HomeMy WebLinkAbout2842 OURCA IGA ORDINANCE NO. ~'-'
SECTION 1. Declaration of intent. The City of Ashland, Oregon, by and through its
elected mayor and council, intends to create the Oregon Utility Resource Coordination
Association Intergovernmental Agency (OURCA ICA) pursuant to ORS 190.003
through 190.265 by an intergovernmental agraement (Agreement) with the following
parties: the City of Ashland; Clatskanie People's Utility District; Columbia River People's
Utility District; Emerald People's Utility District; Eugene Water & Electric Board; the City
of Forest Grove, Water & Light Department; McMinnville Water and Light Commission;
Northern Wasco County People's Utility District; Springlfield Utility Board; and Tillamook
People's Utility District (each of which is referred to individually as a "Party" and
collectively as the "Parties"). A draft of the Agreement is attached as Exhibit A.
SECTION 2. The effective date of the Agreement is August 15, 1999.
SECTION 3. The public purposes for which the OURCA ICA is created is to use any
authority vested in the OURCA ICA to further the economy and efficiency of each Party
by the purchase, sale, generation, transmission, distribution, interchange or pooling of
electrical energy and capacity among the Parties or with others.
SECTION 4. To carry out its public purposes, the OURCA ICA shall have the following
powers, duties and functions, in addition to those specified in ORS 190.003 through
ORS 190.265:
A. To arrange scheduling and dispatching of power, energy, capacity or
transmission for the account of a Party or the OURCA IGA;
B. To purchase power, energy, capacity, assets, generation facilities,
transmission or ancillary services for the account of a Party or the OURCA IGA;
c. To sell power, energy, capacity, assets, generation facilities, transmission, or
ancillary services for the account of a Party or the OURCA IGA which is not needed to
meet the loads of the Party or the OURCA IGA;
D. To negotiate or advocate for power, energy, capacity, assets, generation
facilities, transmission or ancillary services for the account of a Party or the OURCA
IGA, including related administrative and legal proceedings;
Page 1 - ORDINANCE F:~USER~PAUL~ORD~.OURCA Ordlnance.wlxl
E. To study the most economic and efficient procurement of power, energy,
capacity, assets, generation facilities, transmission or ancillary services for the account
of a Party or the OURCA IGA;
F. To perform the administration and accounting of all payments and receipts
related to the purchase and sale of power, energy, capacity, assets, generation
facilities, transmission, or services for the account of a Party or the OURCA IGA;
G. To adopt such bylaws, rules, regulations, and policies as the Parties deem
necessary to further the purposes of this Agreement;
H. To issue, sell or otherwise dispose of bonds, securities, or other forms of
indebtedness, including the power to issue revenue bonds under ORS 288.805 to ORS
288. 945;
I. To exercise all powers pursuant to the applicable acts, charters or law of the
individual Parties which are necessary or desirable to economically and efficiently
develop and operate the OURCA IGA.
The foregoing ordinance was first read by title only in accordance with Article X,
Section 2(C) of the City Charter on the
and duly PASSED and ADOPTED this ~' day of
Barbara Christensen, City Recorder
day of ~
day of ~
Paul Nolte, City Attomey
Council Chairperson
Page 2 - ORDINANCE F:~USEI;~PAUL~)RD~OiJRCA Ordlnance.wl3d
AGENCY (Agreement) is entered into by a~d between the following parties: th= City of
Ashland, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon (Ashland); Clntskani¢ People's Utility
District, an Oregon peopl.'n utility district (PUD) formed under ORS Chapter 261 (Clatskanio
PUD); Bmerald People's UtiliW District, au Oregon PUD formed under ORS Chapter 261
(Bmerald PUD); Eugene Water & Eleclric Board, a municipal utility of th= State of Oregon
(BWI~); the City of McMi~ville, a municipal corporation ofihe Slate of Orelo~, acling by and
through the McMinnville Water and Light Commission (MW&L); Nor~hcrn Wasco County
People's Utility Dislrict, an Ore$on PUD formed unde~ ORS Chapter 261 ['Northern Wasco
PUD); a~d Tillamook People's Utility District. an OreEon PUD formed under ORS Chapter 1261
(T/llarnook PUD) (each of which is referred to here~ individually as a "Pan'y" and collectively
as the "Pa~ies");
A. WtHiREAS, the Parties hereto are authorized ~o enter into this A~reeraent crealiug ~he
Oregon Uiility Resource Coordination Association Inter~ove~m~e~tal Agency (OURCA IGA)
pursuant to their respective principsl acts, char~, and ORS 190.003 to 190.265;
B. WHEREAS, each of the Parties operates a consumer-owned electric utility in the State of
Ore, on and is authorized to purchase, ~enetate, transmit, distribute, s~ll and interchange electric
energy within and without their individual boundaries;
C. WHERBAS, the Ps.~ie~ intend to further the economy and efficiency of their respcctive
consumer-owned clectrlc utilities by forming th~ OURCA IGA;
D. WHEREAS, pursuant to ORS 190.010, the OURCA IGA may perf0rm any or all functions
and activities that a Party to this .~ent, its officers or agencies, has the authority ~o perform;
E. WHEREAS, the Parties intend by this Agreement to set forth the paznmeters, terms, nnd
conditions purs~i_n.t to which ~he OUP. CA IGA will act;
F. ~, the Parties intcnd to use any authority vested in the OUF. CA IOA to fuzther the
economy and efficiency of each Party by the purchase, sale, generation, transmission,
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distribution, interchange or pooling of cl~hical energy and capacity ~nong the Parties or with
~. Wt~R.EAS, each of the Parties has taken all actions required unde~ applicable acts, charters
and law .to authorize the execution and performance of this Agreement;
NOW, TI,.]HR.EFOR.E, ~ PARTIES agree as follows:
1.10URCA ICA. ~ is hereby c~atcd the O~gon Utility l~,esoorce Coordination
Association lntorgovemme~tal Agency, refemxl to herein as the OURCA IGA. The pmfies to
the OURCA ICA are Ashlsnd, Clatakanie PUD, Bmerald PUD, RWI~B, MW&L, Nor~l~rn
Wasco PUD, and Tillamook PUD.
1.2 Effective Date. Tho off~otiv~ date of this A~re~nent is S~pt~mber 9, 1999.
1.3 General Power. The OD'RCA IOA ~ have tho following powers, in addition to those
specified in ORS 19~.0R3 to ORS 190.265:
1.3.1 To an'ange scheduling and dispatc~ of power, energy, capacity or transmission
for the account of a Party, Parties or the OD'RCA IGA;
1.3.2 To purchase power, energy, capacity, assets, aeneration facilities, transmission or
ancillary services for the account of a P~cy, Panias or the OURCA IGA;
1.3.3 To sell power, energy, capacity, asn~, generation facilities, transmission, or
ancillary services for the account of a Party, Pa~-s or the OD'RCA ICA which is not needed to
meet the loads of the Party, Pmies or the OD'RCA IOTA;
1,3.4 To negotiate or advocate for power, energy, capacity, assets, generation facilities,
uausmiasion or ancillary services for the accotmt of a Party, Parties or thc OURCA IGA.
including administrative and legal proceedings related thereto;
1.3.5 To study the most economic and efficient procurement of power, energy, capacity,
assets, generation facilities, mmsmission or ancillary services for the account of a Party, Parties
or the OURCA IOA;
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!.3.6 To perEoxm thc -dm;~istration and accounting of-il paymemts and receipts relatod
to thc purchase and sale of power, enu~sy, capacity, assets, Smeration £acflifies, transmission, or
services for the account of a Perry, Pm'ties or the OURCA IOA;
1.3.7 To adopt such bylaws, rules, regulations, and policies es thc Parties deem necessary
to further the purposes of this Agreement;
1.3.8 To issue, sell or otherwise dispose of bonds, securities, or other forms of
indebteclness, includin~ the power to issue remmue bonds under Ol~ 288.805 to OP~ 288.945;
1.3.9 To exercise all powers pursuant to the appUcable ~ct~ chmters or l~w of tho
individual Parties which ere necess~y or desirable to economically end efficiently develop end
operate tho O1.TRCA IGA.
1.4. M~tings. MeetinEs of the OX]RCA IOA ~ bo conducted hi accordance w/th the
provisions o£the Oregon Publ/c Meetings Law, OES 192.610 to 192.?I0.
1.5 Offices. Thepdncipalo~icc~oftheOURCAIGAsh~nbelocatedat 1001 S,W.F/flh
Avenue, Suite 2000, Portland OR, 9?204, do Cable Hutton Benedict Hsagonsen & Lloyd, LT~.
1.6 Budgettug. T~. Board shall pravidc for an immal work plan and an estimate of exparmes
for the next fiscal ycer. N~ Pm~cy shall provide h-kind sc~ices to further the purposes of the
OURCA IGA es each Perry deans necessary or desirable. Such in-kind $ervice~ shall not be
r~imborsed fi'om the OUI~CA IGA or other Pm'des, unless otherwise agreed.
2.1 Board of Director~. Tho OUF. CA IGA shall be governed by a Board of Dit~tors (Board).
The Soverning body of e~ch Patty shall appoint one (1) ~pmsmtativc to the Board and one (1)
alternate representative. An alternative rcpr~un~o shall agt in a Board capacity only during
'the absence of that Paz'cy's .rel~re~mtetivo, l~epresentatives and alternate raprm~ntatives shall
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serve et thc pl~sur~ of their rev~e~livo govcrni.s bodics. In tho avant of a vacancy, the
governing body of the Party shall appoint a successor.
2.2 Officers. After the effective date of this Asreemem, the Board shall elect f~om its
membc~'ship a President, a Vic~ President, and a Secr~ry/Treesurm (collwtivdy, the "Officers")
who shall serve a term consisting of the rcmsinde~ of 1999 and the following calendar year.
Thcresfler, annually, at the beginning off each calendar year, the Bonni shall elect from its
membership Officers who shall sm'ye a tettn et'elm (1) yam:. Officers shall nerve at the pleasure
of the Board or until their successors shell be appointed and take office.
2.2.1 D~ttes of President. The President shall preside at all meetings ofthe OURCA
IGA and shall submit such recommendations and information as she or he may determine
appropriate to discuss at the OD-RCA IOA meeting. The President shell perform the duties and
responm'bilities of the OURCA IOA in accordance with the obligsfions and ltmitati~ms set forth
in this A~menC The Presidenl shall otherwise not hold herself or himself out to have thc
authority to bind the members of thc OUF, CA IOA to any financial or othe~ obligations.
2,2.2 Duties of Vice President. The Vice President shaH perform the duties of the
President in thc absence or the incapacity of the P~nideut. In the case of the resignation or the
dcath of the Preslde~t, the Vice President shah perform thc duties et'the President until such time
es the Board shall elbct a new President.
2.2.3 Seoremry/Tresmarer. The Secretmy/Tteasuter shall keep thc minutes and the
official records of the OURCA IGA md perform ~uch other duties required of a
Sec~tary/Treasurer. The Sec~tnry/Tresmmsr shell bc responm'ble for the fiscal ndmi~iStlration of
all funds of the OUKCA IGA. The Sccrata~flTreasurer and either the President or tho Vice
President shall ~ct as co-signers of checks drawn upon the accounts of the OURCA K]A. The
Secretary/Treasurer may dei~te the adt-i,~i,trative ftuminns of her or his office to anothar
person or persons who need not be on the Board.
2.2.4 Additionsl Duties. The Oflicms of the OURCA IGA _sh,~ p~rfonn such other
duties and functions as may from tim~ to time be required by thc OL1RCA IGA bylaws, or other
rules and regulations.
2.3 Executive Committee. The Board amy establish an l~xeeutive Ctnwmi+~ee tha~ will be
comprised of the three Officers and two additional Boeni mmnbers. The Executive Committee
shall have the ditties, res!~msibilifies and a tram. all as detm-mined by the Boa~! fi'om time to
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2.4 Voting Rights. Bxcopt u otherwise expresslyprovided in this A~reement, the Bonni shall
exercise its voting fights in the following m~nner:
2.4.1 Quorum. A majorRy of the Board shall cons~mte a quorum for the ~-ansaction of
2.4.2 General Adminb~ntive ObUptions, Except as provided in Sections 2.4.3 and
2.4.4, general ndmin~t~a~ve obligations et ~eti~tie~ required to meet legal requirements or
policies related to the existence of the OT.TRCA IOA or i~ operations may be acted ~ by a
majority Vote of tho Board. C.~leral adnlinisl~ive obligations or agti~itias ii. Jude, bttt ~ not
limited to, thc ole~ion of officers, cxenpliance with the Oregon Public Meetings Law, ORS
192.610 to ORS 192.710 and lzr~psmtion ofen annul work phm. Each Partes npporfioned share
of the general ad~in~stratiw obligations or activities shall be determined in mxxmianc~ wi~h
following Cost AU~calion Methodology. lqtty percent (50%) of costs are _-~,-_,~d equally among
all Parties. Twenty-five percent (25%) of oosts shall be based on tho ratio of a Party's r~tail
electri~ty sales in terms ofmegawatt hews ~s compared to the total OLTRCA IGA Pa~ies' ~ztail
olectticit~ sales in terms ofmegawalI hollrs. Tho remair~ing twenly=fivo pel~.~nt (25%) oi'costs
shall be based on the ratio of a Pa~y's ~ electricity revenues as compared to tho total OI.TRCA
IGA Panics' retail electricity revenues. The Board will update the application of the Coat
Allocation Meth..o~. _o~y upon th.e, entry or exit of any Paw/from the OURCA IGA or ai least
annually. The in~fi~Coat Allocation Methodology, and the resulting percentage allocated to each
Party, is attached as Bxln'bit A.
2.4.3 Employment of Staff or Consultants. Bxce~t as provided in Sections 2.4.2 and
2.4.4, the employment of staff or consultants, including th~ hirh~ and terminating of n~y staff,
employees or consultants, shall require the authorization of the Board pursuant to the following
two voting mechanisms: (1) A majority vote of the Board; and (2) A majority vote of the BOard,
with each Board zalm=sentative's vote equal to tho percentage allocated to each P~ as specified
in ~he Cost Allocation Methodology attached in Exlu'bit A. Each Party's apportioned share of
arnp]oyment related expcnsea shall be determined.in accor~=n_.,ce with the Cost Allocation
Methodology. The Board may delegate thc employment of staffor consultants, including the
hiring and te~dzmting of any atafK employees or consultants, to ano~cr pa~on or pcxaons, upen
a majority vote of the Board, with each Board representative's vote equ,l to th~ pereenta~e
allocated to each Par~y as specified in the Cost Allocation Methodology attached as Exhibit A.
2.4,4 Procurement of Goods and Services and the Issuance or Sale of Bands,
Securities or Other FoFmS of Indebtedness. Bxc~t as pro~ided in Sections 2.4.2 and 2.4.3,
the procuremcsat of*goods and services, including but not limited to the purchase of generation
facilitiu and powe~ supply conlracts, and th~ ina~ance or sale ofbollds, seomiti~s or other forms
of indeb~edneas, including but not limited to the iastumce ofrevcuue bonds under ORS 288.805
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to ORS 288.945, X~luires the affilmafiv¢ authorization of each individual Party to bo botm~ such
authorization to b~ expressed by ~zsolution, o~dina~ce or other binding commiim~t of the
Psrtyts governing body. Parti~ I~Ot affirmatively authorizin~ such a~tions ,hsl_l in no instances
be liable. The procurem~t of seeds and services shall be performed by lmsolution or sapara~
agreemem which specifies (1) the appo~/onment of fees, costs, or revenue derived r,o/u the
flmctions and activities; ~ (2) the manu~ in which such rc~mue shall bo accounted for. Such
resolution or separate a~eneat may or may not involve the participation of the OURCA IGA,
however, such l~rticipation of the 0UI~CA IGA shall not create liability for a Party that has not
,~,mativcly authorized such action.
2.4.5 Voting By Proxy. Any Board r~presentative may vote by proxy, provided thst the
proxy power is granted to the p~xy voter in writing ~,d the effective proxy period is specifl~L
2,4.6 Voth~g In AbseutiL Any Bo~m/reprcsmlative may vote in absentia by telephone
or in va/tinL incb~a~g by f~.~imile. Any written vote in absentia must bo received prior to the
meeting ~t which the vote is to occur and must bo signed by the Board representative.
2.5 New Parties. The Boa~d may authorize a new Party to join the OURCA IGA if approved by
2/3 vote of the Board.
2.6 Insurance. Th~ OURCA IOA shall provide for adequate insurance to cover the directo~,
officers, employees, staff, a~ents nnd act/vi~ies undet't~ken by the OURCA IOA.
2,7' Conflicts. The OURCA IGA shall not take an advocacy position in administrative or
legal proceedin~ which posilion con,filets with the position ~ken by any individual Party.
Parties shall notify the OIYP-,CA IQA of m~' such potential conflio~.
3.1 Term. t~xccpt as expre~lyprovided, the term ofthi~ Agreement aludlboperpetunl, unless
by a uonnltoous vote the Boaa:l acts to dissolve the OUR.CA IGA.
3.1.1 Dissolution. Upon dissolution, each Pan'y to the OURCA IGA on the date of
disaolutica shall remain liable solely for its individual shsr~ of say OD'RCA IOA a~panditoro
that has been specifically incurred by the Pm~y in accordance with the ten-ms of this A~reement or
by other resolutions or separa~ aireements of the Paz~y. Upon dissolution, the assets of the
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O~RCA ~GA ~ be dist~but~ to tho members on the b~i~ o£the ri~t~ ~ obli~,tions of
each Potty to the assets held ns of the date of the dissolution.
3.2 Voluntary Withdrawal by a Party. Any Pafly may elect to tmminat= their participation in
this Agreement and withdraw fl~m the.OURCA IOA by giving written notice to the President
ned e~ch member of thc OURCA IGA. Withdrawal shall be effective fen'y-frye (45) days
the date of notice. The withdr-awin~ Pnn'y shall continue to pay its apportioned share of; or be
responm~ole for, any debt atm~outsble to that Party inctured prior to the Party's wri~len notice of
withdrawal, end shall hold hn~mless tho remnining Patties and the OUI~CA IGA for those
financial respo,~s~ilities and obligations attn'butable solely to the withdrawing Pm'ty.
3.3 Xnvoluntnry Withdrawal of a Party. By a :?,/3 vote of the Board, any Party may be
requested to withdraw from the OURCA IGA aud r~inq~ish the~ powe~ and duties under this
Agreemmt. The President of the OURCA IGA shall notify such Party by wri~an notice
addressed to that Pafly. Unless as otherwisg agt~d by a 2/3 vote of the Board, termination of the
Party is effective foray-five (45) days fi-mn the date of notice. The withdrawing Pafly shall
continue to pay its appoflioned sha~c of, or be responsible for, any previously incurred debt
pm~suant to Sections 2.4.2 and 2.43 that is attributable to that Party as of the effective dam of the
withdrawal, and shall hold h~rtnless the ~emalnins Paflies for those financial responsibilities and
obligations at~ibu~le solely to the withdrawing Party.
4.1 Dispute Rmolution. If a dispute arises between the Parties or between the OURCA IGA
and the Parties regardh~ breach of this Agreement or intmpretation of any ~'m of this
Agreement, the Pnflies ~ ~ attsmp~ to ~solvo the dispute by negotiation, followed by
bindh~ m;oitration if negotiation fails to resolve the dislmte~
4.1.1 Negotiation. The Board Membe~ or other persons desigoated by esch of the
disputing Paflies will negotiate on behalf of the Psl~ies they represent. Tho m~ro of the dispute
shall be reduced to writing and shall be presented to each of tho disputin~ Paxties who shall th~
· meet and altennpt to resolvo the issue. Ifthe dispute is resolved at this step, theroshallbe a
written determination of such resolution, si~ned by each disputing Petty and tariffed by the
OUI~CA ICA which shall be binding upon the Parties.
4.1.2 Binding Arbitration. If the dispute csn,~ot be resolved by negotiation within
forty-five (45) da~, the pafli~ ahll submit th~ malter to biuding mbitrmion. The Pazties shall
att~npt to e~"ee on an arbitrator. If they cnnnot agrc~ upon an arbitrator within ten (10) days, the
Parties shall submit the roarer of dctenninin$ an arbilrator to the Presidin~ Judge of the Marion
County Ci~uit CourL The cammon costs of the arbitration shall be bor~¢ eq~ly by the Parties.
Bach Party must he~r its individual costs and fees.
5.1 This Ail'cement, oth~ than Sections 1.7, 2.4, 2.5, 3.2, 3.3, and 5.1 may be amended upon
majority vote of the Board ~md ~l~.t! be prepared by mutual written agrccment of th~ Pmies,
signed by all of the Pa~tie~. Sections 1.7, 2.4~ 2.5, 3.2, 3.3, mad 5.1 ofthls Agreement may be
amended only upon the aff~ulativc authorization of each Party.
6.1 Mer~er. This Agreement embodie~ the entire a~eemmt ~! understandin~ between the
P~ies rel~6,~g to the furmalion of the OURCA IGA hereto sad supersedes sll pri~r agr~nen~s
6.2 SeverabilRy. In csse auy one or more of the pwvisions contained in this Agreement should
be invslid, illegal, or unenforceable in say ~ the v~lidity, leselity, and enfowe~bility of the
rcmainin~ provisions contained herein shall not in any way be affected or impaired thc~-eby.
6.3 Notice. Any noti~ herein t~uired or l~dticd to be given ~ be siren in writing, shall
be effective when actual~ rcr, eived, snd may be given by hand ddivery or by c~i~ed mail, first
class postage prepsid, addressed to th~ Psrties ~s follows:
City of Ashlmd
D~pm~ment of Blectric Utilit/e~
City H~ 20 Rest
Ashland, OR
General Managn'
Clatakanic Peoples ut/lity District
P.O. Box 216
Clatak~ie, OR97016
Bmerald People's Utility District
~7~~t Seavay Loop Rood
Eusenc. O1~ 97405
15:16 '~'5032243062
C.~n~r~i M~tS=
McMim~ville Water & Light
855 Ma~h Lane
McMinnviHc, OR 97128
General Mm~er
Northern Wasco People's
Utilit~ D/~rict
P. O. Box 621
The Dalles, O1~ 97058
Tillnmook People's Ul/lity Distr/ct
P. O. Box 433
Tillamook, OR. 97141
Counterparts. This AS~ement m~y be executed in any number ofcounMrpam and by
the psrties on s~mite co~nterpM'ts,, shy role of'which 8h811 constitute all a~
b~tw~ and smon~ th~ Parties.
ecsc Utilities
C,-reg Booth, Ggaend M~n~ger
Cla~amie Peoplds Utility Distrid
Shields, C, ueul l~naSer
Emerald Pooplds Utility District
Ra~ly Berssrm, ~ lvhn~r
Eusene Watc~ & Electric Bom-d
Edward J. Gormley,
Mayor and Ex-Officio Memb~ of the
McMinnville Water & Light Commission
~ 1B:19 ~'B032243092 CABLI~ ITilSTON ~Oll/O1B
General Man~=
McMinnville Water & Lisht
855 Ivian~h I. eno
McMiunville, OR 97125
C,~ral Manager
Northern Wasco People's
Utility District
P. O. Box 621
Tho Dalles, OR. 97058
General Manager
Tillamook People's Utility District
F. O, Box 433
Tillamook, OP- 97141
Counterparts. This Agzeemont may bo executed h~ any number of counterpam and by
tile parties on separate countmparts, any one of which shall constitute an agreement
between and among the Parties.
6.5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Pnrties have executed this Agreement by tho date sct forth
opposite their names below.
City of Ashl~d ~1'. .
~ Date:~
Mayor end Bx-Offioio Member of the
Mc_~innville Water & Lil~ht Commi-~ion
.... 15:19 '~032243092 CABI.~ I1USTON ~o12/o16
Oenoral Ma~gor
McMianvill= Wat=r & Light
855 Marsh Lane
McMirmville, OR 97128
Gen~d M~aser
Northern Wasco People's
Utility District
P. O. Box 62I
The Dalles, OR 97058
TiUamoolr People's Uiility Di~ict
P. O. Box 433
Tillsmooir. OR 97141
Counterparts. This Agro~__ _ellt may be executed in any amnber of cou~t~rparm and by
the parties on separate counteaparts, any one of which shall constitute an agreement
I~ WITNESS WI'It!I~OF, the Pm/i~s have executed this Agreg~mt by the date sei forth
opposite their nam~ b~low.
Date: ~
City of Ashland a
D~l~arim~t of BlOc Utilities
Clatskanie People's Utility Dislrki
Date: _
~d People's Utility Dist~ct
Mayor minx-Officio lvi~J~gr of the
McMinnville Water & Ligl~t Commission
15:19 ~'$032243092
County of )
SIGNED OR ATTESTED before me on this
Edward $. Gormley.
'~'~', day of ~.~-I~- .1~9, by
~,~...~o~ ~ . .
My COmmission Expires: ......
Northern Wasco People's Utility District
Date:_ _
T~eo le's-"Utility District
15:20 "~50322¢3092 C.,~,~].,~ ~'-cTS~O~ ~016/016
__~'0~/30/00.~. 15:~9 ~$03224~092 CA~I.~. HUSToN
County of
SIOI~P.D OR ATTEST]iD bafo~ me on this
Edward ~. Gonuley.
_ day of _
,1999, by
No~hern W~.o People's Ut/I/ty D/~tr/ct
Tillamook People's (Jtility ~c~
~/iatynnn Noln,u.
· 08/$O/O0
County of )
SIGI~D OR Al'rESTED before me on this
Edward I. Gormley,
_ dayof
Northern Wasco People's Utilit~ District
My Comm/ssion Expires:
Tillamook P~plSa Ul/lity District
Da~: ..