HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-0516.REG.MIN MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING ASHLAND CITY COUNCIL May 16, 3000 Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street PLEDGE OF ALLEGJANCE Mayor Shaw called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., in the Civic Center Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Councilors Laws, Reid, Hauck, Hanson, Wheeldon and Fine Were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the Regular meeting of May 2, 2000 were apl~oved as amended: Councilor Reid requested further discussion on page 6, paragraph 6 as she did not recall this information; page 5, paragraph 5, last sentence should reflect that "the Clean Water Act does not allow dilution to the effluent before it is discharged."; and Mayor Shaw noted her appreciation of articulation on page 2 fust paragrap ~. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS & AWARDS: ~ 1. Mayor's Proclamation of May 21 - 27, 2000 as "National Public Works Week." Mayor Shaw read the proclamation in its entirety. : CONSENT AGENDA 1. Minutes of Boards, Commissions and Committee~ 2. Financial Report for nine months ended March 3 l, 2000. Councilors HauekfFine m/a to approve the Consent AgenC a. DISCUSSION: Wheeldon requeeted that the financial report be looked into at in a study session at some point in the future. Vokes voin: All AYES. Motion passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS (None) PUBLIC FORUM Erie Navkkas/711 Faith St.~-~oted that the comments by the EPA on the Ski Ashland project were critical enough to shut down that project for some time. Explained that he is here to speak regarding the Hillah Temple, noting that the building is in disrepair despite the prominent location and close proximity to the park. Suggested refinishing the outside of the building along with a new roof, and using rainwater for the bathroom facilities. Also asked that the parking lot be landscaped and the parking spaces be eliminated. Mareus Scott/202 Ray Ln., Talent, OR 97540/Spoke as president of Lithia Artisans Markat and noted the uncertainty of their situation, given that Calla Guanajuato in-Stream construction will begin in July. He explained that Perozzi' s Caf~ has offered some space for the artisans, bat that the space does not meet the need and requested the use of the Hillah Temple parking area. He noted the am'action of visitors that the Artisans Market provides and the diversity and quality of arts and crafts that are made available to the general public. City Administrator Mike Freeman explained that there are too many uncertainties relative to the amount of space that would be required for staging during conslruction. The ~ouncil agreed that this iU~m should be put on the agenda for a future council meeting for discussion. Shaw suSgest~d that the individuals representing the Market meet with the City Administrator and continue to look for a temporary solution prior to bringing the matter back to the council. Laws noted for Navickas that the Hillnix Temple remodel is Imdgeted for the coming year, and it will look better soon. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (None) May 16, 2000 Ashland City Councg Meeting Page 1 of 9 ORDINANCES. RESOLUTIONS AND CONTRACTS 1. Reading by title only of "A Resolution Amending Appropriations within the 199900 Budget." Councilors Wheeldom/H,~uek m/s to approve Resolution/C.000-10. DISCUSSION: Reid questioned whether money was merely being moved from a contingency Wlthili each fund; Freeman confirmed that this was the ease. Roll Call Vote: Laws, Fine, Wheeldon, Reid, Hauek and Hanson, YES. Motion passed. Station and Library.*' * Councilors Hauck/Wheeldon m/s to approve Resolution #2000-11. DISCUSSION: Shaw noted that the Library matter would only full to the city if the item fnile0 in the County election. Reid questioned how this would work if the item were placed on the ballot again by the County in November. Shaw noted that this would have to be discussed with the County, and that Freeman, Scoles and Nolte, would be the ones to approach the County. Roll Call Vote: Reid, Hanson, Wheeldon, Laws, Hauck and Fine, YES. Motion passed. NEW AND MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS 1. Council meeting Look Ahead. This item was presented for council information only. 2. Wastewater Effluent and Biosolids Management Decision. Public Works Director Paula Brown presented a briefovervi~v of what needs to be accomplished tonight, and noted some changes to the f~gures that were presented in the ~ouncil communication. Briefly noted what sort of information would be presented tonight, and explained that a number of agencies were on hand for tonight's discussion, including: Gary Messer and Jon Gastic from the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Ron Hall from the Oregon Health Division, AI Cook and Bruce Sund from the Grants Pass office of the Oregon Water Resources Division, and John Warinner from Sylvan Systems. Brown explained that the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) and the Department of Agriculture had declined to become involved until the city has submitted a land-use appliCation. Brown stated that she has had discussions of water trade and reuse on the hillside with the National Marine Fishcries Service (NMFS), the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), Water Watch, the Oregon Water Trust, Talent Irrigation Dislrict (TID), and the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), and they will all be part of th~tt solution if the city chooses to irrigate on the hillside. Carollo Engineers' Bob Eimstad gave a brief overview ofth~ history of the project which began with the initiation place in 1989 and that the facilities plan, recommending summer irrigation and winter discharge to the creek with off-site biosolid application on the hillside, were completed i~ 1996. The final design started in 1997 with construction beginning in 1998 at the treatment plant. Pointed out that the controversy has largely involved the second phase of that project, dealing with off-site applicationZ of effluent and biosolids. causing the DO and pH violations of water quality criteria; 3~ Ashland is the most significant contributor of phosphorous on upper Bear Creek and 4) the City must treat to meet either water quality criteria or cease discharge into the creek. Elmstad explained that the new treatment plant design is inteaded to limit discharge to the creek to the wet season, from December 1 through April 30, with the effluent limits f~br biochemical oxygen demend, total suspended solids and ammonia that were in place at the time of the design. The design is intended to produce level II effluent from May 1 through November 30 and the plant is currently 75-80o/0 complete. May 16, 2000 Ashland City Council Meeting P age 2 of 9 Eimstad discussed issues with level II effluent reclamation, noting concerns with water quality & aernsol migration and explaining that modeling has been done, buffers extendec, and sprinklers redesil~ed for pasture grass. Noted that they had also considered alternative agricultural practices, including poplar plantations. Also emphasized that there is agreement with DEQ to conduct air quality monitorin; and testing of stornge ponds for regrowth. ELmstad cited surface runoff and impacts to TID canals as another issue that has been raised. Explained that buffers have been established and soil moisture sensors will be in pla~e to prevent runoff. Noted as well that there are containment swales if other measures should fail. Continued by noting that there will be monitoring of water in the canals as well as of the surface water. from potential hazards. plausible solution to the City's needs. Brown noted that they iare looking at a lease of the water rights, so that they will remain available for the property in the event it is ever s01d. ELmstad noted that there have been some questions about the ~vater quality regulations, noting that these am part of the Oregon Adminlswetive Rules (OAR) and that the DEQ is ~n hand for questions in the panel discussion. ELmstad explained that the consWuction cost for the current design was $8.5 million, and that alternatives available range in price from $7.5 to $14.9 million in construction cnst~. Emphasized the need to consider operations and maintenance costs as well. Discussed that the "present wonh~ costs range from $11.3 million to $19.4 million. Listed alternatives to the initial plan as the following: 1) discl~arge to creek year-around and keep biosolids on city property; 2) discharge to the creek year-around and abandon property completely; and 3) modify the proposed design for effluent usage alternatives, such as popular grnwth~ ELmstad recapped that for discharge to the creek, year-aroon~ limits would be 3mg/l BOD, 0.75 mg~l NH3-N and <0.08mg/l total phosphorus, and emphasized that these limits are beyond the current design of the WeaUnent plant. He also noted the following: l)temperature requirements would be uncertain; 2)chemical addition and filtration could be required; 3) high capital and operafrog costs; and 4)lligh quality water-suitable for "unrestricted use." ELmstad noted that the technology exists to meet the limits digussod, but that it would require chemical addition and either tertiary clarification and filters or membranes. Stated that this redesign would increase capital costs $2.5- $4.0 million for a revised capital cost of $11-12.5million. Briefly pointed out some biusolids options for a Class B prodUct for agricultural land application or for a Class A product which has been stabilized to allow for sale as bagged!fertilizer. Explained that if the property were to be abandoned, there would still be an advantage to some off-sits storage. Noted that discharge to the creek year-round would increase cost of biosolids facilities, but that sale of the property could help to offset these costs. Noted that if the property were abandoned and year-round discharge pursued, the revised total capital cost ranges would be $12.6-14.9 million for Class A biosolids, and $10.7-12.2 million for a Class B product. Discussed modifying pasture irrigation as an option to reduc~ the potential for aerosol migration from the site. Pointed out that they have done modeling of aerosol bacteria~ concentrations under several possible wind conditions. Noted that modifying the pasture irrigation woukl increase production cost by $500,000 and bring the revised capital costs to $9 million. Explained that the poplar irrigation option would reduce the capital costs to about $7.5 million. ELmstad briefly summarized the options still available, as well as their capital costs and present worth costs. May 16, 2000 Ashland City Council Meeting Page 3 of 9 As clarification for Reid, Eimstad noted that Ashtand's treamlent plant effluent discharge represents 50 percent of Bear Creek stream flow at certain times of the year. Also holed that as conditions to their approval, additional geo- technical work was required by the Division of Dam Safety this included boring through the debris flow and having a licensed engineer on-site during construction to ensure building is according to design. Reid inquired about the LUBA decision Elmstad alluded to. Bwwn noted that this would have W do with the potential for an LUBA appeal. Elmstad clarified that issues have been raised by other state agencies relative to using EFU lands for municipal effluent application, and statec that the City Attorney could best answer questions on this item. Elmstad noted that Jackson County will need to make a decision on the City's application before other agencies will get involved. Elmstad clarified that membranes and filters cost more to operate, and that the need to replace them has to be facWred into operating costs. Elmstad confn'med for Laws that there am no costs presentedifor meeting temperature requirements to allow year- round discharge. Suggested that instelling chillera, which he viewed as the most expensive, wont-case scenario, it would probably be in the range of $700,000 in capital cost with an operating cost of an additional $150-200,000. Stated that there may be less energy-intensive means to achieve temperature requirements, but emphasized that the potential temperature regulations are so uncertain at this point that it is difficult to predict costs. Laws questioned the capital costs for de-watering the binsol,As on-site. Elmsted noted that they have looked at this briefly, and that it would likaly cost $4 million in capital cost~ to de-water on-site and haul to a landfill. Stated that this was in the same ballpark with binsolid application on thejhiliside, but that there were details that would have to be discussed before a definitive cost can be determined. Eim~tad noted that his personal view is that landfills are not the best place for binsolids, and he believes that this view! is shared by DEQ. Relative to the aerosol migration issue, Elmsted clarified that ~bacteria die through desiccation as they are exposed to air and sunlight. Shaw questioned the cost for dumping binsolids in a landfill, d asked if that cost is included in the revised capital cost figures· Elmstad noted that the landfill was not include~'~nm those figures, and explained that those figures had more to do with producing a Class A or a Class B product. Noted that they could develop a landfill option to compare de-watering at the WWTP site and U'ucking to a landfill for comparison. Elmstad clarified that the total costs for designing and build' g the City of McMinniville's treatment plant was $35 the technologies used in McMinniville, and noted that Roseb~rg's design is cheaper but the cloth filters they are using could not meet Ashland's limits at this point. Laws recognized that CarolIn has put in place redundant prot~tive measures in the design, but questioned what would occur if any of the monitoring turned up results that w~re a concern. Elmstad explained that this might necessitate changing the wind conditions under which application could occur or adding a hypochlorite dosing system through meter,rig pumps. Councilors Laws/Fine m/s to have the panel discussion ~ t, followed by the public input, and the panel to s. h questions. Brown stated that they were available for questions. Reid stated that the panel answering enuneil questions firat might provide information to inform publi~ before taking comment. Roll call vote: Laws, Reid, Hanson, Wheeldon, and Fine, YES. Hauek, NO. Motion passed ~-1. May 16, 2000 Ashland City Council Meeting Page 4 of 9 Panel Addresses Courteft Ouestions Laws questioned Ron Hall of the Health Division regarding tte letter from Mr. Kanffmen of the Health Division, which raised concerns over the potential hazard posed by the ~crosol effect. Laws asked about the Health Division's concern with pathogcns traveling a great distance ,ith little wind, end about the previous statements from Bob Eimstad that pathogen tend to die off when exposure to air end sunlight. Hall noted that all of the concerns of the Health Division have been adequately addressed, end that the primary concern was with the size and trajectory of the "big gun" sprinklers previously proposed. Stated that the Health Division is satisfied that concerns over aerosois have been addressed, end that they feel eny theoretical health risks which might remain would be further ameliorated by using the poplar option. Laws questioned Jon Gesik, of the Medford office oft he Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), about what could be done if the city could not get water to replace that ta,cen from the creek. Laws noted the availability of replacement water may not be decided for some time, as the Bureau of Reclematinn (BOR) feels this will be a p~edent setting ruling for a change of use that could create hureau-wide policy. Gasik stated that the primary concern is to reduce phosphoro0s levels in the st~eem, end explained that the replacement water requirement was part of the Environmenta_ Quality Commission (EQC) ruling as a way to waive biochemical oxygen end dilution requirements. Emphasized that DEQ does not want to be restrictive end limit the replacement water to water rights, as them are meny ways to ~ct more water into the stream. Pointed out that S cubic feet per second could be piped from Emigrant Lake, which is far more then is needed. Suggested that being more water-wise would be enother way to save water. Reid inquired who would have the right to sevad water. AI Cbok, Regional Manager for the Oregon Water Resources Division (OWRD), suggested that water saved once it was in the creek would revert to the state and be available to the next irrigator in line. Discussed the fact thal some of the City's water rights may predate the irrigation district, end therefore take certain BOR issues out dffthe picture. This determination would require looking at the natore of the City' s water rights. Gesik stated his understanding that no one can file for water ~ghts on municipal wastewater, but that laws could chenge. This could meen that in the future, the city would need to continue putting wastewater into the creek to supply water rights. Gasik confirmed that DEQ is a water quality issue first, end e~plalned that DEQ is currently writing TMDL for temperature standards. Discussed previous EQC works to develop TMDL standards, norrag that numeric criteria for temperature have been developed since then. When the TMDLs are prepared, the city will be assigned a waste load allocation for temperature end will be expected to comp'y with that temperature. Noted that this would likely involve a mutual agreement end order between DEQ end the City. Stated that these TMDLs should be released next year. Explained that the TMDLs are put in place for sln~ams that do not meet the 64-degree standard, so that TMDLs vary stream by stream according to how they vary from the standard. Fine questioned Hall regarding his statement that he sees no Iiealth hazards from the new sprinkler designs end that modeling was done based on coliform bacteria, but there are data gaps in applying this modeling to other bacteria's types. Suggest~,'~t that the decline in coliform populations is seen to represent the deeline in other colonies by proxy, but they do not have certain date for all types. Fine questioned Gasik about the 64-degree temperature requirement end whether this is a "movable bar or fixed bar?" Gasik explained that certain standards are reviewed every three years. Temperature was reviewed in 1996, but standards are under challenge from the Oregon Cattlema~ 's Association for being too stringent end from the May 16, 2000 Ashland City Council Meeting Page 5 of 9 National Marine Fishcries Services for being too lax in certain instances. Expressed his belief that the ban is refinements such as adjusting pH requirements for the u~envlronmental conditions found East of the Cascades. Recommendation was made that if tertiary treatment is chosen, there is a conlamination from the consultant that cost figures are based on accurate volumes. Explained that producing a higher quality output will require removal and handling of a larger voleme of solids, which would likely esc~llate costs. Public lnout Evan Archerd/120 N. Second St/Cited concerns with balancing cost and return. Suggested that cost is no longer an issue, as costs ofcemparable facilities in McMinniville, Washington County, and Roseburg are exceeding requirements at a construction cost of $5.7million. These costs reductions are the result of new filtration technoingy. Emphasized that the cost of advanced treatment ~as gone down while the value of the off=site irrigation property has increased to $2 to $2.5 million. Asked that Council do the right thing - sell the land and put the water hack into the creek. Katherine Iverson/1720 N. Mountain Av./Voiced concern With spreading Class B sludge on the land rather than tilling it in. Noted Sanate hearings on the use of sludge and c~ncerns over EPA' s sludge policy. Emphasized th.e conclusion of a report by EPA which states that they cannot assure the public that current land applications ane pwtective of human health and the environment. Hollie Cannon/2779 Camp Baker Rd/Presented a memo on!behalf of the Friends of the Creek that identified hazards with the transfer of water fights from stored irrigatio~ use to in-stream use. Paul Kay/1234 Strawberry Ln/~Vould like overall water resOurce planning to be considered in deciding what to do with the wastewater effluent. Recommended using the hillside for spray irrigation, and designing this to return water to the creek over time. should occur here. Also questioned why the city is not thinkihg of a sewage treatment plant, gave the amount and rate of growth. Karen Rasmussen/IS30 N Mountain Av./Favors membrane~ filtration and returning water to the creek. Suggested that if spray irrigation is desired, it should be done on parks, s~ports fields and campuses. Expressed her disappointment that DEQ did not provide more accurate measurements of how fan water might navel. Feels that there is absence of information on outcomes. Suggested that membrane filtration is a known entity that she can support. Harry Cook/710 River Rock Rd/Noted original health conchs previously raised by the Oregon Health Division having to due with pathogen travel in winds of 2-4 miles per hour, and with disinfection occurring at the bottom of the hill. Questioned how these concerns have been eliminated when the disinfection has not been changed. Ron Hall stated that Mr. Kauffman is still involved in the case, and the original concerns were with aerosol mobilization from the big guns. If that were the method of irrigation, they wanted to see the high quality effluent possible used to begin with. Explained that those concerns have been eliminated with further research and modifications to the plan. Emphasized that they have followed up with state microbiologist and state epidemiologist and available literature, and it has been determined that regrowth might occur and would not likely be pathogenic organisms. Russ Silbiger/562 Ray Ln/Commented that the city has an obligation to put back into the creek what we take out of it. Suggested that a spray irrigation plan is a short term, temporary solution that does not address the need to replace the water in the creek. May 16, 2000 Ashland City Council Meeting Page 6 of 9 Ron Roth/6950 Old Hwy 99S/Does not feel that the city can.consider taking water out of the ereek without replacing that water. Pointed out that the city could be requirL. d to provide irrigation water to those with senior tights. Suggested that there is a need to took at the project from a fisherlea and wildlife enhancement standpoint and swessed the importance of keeping the water in the ereeki He suggested that constructed wetlands be placed on cannot happan, Roth expressed his support of tertiary treatment to keep the water in the creek. Suggested that the City needs to make a formal request through the Govemor's Office to look at the phosphorous requirements given the background levels. Mark Abelle/SS0 Cambridge St/Asked council whether the have the right to spray the citizens with an aerosol of treatment or piping to Mealford. Stated that he favors tertiary!treatment, with wetlands used to address temperature requirements. Lyn Horatemeier/920 Cambridge St/Commented on receiving notification of a neighbor spreading biosolids as a potential hazard. Questioned cost savings in relation to the p~plar planting versus the useful life of a plant. Questioned the city being in the business of farming, and als0 questioned seismic concerns and the need to remove phosphates from the hillside as they build up. Suggested purchasing water from Medford rather than taking it out of the creek in the first place. John Semple/18S Almeda Dr/Noted his confusion with the process and commented that there seems to be no comparable system to make comparisons. Suggested choosing a course of action based on proven methods and doing the right thing. Panel Discussion: based on that figure. ; Gasik stated that he was not familiar with the issue raised by thefine Iverson about congressional hearings on the Class B biosolids. Confirmed that every treatment plant in the nation treats bios01ids, and that in Oregon they are tied into nutrient needs for agronomic benefit. Explained that sites are visited ~nd inspected and that all conditions are taken into account. It was noted that DEQ biosolids expert Paul Kennedy visited the current site, and that he had indicated that topography would make tilling very difficult. Clarified for Reid that they are not aware of any lawsuit involving the Department of Agriculture concerning agronomic use of biosolids. Stated that the current litigation has to do with proposed pratreatmant from a single industrial producer (Praegitzer/Tyco), and has nothing to do With municipal waste being used on farmland. John Warinner of Sylvan Systems stated that he would not ~ommend tilling, but that it would depend on how the site cover vegetation was to be managed. Explained that poplars have a shallow, slow-growing, broad rooted, and tilling could very well be problematic. Suggested that surfec~ application ofbinsolids was appropriate based on cursory evaluation of the site, but that it would require design work specific to the site to verify this. Also noted that Sylvan is flexible with how economics is structured, and :explained that poplar plantations can be designed to use any emount of water within a 2-3 acre feet range. May 16, 2000 Ashland City Council Meeting Page 7 of 9 Shaw questioned the potential effect over-spray might have on organic certification of crops. Ron Hall clarified that the Deparlment of Agriculture is working on criteria for the labeling of organic crops. Stated that he speculated that natural effluent would not be a disquali~er, but the issue Was not under the Health Division's jurisdiction. 547 has two required provisions applicable to the use of reclahned water: 1) consultation with DEQ and ODFW; and 2)addressing a formula driven liability issue the city migllt incur having to do with removing effluent from the sueam after they've lost conwol of it. Bruce Sond, OWRD Assistant Regional Manager, noted that all water rights. in Oregon are "fh'st in time, f~t in would be shut off. Noted that there is historically not enough!water, and that 1950 water rights can be shut off in May. Noted that even a 1852 right has been shut off due to 14ck of water. Sund discussed the adjudication process going on in the Klanlath Basin, which will continue for some time. Noted that if the pre-1909 claims from the Ktamath Basin exceed the amount of water available in Klamath, then that water would no longe~' be available in the Beer Creek basin. $und stated that he would not even attempt to guess at the potential outcome of this adjudication process. Councilore Rald/Hauck m/s to continue the meeting until 10:30 p,m. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. Hanson questioned DEQ Western Regional Water Quality DiStrict Manager Gary Messer's statement that fmer filtration will produce more biosolids to be dealt with. Hansan asked Eimstad to explain the amount of binsolids produced now. Eimstad explained the complexity of this issUe, given that solids are added in the filtration process in the form of aim which is then filtered back out to reduce lhe phosphorous. Suggested that the incremental increase in solids volume would be in the 20-25% range for the higher level of Weatment. Brown clarified that the city produces around 18,000 gallons bf biosolids per day, which is trucked off in liquid form at about 1% solid. Stated that this Wanslates to roughly i~-6 truck loads per day. Shaw asked the panel to address the concerns which have been raised concerning earthquakes and phosphate build up. It was noted that plants will take up phosphates into theil tissues, meaning there will not be a build up. Stated that the earthquake issue would fall to the geologist with Division of Dam Safety. Brown confwmed that the Dam Safety geologist had been to the site. Eimstad stated that another gentechnical specialist had also looked at the site in the value engineering process and presented a report. Warinner explained for Fine that the irrigation proposed for the popular were full-coverage sprinkler heads to yield high value wood. Explained that high value wood will offset:costs to the city. Stated that the sprinkler proposed is optimal from a cost stand point, as smaller heads clog and larger ones throw water too far. Hall explained for Fine that, as a rule, when you take care of pathogenic bacteria, you take care of the viruses as well, Explained further that primary risks involve respiration, which is why there was an aerosol concern. Stated that the health baTard pOsed by aerosol migration is minimizeld by the measures being taken Reid questioned risks posed by chemicals used both as medication and for household cleaners. Panelists noted that ammonia and bleach kill pathogens and in the process of reac~ing with them they are des~oyed. As such, they go away quickly. Other chemicals are looked for in water toxicity testing. Brown explained for Fine that relative to meeting to temperature standards, in a worst case scenario the city would look at mechanical refrigeration to cool effluent. Fine questiOned the impact of refrigeratinn on the Quiet Village area in terms of noise and the appearance of the refrigeration ~nit, and questioned the environmental impacts of using electrical power to cool water for Beer Creek. Eimsted:explained those package chiller units could be May 16, 2000 Ashland City Council Meeting Page 8 of 9 i combined with heat exchangen to chill effluent that could be g:ontalned within a building, but it has never been done. Emphasized that temperature issues are impacting the ~qorthwest due to salmonid species pro~ction, and that Eimstad reiterated that this would not be a good solution, and:suggested weighing costs venus other options. Explained that it all depends on the outcome of the regulatinn~, as an end-of-pipe limit of 64 degrees would mean there would be no evaporative cooling method available. Eimstad emphasized that there are differences between what i~ is going to take to get the sWeam into compliance and what it is going to take to get the ~:ity's effluent into coml~liance with temperature requirements. Eimstud continued by explaining that the temperature discussion will continue for an extended period before Ashland will 'have to chill effluent, and stated that he was ~xying to point out a wont case scenario for council to consider. Gasik noted that tertiary treatment will address the phosphore~s requirement, but stated that temperature is going to be applicable as well. Suggested that irrigation has the edvan~tage of resolving temperature concerns. Stated that the odds are very high that tertiary treatment will address all iSsues except temperature, and the city will need to be prepared to deal with using a temperature correction program! if they ere not using land irrigation. Stated that the water rights issues complicate this issue for Ashland somewhat more than in other municipalities, as it becomes a balancing act between several issues. Reid stated that the city wilt be taking ten times the water from the slream as is being received in water rights from the proparty, and questioned how taking this much water can be a good idea. Bruce Sund stated that the water being returned to the creek is one half of what is being returned, not one tenth. ADJOURNMENT At 10:30 p.m. the meeting was continued to May 19 at 1:00 p.m. Barbara Christensen, City Recorder Catherine M. Shaw, Mayor May 16, 2000.4shland City Council Meeting Page 9 of 9