HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-11 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 11, 1994 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:40 p.m. by Jenifer Carr. Other Commissioners present were Cloer and Thompson. Staff present were Molnar, Knox and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the December 14, 1993 meeting will be reviewed at this evening's meeting. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 93-148 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A FIVE-UNIT TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION AND AN OWNER'S UNIT (TOTAL SIX-UNITS) FOR THE PROPERTY AT 586 "B" STREET. APPLICANT: RON & SYBIL MADDOX STAFF REPORT The applicant is proposing a traveller's accommodation. The applicant is asking for a reduction in the fencing surrounding the property and removal of the bars on the windows. The applicant proposed to remove the gate in the front and rear property. The design of the parking spaces in the alley facilitate ingress and egress of traffic. The applicant has five spaces on-site and two on-street parking credits, bringing it up to the total of seven required parking spaces. Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Thompson, Cloer and Carr had a site visit. PUBLIC HEARING Nancy VanLandingham, Gateway Real Estate, 5 N. Main Street, selling agent, was available for questions. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Thompson felt this was a good use for this property and the location would encourage walking. Carr was happy the house would not sit empty and be allowed to deteriorate. Cloer concurred. Cloer moved to approve, Thompson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 93-149 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A PRIVATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, GRADES K-5, TO BE LOCATED IN THE EXISTING CHURCH FACILITIES AT 188 GARFIELD STREET. APPLICANT: CHRISTIAN CENTER Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts All Commissioners had a site visit. STAFF REPORT The application was administratively approved last month but a public hearing was requested by a neighboring property owner. Staff gave a brief history of the property. The applicant proposes a school which means the daily traffic would be similar to the target use of the zone and Staff has proposed the starting time of the school would offset the high school arrival time. Staff has recommended approval of this application with the three attached conditions. Carr recommended a Condition 4 that the applicant receive all the necessary waivers from the Oregon Department of Education, licensing from the Jackson County Health Department, etc. This could be provided prior to operation. PUBLIC HEARING KEN HORN, 1250 Kirk Lane, pastor of Ashland Christian Center, does not want to do anything to hinder the neighborhood with this operation of a Christian elementary school (K-5). Nothing would be changed in the buildings and nothing would be added. Parents would pick up children and drop them off within the parking lot area. The off-street parking will be adequate for everything. They are willing to stagger their hours in order to not interfere with the public schools. The church will continue to maintain the building and grounds. Horn said this application was in line with the Comprehensive Plan and met the Conditional Use Permit requirements. The maximum number of students they would handle would be 100. They have checked with the State and the proposed school meets all the requirements. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Thompson moved to approve the application providing all the necessary waivers have ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD JANUARY 11, 1994 MINUTES 2 been obtained from the State and other licensing and certification has been handled. Cloer seconded the application and it was approved unanimously. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 94-001 REQUEST FOR A SOLAR WAIVER (VARIANCE) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 253 THIRD STREET. PROPERTY OWNER AT 257 THIRD STREET HAS AGREED TO THE SHADING. PLANNING ACTION 94-002 IS A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO THE NON-CONFORMING STRUCTURE AT 253 THIRD STREET. APPLICANT: JEROME WHITE AND ELIZABETH ELLINGSON This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-005 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR THREE SINGLE-STORY OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDINGS LOCATED AT 260 HERSEY STREET. APPLICANT: JERRY TONEY This action was approved. In looking at revamping the ordinances, perhaps there could be an incentive for having residential units incorporated into E-1 site review requests. PLANNING ACTION 94-008 REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAN APPROVAL FOR PHASE II (SEVEN LOTS) OF AN 11-LOT SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION LOCATED AT 930 OAK STREET. APPLICANT: DON GREENE This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-009 IS A REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS AT 43 EMERICK STREET. APPLICANT: THE JACOB & DOROTHY RABKIN OREGON TRUST, AMY CIPES, TRUSTEE This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-010 ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD JANUARY 11, 1994 MINUTES REQUEST FOR A TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FOR A THREE-UNIT (PLUS MANAGER'S UNI'F) TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION AT 115 N. MAIN STREET. APPLICANT: PERRY M. COOK This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-011 REQUEST A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONVERT THE MANAGER'S APARTMENT WITHIN THE MOTEL AT 555 SlSKIYOU BOULEVARD (STRATFORD INN) TO TWO GUEST UNITS. APPLICANT: STRATFORD INN This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-012 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT LOCATED AT 1159 PARK STREET. APPLICANT: GLENN NOVAK This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-013 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO ADD A DETACHED SECONDARY UNIT AT 1041 EAST MAIN STREET. A VARIANCE FOR A 14 FOOT FRONT SETBACK IS REQUESTED TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PORCH. APPLICANT: CHARLES STEWART This action was approved with the added Condition that the applicant sign in favor of future improvement to the alley. PLANNING ACTION 94-014 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONVERT AN EXISTING RESIDENCE TO A AN OFFICE SPACE DOWNSTAIRS AND RESIDENTIAL SPACE UPSTAIRS AT 581 E. MAIN STREET. APPLICANT: Ashland Property Management, Inc. This action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD JANUARY 11, 1994 MINUTES 4