Council Cham Jbeu~71$~7~East lVlain Street
Mayor Shaw called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
Councilors Laws, Hauck, Hanson, Reid and Fine were present. Staff present included City Administrator Mike
Freeman, City ARomey Paul Nolte and Assistant City Adminiswator Greg Scoles.
Mayor Shaw stated that current City Administrator Mike Freeman had given notice of his intention to leave the city as
of July ~4and that her intent was t~app~int Assisumt City Administrator Greg Sc~~es to this p~siti~n. Shaw explained
that the extensive recruitment process that was conducted two years ago p laced Scoles as the number two selection for
this position. She further explained that Scoles had acted as Interim City Administrator during the five-month process
and would serve as a very strong candidate. She noted that filling the Finance Director position may be difficult in that
applicants may have raservations in not knowing who their bow would be. Shaw noted the accomplishments of Scoles
and his ability to work with the current City Administrator Mike Freeman.
Shaw explained that the previous recruitment for a City Administrator took about seven months and cost approximately
$40,000 along with moving costs associated with the hiring. iShe felt that this is an opportunity to take advantage of
a talented and expericoced candidate who knows and is involk~ed in our community
Shaw brought forward to the council the nomination to appo~t Greg Scoles as City Administrator.
Councilor Wheeldun voiced her concern that this could turn islto a job interview. She felt that we were quite strict on
how we handled employee evaluations and discussions with employees regarding their capabilities. Wheeldon stated
that when you begin to talk about whether or not someone should have a particular job, you come close to talking about
qualifications. She understood that this meeting would be about whether or not to move Greg Scoles into this position.
Councilor Reid felt that this meeting would help to clarify the process for appointing the new City Administrator and
was not an interview process. Councilor Hauck agreed that it may be helpful to new councilors to understand the
Councilor Fine stated that he did not feel comfortable questioning Scoles and that the council had not determined what
qualities or criteria they were looking for to fill the City Administrator position. He indicated that a valid method in
choosing the new administrator would be to make a consider~t decision as group, that the council wants to promote
from within. Fine stated that Scoles is a very good candidate land would make a very good administrator.
Fine explained that he is not persuaded by the fact that a fu~ selection process was done two years ago and is not
impressed of the fact that it would cost money. He feels tha| the cost to conduct a recruitment is 1/20 of 1% of the
organizational budget for the year and it would be a penny Wise and pound foolish to avoid using the best available
methad of finding the right person just to save this cost. He stated that finding someone, not the very best, would cost
a lot more in the long run. He is not impressed that there may be a seven-month time frame as we would be very
capable hands if Greg Scoles is placed in the position as Interim City Administrator. Fine m:luested discussion fi'om
the council on the question of what we arc after and what the city needs. He stated that he would support appointing
Gxeg Scolas if the council was to make a conscience collective decision to do so.
Fine proposed that council describe what they might look for in a candidate, to open the field, to take applications and
then to evaluate the applications against the criteria set by council. He stated that he would support whatever collective
decision is made by the council.
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Councilor Laws commented on the normal process of promoting within and noted the swength and weaknesses that are
involved in conducting a new search for this position or pro~noting within. He commented that there are problems
stated that he has no problems with moving ahead on the app~innnent of Greg Scoles as City Administrator.
Hauck voiced his support for appointing Oreg Stoles as the new City Administrator and noted his participation in the
initial recruitment process. :
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Fine explained that he would be more comfortable if the council had discussion regarding identifying qualifications that
they feel are key and assuring themselves that Scoles has as high a score as possible in relation to these qualifications.
Fine would like to identify how Scoles would be among the most likely applicants and to determine his ability to
implement policy of the council and defer to the values of the community. Reid noted concern that this would lead into
parsoanel issues wouldmove away from the process. Hauck pointed out, that at the time the initial searchwas done,
the council did complete a survey on what they were looking for in a city administrator.
Laws explained that the City Charier does give the Mayor the ~uthority to make a nomination and that it is the Mayor' s
prerogative to decide what the qualifications of the person thar~ is nominated will be. He stated that it is then up to the
council to judge whether they agree or not. Laws stated that M has interviewed Greg Scoles and is satisfied that Scoles
meets all the criteria that is required to fill this position.
Wheeldon felt that this is an opportunity for the council to ncognize that insteed of things dividing the council, that the
council looks for ways that can bring the council together. She felt that there needs to be acknowledgment that the
council does not talk about what they would like to see as a group or larger visions for the city. She would like to
encourage the council to look for opportunities to do this together.
Shaw explained her decision making process in bringing fo: ard Greg Scoles as the nominee for City Administrator
and noted that not only is he a known candidate, but his qua'lir~t:s are also known. She stated that there has been ample
opportunity for community members to call Scolas with any questions regarding the appointment. She felt that to
conduct a recruitment comparable to what was done two years ago would be unnecessary, time consuming and
expensive. Shaw clarified that if she did not feel Scoles was qualified for this position, she would not hesitate in
conducting a nationwide search. She stated that Scolas is an ~xwaordinary candidate who happans to live here.
Th ' ' : . .
Barbara Christensen, City Recorder
Catherine Shaw, Mayor
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