f; 'sl~ottl Ju ' t be cons i de. red us a thrcal:."
,~l.v]ar Mee [] ng
hi and Cjty Council
NovciH~er 2.3,
Vi]. C.
(continued) McCannen pnjntcd out that a Police Officer
should at ]cast have the right to find out what an indjvi~
dual is deS rig under suspicious circumstances. Rob]e said
the the t',rolK, scd Ordjuancc was used ill a Court Case 5n
Bledford the past week.
Toni ])zjelrlan of 560 llerscy Street, Ashland, asked if any
record would bc kept of the detention. It had been stated
earlier that a cj~zen could have recourse by civil suit
against the PoJjcc Of:Fjcer, Chief tlays stated that, whi]e
]lO for}~lfi] record woll]d 1)0 ]l/ade SillcO there WaS 110 arrest,
a record would he kept ,in the Offjcer's notebook.
i)ona]d Pinnock stated that this Ordinance would not step
cfii.filo jH tjle Ceunty, and tbc Council should look at further
aspects of crime, restrictions and freedoms.
A you~g ]ady in the audience felt the term "reasonable
grounds" weuld hc protecting a small handful] of citizens.
She stated that dixffe, rences in age groups wore wide, and
that a person wou]d have to prove they had been provokcd
into 5:l]egal act.ion (in case o:f a civi] suit), which was
aga.inst the concept of "illllocofit before proven gu'ilty,"
Mar]erie Smqt]~ stated she fc]t the Counc:il had already
mzlde ull tl~e4r minds.
Councilman Robcrt's replied that ]m very much resented any
impJication that the Council had made up their mlnd prior
to comi~g to the meeting and criticism that the Couuci] d.id
net ]jsten. to citizens iB an open meeting. (lie pointed out
that was exactly what this particular meeting was all about.)
He also resented the cbs]]enge that the Ordinance would he
aimed just at yourip, people of Ash]and and jt's intent to
hartass tholfi jn some manner. He felt the meeting was at
least consiruct:]ve jn that it had broug]~t so many young
persons to a Council meeting.
The Mayor pointed out
to tilejr opi~don, but
decjs5on col]oct]rely.
t]lat individual members were entitled
the Councjl certainly had not made a
When asked tlrat the "stale of en:eagcncy" be defined, City
Attorncy Sa]ter peinted oui thai' an emergency clause made
it possjl~]e for jmmediai:c enactment of 1:he Ordinance after
passage, rathcr than a 30.-day wait as undc, r the (',jty Charier,
thus not leaving a void jn the oJd Ordjnahce.
A coul/]c! members of the andience fe]t tile frisking under
"prol,al~]e ca~!se" was lljl]rtwfn] SCaFC]I Olld SCjZIlrC. A questjinn
was raised aleout the consectt~onces j:F an offricer searching :for
a weapon Found d} u~..s on the t',c, rse}n .
!gu] r Meeting
Ash] and Cjty Counc:i
Novolllbc:r 23, 197~
VI1. C. 4.
(contirntcd) Dennis To]lo, ]888 Cal]fornis Street, pointed
out that the City Council were repxescntatjves of the
people in goverm~cnt, and he asked them to represent those
in the audience opposing i]~e Ordinance. McCannon wanted
those .in attendance to appreciate the other side (in support
of the Ordinance), for which he had received rnany telephone
McCanllolt tholl lfiovcd to postpone action on this particular
Ordinance, jn order to devote parL of a study session to
this, since it needed further d~scussion; Sealerberg seconded.
On roll ca]J, Conklan and Rob]e - NO; Sealerberg, McCannon
and ]~oberts - YES. The/jayor tabJed ~he Ordinance.
Alien Tra:ister felt that the study session would be a secret
meeting, and thai. the publ~c sl~ould be entitled to sit in,lie
the Cotu!c]] shouJd lint be "afraid [o opeB up". The biayor
pojnled out action to tL,ble the Oldinance was in response
te the group sttemd:~np,~ and ~t was the only action that
could be taken other than a direct vote. He stated all
meet~nS, s aud study sessions weTc open to the public.
reply to a questfion from KaFen Thornton, ]66 North
Stroci.~ the Mayor cxpl ~i~ed [he Councj] 's meeting schedule
to the au0~enco and ~otc8 they were announced fin the pspor
Cily Administrator A]n~qujst gave the first reading of a
Resolution gjvinp, assurances thst the City of Ash]and
comply wjlh the Uniform I~elocation Act of 1970, tl~e Civil
t~5ghts Act o:g ]964, and tLe Autj-]C/ckl~ck Act of 1948, in
connection wj lh all Federa ] Ajd h j p.]n.~ay programs.
Unde~ suspcnsion o:f the rules, Conk]jn moved to pass to a
second reading by title only. McCammn seconded. On roll
ca]I, passed u~lanilnous]y. Allnqllist read by tit]e; McCannon
moved for adol~tjon; Conklin seconded; on rol] ca]], passed
Ell] al] ~ l,I OH 5 1 y .
Act:iou on qu.lic]~/im deeds bclween the City of Ashland a~lLl
thc II:i ] 2! all Tell!p! c re] alive to ccrta:in casemen Us :[oT park
slid access at the intcrsecl:jcn~ o:F l'(in]ulrn Way and Ashland
Crec,]; wss talon carl Let :in the mc, cting.
City i^,dhcinistra[or A]lr. quist i, ,~k' the first rcsdiag of a
}[eso]t!tioi~ at~t]w~]-i:,'illp. {:he ~{,~tn~:;~l o:[ thz, t ceTtztin Jesse
w:ii]~ the Ash]zmd l','rvnL:!c, rs, ln.'., ~plmrtaininp. l.o n perilon
of lhc Ashland ]ndusl:r];,] Park,
A ,d Ciiy Council
'No~cinbe}: 23, ]971
VJ ] . C. 7.
(continued) Unde~ suspcu~sion o:f the ruJes, McCannon moved to
pass to a second rea4jng by title on]y; Conk]h~ seconded; on
ro]] call, pa~sed unanjmods]y. Almqujst read by title; Conklljn
moved 5oa' adoption; McCannon seconded. Sealerborg confirmed
the ]casp was to include a 60-day notiCjcation clause. On roll
call, passed Ul~allil~ously.
McCannon moved to adjourn; Conldin seconded; on voice veto, onJy one audible
"NO" and one aud:iblc "Y1ES" were voiced. Tt~o Mayor continued the meeting.
Councilwe!gnu Sodcrllor.9. presented a matter :[or Council considerlation regard-
ing app]ic~}ti, o]ts ~or "TOl" granf-s for planning purposes. She feJt this
was an epportunity for Ashland to obtain federal funds to updatc the Compre-
hensive P]an to bring the zening ordinance in line with it. Sodcrbcrg wanted
a ],otter of in,'~cnt drarfi~cd '[o begin the application.
The City Administyator slated he had never received the letter of notifica-
tion for such and that the matter had just been brouf,,]~t to his attention
this moruinl,,. lie pointed out that :five requests had been submitted to the
Rogue ValJcy Con}~c:5] o:[ Gove3'mncnts lo set priorities (four from Jackson
County for $9t,000 and one from Central Point for $23,000, totalling
Federal al]ocations for the stale of Oregon totaled $140,000, while statewide
requests totaled $8,i0,000. A ]argo mc~sure o:F these were from C~tjcs and
cotmt~cs which did not now have comprehensive plans.
A]mquist said the're was certainly :30 harm in submitting the request, bui t]3c
Cotlllcj] sl~euld l~ot be leo ol)th/listjc about funds, Soderberg said lc]~crc m]p, ht
bc the possibility of fnndjng being rcapportjoncd. She then moved to send a
letter o:[ ~ntenl roe[nesting "701" funds to update the Comprehensive PJan and
for assistance to realign the zoning Ordinance, Conkljn seconded. On voice
vote, passed lll]E!JlilIiOUS]}r·
Conklin moved to adjourn; McCannon seconded. There being no further discuss-
icm, l'hc meeting was ad.iourned at ]]:iS p.m., subject to the cal] of the
t~espeetfully submi. ttod,
Ill Ck
W. E. Bartclt
City Recorder/Treasurer
~. ~d City Counci
'November 23, ]971
VI]. C. 7.
(continued) Under suspension o[ the rules, McCal]llon I/loved tO
pass to P second reading by tjtlc on]y; Conklin seconded; on
roll ca]]~ passe0 unanilfiensl)'. Almquist read by title; Conk]in
moved for adoption; McCrunMm seconded. Sealerborg confirmed
the lease v~'ss to include a 60-day notification cJausc. On roll
call, passed uila~iilllous]y.
McCannon moved to adjourn; ConJc]in seconded; on voice vote, on]y one audible
"NO" and one audib]e "YES" were voiced. The ixlayor continued the meeting.
Councilwoman Sealerberg presented a matter for Council consideration regard-
ing appJicatio~L~ fen "701" grants for planning purposes. She feJt this
was an opportunity for Ash]and to obtain federal funds to update the Compre-
hensive Plan to brj~g the zoning ordinance ~n line with it. Soderberg wanted
a letter of intent drafted to begin the application.
The City Admi~;:istrstor stated he had never received i:he letter of notifica-
tion for st,cl~ and that the matter had just been brought to ]xjs attention
this n~orning, ilo pointed out thal, five requesls had been submitted to the
Rogue Va]]ey Cotmcil of Governments to set priorities (four from Jackson
County for $91,000 and one from Central Point for $21~000, total]trig $]12,000).
Federal a]]oc~t:ions for the state of Oregon totaled $140,000, while statewide
rectuests totaled $8~0,000. A ]argo moosure of these wcre from Cities and
cotmti es M~ich djd not now hfwe comln'ehensive p]ans .
Almquist said there was certainly no harm in submitting the request, but the
Council should not be too optjn~istic about funds. Sealerberg said there might
be the possibility of funding being reapportioncd. She then moved to send a
]eti:er of intent requesting "70]" funds to update the Comprehensive P]an and
for assistance to realign the zoning Ordinance.' Conkith seconded. On voice
VOte~ passed 1Hi~Iljl]iOllS1)r.
Conkljn moved to adjourn; McCannon seconded, There being no further discuss-
ion, the meeting wP, s adjourned at ]l:]S p.m., subject to the call of the
Respectfully submitted,
W. E. Bartol t
City Recorder/Treasurer
/P, ck