HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964-1027ASHLAND CITY~ COUNCZ~
OCTOBI~R 27:, 1964
An adjourned ~eetin~ of the Council of the City of Ashland was held ~h the Council
Chambers of the City Hall on the above datE. The ~eetin~. was calli~!:~o order at
7:30 PJ~. by ~ayor Richard L. Neill. Present - Cooncilm~n Baker, K~'~ard, Le~is
and l!~nithamo Absent - Co~ncilmun Peters.
City Administrator ll~e stated that the ~rtmary putnose o~ this meeting was to
discuss the Ashland ~unicipal Airport.
Ayre presented the nroposed lease affreement between the City and Ferrell Flyin~
Service as fixed base operators and stated thai he and the City Attorney had
carefully ~one over the lease with ~. Perrell's attorneys had made several
revisions and were now in a~reement. Ayre summarized the lease agreement for
the Council. ~oved by Lewis, seconded by Ward that the City enter into said
agreement with Ferrelt Flying Service. On roll calls carried unanimously.
City Administrator Ayre reported to the Copncil that five consultin~ engineers
have expressed interest in the Ashland Aireort ~roject, all of whom are knc~rn
to the State and have had experience with airports.
Ayre stated that the State Board of AeronaUtics had contacted him and as a result
of a direction of the ~oard tc its staf~ to assist the City o~ Ashland with ires
airport project, they have offered to take over the administration of the airport
projects including Selection of an en~ineerin~ consultant,.resubmltting the
ap~licatiou ~or federal aid, etc. Ayre also stated that there would be no demand
for Joint ownership or control in exchange for the State's assistance. Hoved by
Lewis, seconded by '~ard, that the City ldministrator ~roceed to prepare a
resolutions or whatever necessary notification the State would require, acceptin~
their offer of assistance. On roll call, carried unanimously.
City Administrator Ayre stated that he had met with the County Com~issionerS
Friday, October 2I, with re~ard to obtaining financial assistance from the County
for the airport project. He stated that the Commissioners had showed interest
but the County budget for this fiscal year would not allow funds for this project.
The County Co~issioners assured ~r. Ayre that it would be taken into'Consideration
during budget pre,aration for next fiscal year, Pioved by Lewis, seconded by Kerr
that a resolution be prepared to state the Council~s desire to Obtain financial
assistance ~rom the County. On roll call, carried unanimously.
City Administrator A~re sta~ed that he had negotiated with several Architects
for architectural services on the proposed.hOspital addition. These negotiations
will be summarized by the CityAdministratOr and submittad at the next regular
Council meeting. The Council a~reed to hold a joint ~eetinff with the Hospital
Board for further discussion of this ~atter.
Council ~inutes
October 27, 1964
R~ALTY CO~l~l'z-t~E
Councilman ~lard reported for the Realty Committee on the Edgerton ,toperr? which
was offered to the Cit~/by .Mr. Galey. War~ stated that the property/is not needed
by the Ci~/'at this time and the committee recon~ends that the offer be rejected.
~oved by ~Tard, seconded by Lewis that the Offer be rejected, carried unanimously.
Wa~i also presented the' repor~ on the offer by ~. B; Prey to purchase Cit~. owned
property at 616 Normal :Avenuei The Committee felt that the terms outlined
by ~{r; Prey were reasonable and aece~table provided the d~wn ~a)~nent be increased
from $4250 to $5250 and Mr. Prey secure private financing on the balance within
90 days. ~{oved by ~fard, seconded by Lewis that the property be sold to T~r. Prey
with the above conditions. On roll call, carried unanimously.
City Administrator Ayre stated that the pr~erty adjoining the Pire station, now
owned by the Assembly of God Church, has bten offered'tO the City at a price of
$20~000. He also stated that the possibility o~ usin~ this property with the
existing buildin~ as a ~olice headquarters:might be considered. Ayre stated
that before any Consideration.was ~iven to:~urchasin~ the ~rogerty, he would like
to be authorized to arrange for a representative of the Berkeley Police Department
to hel~ reorZanize and modernize our poli~e de~artmento lhis would. also help
antici~xte the future needs of the ~olice department and show if ~urchase of the
church property would be feasiableo AFre also stated that the City of Berkeley
offers ~en in the financial field for the Same service as the ,oltce° lie stated
that our present financial procedures could. be ~reaily ir~roved and he would like
to have one of these experts assist the City. There would be no ~ee for havin~
these men give assistance to the CitFe only the cost of transportation and
lodging while in Ashland. ~ved by Lewis, seconded by ~'~itham to have both
police and financial experts fron Berkeley to assist the City. On roll call,
carried unanimously. Also moved by Baker, seconded by Lewis to direct the City
Administrator to have an appraisal ~ade on the chureh pr.operty. On roll call,
carried unanimously.
City Administrator Ayre stated that some f~consis~encies have been discovered
regardin~ demand electric m~ters, also problems with Sewer service obarffes and bulk
water meters. ~Joved by Lewis, seconded by Baker tha~ these matters be referred
to the proper committee and City Administrator furnish reports. Carried unanimously.
City Administrator Airre reported that the International City ~!anager's ~ssociation
is offerin~ an educational film for sale ox rent to organizations interested. The
Council directed Ayre to. arranffe for a rental of the film after the first Of
the year and also to ~ontact clubs and organizations in the area that might be
City Administxator Ayre s~ated that he and ~r. Bartelt had met with local banks
to discuss the possibility of Consolidatin~ some accounts and placin~ more money
on time deposits.
Council Minutes
October 27, 1964
Cit~/Administrator AFre requested Council authorization to obtain credit cards,
such as Diners or American Express £or convenience when t~avelin~ on City
business. ~{oved by Lewis, Seconded by IVa~d that City Administrator Ayre be
a~xorized to secUre an apprc~riate card. On roll calls carried unanimously.
C~.a>' Administrator Ayre requested Council authorization to negotiate £or m~
addressograph-multigraph reproduction machine, He stated that this machine
would enable us to print our own forms and lett~rheads~ thereby saving us
considerable cost on reproduction work, ~oved by llard, seconded by Kerr that
the City Administrator be authorized to ~ake necessary negotiations, On roll
call~ carried unanimously.
City AdministratOr Ayre reported that several requests have been made got copies
o£ ~he ronin~ ordinance and zonin~ map. ~oved by Lewis; seeended by Baker that
the Cit~/Ad~inistrator make copies o~ the ordinance add map and sell them ~or the
cost o~ reproduction,
Recorder Sartelt presented an apnl~cation £rom the Elk's club for renewal o~
their liquor license. ~bved by{W~ds seconded by ~hitham that application
be appreved.' On roll call carri~ed unanimously.
There being no further business, the Council unanimously aftreed to adjourn subject
to the call of the
~. R. Rartelt, R e~Order