May 2, 2000
Civic Center Council Chambers, 117S E. Main Street
Mayor Shaw called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., in the Civic Center Council Chambers.
Councilors Laws, Reid, Hauck, Hanson, Wheeldon and Fine were present.
The minutes of the regular meeting of April 18, 2000 and the continued regular meeting of April 19, 2000 were
approved as presented.
1. Mayor's Presentation of James M. Ragland MemOrial "Volunteer Spirit" Community Service Award.
Mayor Shaw explained how the Ragland Award came to be, and noted the dramatic example of community service that
Jim Ragland had provided. ShawrecountedsomeoftheprogramsandcommitteesthatRaglandwasinvolvedwithand
some of his many accomplishments.
Shaw noted that the individuals and groups nominated for this year's Ragland Award included the Real Corps, Sue
Graham, Barbara Ryberg, and Hal Cloer.
Shaw announced Midge Thierolf as the recipient of the 2000 James M. Ragland Memorial Volunteer Spirit Award.
Noted the endless hours of volunteerism contributed on Thierolf# s part, which included, but were not limited to, YMCA
fund drives, the Grove Teen Center, the Ashland Community Health Center, the Ashland Youth Activity Levy, the 1997
flood efforts, the Ashland High School DECA program, and time Ashland High School quad renovation. Shaw shared
letters of appreciation that were submitted to recognize and honor Midge Thierolf and her community involvement.
2. Presentation by Mayor of plaque to Officer Lynn Parlette.
Mayor Shaw presented Officer Lynn Parlette with a plaque of appreciation and acknowledged his dedication and
outstanding service to the city from 1977-2000.
3. Mayor's Proclamation of May 14 - 20 as "National Emergency Medical Services Week,"
4. Mayor's Proclamation of May 14 - 20 as "National Historic Preservation Week."
Mayor Shaw read the proclamations in their entirety.
1. Minutes of Boards, Commissions and Committees.
2. C~n~rmati~n~fMay~r~sapp~latmentst~AdHocTransp~rtati~n~Transit&ParkingC~mmittee(~/a~s
3. Quarterly Financial Report.
4. Approval of rental rate for lease extension of city property providing access to the basement of the IOOF
building (MsmcMes Restaurant).
5. Transfer of Ashland Greenway property to successors of original dedicator.
6. Approval of greet cut on Park Street to install sa$itary sewer and water services.
7. Termination of a Public Utility Easement Portion heated at 1331 Seena Lane Tax Lot 391E10BB - 407.
Items #2, #3, #5 and #6 were pulled from the Consent Agenda.
Councilors Hauck/Wheeldon m/s to approve remaining Consent Agenda items. Voice Vote: All AYES. Motion
2. C~n~rmati~n~fMay~r~sapp~latmentst~AdHoc~.a~sp~rtati~n~Transit&ParklagC~mmittee(c/ar.en
Colin Swales/163 8th StreetNoiced his disappointment that he had not been contacted and allowed conversation with
the Mayor on his possible appointment to this committee. Shaw explained that she only called those individuals that
City Council Meeting 5-02-2000 Page 1 of 8
she was not familiar with. She stated that she had appointed]individuals who had a strong interest in neighborhood
areas. Swales questioned the appointments of certain individuals to the Ad Hoc Transportation, Transit and Parking
CommiRee and also the recent appointments to the Planning Commission.
Swales also questioned why Dorm Todt was not reappointed to the Tree Conunissinn. Shaw recognized Todt' s years
of dedicated service, and noted that she generally appoints meanbeE to only two terms although Todt has been on the
commission for her entire tenure. She emphasized that both Todt and Robbin Pearce, the staff liaison to the Tree
Commission, was told that Todt was welcomed and encouraged, to continue attending the Tree Commission meetings
but that she wanted to encourage further citizen involvement.
Shaw explained the process she uses in appointing members to the PIning Commission, noting state requirements,
and stated that if a member of that commission has conflict~g interests, that individual has an obligation to either
remove themselves from the decision or state for public information their conflict. Noted the difficulty in a small town
of finding members to commissions who do not occasionally Imow people coming before them or have some personal
interest in certain matters.
Shaw also noted that her appointment of Don Reynolds to the Transit Committee was not about the library issue but
rather about transportation aiteroafives for the entire city.
Hauck noted that the council has to approve the Mayor ' s appointments to all committees and that the council submits
recommendations to the Mayor.
S. Transfer of Ashland Greenway property to successors of original dedicator.
Councilor Reid noted that there was an opportunity here for the city to plant trees and/or make the creek deeper to cool
the water here. Wheeldon noted the work of the Ashland Watershed Parmership in seeking to matore riparian areas;
she emphasized that the Parmership is contacting property owners along the creek and working to restore habitats. City
Attorney Paul Nolte explained that this item is not an opportunity of the sort Reid is seeking, and that the city would
have to seek cooperative agreements from property owuers to ilnprove the sl~eam beds and plant trees. He noted that
this would possibly require incentives from the city and pointed out that the Planning Deparllnent is in the process of
strengthening the riparian ordinance to protect habitats.
6. Approval of street cut on Park Street to install sa$itary sewer and water services.
Councilor Hanson questioned the street cut on Park Street aad why the city has street moratoriums if they are not
followed. Public Works Director Pauin Brown explained that all property owners are noticed when a moratorium is
placed on a city street because of paving. However, street cut requests can come before the council from people who
are new to the area, or who have changed plans and are now trying to build on lots. In this case, the owner did not plan
to build at the time the moratorium was put in place but now is building and would need to leave the pwject incomplete
and vacant for nine months to comply with the moratorium.
Shaw noted that people could stub in connections when a moratorium is going to be in place, and Bwwn noted that this
is encouraged. Brown noted that any costs from this street cut would fail to the individuah~equesting lt. Discussionwas
held on the history of these requests, and whether the council has turned them down in the past. Bwwn noted that it
might be appropriate to look at the fees charged, and to consider the possibility of charging more when cuts are in a
moratorium area.
3. Quarterly Financial Report.
City Administrator Mike Freeman noted that the Quarterly Financial Report is not completed and asked that this item
be pulled from the Consent Agenda.
Councilors Fine/Hanson m/s to approve items//2, #S and ~6 of the Consent Agenda. Voice vote: All AYES.
Motion passed.
1. PubHe Hearing on and Adoptinn of the 2000-2004 Consolidated Plan for Community Development Block
Grant Funds.
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Associate Planner Maria Harris presented a synopsis on the update of the Consolidated Plan for Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds. She explained that in accordance with federal regulations a Consolidated
Plan is required.
Harris noted community needs and housing trends which indicated that 43% of Ashland households are below 80% of
the median income ($38,800 for a four-person family). Also pOinted out that 70% of those households are renting and
only 30% own their homes. 29% of those households are "overburdened"by housing costs, and 38% experience severe
cost burden.
Harris explained housing costs for home sales and rentals, noting that the average rent is approximately $600 for an
apartment and $1130 for a house and that the median home price is $174,000 with a $1635 monthly payment.
Harris pOinted out that in terms of homelessness and pOverty trends, the Madford-Ashland median income lags behind
other meU'opolitan areas while housing costs are higher. Al~o stated that the pOverty rate and the pOverty rate for
children are higher than in the county and the state as a whole.
Harris explained that the priorities in this plan are similar to the 1995 plan, and briefly noted the priorities that have been
carried over to the new plan. Somc ofthcse new priorities include job creation and looking at providing housing and
supportive services to those with special needs. Harris conclui:led by noting the Community Devclopment priorities,
which are similar to the last plan, but with the addition of tnfilc calming measures in eligible neighborhoods.
Harris briefly summarized thc changes she had noted, and noted for the council that priorities are ranked in this plan
and criteria are included for awarding grants. Harris explained that there is an action plan which will be brought back
to the council annually.
Wheeldon asked if there had bean any comparison between the types of employment and correspOnding pay levels
between Ashland and areas with more diverse economics. Harris explained that there are county by county numbers,
but that they are not particularly revealing.
Laws stated that he felt that this is a fine repOrt, despite his perception that some of the figures are distorted by the
number of students in Ashland and the availability of Ashland.specific statistics. Laws also emphasized that pOverty
and homelessnasa are regional issues and need to be addressed accordingly.
No speakers came forward.
Councilore Reid/Hanson m/s to adopt the Consolidate Pla~ for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Funds. Roll eall vote: Laws, Reid, Hauek, Hanson, Wheeldon, and Fine, YES. Motion passed.
EricNaviekasF/llFaithAve/NavickasnotedheispresenttodiscusstheSkiAshlandissue. Statedthathehasspoken
to Paula Brown and that she feels that demanding proper mitigal~on and monitoring are the two major issues for the City.
Read a statement regarding the Ski Ashland expansion and questioned if proper monitoring has taken place. He noted
that the city had dredged and sluiced several times, and comm0nted on the need for proper mitigation. Also suggested
that the Forest Service needs to prove that they will provide proper adequate monitoring and mitigation for the
Laws commented on Navickas repeatedly appearing before the Council on this matter. Gave a brief history on activities
in the watershed, and noted logging and subsequent erosion which went into the reservoir. Explained that the City had
to sluice every few years for some time, which caused environmental problems downstream. Emphasized that the City
worked with the Forest Service to adci~ss this issue by stab ilizing the roads and working on catch basins, and stated that
this work with the Forest Service has been Uemendously successful. Laws stated that this experience in working with
the Forest Service gives him confidence in their ability to control erosion for the ski area expansion. Commented on
the sewage U'eaunent plant facility for the planned ski area expansion, and noted that the improvements will mean that
the situation there is better than it has been in the last decade. S~ated that he feels comfortable regarding these concerns
over protecting the watershed, and that he does not have the expertise to addre ss the other issues Navickas raises relative
to the mountain itself.
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Navickas stated some corrections to the information Laws had provided, noting additional logging and dredging that
have occurred and continued to cause problems with erosion.
Councilor Wheeldon/Reid m/s to place this issue on the agenda for discussion. DISCUSSION: Freeman noted
that Brown's document will go to the Forest Service as the City ' s comment on this matter, and that it is the ctty's
responsibility to provide eomment on this issue. Shaw objeded to adding this item to an already full agenda, and
suggested that the matter could be raised under Other Business from Counc~ Members. Roll eaH vote: Wheeldon
and Fine, YES. Laws, Reid, Hauck, Hanson, NO. Motion failed 4-2.
Colin Swales/143 8th St/Voiced his concern with the costs associated with the takeover of jurisdiction over Siskiyou
Boulevard and the overall increase in the city' s budget. He discussed the Kittieson Study and the findings therein that
were relative to the library intersection. Questioned if the voters understood that a portion of the funds from the Lib~
and Fire Station measures included costs related to improving ~his intersection, and questioned just what the cost will
be to make the necessary improvements.
Councilors Laws/Reid m/s to place this item on a future agenda for further discussion prior to final action on the
budget. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
Ryan Navkkas/711 Faith Ave/Questioned the lease agreement with Ski Ashland and the lack of power that the city
councilseemstohavewiththisantity. Suggestedthattheleaseneedstoberenegotiatedtoregainsomedecisionmaking
power. He stated his feeling that the City Council does have tile power to stop the ski area ' s expansion through sUong
comments or legal action, and if the ski expansion goes through it is the council responsibility.
1. Council meeting Look Ahead.
It was noted by City Administrator Mike Freeman that the quarterly financial report will be ready for the May 16
meeting. He also noted that intersection improvementpreviously questioned by Swales will be discussed at that meeting
and the hotel/motel tax allocation will be added to future items.
Reid explained that the hote l/motel tax collected more money than expected, resulting in a "benus check" to the chamber
and to OSF. A Budget Committee subeommiRee suggested looking at the way this was handled to bring forth requests
based on needs. Freeman clarified that at the last Budget Committee meeting, Fine had requested that the matter come
backtothecouncil. Shawclari~edthatthismustfirstbedealtwithbytheBudgetC~mmitteeandarequestcanbemade
to change the ordinance setting the allocations.
Laws asked that Nolte look at the ordinance to determine if a "bonus check" was appropriate and the council discussed
how this should be handled, noting that the aHocetinn is a percentage. Shaw asked that this item be returned to the
Budget Committee.
Freeman clarified that the study session for May 17 was left open to allow for the possibility of a continued council
meeting on the off-site spray irrigation site.
1. Authorize the City Administrator to sign labor agK, ement, ratifying the tentative contract between the
City and Teamsters Local Union No. 223 (Police).
Councilors Reid/AVheeldon m/s to approve authorization of City Administrator to sign labor contract. Roll Call
Vote: Laws, Reid, Hauck, Hanson, Wheeldon and Fine, YES. Motion passed.
2. Continuing discussion of wastewater effluent and bio-solids management options.
Public Works Director Paula Brown provided updates to the requests made previously by council regarding effluent and
bio-sdlids managemant options. She emphasized that this meeting is devoted to providing information, that council
should ask questions and that staff is given clarity for a decision point at the next meeting of May 16. She explained
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that the decision that will be before the council on May 16 is w~ether to put weated effluent into the creek or will there
be land application of effluent.
Brown explained that there have been four options that have been discussed. These are as follows: 1) Return effluent
to the Creek throughout the year through wetlands or natural phosphorous removal means with an identified and
accepted temperature reduction methodology; 2) Return effluent to the c~ek throughout the year by adding filters and
chemical precipitation method to remove phosphorous at the Wastewater TreaUnent Plant (WWTP) and include an
identified and accepted temperature reduction methodology; 3) Reuse the treated effluent during the iffigation season
(May through November) on the city's hillside property with low head, low trajectories, low pressure land application
methods for a grass crop and winter cattle gazing, and 4) Reuse the treated effluent during the irrigation season (May
through November) on the city's hillside property with inw bead, low trajectory, and low-pressure land application
methods for a poplar plantation or similar use.
Brown explained that the option of returning effluent to the creek through wetlands has been removed because DEQ
in a short time frame does not have the data to make this happen.
Brown clarified that the State Health Division and the Deparlment of Environmental Quality will be at the May 16
council meeting. She stated that if the decision is to go back toithe creek the agencies involved would be consulted for
return of water to the creek. The primary agency making this dec ision is the Oregon Deparmlent of Water Resources.
Laws stated that he would like to invite individuals from the fishery agencies and requested that Brown fred someone
who could speak with knowledge of this area. Brown explained that if these individuals are invited, and they are not
the decision makers on the question that is being asked, it becomes a debate situation.
Reid explained that the reason she brought up the Department. of Agriculture is because of a law suit that is currently
in the courts and has to do with poplar plantations. She felt that if the poplar plantation is going to be an option to be
considered by council, that the council may want to be aware Of these proceedings.
Fine stated that there had been two other possibilities discussed and noted them as drip irrigation instead of any kind
of spraying and returning water to the creek following its dilution with water obtained from the Lost C~ek Dam Water
rights. Brown clarified that drip irrigation will be discussed end why it is considered but not really on the table. She
explained that the option of the dilution is probably not a solution. Bob Elmstad from Carelie Engineers stated that the
Federal Rules that implement the Clean Water Act allow dilution to the effluent before it is discharged.
used about 190 heads/170 psi for spraying and did not fall within the category for the Health Division as low pressure
load capacity. He stated that they have found a sprinkler head that is a low impact type sprinkler, but smaller in size
with a low trajectory spray. He explained that using these sprinkler heads would mean 570 heads to cover the same area.
Elmstad stated that his will drive up the cost of the project, with the biggest cost associated with distribution piping.
He clarified that this has not been submitted to DEQ or to the Health Division to see if this satisfies their undef'med
requirements for a low trajectory, low pressure system. He stated that his will be the next step.
Elmstad explained that one of the cost factors is to design an hTigation system that would be protected from cattle
damage if this is going to be used for pasture grass. He clarified that one of the assumptions is to continue on with
pasture grass and that the sprinklers and piping would need to be protected from cattle.
He explained that they modeled the microorganism densities with the smaller sprinklers which made some conclusions
regarding the amount of bacteria due to acresol spray which is in the report submitted to the council. He stated that
using the results of the model indicate a low probability of coming into contact with a pathogenic microorganism.
Elmstad explained for the council that acresol production is dir0ctly related to orifice dinmeter and the pressure that you
operate them in. He clarified that the larger the orifice, and higher pressure, the lesser amount of aerusols is produced.
He felt that the concern with the big guns had to do with projecting the aerusol higher into the air and the possibility
of the aerusol to migrate.
Elmstad explained that colony forming unit (CFLD is a bacterium that has caused a colony to grow on that particular
medium. Hestatedthattheydidn~tnmthemodelsh~wingabreakd~wn~ftheaut~matedweatherstati~n~c~ntinued
use of sprinklers and 3040 mile an hour wind gusts, in order to determine how much bacteria would be found at the
nearest homes. He explained that the model is based on empirical data and he is not sure that this included 30 miles
City Council Meeting 5-02-2000 Page 5 of 8
an hour wind conditions. Fine voiced his concern and asked fot sciantific information on the risk level of risk with the
possible situation where the automated weather station breaks' down and the spray continues in wind gusts. Eimstad
stated that the logical approach would be to add redundancy to the control system and agreed to go back and look at the
development of the model to see if it can be stretched to 30 miles an hour winds.
He informed the council that there are a few homes within the 1000 feat of a sprinkler head. He explained that at the
May 16 meeting he could bring a drawing of the irrigation system with 1,000 foot radius circle around the perimeter
to show which houses may be affected.
Brown reported that there has been no collection of wind data at this site and that the closest wind data would be from
the Ashland airport. Eimstad explained that the model is based on assumed wind conditions.
Eimstad presented a draf~ memorandum on yeas-around discharge of WWTP effluent to Ashland Creek and explained
that the cost numbers need to have additional detail information worked out.
He reported that they had spoken to DEQ and found out what permit limits they would impose in the summer season
and it is anticipated that these would be quite stringant limits.
He explained that the city has two options for getfrog to the level of concantration expected. These options are: 1) A
filtration plant following the current WWTP; or 2) Membraae filters. He stated that these figures do not include
Eimstad explained costs associated with membrane filters, and commented that there is significantly higher operating
cost associated with the running of this type of plant. He explained that you have to tailor the system to meet the
particular need of the community.
Eimstad explained that the costs presented do not include any Of the biosolids costs and that these figures are only for
the liquid stream portion. He wants the council to clearly undet'stand the implicafmns of not using the hillsida property
for anything, what part would than be spent for liquid stream Irealment, and how you would discharge into the creek.
He reminded the council that the biosolids would still need to be dealt within some way. He estimated that instead of
$8.6million cost associated with effluent irrigation and biosolids facilities on the hillside, that the cost would be
somewhere around $16millinn to discharge to the creek on a year around basis.
Eimstad clarified that there is no way to separate the effluent from the biosolids. Reid voiced her support in continuing
to look at alternative options for biosolids. Hanson commented that we may be running out of time for looking at
alternate options. Laws felt that it would be appropriate for additional alternative options to submit their idaas in a
memorandum to the council prior to the May 16 meeting.
Brown stated that they have asked Clearwater Technologies to submit a proposal and information on their proposed
method on disposal ofbinsolids. Shesuggestedthat~ifthisisofinteresttothecouncil, that this could be schadulad for
discussion at the May 16 meeting. Shaw emphasized the need for this information to be submitted in writing prior to
the May 16 meeting to allow adequate time for council review.
Brown explained that the next phase is to bring back information on wind speeds as'requested and cost for the
Eimsmd briefly explained the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) discussed in the background report prepared when
DEQ was first developing the permit. Explained that the report gives 0.13 phosphorous limits as a monthly average,
but that he has heard from DEQ since then, that 0.08 would be the daily maximum. Eimstad noted that they would
check to verify whether DEQ will be concerned with daily maximums or monthly averages.
President of Sylvan Systems John Warinner presented a proposal for utilizing Ash land's Wastewater for economical and
ecologicalBenefit. HeexplainedthatthegoalwouldbeWmanagethewastewatertominimizebealthriskstoAshland
citizens, to minimize financial impact and risk, and to enhance the environment. He stated that the tool that they have
developed to meet these goals is to design, build and operate a plantation to grow high-value poplar wood with
wastewater. Warinner stated that their goal would be to minimize health risks while optimizing economics and ecology.
He explained that Sylvan Systems is the premier poplar grower in the Pacific Northwest, with a decade of experience
in poplar breeding and growing, tan poplar-based reuse projects, and a proven intensive culture strategy for growing
City Council Meeting 5-02-2000 Page 6 of 8
poplars as a high value wood and a proven precision irrigation strategy. He explained that their product is called
"cambium wood," and pointed out that there is a fifty-year history of this sort of project in Europe. He emphasized that
their focus is growing wood profitably and sustainably with proven value as a solid wood product.
Warinner noted that the farm product will be trees that are 14-18 inches in diameter, 100 feet tall, with an 8-yenr
production cycle. These will produce straight, clear, whitewood logs with value as plywood, molding and veneer-based
products. Warinnerdiscussedthenear~yidenticalclimatasbet~weentheR~gueVal~eyandWal~aWalinVal~eywhere
they have their model plantation. He discussed value-added end products that would be possible, including plywood,
particle beard, hardboard, furniture, molding, paper, energy production and emphasized that every part of the tree will
be used.
Councillors Hanson/Fine m/s to extend the meeting to 10:30 p.m. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
Warinner pointed out that the poplar wood induslry provides 40% of the wood in Italy, and can be used in the United
States for plywood production. Warinner discussed the produ~tion system, which uses precision irrigation with smaller
sprinklers in a densely planted plantation with very little chance of water migrating off of the site. Emphasized that
there are a number of ways to handle buffers and irrigation with a plantation, and pointed out that cover vegetation is
also used. Discussed site suitability and design work they have done, and noted that they have no concerns about
growing trees on the site. Suggested that the economic bene~ts to the city would be a significant reductinn in capital
costs with income to offset operating costs, and that ecologically, between the crop and irrigation system, concerns over
the aerosol effect could be arinimized.
Warinner emphasized that their irrigation management procedures are state-of-the-art, meaning that concerns with
nmoff, leaching, and water managementare minimized. Clariftedthat their herbicide usage is minimal to control wceds
while establishing the trees, and stated that the herbicicles do not leave the site. Also stated that pesticide use would be
localized, and that pesticides would be used only rarely to address any insect problems that might be encountered.
Warinner suggested that this proposal would enhance the area' s hydrology, and would reduce energy used for irrigation
while enhancing air quality with long-term carbon sequestration. Also, mentioned the enhancement ofwildlife habitats.
He stated that they have reason to believe that they can achieve FSC certification, given the city's preference for
certified wood.
Warlnner emphasized that they are open to modification of the program to work with the city' s needs and stated that
their proposal is to cut t~es every eight years, but that harvest would likely be phased with selective cutting to avoid
clear cutting of the hillside.
Wartinner discussed whether the amount of effluent to be produced could all be used on the site. Warinner stated that
theeffiuentproducediswellwithinthecapacityofthesite. Lawssuggestedthatthecouncllwouldalsolikeananswer
on whether the bio-solids could also be used by the May 16 meeting. Warinner confumed that he has experience using
bio-solids on poplar plantations and will work with Brown to prepare information for the next mecting.
Warinner stated that it would cost approximately $60,000 to change the city's system to accommodate what they are
proposing and noted that the irrigation system construction would cost about $1,500 per acre, versus the "big gun"
system estimate of $3,000 per acre. Stated that operating costs are potentially very low, and would be subsidized by
the value of the wood.
W arinner explained that they would like to own and grow the wood, but they can accommodate whataver the council
wants. Confined that they can design a system to include wind sensors if the council wants such a system, but that
wherever possible they prefer to have humans making decisions. Explained that within 45 days the tree canopy will
begin intercepting the stream of the sprinkler spray to counteract wind, and confined for Fine that effluent leaving the
site is a design issue and that reasonable precautions can be taken. It was stated that he did not believe that any risk
factor can be ~duced to zero, but that they can take all reasonable and prudent p~cautions to minimize risk.
Warinner concluded that the proposal they are making is that the city would own the conveyance and storage, and the
irrigation system, and they would own what is grown. He cited critical risks as: acts of god, contractor performance,
design, management, future value of the wood, financing and insurance. Emphasized that his firm has a proven track
record and can make assurances to address these risks as needed. Stated that if the city wishes to pursue this, equitable
relationships need to be negotiated and design needs to begin.
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Warinner clarified that Sylvan is the only group in the Northwest growing poplar for solid wood, and stated that this
is based in their cultural practices in growing poplars. Discussed costs for growing pulp/fiber versus for lumber, noting
that poplar used as wood is five times more valuable than that used for pulp or fiber.
Council asked that Brown' s memo be sent to the Forest Service to provide city input on the issue of the Mount Ashland
ski area expansion.
Reid asked that Tolmun Creek Road be placed on the agenda for the first meeting in June.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Barbara Christensen, City Recorder
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