HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-0424 Parks & Rec. MINIII. D REGULA :t MEETING . Apd 24; 20O0 Preeent: .. Tefi C0ppedge, JoAnne~-41~gere, Seli~ Jones; Lauds Ma~ Coumt Udeo~ Don LaWs, Dtr~orKen;Mckelsen Absent: Rlok Landt ,., ' I. CALL TO ORDER '~ Chalr'Maeemw ~slied ~emeetlngto orde~at 7:00 p.m. at the Council Chainbern, 1175 E. Main Street .. ADDmONS,-eS. ET C> eTO , .AeENC,..-. APPROVAL OF MINUTES u, IV. A. Reauter Melllng ,~Maroh-2f'. 2000 Commissioner Eggere made a motion to a >~rove me minutes of the March'27;2000 Regular Meeting as written. Commissioner Jones seconded. 'iThe vote wal: 4 yes ~'0 no - PUBUC PARTICIPATION A. Aiblil.i:Jiileludeml .... ISle ,'~riXlth vjnTda,n.~.p~ifk Direeras Miekdeen Mid : celrf thb 'groUp that' Indicated that thww<x dmetopem ethepreenta or.,, B. Girl Scout Troo~ 292 - Prooosal for corntour itv service oroiect Christy Sinclair Leader for Ashland Troop 2-32, was present with members of her troop to outline a oommunity~m,~k~pro/ectTreq~2~2Wae undeitakt'ng ffi infd;rm'end encdurage dog owners to dean up aft~thdr elege.'~Emffi/,er~e of the ttoop menters, sald'tha~=thqy were doing a project on ~ poop" beceuie eHhelret:hol them~8 'lot~ & lots & lots of dog poop", She said that the troop didn~want "thedogelo Jqst be gorle'from places because they like the dogs"; but they wanted to let people know "What they should do with their dog poop because we don't like stepping in it."' ; ' ' The project:esSentially consisted:of posting gfts which had been ~ned by t' · scouts which information about the properwe/Of diepoeldgof=the "poop'..The troop waS vismng various the Parks and Recreation system. Commisdofler IVleoGraw de'flied that the troop was asking to pleee'sigi!Sin thgse areas in Aehland'e parks that allo~: dogsa nofle the rest Of ~e parIts where ~ are p~lbited by ordtnanoe. Ms. 8inclair!eeidthet ihlt~wae a,.-ourete; CorhtYimlondr Mat~GIrehv euggested several places within the :eretam eLKS1 as 'the~Dog PaI~, thb GreenWay traIT an~ a ong South Pioneer Street which Is adjacent to Lithia Pa~k where signing would be appropriate. Regular Meeting - April 24, 2000 Ashland Parks and Recreation GOmMi~don Page 2 of 7 PUBLIC FORUM - Request from GId S4~out TIIXip;- continued have no problem with the signs being post&:l in park areas which are open to dogs. In discussing how the signs would be put iq place if approved, Ms, Sinclair said that~ related to scho?l property, the plan waste donate .. Bigns. to the sd~ools but have. 9dlool personnel put defray the cost of the signs, that would be Welcome also. In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Jones, Ms, SinClair said th~ each sign cost about $4.00. ' During discussion, Commissioners agreed that they would approve placing the Signs in areas within the system where(Jogs are permitted; It was also agreed that lhe Troop ~h0uld work with staff to determine what areas would be appropriate, as well as on the number and placement of signs. It was also agreed that the Troop would be re-ruimbumed from the Department's maintenance budget for the cost of the signs. Commissioners thanked the scouts for their creativity and enterprise in coming up with such a project to benefit the Community. ~ ' ,ithla Artisan's Guild for use of the Calls for a marketplace expired in 1999. The Guild is requesting a one.year extenslon of the old contract to cover the spring and summer of 2000 when restoration work will be taking place on the CallS. They are qMsO requesting a new three-yam' contract which Would cover 2001, 2002, and 2003. ".He im;licat~l:that th~ Guik had .held the ¢ont~ract for two tlqfee-year periods beg nnlng h 1994 and that the Department 1aS had tqo difficultyin working with the Guild, and, in fact, has bean very pleased with the operation of the marketplace along the guidelines set forth in the agreement. Commissioner MacGraW aid that she was definitely supportive ofextefffiing the 1997 three- year contract for orm year c0rmldedng the fact that the Calla will be under construction most of the summer and that the' markatpla~e will oqly be able to operata ins limited ,m~rmer. She also said that she was inclined to support the three-year renewal as presented. In response to an inquiry from Commission MacGraw, Jim Young, :rq:r",,,.entative from the Guild, responded to the request to maintain some usage of the area once Construction began this summer if it could be, worked around the needs ~f construction contractors. Mr. Young said that if the marketp ace were permitted to set up ,booths from the entrance at Winburn Way along the wing-wall which extends in~ the C, alle that they would be able to accommodate from 8 - 10 booths. He said that he had no idea whether or not if woUld work butthe Guild would like for permission to Work with Department staff and construction contractere to determine its feasibility. Marct~ Scqtt, an artisan, re-iterated the request to be able to use the entrance to the Calle from the Winbum Way side as explained by Mr. yoUng. He eaid tharff it were at all- possible, it would be .better than the ~j;~the~ options whicti~the Guild lad been able tO develop to get through this summar. Primarily,. they were looking for Continuity from pdor years. If people same to the RegUlar Meeting - April 24, 2000 A~hland Parks and Retreatlee Commilmion Page3of7 Rlnewalofmarkltplm~agmlment-contingld t": ~ ~ ' C, alle Iooldlg for m-, tJ;!e few,venclom there,rid refer people to where Ilte test of the vendors. Wr, e kxa..tqd, .!'~ ~ ~at the Qdld would be appledative; ofr~' Sadstance the ~ q~r ~ odgld~tVe t~.hstp lhem maintain a ~lb~p~ in the area this Dave Bobb. owner of the American Trails store on the plaza, indicated that the marketplace has beeq a gr~latl~.qtnd~thet he llleneldly.auppoffiveof having 'fie mal~litplace on the C, alle~ He~ tl~t hi (~mments thie ev~, however, have. to do with ~ waters" retat~to ~sving ~ p~ b~ using a ImJblk~ m, He said 'that even fhough the ma~kelplaqe itself is a no~b~, t represanls a ~ of,people who ;mi wares there as a:busines~ Indicallng.lha.~t peterlily them.rr, ight be mbar, peeple,who would like to bid on this c~ntract~ he inquired wt!ll~her or net .aR)X~= ale weuld be riowed to bi¢l orl 1he coreract for use .of the spaee, He ~ that he kne~.~e .~eelauragts on the. plmta would like to ~ea more seating space for ~lng on the Calls, and, peltape would like to put in a proposal formore dining space allocated to th~ site. He sakTI that!it was hi~undermanding that the concept of using the Calle as a space for an artisans market had been handed down from "year to year to year." When;.would me Comm~m~n. consider revi~ the bask~ pm of how the space could be best used?! When would olhorpeople have the chanceto vfe:for thievery valuable piece of property? comr EoOe . dd that qhe ,ks, u.e maw. q ce and its dmry and. in fact, participated in it for some years. She also eald that she would not be opposed to headng new pro~ !f ~ey: Were bmfagM fORNard. l She mild tlat~in her rnind tl~ new proposals would then he ,~. te what now exists to m what usag~-q~41d best sorVe the community. t ' Con~0aer .C_,. .qq~:saki that prior le ~ltabliahlng lhe Callaas an arelwhleh would be utilized as a ~ ~forlrttlran~tmdor l, Ihe. C, emmia~bn dld have the kir~of discussion , . t which itappeared Mr. B06b was m4ggeett~, that la, howbest · utilize the .epa~. She said that the Commission could choose to review that poficy but that she did not know that this was the appropriate time to dO m~. = : In r~ee. to an inquiry '.~ C, ommleetoner .Eggere,! Director:Mlckeimeft said'thai in the early 1980~s,,W}~l the firit r'..etl~ik~n .of l.ithla Palrk wa~.ildng pkles, the Commlmllon established a policy wJ3eraby Lithia Park paper weuld no ,.be used ~for ~nemlal venture~.; Due to f signffiCant pressure from arts and,oltfts pemons,~llne Gom~Sston-aet aside the Calls, ormerly known as the I.lthia Park ExtendOn., as the free.in which comrnerdal ventures could take place. If, as Commissioner Eggers suggested, the. Commission chose to consider other options for use of the C.,alle .prior to. graming an additloflal throat/ear oentrac't to ~rte Gui:l, It certainly could do so Jim Young spoke briefly indk~lng that he underltood ltmt the "criteria" for use of the area was spelled out in the contract, and, that to the best of his knowledge the Guild had faithfully fuffilled the contract. He said that the Guild Itseft reoresents a community of arti~nS, and, the Guild stdves to be an overall is1~gral partof. the le~;ier m. He said that partly because of the marketpla.~e being ~ereover the years~ the area lessen as "valuableSoases'. And, once the restoration design for'the area is=complete, t certstnly, wili I:HIKxxne morn valuable space. Regular Meeting - April 24, 2000 Page 4 d7 Ashland Park8 and Recreation Commission MOTION MOTION Renewal of marketlace agreement - conUnue(I Threrefore, there will be other o~ganlzatlorle which 'would like!tO us~e ~e space to do "whatever the Guild would be supportive of those kinds of thing~ and would be willing t~ help facilitate them taking place. In response from an inquiry by Commissio'}er Jones, Director Mickelsen said that during the lengthy process appmximatei~,six years al;~o when lhe Commission was reviewing use of the Calls area, the Commission ch(Nm to alkx~lte a ceriln portior~of it for a marketplace for affisans on Saturday and Sunday. He sak~ that 'baSioally the CommiSsion has 'two options at this tim: It can choose to relin the curmr. palicy foi' 0se of the space which ~,ould mean contracting with an entityto organize marketplace activities, or, it can choose t~ explore other kinds of a~vities for use of the space. ff i chooses to retain the current structure, it can either go out for proposals to have the opportunlt.v. to seleet a marketplace operator or'it can renew the contract with the Grid to operate the marketplace. Commissioner Eggers said that she would be in favor of extending the existin contract with the Guild for one year as proposed. She seld that although she Supports thema~etplaca. she suggested that the Commission hold off for a couple of months on renewing the three-year contract just to give anyone else Who might have some conorate proposals about the use of the area the chanca to present them to'the Commission to keep the Commissl0h's'options open. Commissioner Coppedge said that, partiall~ because of the unseffied nature'of tl~e Calls at this time, she would prefer to both extend the ~rrent contract and r~ffew~the contm~ for three years beginning in 2001 to add some stability to the area over the next few ~re. She said the Guild has done an excellent job in operatin the rnarketplaca so has .no difficulty in renewing the contrast. She said that if Mr; Bot)b or ~rs would like to dwvel(~p~lsome kikld 'of concept for a different use of the area they douid do Sotsringing their sugglitton~ to the Commission well before the contract with the Guild expires Id200~. ' Commissioner Coppedge made a motion to extend the current cOntract with the Lithie Artisans Guild this for one year with the following stil}ulations: 1 ) that once the Calls area is needed for the restoretitan project to begin that the ere~ will not be available to the mad~tp!ace, and 2) that at the discretion of the Calls restoration <x~tractor, a small spa~e ma}~ be made available at the Winbum Way entrance as long as it does nbt interfere ~th ortncrease thecoSt0f the restoration project. CommissiOner Jonas se~)nded; The vote was: 4 yits - 0 no Commissioner Jones made a motion to renew the existing contract with the Eithla Artisans Guild for operation of the marketplaca on Calls Guanajuato for three-years beginning in 2001. Commissioner Coppedge seconded. tThevofewas:4yes.~0no OPen Forum Deve Bobb saidthat he vanted to speek to~the Commission about considering having the Regular Meeting - April 24, 2000 i · Page IdOTION Open Forum - Discussion related to Festival of L ghts - continued lower portion of Lithl Park in eome manner would enhance the Festlvai of Lights. He said that now with the Darex lee ink ~ and Ilgh,ed ~ the winter, ha WouJdqk~ for the~Comrnlsslon to sgge =ld .=t th .r ini.!to U 'mte ,e of the pm, k tndud~ the bWer ~ through tile 'park; that iSlto keep it passive in nature and not to Temple ~ of Winburn'~Wlly. 'Comn~loner ~wSajd that ~hehe loved lights and .very mUeh imJoyed th~.Fdetl~al of Ughts that'i i he ioo would chbose to k~p Uthla Park a sanetuaw f~ quiet as ~ as po~i~e. Mr. 'Bol0b eak:l thathe ~te~ their inl~ut. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. in Asrdand Creek as it through Lithia Park related l~97qQod~projects, the remove the third barrier locate(j near th6 tenni courts. At mat tim, because of the historic nature of the other two clams, the Comrnieso~ Instructed NorthWeStkW..COnsulting to offier twodeme ~o!~ t~1111 iffOw for ~uate rid1 paaeage IntO~the ~ reeohes of the oreek. In a report submitted to the ~nt on ~l 1 fpm, NBC. indlGated ,~ thq ~. ~or deign and The primary,t'eadloh l~lr~ffiaftli varlo~i!:.~/:~e,~ ~ idi~' .rfffiu~ which they needed to have met and, in(~Cljrto ~.~ req ~, highl~ e~imN~l soMions were needed. The report indk~tedlhat NBC WoC d'~e ~ to continue with the project, however, due to the dgnifieantiy higher cost and the extr_em~ ~q)ph~x permitling reqtirements, NBC was recommending that the Commission ~,hoose t0 ~ the two dam~ a~l restore the creek bed to a desirable topography. Scott Engli8 ! from NBC and Fred Phi ps from Fred Phillips Engineering were present to answer question~ related to the report; Cormideringthe~iX~et~loner ' said that she could nm support cormtmcting · ' ' 1 and #2 · = ~ Vote war. 4 ye~s - 0 no Regular Meeting - April 24, 2000 Page 6 Of 7 Ashland Parks and Recreation Cornml~&~m VI. MOTION MOTION MOTION MOTION VII. NEW BUSINESS play at the golf ~um ~ms to ~ve imp~v~. ~She a~k~ if an intedm re~d ~uld be made ~miss~er Eggers ~mnt~ fiat sh~ no~ fiat e pemg&~ a~aUve ~ aries have been all~t~ to ~ R~r~6~ Di~slon. ~e ~ ~at s~ ~ I~ to ~ an app~te ~mn~ge '~ 'a~lhi~mUve ~fi~ ~mlla~ ~ i ~ ~ D~sion to ack~e me fa~ ~t ~mting the g~ ~ur~ al~ r~ ad~ni~mti~e 6me. ~e vote ~s: 4 yes - 0 no B. Employee Negotiations for Fiscal Year 200{)-2001 Commissionera having ~!iscumsed wqges d 1O~m~it~ for Deparlmerlt.empioyeas for, fiscal year Commissioner Jones ~ a motiol~ to ad~ t a 3% cost of li~ing adjustment for non- i ' n n seconded. The vote was: 4 yes - 0 no Commissioner Jones nlade a rn~tion .to ap~ove :the recommendation ae outlined in the . The Vote Was: 3 y.bs-1 abstain (Eggere} COMMUNICATIONS end STAFF REPORTS i Quarterly Review of {,IodRtere~Prqiects A. Commissioner Eggere inqul :about the status of the design for the Greenway Park node access route and whether or not the concept of rn~ving the location of the p~rking area to the b opposite side of the paLhWay would e feasl~e,, Supedit G~$ said:that he had reviewed the concept with the la~ architect an~l found that It:really didn~,ellmlnate any problems. Therefore, 'the design would remain a~ appmved by the Commission. Director Miekelsen reported that the constpjption of the new Clubhouse at Oak Knoll has been delayed due to the rein. 'SUpedntende~ Gies said that until the i'airls stop tl21e foundation cannot be poured. As of this time, the project leeks like it won't be completed until mid-August instead of mid-July as hoped. Regular Meeting -/~oril 24, 2000 Ashland Parka and P,e~reatlon Commission Page 7 of 7 VIII. ITEMS FROM COMMISSIONERS A. Junior Gqtf PrOgram Having plaa~d the item on the agenda, Co, until the May Regular Meeting. nmissloner Jones requsded that it be postponed IX. UPCOMING MEETING DATE(S) and AGEND The following date were reviewed: May consultants, May 11m for presentation of tht Budget Committee, and May 22'= for the R~ ITEMS to review the aesthetics of the Cage Project with the ~ Departmem's 2000-2001 FY budgets to the City ~ular Meeting. X. ADJOURNMENT With no further bthslness, by consensus, Chair MacGrow adjourned the meeting.