WHEREAS, the 2000 National Red Ribbon Celebration is October 23 through 31; and,
WHEREAS, today the Red Ribbon symbolizes the commitment of countless citizens
across America working to eliminate substance abuse in their communities;
WHEREAS, this campaign is designed to:
· Create awareness concerning the alcohol aad other drug pwblems facing every
· Increase resiliency through opportunities for meaningful participation by showing
care and support.
· Build community coalitions to implement eomprehensive alcohol and other drug
prevention strategies.
· Support healthy, drug-free lifestyles.
THEREFORE, we urge the citizens of Ashland to join your children, friends, neighbors,
community, and Southern Oregon Drug Awareness in this exciting celebration by wearing
a red ribbon, plant red tulips, listening to a drug awareness presentation, sharing substance
abuse information with your children, helping a friend who is abusing drugs or by seeking
help for yourself if you have a drug dependency problem during this week to demonstrate
to others that you are committed to a drug-free, healthy lifestyle; and
NOW, THEREFORE, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Ashland do hereby
proclaim October twenty-third through thirty-first as
2000 National Red Ribbon Celebration Week
Barbara Chfistensen, Recorder
Catherine M. Shaw, Mayor
WHEREAS world population today exceeds six billion and continues to increase by one
billion every 13 years; and,
WHEREAS 1.5 billion people live on less than one dollar a day, and a disproportion-
ately large share of the poorest of the poor and the malnourished are girls and women;
WHEREAS in developing countries two-thirds of the 130 million children not attending
school are girls; and,
WHEREAS with each passing minute a woman somewhere on Earth dies from
pregnancy or childbirth complications, a total of 600,000 every year; and,
WHEREAS in addition to deaths, each year at least 7 million women are estimated to
suffer serious effects and as many as 50 million women suffer some health
consequences resulting from childbirth; and,
WHEREAS the theme of World Population Awareness Week this year is "Saving
Women's Liv~," with a strong commitment to establishing as a major health priority
the reduction of maternal mortality and morbidity- through safe, efficient, effective,
affordable and voluntary interventions that respect cultural and moral convictions.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Catherine M. Shaw, Mayor of Ashland, Oregon, proclaim the
week of October 22 - 28 as
and urge all citizens of our state to take cognizance of this event and to participate
appmpriataly in its observance.
Dated this 17t~ day of October, 2000
Barbara Christensen, City Recorder