HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-11 Planning MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 11, 1994 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Barbara Jarvis. Other Commissioners present were Bingham, Powell, Medinger, Cloer, and Thompson. arrived later. Staff present were McLaughlin, Molnar, Knox, and Yates. Carr APPROVAL OF MINUTES Powell moved and Thompson seconded approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes of the December 14, 1993. All approved. PUBLIC FORUM No one came forth to speak. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 94-003 REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION OF THE PHASING PLAN FOR A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED 28-UNIT SUBDIVISION. REQUEST INVOLVES CONSTRUCTION OF THE SUBDIVISION IN FOUR PHASES AS ORIGINALLY APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION IN 1981, BUT THEN MODIFIED TO ONE PHASE BY THE APPLICANT IN 1982. REQUEST ALSO INVOLVES A CLARIFICATION OF CONDITIONS OF THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PLANNING ACTION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 438 GRANITE STREET. NO SUBSTANTIVE CHANGES IN THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SUBDIVISION ARE BEING REQUESTED AT THIS TIME. APPLICANT: MARK K. COOPER Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts --,Bingham had a site visit and walked the entire property. --,Powell had a site visit and walked to top of property. --,Medinger had a site visit and noted large cuts and fills on the property and wondered if they were in compliance. -*Cloer had a site visit. ---Thompson was familiar with the site. ---Jarvis walked the site. MARK COOPER came forth to speak and asked to withdraw his application. He read a letter into the record dated January 11, 1994, asking for withdrawal of his planning action. Carr arrived at the meeting. Cooper said if the Planning Commission was interested in holding a working session to better understand the real situation, it would help. He said the Staff Report is a continuation of what has been fought in courts. McLaughlin told the Commissioners they could move to accept the withdrawal and take no action on the application. Thompson moved to withdraw the application and to take no action. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. Jarvis noted the Staff Report was available on Thursday, January 6, 1994 in the Department of Community Development. OTHER Planning Commission Tour The Planning Commission tour will be either February 5th or 12th. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 11, 1994 HEARINGS BOARD Medinger moved to approve the Minutes, Thompson seconded the motion and the Minutes were approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 P.M. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 11, 1994