HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-0522 Parks & Rec. MIN City of Ashland PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING "MII~UTES May 2OO0 ATTENDANCE: Present: Absent: Ted Coppeelge, JoAnna Eggerd, Sally Jones. Rick Landt, Laude Council Liaison Don Laws, DireCtor Ken Mickelsen ' None CALL TO ,ORDER MaoG raw, ADDITIONS or DELETIONS TO THE AG END/~ ' ' · ' * SChool class interested in group under Public Partictpaticn. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. ReoularMeeting-A~d124~2000 Meeting as written. Cornmisdoner Jones The vote was: 4 yes - 1 abstain (Landt) mlnutes0f th~ 24; 2000 Regular B. SpeoialMeeting-Apri117.2000 !' Co,,,, .~lMioaer Jones made a motion to applove tie minutes of tie April 17, 2000 Special Meeting as ,mitten.. Commissioner Eggera elteOonded. The vote wae:'4yes - 1 abstain 6-andt) C. Sl~dalMeeting-Mav3.2000 Comrnisdoaer Eggere mede et'rnotion to aplFove. the Meeting as written. Conm Jones seconded. The vote was: 5 yes - O no ~' ' minutes of tie May 3, 2000 Special III. PUBUC PARTICIPATION present with two students to gain the Comrnisslon's approva to nojUde student crafted mosaic tiles into Ihe,peti whioh rUM tirough Triangle Park; Ms; DeV0m e)q~lalned that because it was so dose to tie end of the school ye~fr~ tie 'classroom'was plannirfg (o have the project extend over two schod years, witi me ties themsekies being created this next fall. Slqe,.',s~id' that t was quite an aocompltshment far the;students to take on such a Iong-te~'n project in tiat some of them would be graduating this yetr, some would attend the class again next year, and a few new students would be added to the class. Regular Meeting - May 22, 2000 Ash and Parks and Recrsaticn C.,~mmiSsion Page 2 of 5 own tiles, the plan had been modified so thst the graphics themselves would be made from broken tiles which had been made for inabStrial use. The mosaics made from the broken tile would then be imbedded into concrete blocks. She said that this decision had been made because there would be more consistency and durability in the mosaic tile pieces than if the students had made the tiles themselves. she said that over the summer she would be applying for a grant to purohasa the tiles. ~ Commissioner MacGrew inquired whether Or not the project would be able to proceed if Ms. DeVote was not able to obtain a grant for purchase of the tiles. Ms. DeVore said that it would use during all kinds of wimther. Cornmissi er MacGrew asked whether or not the design work within Ashland" as previously eelectec~. by tl'le students. She said that final designs would be completed at the beginn!ng of the new schaol year. The students presented · simple diagram of how the formed cement tiles would be imbedded into the path. By consensus, Commissioners expressed support for the proje,3t in concept and authOrized · The Width of the path - It was noted that ~e existing path is three feet wide which is sub- standard by city standards today. Howelver, because of the histodo nature of the park, Commissioners did not express an interest in broadening the path to afull five feet but staff was asked to consider making It wide enough to aa~ommodate wheetohaks. · The cost of reconstructino the oOb - Although the classroom would assume the cost of the cement blocks which would include the t los, if the pathway were replaced this coming year, that cost would need to come from the Departments existing budget. Repltldng the path had not been specifically budgeted for this coming year. Staff was eked to bdng a cost estimate beck to the Commission this fall to determine whether or not It could be added to the existing general maintenance budget or ff a trade-off with anoffier project would be needed if the project were to be undertaken in FY 2000-2001. · ADDrOVal Of OubliC "artwork" - As the finished project would represent a work of public art, by consensus, Commissioners agreed that as the entity responsible for what was placed in Ashland's public parks. the Commission Would. need to approve the final designs for the blocks which would be placed In the Ms. DeVora said that beth a semite of ~e materials and the final individual designs for the and, that staff would develop a cost estimate and suggestions of where the project could fit into the budget in FY 2000-2001 if the Comrqissi0n chose hsve the project immediately implemented. Regular Meeting - May 22, 2000 Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission : ~ Plige 3 of 5 Vw MOTION UNFINISHED BUSINESS Commissioners having reads staff memorqndum dated;Niy*16, 2000 relkted, to :the selection of a facilitator for the public process on athletic.field lighting, Commissioner MacGrow made a motion to authorize staff to move forward to'contract with Keri Green and Associates as outlined. Commissioner Landt seconded. , Commissioner Coppedge said that she could support the motion but wanted to state that she VI. NEVV BUSINESS Pumh~e of orooenv ,fo~0~ ~ I ~ Land Aeq~m~ Pml~Wr0 ":: A~ullon P~ram, ~ir i~mw e~ ~e ~m~ssl~ ~r ~ nct ~ ~ like to take a~ re~ to pumha~ of ~is p~. Commissioner Eggere mid that allhough she could support the purchase of this specjf, k~ piece of property, she haS sume oorlmml.~mtX~. mipeotm Fimt. ~ wheaever It'li~ to putdmseapatt~ ~f~tl~it~n~anethml:monlee:T~n~beilelnthe .... ,., th.'m she qqeationed U~ng ofWn eWioe m to pur~haee pn:Wm~ for aPUb~ Wi0d el~rrn drain project. . -' ! ~- ". ' Council Unison Don Lavv~ commented that lbe Open ~ Pingminis a' Joint, CoUncil and Parks endsavor. It was not criglnelly Intended for just re~reational or aesthetic purposes. AIt~gh n4X:~oeeJdrtg to this padioular pieel of property, he said thafin hle"oplhlon the proposed uae of thl~.prolqetty.fltl,Well into the o~e~l Intent of th~ pr~rahq! C, omrnlssloner Lelnclt sakl that beceWas: ~ gammdm piece ot property would be uasd for a Coedructed wetlands, allhough there WIre Klom4or i~, he believed thet It was stwwwhat different from millzing monies to preservedpariah ereeeend wellandS. ~ ' MOTION purche, se 0f~the. prop~=bjt~ w~vld add, a tf~dl llnkage4~lween twO~hkmi l~ods. Stating sup~ for purebase ~ the~properly, Corn r Jom~ laid that eti felt that it would create Commissioner ~_rTmdenmotion~to reoommend to the Oily Council!that the property be purchased under ~ ~ ~pace/ParkLand At~lulslllon Program a~ outlined in the staff memorandum dated May .15, 200~.~.! Commlelioner Jones e4monlted.' , Commlsslon~..r Eggere .cim'ified thatcreating a settling pond means that perlodica!ly equipment will need to eQrne in to deanout the ssdlmerlt. whlch has acouff~ ated DitectorMickelsen concurred indicating that the process will be similar to what will be done with thesettling pond created for Beach Creek at N. Mountain Park. VII. MOTION IX. Regular Meeting - May 22, 2000 Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission . Page 4 of 5 Purehaas of ProDerr for Open SPace - conlinued Commissioner Landt said that there are a lot of good reasons to 'do this but~he was 'mill hesitant for the following reasons: It is not included on the original open space plan, it's only about two blocks from anothm' peek, and the purohesi. Of this property Would G'~eate a qittle chink' in the limited funds available f!~r.lxirCt'mse of proftarty ln the future.! ' ,The vote was: 5 yes - O no COMMUNICATIONS and STAFF REPORTS A: CotVltpi,'~ondDoleandnelJ;}arriefbetw YMC~OifvPark;a Ashle~remrdenADartments oonfirrnation that the Commission chase touROva forward with the construction of a barder consisting of poles and neffing to solve the problem of having arrant soccer hells leave YMCA City Park and go onto Ashley Garden Apartment property. He said that the ~stimatad cost is between five and nine thousand dollars. Commissionm'.~ nW. de :a rnotbn R mOVe folward wilh the I~arrier poles and .netting as pmviously~{)qm~med endprapoeed. Commlsslmer'Obppedge seoom~cl." : Thevofewae:Syee':-O:rm ITEMS. FROM COMMISSIONERS A. C, on kmer, ' ; t had .been asked to eerve en.the ne~fornt~ ~omrffittoe'felated to how the ,SchO~ District will u~e tl)e YAL rnonlea wh,k~h~nve been reeermyapprOved by (he voters, Stating thkt he would like to sham a little input, he said that his main concern was that them would be s{~ne equivalence in how the monies are distributed between boys and gifts when it comes to ail(x',ating monies for emmh sports programS; In resp0n~sefto an inquiry by a(xnmlsioner Ceppedge, Director Mlckelsen said that the contract between the School Dtstrk}t and City st~.whatIkindll~aotlvltles areto be offered but it doe~ not s!lpulate how the monies are to bedislli~ed. He said thaflt was'his understanding that the {X~/Tm~ittee no whlch Commisdoner MaoGraw N been asked to s~'ve wiil'be making a recommendation to the ,S~K}OI Board. "' ; Commislioner MaoGra,,~ said that ~she webomed tile thougMe of individual. Commissioners on the toPlo !m(I.e. aked If af~qei oile had thou~thev/qe~0Uld like to'exp~. 'Commissioner Landt said that the quaalien of equivalence was,very ImportaRt to him il'nd that ib one of the reasons that he chase to make his m 1o her:In a public meeting. Commissioner Jones said that she would like to also usa the public venus to take Commissioner Landt's .comments one step further saying that because of Title 9, as far as fedelallw goes; any pubffc monies coming into the school system needs to silosated 50/50 befwee~ 5dys and gills. Commissioner Egge~s clamanted that she felt that'the corfmrdt~de was going'to be *very helpful related to confidence building in the community. She said that she would like for sOmeone at same point in time to know what percentage~of the studert~ldopulatlon actUally benefits from YAL monieS, and, whether or not the monies could be rfiade f6 beneffi'~ greater number of students. Commissioner MacGraw reiterated her appreciation for the Commissioners' comments and her welcome to hear comments from the community at large. Regular Meeting - May 22, 2000 Page 5 of 5 Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission Discussion related to Youth A~vities Lew - ~onUnued On a related issue, now that the levy h/~s passed, Commissioner Coppedge inquired as to when staff would be presenting information related to allocating ~ommunity grants from its portion of the YAL monies. Director Mickelsen said that that information would be brought hack to the Commission at a future meeting. Commissioner Coooedae - abstaining from votina Commissioner Coppedge said that she has notioed what appeam to be an increased frequency among Commisaionem to choose to abstain from voting on substantive issues. She noted that the Coundl has a policy related to abstentions and inquired whether or not the Commission would be interested in adopting such a policy of its own. After some brief discussion, no action was taken related to establishing a policy thereby leaving dealsions related to abstaining from voting to the discretion of individual Commissionera. IX. UPCOMING MEETINGS and AGENDA ITEMS Settlna Joint Stuclv Session with the CounciI related to uDclatina Open Soace Proorem mad Dirsctor Mlckelsen stated that now that the Open Space / Park Land Acquisiffi~ Program map has been updated to Indk}ata the existing stltus of theprogram, it would be appropriate to schedule a Joint Study Session with the Coundl to review the map and to discuss possible additions of properties whidq had not been Included on the original program map. As the Council has study sessions routinely scheduled for noon on Wednesdays, he suggested Department staff work with City staff to set aside one of those meetings for this topic. After sor~e.. discussion, Commissioners chose to hold a Commission Study Session on the topic prior to the Commlselon's June Regular Meeting to have the opportunity to foous on the topic as a Commission and receive public comment prior to meeting with the Council. In order for information related to updating the program map to reach as many people as possible, the Study Sesdon was scheduled for 6:00 p.m. pdor to the Commisslon's June Regular Meeting and staff was asked to contact RVTV to schedule for an esdler broadcast if possible, and, to have it recorded so that it could be rebroadoast. Staff was asked to work with City staff to schedule an appropriate date to meet with the Coundl some time after the Commlssion's June meeting. In order to provide for sufficient time for the topic, the Regular Meeting would begin at 7:30 p.m. X. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, by aonsensus, Chair MacGraw adjoumed the meeting. Ann Benedict, Business Manager Ashland Parks and Recreation Department