June 5, 2001 - 7:00 p.m.
Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E. Main Street
Mayor DeBoer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center Council Chambers.
Councilors Laws, Reid, Hartzell, Hanson, Morrison, and Fine were in attendance.
Councilors Hanson/Reid m/s to approve minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of May 15, 2001. Councilor Hartzell
abstained. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed.
Accounting Supervisor Patrick Caldwell accepted the Award of Certificate for Financial Reporting.
1. Minutes of Boards, Commissions and Committees.
2. Confirmation of Mayor's appointment of Harry Kannasto to the Band Board for a term to expire April 30, 2002.
3. Confirmation of Mayor's appointment of John Baxter to the Bicycle & Pedestrian Commission for a term to
expire April 30, 2004.
4. Confirmation of Mayor's appointments and reappointments to the Ad Hoc Systems Development Charge
5. Annual Liquor License Blanket Approval.
6. Consider Granting the State of Oregon a Permanent Slope Easement.
Councilor Hartzell requested moving Item 4 to New & Misc. Business to allow for discussion.
Councilors Hartzell/Morrisonm/s to approve Consent Agenda items l, 2, 3, 5, and 6. VoiceVote: aIIAYES. Motion
1. Public Hearing to consider adoption of the Fiscal Year 2001-2002 Budget.
Dennis Donahue/54 Gresham/Spoke regarding proposed parking for the library. Vehicles will not be able to maneuver
the parking spaces in the alleyway, as there is not enough space. Because there is no walking space, it is very unsafe. He
questioned violations, as determined by the Planning Commission, regarding the submission to the county of a land survey
map. No map has been submitted. Donahue suggested checking the facts before signing a contract.
Colin Swales/461 Allison/Voiced his support of the Independent Film Society. He questionedthe expffation of the permit
for the library project. Swales requested clarification regarding negotiations for the purchase of the property next to the
library. DeBoer stated his interest in purchasing the property, and noted that the seller must be willing as well. It would
take a formal action by the council before a decision could be made. Swales questioned related expenses for the purchase
of the property and how taxpayers would react to the purchase. DeBoer stated that the public would be involved in the
decision process.
Suzanne McQueen/2934 Grizzly/Spoke regarding the proposed Living Wage, and her opposition to the ordinance. She
is a business owner and offered her business practices. She could not understand how the ordinance would benefit the
community, and felt it would be detrimental to small business owners. Increased costs would be passed onto consumers.
DeBoer noted that the committee finished its work recently and the ordinance should come to the council in July.
Councilors HartzelFReid m/s to place the library discussion on the agenda. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed.
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1. Request for Co-Sponsorship of Ashland Independent Film Festival.
Scolas noted policy that allows banners on Main Street for City or City cosponsored activities. The festival is requesting
co-sponsorship, and Staff recommends support. The festival would be responsible for the $125 banner installation fee.
Councilors Reid/Fine m/s to approve staff recommendation. Voice Vote: all AYES. Motion passed.
2. Consideration of a Recommendation from the Ashland Parks & Recreation Commission to purchase property
for Open Space/Park Land.
Laws spoke as liaison for the Parks Commission, and explained that negotiations have been underway since 1992. A
purchase price has been negotiated for the property, located on Hersey near Oak Street and that this is an opportunity for
development of the Open Space program.
Director of Parks & Recreation Ken Mickelsen clarified that the Park Commission feels strongly about securing property
for Open Space. The property will be developed within the time frame necessary to meet the deed restriction, which would
revert the property to the Vogel family should the property be no longer used for parks and public use.
City Attorney Paul Nolte explained that a reversionary clause is not uncommon. He assured the council that he would be
involved in the final purchase contract, and would take strides to protect the property purchase for the City.
Mickelsen explainedthat the Parks Commission would determine the use of the property. He further clarifiedthat sufficient
revenue exists for the purchase of the property, but future acquisitions for the Open Space Plan would be hindered. The
recommendation from the Park Commission is in full support of the purchase.
Councilors Reid/Laws m/s to join with the Parks Commission in purchasing the Vogel property.
Councilor Fine/Hartzell moved to amend the motion to include, "subject to satisfactory renegotiation of the
reversionary clause so that the money is refunded with interest in the event that the clause is triggered."
DISCUSSION: Laws was uncomfortable with adding the amendment to the motion. Nolte clarified that should the property
be no longer used for public purposes, it would revert back to the grantor's heirs, at no cost to the heirs. Fine stated that,
as written, the property must be used for Parks purposes, which is too limiting. He felt it should be written as "parks or
public use," allowing for more options. Nolte felt the sellers would accept the wording of public or park purposes. Morrison
agreed with Nolte's statement. Reid was concerned that altering the clause would stop the negotiations. Mickelsen clarified
that the Vogel family wants the property to be used as a public park.
Councilor Fine withdrew his motion to amend. Councilors Fine/Hartzellm/s to amend motion to change "parks and
public use" to "parks or public use." DISCUSSION: Hartzell explained that the amended motion would include a
negotiation of the contract and alteration of the clause dealing with the reversion of property to include language regarding
the purpose of the property. Reid stated that because open Space money was being used, the land must remain a park
property. Fine clarifiedthat the purpose of the amendment allows for a shift in conditions should the City no longer be able
to maintain the land as a park. Roll Call: Laws, Reid, and Hanson - No; Hartzell, Morrison, and Fine - Yes; Mayor
DeBoer - No. Motion Failed 3-4.
Roll Call on Original Motion: Laws, Reid, Hartzell, Morrison, Hanson, and Fine - Yes. Motion Passed.
3. Presentation by Allan Sandier and Ed Bemis regarding potential purchase of air space over the Hargadine
Parking Structure.
Ed Bemis/Allan Sandier 1260 Prospect/Requested consideration for the acquisition of air space above the Hargadine
Parking Structure to build four, $1 million condominiums. Sandler expla'med that all designs would be worked out closely
with the City and OSF before any trmal arrangements were completed.
Reid shared her perspective on the need for affordable housing. Luxurious condominiums were not what she had in mind.
Sandier responded, stating that it was too expensive to produce low-income housing.
Fine agreed with Reid's thoughts, and added that he would not want staffto spend time pursuing negotiations for expensive
housing. He felt it was premature to dismiss the possibility of affordable housing in this location. Sandier stated that he
was not opposed to building affordable housing, but funding through federal or local agencies would be needed.
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Hanson stated that he has never envisioned any type of living structure on top of the building. Hartzell noted that an
overabundance of condominiums is for sale and that there is a need for rental properties, especially in the affordable housing
range. She felt it was important for developers to understand where the need lies and noted that there is a possibility in the
next few years for federal or state funds to build more affordable housing.
Morrison agreed with Fine and Reid and stated that more affordable housing and parking in the downtown area is needed.
He did not feel that luxury condominiums were high on the list of priorities.
Sandler offered to enter into a discussion about rental properties. Hartzell encouraged him to speak to the Land Trust.
Nolte clarified that the "big box" concept measures the footprint of a structure, not the volume.
Lars Svendsgaard/183 Vista/Stated that he lives close to the proposed parking slructure. He felt that the parking situation
has only worsened over time, and urged the council to consider using the entire parking structure for parking purposes.
Erik Navickas/711 Faith/Voiced his concern with the proposed use of air space for luxury condos. He stated that parking
structures in other cities are not used. Other things are needed, including affordable housing and a teen shelter.
Bradford and Ava Fish/3708 Hwy 99 S/Felt that the structure should be built before a discussion of airspace occurs. They
urged the council to wait and see how the City utilizes available parking before making a decision.
Councilors Laws/Fine m/s to table discussion on this subject indefinitely. Voice vote: all AYES. Motion passed.
1. Library Discussion
City AdmimstratorGreg Scoles gave a breakdown of the library constmctiunbudget. The original constmctionbudget was
$4,032,552, but added expenses ($139,397 cost escalation, $15,000 energy conservation incentive, $22,000 furniture/
equipment included with bid) brought the total to $4,223,949. Other expenses were subtracted, ($5,800 tree removal,
$75,000 permits and fees) bringing the total to $4,143,149. The original contingency fee of $464,000, minus the adjusted
contingency of 10%, is a difference of $49,851. This brings the revised construction total to $4,193,000. The low bid, by
Adroit, was $4,160,373, which leaves a balance of $32,627.
Scoles clarified that a letter was sent from the Community Development Director to Colin Swales regarding the t'mal
effective date for the approval for construction. The date Swales used was contingent on the effective date of final zoning
for the project. Standards were changed on August 18, 2000, meaning that the one-year period has not been reached.
Nolte stated that he planned to follow through on the issue of the survey with Dennis Donahue, and would bring the
information back to the council.
i. Reading by title only of"A Resolution Modifying Section 4 of Resolution 96-47 to Change the Composition of the SDC
Review Committee."
Mayor clarified that this existing ad-hoc committee meets as needed to make changes to the System Development Charges.
Carole Wbeeldon, the previous council liaison, has been appointed as a citizen. Reid explained that state laws govern the
methodology and ensure fairness for System Development Charges.
Laws voiced his concern for the proposed modifications to appointments. He suggested eliminating the multi-family
housing representative, including the position as one of the pro-development representatives, or leaving it as ex-officio.
Fine suggested changing the one-member multi-family housing position to one-member affordable housing representative.
Morrison wanted to see a balanced group representing the community. He felt having a member from the Planning
Commission was a good idea. Hartzell suggested going hack to two representatives from the public at large. The problem
is not that there is room for two people from the community, but that recruiting methods did not bring in someone with a
commitment and understanding.
Laws noted that affordable housing representatives have the same interests as builders, keeping SDCs low, which passes
the costs onto the community.
DeBoer summarized councils' suggestions: Elimination of the member representing multi-family housing, changing to two
representatives from the public at large, one, of which could be a member of the Planning Commission or Budget
Committee (neither of whom is a builder).
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Councilors Morris#n/Fine m/s to approve Resolution #2000-17 as amended. Roll Call Vote: Laws, Reid, Hartzell,
Hanson, Morris#n, and Fine, YES. Motion passed.
Consent Agenda Item ~4: Confirmation of Mayor's appointments and reappointments to the Ad Hoc Systems
Development Charge Committee. DISCUSSION: DeB#er noted the appointments of Darrell Boldt and Larry
Medinger represent the home builders; Dennis Sweet represents the Chamber of Commerce; Car#lc Wheeldon
represents the citizens-at-large; he represents the council; Kerry KenCairn represents the Planning Commission;
which leaves one citizen-at-large position. Councilors Hartzell/Reid m/s to approve Consent Agenda item #4. Voice
Vote: all AYES. Motion passed.
2. Reading by title only of "A Resolution Adjusting Electrical Rates for bills prepared on or after July 1, 2001."
Laws voiced his concern with the proposed reduction to thc General Fund. He requested councils' consideration for
changes to the budget, which was based on a 20% increase for electric service customers. He felt adequate steps have not
been taken to help customers who cannot pay the increase. Retaining the tax on the entire 20% increase and shifting the
money into a line item where it could be stored (for up to three months) would allow for research of better alternatives. Two
possibilities include targeting specific consumers who cannot afford to pay electric bills and f'mding options for decreased
Wanderschied explained the differences for the average consumer based on the proposed taxed 10% increase and untaxed
10% surcharge versus a taxed 20% increase and no surcharge. If the City provided a program for conservation, it would
need to do installations and provide equipment. Another option is the RFP process, which would take 4 to 6 months to
implement, and would provide creditable installers. Reid noted that the council would have to consider whether this
program would be beneficial to all citizens, given that many have already changed to gas consumption.
DeBoer suggested moving the discussion to a study session. He voiced his concern with changing the recommendations
of the Budget Committee. He would like to explore the ideas brought forward by Laws. Morrison stated that the Budget
Committee felt the 10 and 10-proposal was the best for the community. He does not support an overturning of the
committee's recommendation. Hartzell noted that the Budget Committee was not given the opportunity to evaluate the
recommendations that were proposed. State law allows for reconsideration and allows for integration of concerns.
Fine suggested requiring the removal of electric space heating units in rentals and rep lacing them with more efficient heating
systems. By removing these outdated, expensively mn units, it would relieve the expenses of those who are usually the
poorer people of the community.
Laws stated that the Budget Committee did not have a realistic, developed plan to review when making their decision. He
felt that if it were not done now, no money would be available to do something later. He suggested making it a "holding
action" for three months to allow for conservation options and comments from the Budget Committee. Hanson supported
Laws' ideas, but suggested holding the decision for two weeks to allow for councils' review.
Scoles suggested approving the 10-10 increase with the proposed resolution and then adjusting the budget to allow for the
program later. Wanderschied noted that negotiations are being made with BPA for them to pay some of the City's
conservation. IfBPA pays a portion of the program, $200,000 could be used for other programs. He warned that there may
be more than a 30% increase from BPA in October. A decision on Green Power has also proved to be unclear.
Councilors Reid/Morrison m/s to amend Section 1 to change the word "adjusted" to "increased" and approving
Resolution #2001-18 with the amendment. DISCUSSION: Sc#les clarified that the next rate increase discussion would
take place in September. Roll Call Vote: Fine, Morris#n, Hanson, Hartzell, Reid, and Laws, YES. Motion passed.
3. Reading by title only of "A Resolution Certifying City Qualifies for State Subventions."
Councilors HartzellfFine m/s to approve Resolution #2001-16. Roll Call Vote: Reid, Hanson, Laws, Hartzell, Fine
and Morrison,'YES. Motion passed.
4. Reading by title only of "A Resolution Declaring the City's Election to receive State Revenue."
Councilors HartzeiFFine mis to approve Resolution 02001-15. Roll Call Vote: Hanson, Hartzell, Fine, Laws,
Morrison and Reid, YES. Motion passed.
5. Reading by title only of "A Resolution Adopting the Annual Budget and Making Appropriations."
Scoles gave the council a handout and noted an adjustment of $250,000 regarding the electric operation cost. He noted that
approximately $100,000 of property tax revenue would be carried forward as unallocated funds. This money could be used,
in addition to the $250,000, to increase the amount for a program. The repercussion is the lowering ofunallocated funds.
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Hartzell spoke with the police chief regarding a grant to purchase mobile data computers, which prompted a meeting with
the city attorney regarding the development of a resolution, similar to the State's, where grants over a certa'm amount written
by departmems would be brought to the council for the purpose of examining financial obligation over a five-year period.
Councilors Laws/Reid m/s to approve Resolution #2001-14, as amended. Roll Call Vote: Hartzell, Morrison, Fine,
Laws, Reid, and Hanson, YES. Motion passed.
First reading by title only of"An Ordinance Levying Taxes for the Period of July I, 2001 to and including June 30,
2002, such taxes in the sum of $7,078,000.00 upon all the Real and Personal Property subject to Assessment and Levy
within the Corporate Limits of the City of Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon."
Councilors Hanson/Reid m/s to approve the first reading of the ordinance and to place it on the agenda for second
reading. DISCUSSION: Laws referenced the Federal Government's tax cut and the State of Oregon's tax refunds, both
of which will create problems in the future. He felt it was a mistake to decrease the property taxes, because the money will
be needed in the future. Roll Call Vote: Laws, Reid, Hanson, Morrison, and Fine - Yes. Hartzell - No. Motion passed
Hartzell noted that proposals are expected for various committees regarding AFN and the budget. Morrison noted that the
budget carries a strong commitment to support AFN, but not without an equally strong commitment to monitor AFN from
a standpoint of responsibility to the citizens.
Wanderschied clarified that an electric reduction plan is underway. The plan must be submitted to BPA by June 22. The
City must curtail the use of 13-17 million kilowatt hours per year to meet the 10% target. Options for reduction include
reducing city facility use, turning off streetlights, and conservation augmentation. BPA allows a credit of 10% for price-
induced conservation. Approximately 6-10 million kilowatt hours need to be reduced by citizens.
DeBoer clarified that the Transportation, Transit, and Parking Plan was presented to the council, but they did not act upon
it. He intends to examine the ad hoc committee, as it has not met recently. Hartzell requested further updates on this issue.
Councilor Fine left the meeting at 9:45 p.m.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Barbara Christensen, City Recorder/Treasurer
Alan DeBoer, Mayor
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