SECTION 1. Section 18.56.020 of the Ashland Municipal Code and Ordinance
No. 1361, shall be amended to read as follows:
"18.56.020. Application. The owner or hfs agent may make application
· rlth the staff advisor to the Planning Commission, such application
shall be accompanied by a legal description of the property, plans and
elevations necessary to show the proposed development, and a filing fee
based on the following schedule, no part of which is refundable:
All zones .......... $75.00"
SECTION 2. Section 18.56.050CD) of the Ashland Municipal Code and Ordin-
ance No. 1361 shall be amended to read as follows:
"D. The application for appeal shall be accompanied by a filing fee of
fift~ dollars ($50.00), all but $10.00 of which isrefundable in the
event the appeal is sustained."
SECTION 3. Section 18.60.050(A) I. of the Ashland Municipal Code and Ordin-
ance No. 1797 shall be amended to read as follows:
"l. A filing fee of ten dollars X$10.0~) per unit, no part of which is
SECTION 4. Section 18.64.020(A) of the Ashland Municipal Code and Ordinance
No. 1361, shall be amended to read as follows:
"A. The owner or his agent may make application with the staff advisor
~o the Planning Commission. Such application shall be accompanied by a
legal description of the property, plans and elevations necessary to
show the proposed development, and a filing fee based on the following
schedule, no part of which is refundable:
Valuation less than $1,000 . , .$25~00
1,000 - 5,000 . . 40.00
5,000 -10,000 . · · 60.00
0vet 10,000 . . . . 80.00
All signs ..... 50.00
Values for construction projects shal~ ~e t~ose determined by the Build-
tng Official for purposes of determining building permit fees. In cases
of lot line adjustment, values shall he the assessed value as determined
by the County Assessor for the land and any improvements thereon, in
addition to the value established by outstanding building permits or pro-
posed improvements."
SECTION 5. Section 18.64.050(D) of the Ashland Municipal Code and Ordinance
No, 1361, shall be amended to read as follows:
"D. The application for appeal shall be accompanied by a filing fee of
fifty.dollars ($50.00), all but $10.00 of which is refundable in the
event the appeal is sustained."
SECTION 6. Section 18.68.020(C) of the Ashland Municipal Code and Ordinance
No. 1361, shall be amended to read as follows:
"C. Application by one or more property owners, or their authorized
agents, of property affected by the proposed amendment to the boundaries
of a district shall be filed with the staff advisor to the'Planning Com-
mission, and shall be accompanied by a legal description of the property
or properties affected, a map show~ng the property or properties affected
within three hundred (300) feet of the exterior boundaries thereof. and
a filing fee of one hundred-eighty dollars ($180.00), no part of which is
SECTION 7. A new subsection(D) shall be added to Section 18.68.020 of the
Ashland Municipal Code, and shall read as follows:
"D, Application by one or more persons to amend the text shall be filed
with the staff advisor to the Planning Commission, and shall be accompanied
by a complete copy of the proposed amendment to the text, together with the
reasons therefor, and a filing fee of one hundred-eighty dollars ($180.00),
no part of which is refundable".
· SECTION 8. Section 18.68.060(B) shall be amended by adding thereto, the follow-
ing sentence, which shall read as follows:
"The application for appeal shall be accompanied by a filing fee of fifty
dollars ($50.00), all but $10.00 of which is refundable in the event the
appeal is sustained."
SECTION 9. A new Chapter 18.72 shall be added to the Ashland Municipal'Code
and shall read as follows:
"Chapter 18.72
18.72.010 Amendments--Generally
18.72.020 Amendment--Initiation
18.72.030 Amendment--Public Hearing
18.72.040 Amendment--Action by Commission
18.?2.050Amendment--Action by Council
18.72.010 Amendments--Generally. The Comprehensive Plan may be amended
by changing the boundaries of the proposed land use designations thereonr when-
ever the public necessity, convenience~ and general welfare require such amend-
ment, by following the procedure of this Chapter.
18.72.020 Amendments--Initiation. An amendment to the land-use map of
the Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by;
A. Resolution of intention of the Plannin Commission.
B~ Resolution of intention of the Common ~ouncil,
C. Application by one or more property owners, or their authorized agents,
of property affected by the proposed amendment, shall
be filed with staff advisor to the Planning Commission and shall be
accompanied by a map showing the property or properties affected within
a radius of five hundred (500) feet of the exterior boundaries thereof
and a filing fee of two-hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). no part oE
which is refundable.
D. Also to be included with such application shall be a statement and
evidence showing that consideration has been given to each of the
goals for comprehensive planning as contained in ORS 215.515 which
ate as follows:
1. To preserve the quality of the air, water and land resources
of the state.
2. To conserve open space and protect natural and scenic resources.
3. To provide for the recreational nceds of the citizens of the
of the state and visitors.
4. To conserve prime farm lands for the production of crops.
5. To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural
to urban land use.
6. To protect life and property in areas subject to floods, land-
slides and other natural disasters.
7. To provide and encourage a safe, convenient and economic trans-
portation system including all modes of transportation: Air, water, rail,
highway and mass transit and recognizing differences in the social costs
in the various modes of transportation.
8. To develop a timely, orderly and efficient arrangement cf public
facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural dev-
9. To diversify and improve the economy of the state.
10. To ensure that the development of properties within the state
~s commensurate with the character and the physical limitations of the
18.72.030 Amendment--Public Hearing. The P~anning Commission shall hold at
least one public hearing, notice of which shall "'e given in the following manrt~r:
A. Publi'cation of a notice of public hearing in a newspaper of general
'circUlation within the city once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks
prier to the hearing, the first publication to be nQt less than thirty
(30) days prior to the hearing.
Mailing of a notice of public hearing as provided in Section 18.56.030,
except that the radius shall be increased to five hundred (500) feet and
the notice shall be mailed at least thirty (30) days prior to the hearinZ.
18.72.040 Amendment--Action by Conmlssion. Following the aforesaid hearing(s},
the Planning Commission shall make a report of its findings and recomanendations
with respect to the proposed amendment in the manner set forth in Section 18.68·040.
The Commission shall set forth its reasons for its decision in conformdace with
the relevant land-use goals of ORS 215.515, which shall at a minimum include:
A. An explanation of which of the goals in ORS 215.515 are considered
B. A statement of the facts which were relied upon in making the decision.
An'explanation of why the decision made is Justified; i.e. why the
decision which advances some goals but not others, is considered to
be consistent with the applicable land-use scheme.
18.72.050 Amendment--Action by Council. Upon filing of the Planning
Commission's report, the matter shall be set for public hearing before the
Council as set forth in Section 18.72.030. Following the public hearing, the
Council may adopt, modify or reject the recormnendation of the Planning Commission,
or may refer the matter back to the Comission for further study and report back
to the Council. The Council shall adopt findings as set forth in Section 18.72.040.
In the case that a petition is rejected bY the Council, it may not be eligible
for resubmittal for one (1) year from the date of said denial, unless specific-
ally stated to be without prejudice."
The foregoing Ordinance was duly provided in accordance with Article X,
Section 2.(.c) of the Ashland City Charter; and was
first read by title opl
at a regular meeting of the Common Council held on the ~z~ day of ~ , 1978,
and PASSED to its second reading by title only and duly ADOPTED at egular
meeting on the/~-~day of ~/L~L/ , 1978.
gIGNED and APPROVED this J~ ~ay '
of , .
Ga ckett