June 6, 2000
Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street
Mayor Shaw called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., in the Civic Center Council Chambers.
Councilors Laws, Reid, Hauck, Hanson, Wheeldon and Fine were present.
The minutes of the regular meeting of May 16 were approved as presented. Approval of the continued meeting minutes
of May 19, 2000 was moved to the June 20 council meeting in order to allow council time to read these minutes.
1. Minutes of Boards, Commissions and Committees.
2. Annual Ambulance Lieens~ Renewal.
3. Annual Liquor License Blanket Approval
4, C~une~~e~n~rmati~n~f~p~mintment~fGregSe~~est~p~siti~n~fCityAdministrat~re~eetiveJu~y~4~
Councilors Reid/Hauck m/s to approve Consent Agenda items #1-3. Voice Vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
Councilors Reid/Fine m/s to approve item 4/4. Roll Call Vote: Laws, Reid, Hauek, Hanson, Whesidon and Fine,
YES. Motion passed.
1. Public heating to consider adoptinn of the budget.
OPEN: 7:07 p.m.
CLOSED: 7:08 p.m.
City Administrator Mike Freeman clarified that with the passage of the County Library Levy the ending balance was
increased $1,000.
Shaw explained that both the Library/Fire Station Levy and the Recreation Levy were incorporated into the proposed
budget that was reviewed, which is why you do not see a change in the final proposed budget. She further explained
that the library expansion stays within the city budget because the county is granting the city the $5.9 million.
Tax rates were clarified indicating that the Youth Activity Levy rate increased $0.38 per thousand as compared to the
prior levy of $1.00 per thousand, the Library Levy rate decreased $0.15 per thousand with the passage of the county
library levy, and the Fire Station Levy is $0.24 per thousand. The total rate per thousand for the city, which also
includes the General Fund, Parks and Recreation Fund, Water Bond Levy and Flood Restoration Levy, is $5.4890 per
Sophia McDonald/210 California St # A/Representative ~'om Associated Students of Southern Oregon University gave
brief update of campus activities. She introduced Tamara Henderson who will replace her as the Communication
Taman Rue Hendereon/132 S Mountain Av. #3/Introduced herself as the new Communication Director ~'om
Southern Oregon University (SOU).
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City Council Regular Meeting 6-06-2000
Lyn Horstemeier/920 Cambridge St/Spoke regarding the taftTic in the Quiet Village area and concern regarding the
speed bumps on Oak Street. She suggested that the bumps be removed permanently and to place a stop sign at Nevada
with radar detectors m remind drivers of their speed.
Mayor Shaw noted that she had lived on Oak Street for 17 years and that it is not a ~xd~.,,,.;,~,sigla to have a police
car sitting on their street on a daily basis with a rndar gun. Commented that she did not believe it was the intent of the
neighborhood to redirect traffic. She stated that the reduction of traffic hao a.&ct~d n nice mnl:i,nce ta Oor'
ha: allov~04 in~l ulacd pcdcBttinB k.aTt~. She explained that there is awareness that the bumps are not as presented in
the literautre and the city is continuing to try to f'md a solutic~q. Laws noted that the Traffic Safety Commission is
bringing forward a recommendation to the council regarding the sU~"t bumps.
Joe Charter/220 N Oakdale St, Medford, OR 97~01/Charter spoke regarding a proposal to put in five aggregate pits
on Dead Indian Memorial Road. He suggested that if the council would like to have input to the county commissioners
regarding this proposal a meeting could be arranged. He stated that there are environmental impacts that could affect
our community. He explained that the gas pipeline runs closely along the area where one of the pits is being proposed.
Councilors Wheeldon/Fine m/s to piece the item on a future agenda for council discussion. Voice vote: All AYE~
Motion passed.
Erle Nav ickas/7 11 Faith Av./Brought forward a draft letter regarding the Ashland Downtown Historic District and how
out of character the Welis Fargo Bank building is. Requested that the council endorse the letter addressed to Wells
Fargo Bank urging them to renovate the building or subdivide the lot for additional commercial space.
Shaw stated that she would be willing to send the leaer out to key locations and noted that because this is not a Historic
Building, they do not qualify for benefit that is provided for being in a Historic District.
Councilor Reid commented that the building will qualify in ten years and will be considered an untouched example of
1960's architecture. Reid cautioned that twenty years from now this building could be viewed differen~y than it is
Wheeldon commented that she would like to forward this item to staff and hear their ideas on how this could be done.
Laws suggested that this be referred to the Historic Commission. Council concurred.
1. Council meeting Look Ahead.
Noted that there will be no July 4 meeting and that the item regarding the prnpased aggregate pit re-zoning will be
placed on the agenda for the June 20t" meeting.
2. Request f~r appr~v~~ ~f banner and bun~ngs re~~tod t~ the ~pening ~f the Univeraity~s Center f~r Visua~
Wheeldon commented on a speaker that spoke on traffic calming, streetscape and sweet reclaiming. She stated l~at one
of the points the speaker made had to do with the idea of treating streets like rooms instead of corridors. She explained
that the intent is to give you a sense that you are in a place and calm things down. Wheeldon stated that she supports
encouraging banners and other ideas that give a sense of something happening.
Councilors Laws/Reid m/s to approve the request Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed.
3. Oregon Shakespeare Festival Lease Agreement
City Administrator Mike Freeman noted that Exhibit B was previously available and was handed out this evening for
council information.
Paul Nicholson presented the lease document to the council for their approval and stated that the agreement addresses
the man y recommendations, concerns and suggestions that were raised by the council and the OS F board mereben. He
emphasized that OSF recognizes that any motion that the council adopts does not give approval for the project as it
stands because it has not gone through the planning process. The lease would become effective upon approval of the
project and planning actions.
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City Council Regular Meeting 6-06-2000
Nicholson stated that the OSF Board is willing to go on record as being willing to consuk with the city council if there
is a desire to significantly change the way they are using their venues. He explained that the Black Swan Theater is not
being considered a primary venue, but that the Angus Bower, Elizabethan Theater and the new theater are seen as
primary venues. He stated that the OSF Board will come to council only when it becomes a primary performing space.
Reid commented that she is not prepared to say how many theaters should be built in the City'of Ashland.
City ARomey Paul Nolte clarified that on page 3, item 5(e), the section referred to shouM be section 14 not 12.
Nicholson explained that the lease has been written to state that OSF will develop, operate and maintain the parking
structure. He stated that after the various elements have been paid off in terms of operating costs, maintenance costs,
and reimbursement costs, that anything other than these would be the city's responsibility.
Wheeldon commented that, with the way the lease is written now, it would take the city completely out of the ability
to use this component. She suggested that these fees could be a revenue source or a way that the city leverages different
Laws stated that one of the things that the Parking Transit Transportation Committee discussed is the need for incentives
and disincentives to be used in Wjing to bring about the type of transportation results that we would like to see in the
city. He suggested that the council consider some type of incentive or disincentive to redirect the parking in different
times of the year or to different groups. Laws felt that in order to have flexibility for use of the parking facility, the city
needs to retain conl~ol. He proposed that the city should own the parking lot and that OSF should build the parking lot,
but a provision should be included in the lease that says that the city will pay OSF for construction and structural
enforcement of a third level.
Shaw commented on information provided by an outside source who indicated that parking garages are very expensive
to maintain. She noted that these facilities not only are expenSiVe to maintain, but that people also have a tendency to
not feel safe in multi-layered parking lots.
Reid questioned if the city had formally requested a third story to the parking facility and voiced her concern that this
could become ton vertical, and too negative a space. She commented on her support of new parking lots that have an
open environment to there.
Nicholson explained that OSF had originally anticipated two levels, but by slightly adjusting the grades, it allowed a
third level He stated that OSF felt that after meeting with the Transit Transportation and Parking Committee (TTP) it
seereed appropriate to consider a way to provide additional psrking.
Laws restated his suggestion that the city should maintain ownership, including the responsibilities for the parking lot
in order to give the city the greatest flexibility in terms of managing our Wansportation and parking problem in the city.
He feels that if this is turned over to OSF, the city will lose that maximum flexibility.
Nicholson explained that the lease currently states that OSF will conlrol parking revenue, but that they would anticipate
collaborating and working with the 'FIll' Committee. He stated that the OSF Board is willing to go either way in regards
to ownership.
Freeman explained that the reason the language was placed in the lease is because there was anticipation of some type
of parking management that would impact how this facility would be managed. Wheeldon stated that "consultation"
is not a strong enough.
Wheeldon voiced her concern in protecting the city from making a commiwnent to payback anything before the
maintenance and operation costs are considered.
Nicholson stated that to not consider building the third level would be a lost opportunity for the city in pwviding
additlonalparkingspaces. WheeldonhasbeenlonkingattheedditionalparkingastheOSF'scontributiontotheoverall
parking obligation in the city. ShefeltthatthiswasahugeconlrthutlonbyOSFtowardtheamountoftrafficganeration
that happens and she had not given a lot of thought to the intermediate level being a trade-off.
Reid noted that there is talk of putting storefronts facing Hargadine Street rather than parking. She felt that if this were
to happen it would affect the number of parking spaces on the upper level. Reid noted that parking spaces could be
gained, or lost, during the pining process.
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City Council Regular Meeting 6-06-2000
Shaw asked the council how they would like to amend Section 14 of the lease agreement. Reid stated that she would
agree with Laws, that it should be city owned. Council discussed the removing Section 14 from the lease agreement.
It was noted that if this were removed, OSF would want some kind of guarantee of reimbursement for the costs
associated with strengthening of the stnlcture and would require staff input on how this could be done.
Laws stated that he would prefer that staff be allowed to work out the changes mentioned and then to bring the amended
lease back to the council for approval. Shaw requested that the council continue to work out the issues at this meeting
and move toward approving the lease in concept.
Nolte felt that there could be an agreement in concept as to what the language should be and to move forward with staff
draRing the lease for signature without it coming back to council
Wheeldon not comfortable with not knowing what the revenue is going to be and is not sure where this information is
going to come from. She stated that if the city is going to be the owner and cover operation and maintenance it cannot
be taxpayer supported.
Council continued discussion on the pros and cons of the city owning the parking lot versus OSF owning the parking
lot. Included in this discussion was, if the city owned the parking lot, how OSF would be reimbursed for the expense
related to building and strengthening of the third level stoictore. The council continued to discuss how expenses related
to operation and maintenance would be covered over and above the reimbursement costs to OSF. Nicholson suggested
an agreement that the expense could be reimbursed on an incremental basis over an agreed number of years.
The council discussed the issue of parking fees for the proposed parking lot and how they are imposed depending on
who had ownership. The comment was made that if the city owns the parking lot, there is a chance that the public may
not agree to paid parking and that would affect the revenue source intended to cover the reimbursement and operation
and maintenance costs. Concern was raised on the possibility that the parking lot could be built, incur operation and
maintenance expense, but no one used it to the level that is expected. It was clarified that the expense would only be
incurred if a three-level parking structure is built and the question was raised on if the decision tu build the third level
needs to be made at this time.
The council indicated general consensus that they wish for the city to maintain ownership of the parking lot and that
there will be an incremental level, should the parking structure make it through the planning action process and be
approved. The council continued discussion on how the incremental level would be paid for by city government.
Hauck stated that if the city is requesting something that is beyond what is necessary for the project, it should be
reimbursed. Laws gave a brief history of prior discussions regarding the proposed parking structure. He stated that
initially the park ing structure was going to be t~vo tevels and was going to increase the number of parking spaces beyond
what was going to be lost with the new theater by a small, but significant number. Then, with the preliminary
negotiation with the planning deparunent and Ionking at city ordinances, the number decreased considerably. At this
time, the idea of a third level was considered which would create additional parking beyond the original number.
Laws felt that there is no question that individuals would use the additional parking lot and does not see this as a
pr~b~eminsecuringadditi~na~revenuet~supportthe~perati~nandmaintenancef~rthethird~eve~. Finesuggestedthat
if the city did not in~pose parking fees, that OSF be given a preference, al~r operation end maintenance expanses are
covered from parking fees, that the lot be available for theater patrons parking during festival.
Community Development Director John McLaughlin clarified that other than landscaping the city cannot impose
requirements on what faces the street. Nicholson stated that they have had conversation with Doug Neuman in regards
to the parking lot and how it related to the Hotel section. McLaughlin clarified that the Ashland Municipal Code does
not require any parking in the downtown core and that is only a negotiation between the city and OSF.
Councilore Wheeldon/Hanson m/s that a thjrd level become a part of the parking configuration. Roll Call Vote:
Laws, Wheeldon, Fine, Reid, Hauck and Hanson, YES. Motion passed.
Councilors Hauck/Hansun m/s that the city bear the difference of the incremental level over the two levels.
DISCUSSION: Wheeldon requested that there be a more quali~er ns she does not feel it is a good way to present
it and suggested that payback over a number of yeare be included. Laws suggested that we agree in concept and
then ask staff to work on alternative ways to fund and how long it would take. He clarified that OSF has
proposed to pay for two levels and that unh~s the city indicates that they would reimburse OSF for the third level,
City Council Regular Meeting 6-06-2000 Page 4 of 9
there is no obligation on OSF to buiM the third level. Council discussed how the structure could be used for
alternative reasons, in the case that it was not used for parking, which would fund the expenses associated with
the structure. Nolte explained that the current lease states that the expenses are paid out of parking fees and if
sufficient parking fees are not generated it is at OSF's risk. Roll Call Vote: Laws, Wheeldon, Fine, Reid, Hauck
and Hanson, YES. Motion passed.
Councilors Laws/Fine m/s that the city pay the cost of reinforcing the structure for the third level Laws,
Wheeldon, Fine, Reid, Hauck and Hanson, YES. Motion passed.
Nolte requested clari~cat'lon on if the parking structure is part of the lease. He stated that the city could require them
to build without it being subject to the lease. Shaw suggested that an understanding be included in the lease that the
parking would be developed pursuant to the council directlye. She also made a suggestion that the parking be pulled
out of the lease and a separate ag~ement drafted with language for the parking structure from the council that indicates,
that should this be approved by the planning commission, that the council would like to strike an agreement if OSF
would add an additional layer to the parking lot, that the air space would be moved over and reserved for city purposes
and is silent on any fees or charges.
Nicholson agreed with the suggestion of a separate agreement, but noted that there is a small piece of the parking
structure that has a piece of the proposed theater on it.
Laws feeis that the wording of the lease needs to be changed and that the council should be directing staff with their
concepts for the changes, and then staff can bring back the redrafted lease agreement for council approval.
The council had discussion on the need for restrooms in this facility and it was noted that the city has complete conlrol
over the air space and may want to work with OSF during the construction period for any underground work that may
be done at this time.
Laws recommended that instead of the wording in the lease of "3 consecutive 25 year leases", that "75 years" be
referenced. He stated that the city has no choice as to whether there is a second or third year lease and that OSF has the
power to pull out at any time. Nolte explained that usually in a lease if the lessee wants to get out there are penalties,
but because the proposed lease with OSF has no consideration between the parties there is no difference for this
Councilors Laws/Wheeldon m/s to reword the lease agremment to indicate one 75 year lease. Roll Call Vote:
Laws, Wheeldon, Fine, YES; Reid and Hauek, NO; Hanson out of room. Motion passed 3-2.
Nicholson clarified for the council that on page 2 under "Use of Property", that the highlighted language is from lease
and is not new.
Laws brought forward for discussion, under item 13 page 5, that the city has the fight and responsibility in determining
what is the best use for this space with due consideration given to OSF. Nolte pointed out that it may not be necessary
to reserve the air space because the city has complete conlrol of the facility. Nolte suggest~l that the language should
state that before the city develops its air space it will give due consideration to OSF. The council discussed the need
for OSF to have input on what is developed in the proposed air space. Nolte clarified that what the lease says is that
if someone approaches the city to do a project, which the city is willing to go along with, the lease would give OSF the
right to step in and say that they want to something that is even better for the city than what is being contemplated. He
explained that who decides what is better is vague and could be a problem for future councils if the two parties cannot
agree. Nicholson requested that languag~ be included in the lease to the effect that if the airspace is developed that OSF
has due consideration to minimize impacts.
The council requested that section 13 be redrafted with the previous mentioned issues and concerns taken into
consideration, and then brought back to council for approval,
4. Consideration of a contract extension wRh Moss Adams, LLP, Certified Public Accountants for
municipal audit services.
Interim Finance Director Greg Scoles explained that the Audit Committee recommendation was to extend the contract
for two additional years. Scoles clarified that the proposed contract changes that are before the council would have no
effect on the consideration of extending this contract.
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City Council Regular Meefmg 6-06-2000
Councilors Laws/Hauck m/s to approve the contract extension for audit services. Voice Vote: All AYES. Motion
5. Request for Annexation and Extension of City Sewer Services to 1209 Park Street (Tax Lot 391EISDD
Public Works Director Paula Brown explained that the property owner is in favor of the annexation sod that because
this is a city-desired annexation, the city would incur all expenses associated with the annexation.
Councilors Reid/Wheeldon m/s to approve request. Voice Vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
6. Approval of Property Acquisition under the Park and Recreation Department's Open Space Program
for Parks and Water Quality lmprovemenS.
Public %Vorks Director Paula Brown explained that this would help with water quality improvements, that the Parks
Department is willing to put this into the Open Space Plso sod that this is something that the council has been asking
for with the trail connections.
Councilors Reid/Wheeldon m/s to approve proparty acquisition. Voice Vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
1. Reading by title only of 'A Resolution adopting the Annual Budget and Making Appropriations.'*
Councilors Wheeldon/Hauck m/s to approve Resolution #2000-012. DISCUSSION: Reid noted her past
unwillingness to vote in favor of adopting the budget du, to the exclusion of the Tolman Creek project, but
because the Tolman Creek project is a topic for the next study session, she was willing to vote in favor of adopting
the budget. Roll Call vote: Reid, Wheeldon, Laws, Hanson, Hauck and Fine, YES. Motion passed.
2. Reading by title only of "A Resolution Declaring the City's Election to Receive State Revenues."
Councilors Hauck/L4tws m/s to approve Resolution #2000013. Roll Call Vote: Fine, Wheeldon, Hanson, Hauck,
Reid and Laws, YES. Motion passed.
First reading of "An Ordinance Levying Taxes for the period of July 1, 2000 to and including June 30,
2001, such taxes in the sum of $6,735,000.00 upon all the real and personal property subject to
assessment and levy within the corporate limits of the City of Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon.*'
City Administrator Mike Freemso noted that the rate for the Fire Station Bond should be .2405 as there is a mistake in
the table. It was also noticed that the Fire Station Bond description should be the year 2000 not 1997.
Councilors Hauck/Wheeldon m/s to approve first reading with changes to be brought back for second reading
of the ordinance. Roll Call Vote: Laws, Reid, Hauck, Hanson, Wheeldon and Fine, YES. Motion passed.
First reading by title only of "An Ordinance Revising Competitive Bidding Requirements in Chapter
2.50 of the Ashland Municipal Cede Entitled "Local Public Contract Review Board."
Councilors Hauck/Wheeidon m/s to approve first reading and pass on to second reading. DISCUSSION: Laws
noted that there had been discussion regarding damage to or interruption of essential services and Fine clarified
that the current wording made the point that he had previously raised.
Roll Call Vote: Fine, Laws, Hauck, Wheeldon, Reid and Hanson, YES. Motion passed.
Reading by title only of 'A Resolution Adopting Rules Exempting Certain Classes of Contracts from
Competitive Bidding, Permitting Requests for Proposals and Repealing Resolution LCRB 93-35.
Marry Levine/2122 Creek Avenue/Chairperson for the Audit Committee/Levine noted that the Audit Corfmxittee
had considered the Auditor' s recommendation to create a cenlralized database of conlracl information. Levine stated
that currently, there is a lack of uniformity and control, sod suggested that putting a database in place would provide
a degree of uniformity. He recognized that design sod implementation might well be handled by the Finance
Department, but recommended that so individual independent fi'om Finance and Administration manage the database.
City Council Regular Meeting 6-06-2000 Page 6 of 9
Levine emphasized that the Audit Committee had voted unanimously to place the responsibility for oversight of the
database and preparation of regular reports to council in the City Recorder' s office. He explained that the Recorder has
the requisite independence combined with daily involvement in the accounting systems of the city, and emphasized that
this would avoid any perception of a conflict of interest. He stated that the Recorder could make a report to the Audit
Committee, and that the Committee could meet quarterly to review that report along with quarterly f'mancial statements
and report to the Council.
Levine clarified that he was speaking tonight because Council had previously requested that he wait until staff had
prepared their recommendations. He stated that his belief was that the Council wented to have input fi'om the Audit
Committee on staffs proposal before making a final decision.
Councilors Fine/Hanson moved to direct staff to amend s~ction six on page four of this resolution to take into
account the recommendations of the Audit Committee. DISCUSSION: Shaw suggested leaving the resolution
as submitted, with contract review either by the Finance Director's or with the City Attorney, as a staff member
working directly for the Council.
City Administrator Freeman stated his belief that this function shouM remain with the Finance Director, and
noted his concern that the City already has an unusual chaffer and is moving toward spreading the authority and
responsibility for day-to-day functions between many parties.
Shaw expressed concern with the appearance that the council does not have trust in the Finance Director, even
if their intent is merely to avoid a perceived conflict of interest. Levioe clerifietl that at the time this matter was
being considered by the Audit Committee, there was a good deal of publicity about the handling of contracts.
He stated that adopting the Audit Committec's recommendations would address that issue.
Council discussed the duties of the City Recorder.
Reid suggested that regardless of who administers the database, it should remain open and accessible. Freeman
noted that the Auditor's recommendation had to do with needing to be able to audit contracts easily, and
suggested that some difficulty arises from the decentralization of duties. Freeman stated that the Audit
Committee was going beyond the Auditor'S recommendation in making this proposal.
Laws suggested that maintaining the database being discussed is not an auditing function, but is in fact record
keeping. Laws noted that he had no problem keeping this function in Finance, and emphasized that wherever
this duty rests, it would remain a record keeping function rather than an evaluative one. Freeman explained that
the Finance Director l~ responsible for evaluating whether procedures are followed and emphasized that this is
already being done. Freeman stated that adding more steps would only make the process more difficult.
Acting Finance Director Grq Seoles explained that record-keeping fonetions could be best handled through
Finanze's EDEN management information system, which tracks purchase orders and contracts. Seolas concurred
with Freeman that the Finance Director is responsible for evaluating contracts to see that proper procedure are
followed. Freeman clarified that the EDEN contract database module is not yet up and running, but stated that
since the Auditor's recommendations, internal procedure have been modified and all contracts are being kept
in one file until they can be entered into a database.
Levine explained that all he is recommending is that, given public concern over the handling of contracts, the
Recorder as an elected official should have access to the database of contracts in order to make a report to the
Audit Committee. Laws suggested exploring a compromise, with the report done in Finance for periodic review
by the Audit Committee. He stated that there has to be faith in the accuracy of the records handled by the
Finnnee Director.
Reid cleftfled that Laws was requesting a Finance administered database with quarterly reports to the Audit
Committee. Hauck stated that he had no problem with this, but suggested that it be handled as a policy matter
outside of the resolution.
Freeman recommended preparing a quarterly report for council to go along with the quarterly ~nanciais. Reid
noted that she does not want to see these reports, and stated that the Audit Committee is a group of exports who
havetheskilisandexpericnceforthistypeofrovicw. Frcemanemphasizedthatthisrevicwisoneofthedutlas
of the Auditor.
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City Council Regular Meeting 6-06-2000
Shaw emphasized that the Finance Director is paid to ensure that these contract records ace properly kept, and
stated that there is also a paid Auditor to review record keeping. Shaw asked that the people who are paid be
allowed to do their jobs.
The motion and second were withdrawn.
Reid suggested passing the resolution as presented, and reviewing it in one year.
Laws noted that the Audit Committee was originally appointed because the councilors lacked accounting backgrounds.
He suggested that the original intent in appointing the Audit Committee was that they could spot any red flags that the
council might not see.
Councilors Fine/Laws m/s to extend the meeting until 10:30. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
Laws suggested that having the Audit Committee meet to review quarterly financial statements and make any
recommendations they have to the Council would be the best way to take advantage of the group's expertise. Levine
noted that the Committee already receives the quarterly raperrs, and stated that holding quarterly meetings would merely
forrealize their review. Levine agreed that this could be discussed at a later date with the resolution approved as it now
Councilors Reid/Hauck m/s to adopt Resolution #2000-014. Roll call vote: Wheeldon, Hauck, Fine, Hanson, Laws,
and Reid, YES. Motion passed.
Reading by title only of "A Resolution Readopting and Amending the City of Ashland's Rules for
Screening and Selection of Persons to Perform Personal Services and Repealing Resolution 94-21."
Councilors Hauck/Wheeidon m/s to adopt Resolution #2000-015.
Councilors Fine/Hauck m/s to amend the resolution to insert the word "essential" before "services" in section 1,
the next to the last line.
Councilor Laws/Fine m/s to amend section 1.1 relative to revising scope of service, to add that if the Iowast east
proposal is not accepted, a written reason for accepting a higher proposal would be kept on record. Upon review,
noted that this section was in a diffecent resolution.
Voice vote on Fine's proposed amendment: All AYES. Motion passed.
Roll call vote on the amended resolution: Reid, Wheeldon, Hanson, Fine, Hauck, and Laws, YES. Motion passed.
Reading by title only of "A Resolution Certifying that the City Provides Sufficient Municipal Services
to Qualify for State Subventions.'
Councilors Fine/Wheeidon m/s to adopt Resolution #2000-016. Roll call vote: Reid, Fine, Laws, Hauck, Hanson,
and Whecidon, YES. Motion passed.
First reading by title only of 'An Ordinance Amending Sections 15.04.210, 15.04.212, 15.04.214,
15.04.216, 15.04.218 and 18.72.040 of the Ashland Municipal Code to Simplify the Requirements for the
Demolition and Moving of Structures."
Councilors Reid/Hauck m/s to move the ordinance to second reading. DISCUSSION: Reid questioned whet
brought about these changes. Nolte noted that there wece some problems that came up with the first few
demolitions that came before the committee.
Reid questioned why those who had proposed the ordinance were not present. Wheeldon explained that this was
simply an effort to make the ordinance applicable to some other scenarios that might arise. Nolte confirmed that
the changes ace true to the original goal of the ordinance, and give the city a chance to review demolitions befoce
they happen.
City Council Regular Meeting 6-06-2000 Page 8 of 9
Laws voiced a philosophical objection to attempting to get around state laws preventing the prohibition of
demolition of historic structures, and suggested that this ordinance would not stand up in Court. Suggested that
under the council's oath of office, they have pledged not to violate state law and he feels that the City is doing just
that with this ordinance. Laws also stated that unde~ section 15.04 demolition/relocationstandards for buildings
more than 45 years old, "economically beneficial use" must be defined if it is to be a standard.
Wheeldon stated that the purpose of the ordinance is to raise awareness and allow for some review, and suggested
that she does not want more speci~city in 15.04. Wheeldon stated that this allows for a proem to oceur, but also
allows for some discretion. Laws disagreed. Fine stated that he does not agree with Laws' interpretation, and
noted that staff members Nolte and McL4mghlin recommended "economically beneficial use" wording as there
is a good deal of case law having to do with land use.
Nolte concurred that be had recommended this wording, but agreed with Laws that the applicant for a demolition
will have to show that the building to be demolished would have no value if the building were to remain.
Concurred with Laws that if the applicant were not able to show this, they would not be able to tear down the
Roll call vote: Wheeldon, Reid, Hauck, and Fine, YES. Laws and Hanson, NO. Motion passed
Reid asked that the Tolman Creek Road plan b~ provided to the council.
Meetlag was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Barbara Chrlstensen, City Recorder
Catherine M. Shaw, Mayor
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City Council Regular Meeting 6-06-2000