April 17, 2001 - 7:00 p.m.
Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street
Mayor DeBoer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers.
Councilors Laws, Hartzell, Hanson, Morrison and Fine were present, Councilor Reid was absent.
The minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of April 3, 2001 were amended, noting that Councilor Hanson was present
for the meeting. Councilors Laws/Hanson m/s to approve the minutes with the correction.
1. Mayor DeBoer presented the James M. Ragland Memorial Volunteer Spirit Community Service Award to Hal Cloer.
2. Proclamations for Volunteer Recognition Week, City Recorders' Week, and Back To School Week were read.
3. Presentation by the Airport Commission on current activities.
Committee members' Paul Rostykus, M.D., Brent Thompson and Bill Skillman were introduced. Rostykus briefly
explained the history of the airstrip, which was developed in 1940 by Sumner Parker and purchased in 1964 by the City.
Goals completed by the Commission: 1) Sewer line installed, 2) Required upgrades to fuel tanks, 3) New hanger space
developed, 4) Landscaping, 5) Active searches for aircraft-related businesses located at the airport, 6) Advertisement on
potential of the airport, 7) Identifying new revenue sources. Current goals: 1) Secure AIP Grant, 2) Develop new T-hanger
space, 3) Complete landscaping around hangers, 4) Continue to actively search for aircraft related businesses to be located
at the airport, 5) Global positioning system development, 6) Add live internet camera to Ashland Fiber Network, 7) Enhance
new revenue sources. An additional hanger has been built at the airport, which is the first of four similar hangers. The
community has been involved in Airport Appreciation Day, which is held on an annual basis. The Ashland Airport
Association and Bob Skinner of Skinner Aviation were acknowledged for their participation and contribution at the airport.
The Airport Commission has a link through the Ashland City Website.
The council and commission engaged in a discussion regarding flight plans and flight numbers out of the Ashland Airport.
More information is available through the Airport Commission web page and Skinner Aviation.
i. Minutes of Boards, Commissions and Committees.
2. Confirmation of Mayor's appointments/re-appointments to Boards, Commissions, and Committees.
3. Ratification of labor contract between the City of Ashland and Ashland Firefighters Association, Local 1269 IAFF.
4. Termination ora Storm Drain Easement located at the Ashland Community Food Store.
5. Liquor License Application from Susan Powell dba Global Pantry.
Councilor Hartzell requested pulling item #2 from the Consent Agenda.
Councilors HartzeIgFine mis to approve Consent Agenda items #1, 3, 4, 5. Voice Vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
Mayor DeBoer explained that under item #2, David Young declined his nomination for reappointment to the Bicycle &
Pedestrian Commission, which remains open and would be re-advertised.
Councilors Hartzeil/Morrison m/s to approve Consent Agenda item #2. Voice Vote: All AYES. Motion passed.
Asha Stout/130 Orange/Spoke regarding fire hazard reduction in the Ashland Watershed. He invited the council and the
public to the Pioneer Hall on April 27-29, to participate in a variety of activities honoring the watershed.
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1. Request from the Oregon Department of Agriculture for City approval of low-flying aircraft for a gypsy moth
eradication program.
Administrative Services Director Dick Wanderscheid briefly explained that the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODG)
has proposed the application of an insecticide to 160 acres south of Southern Oregon University between Glenwood Drive
and Indiana Street to eradicate the gypsy moth infestation. He explained that the Federal Aviation Administration rules
require prior written approval from the governing body proposing low-flying aircraft over a targeted area. Wanderscheid
recommended that the council direct the City Administrator to provide a letter of approval authorizing low-flying aircraft
over the subject area for a maximum of three spray applications in April and May 2001.
Ryan Mather-Navickas/711 Faith/Reported that no survey has been done to determine toxicity levels for all moths and
butterflies. He voiced his concern regarding toxicity levels, including possible dangers to wildlife and humans. He felt the
Department of Agriculture should reveal exactly what would be sprayed, including exact ingredients, before spraying.
Eric Naviekas/711 Faith/Does not feel that the real plan was to protect the ecosystem, but to protect timber resources. A
more universal stand needs to be taken to prevent this type of spraying. He suggested contacting people living in regions
of the world where pesticides are abused to see how their lives have been affected.
Representatives of the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODG), Kathleen Johnson and Dan Hillburn, were introduced.
Hillbum explained that the gypsy moth is a nonnative from Europe, and is a biological threat to Oregon. Establishment
of the gypsy moth in Ashland would have a negative impact, which could include quarantines, increased pesticide use,
timber production loss, tourism loss, reduction in quality of life for many residents, aesthetic loss, watershed issues and
environmental losses. Hiilburn explained that the gypsy moths were discovered in this area last year, but it was too late to
spray. In order to survey, it would put off eradication for another year. A delay in spraying would greatly impact the area.
Johnson explained that the area would be treated with Btk (Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki), a biological insecticide
occurring naturally in soil. Organic gardeners have used the product. It does not accumulate in the environment, does not
harm most beneficialinsects, and has had a 40-year safety record. Btk is toxic to caterpillars and will affect some butterflies
and moths, but these insects will re-colonize, causing no permanent ecological damage. Johnson explained that the ODG
has worked closely with the Oregon Health Division (OHD). The OHD has reviewed the inert ingredients and assures that
they do not pose significant risks to humans with uncompromised immune systems. Special materials, requested by the
OHD, provided precautions for individuals with serious immune problems. The OHD reported, at a public hearing in
Portland, the findings of the review regarding public health safety. Arrangements were made with the Postal Service to
deliver notices to anyone living near the intended spray area. Notification will also take place through local newspapers,
radio, and television. Manual land-applications of Btk were performed last year, but continued spread requires a more
aggressive spraying program. Other unreliable alternatives exist, including: mass trapping of males through the use of
female pheromones, eradication through chemicals specific to gypsy moths, mating disruption making it difficult for males
to find females, and sterile insect release. None of these alternatives have been successful. The ODG was surprised that the
Ashland area was not invaded earlier by the gypsy moth. Insects will be captured a year after eradication to determine the
success of the program.
Councilors HartzelFFine m/s to approve staff recommendation. DISCUSSION: Fine commented on his personal
knowledge regarding the devastation of the gypsy moth and supported the actions of the ODG. Hanson noted his
opposition to the wide-scale application of biological agents. Voice Vote: Laws, Hartzell, Morrison, and Fine - YES;
Hanson - NO. Motion passed 4-1.
2. Amendment to Corrective Easement over Lupine Drive Street Plug.
City Attorney Paul Nolte briefly explained that an existing easement over the street plug, owned by the City of Ashland at
the end of Lupine Drive, allows only one dwelling on the 20-acre parcel. The amendment would allow two dwellings on
the property. Staff recommended approval of the amendment, and authorization for the mayor and city recorder to sign
the amendment to corrective easement on behalf of the city.
Paul Clark/159 Nob Hill/Came forward to give a brief history of the property.
Nolte clarified that the buildings would be located on county land and although the street accessing the property belongs
to the City, no taxes will be paid from these properties. Fine stated that he did not support the approval of the application,
because the property is located outside the urban growth boundary. He did not feel it was in the best interest of the City
to grant pe .nnission.
Councilors Hartzell/Morrison m/s to approve staff recommendations. Voice Vote: Hartzell, Hanson, Morrison, Laws
- Yes; Fine - No. Motion passed 4-1.
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3. Adoption of the 2001-2002 Strategic Plan Priorities.
City Administrator Greg Scoles reported that the amended priority list incorporated the changes received from the council.
City department directors have evaluated the proposed priorities and have included them in their budgets for the next fiscal
year. Council and staff engaged in a discussion of the plan.
Councilors Fine/Hartzell m/s to approve adoption. Voice Vote: All Ayes.
1. Second reading by title only of"An Ordinance Amending the Official Comprehensive Plan Map and Zoning Map
of the City of Ashland for the Property located at 51 Winburn Way."
Councilors Hanson/Laws m/s to approve Ordinance #2868. Roll Call Vote: Hanson, Laws, Fine, Hartzell, and
Merrison, YES. Motion passed.
2. Reading by title only of "A Resolution Transferring Appropriations within the 2000-2001 Budget."
Councilors Fine/Hanson m/s to approve Resolution #2001-08. Roll Call Vote: Hartzell, Morrison, Fine, Laws, and
Hanson, YES. Motion passed.
Scoles noted that Brent Thompson plans to appeal to LUBA and the City may be hearing more in the future.
3. Reading by title only of "A Resolution Electing Application for Ent~ to the Oregon Public Employees Retirement
System Local Government Rate Pool."
Scoles explained that a resolution was needed to opt into the pool. Finance Director Lee Tuneburg noted that the deadline
is April 30, 2001. If this opportunity were not taken now, it would be two years before it could be entered again. Entering
the pool would not adversely affect the budget.
Councilors Fine/Hartzell m/s to approve Resolution #2001-07. Roll Call Vote: Laws, Fine, Hartzell, Morrison, and
Hanson - YES. Motion passed.
It was clarified that the renewable resource purchase policy will be brought forward to the council for information at the
May 2 Study Session.
Bids for the library project will be accepted as of April 18, and will be opened for review on May 17.
Hartzell stated that Community Works approached her and requested time during a future Study Session to present their
anti-smoking campaign focused on youth in the workplace.
Fine was supportive of discussion regarding an anti-smoking ordinance, but he did not think it was fair to hear from only
one side. Mayor Walton of Central Point has been a central force in institutinganti-smokingordinances to keep youth from
smoking in his City. Fine suggested contacting Mayor Walton.
Councilors Fine/Hartzell m/s to place on the agenda the discussion regarding Community Works' anti-smoking
campaign. Vote: all AYES. Motion passed.
The council discussed various ways on how to handle this request, and agreed that receiving information prior to scheduling
a presentation would be best for the council on consideration of this matter.
Councilors Fine/Hanson m/s to direct staff to draft a Resolution and send a letter to the State of Oregon stating their
opposition to the passing of laws taking away local government's rights and precluding them from passing
Ordinances. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed.
Barbara Christensen, City Recorder/Treasurer
Alan DeBoer, Mayor
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