HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-02-08 Planning MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 1994 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Barbara Jarvis at 7:05 p.m. Other Commissioners present were Thompson, Powell, Cloer, Medinger, Carr, Armitage, and Hibbert. Staff present were McLaughlin, Molnar, Knox, and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS The Minutes of the January 11, 1994 meeting were approved.. PUBLIC FORUM Paula Brown of Rogue Valley Council of Governments passed around a handout on growth management tools and spoke about the grants with DLCD and ODOT. Ashland and Jacksonville are working jointly on one grant since they have similar areas right off their downtowns with some of the same growth pressures. Both cities are looking at traffic calming and mixed uses. The other grant Ashland is applying for is the Ashland Street plan. It is RVCOG's job to bring the grant applications together and present them as one package. It would be helpful for the Commission to agree to write letters of support for the two projects. The Commissioners unanimously agreed to write letters favoring the two projects. Ken Hagen will be speaking after the Type II Planning Action. TYPE II PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 94-020 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW AN EXISTING NON- RESIDENTIAL BUILDING TO BE USED AS OFFICES AT 78 AND 84 FOURTH STREET. A VARIANCE IS ALSO BEING REQUESTED TO REDUCE THE PARKING REQUIREMENT BY ONE SPACE. APPLICANT: ROGUE ENVIRONMENTAL INCORPORATED Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all but Medinger. STAFF REPORT Molnar referred to the criteria for approval of a Conditional Use Permit and a Variance. The site is presently housing the Waldorf School and their administrative offices. A parking variance had been granted at the time of the Waldorf's approval. The number of employees was limited to six. The present proposal would allow Rogue Environmental Inc. (REI) to utilize that corner of the building for their organization. They employ seven people during regular business hours. They have some evening meetings. The applicants are asking for a parking requirement reduction from 11 spaces to 10 spaces. The building is a non-residential on a small lot and was never built for residential purposes. The applicants feel the use they are requesting is compatible with the neighborhood. The applicants would like a CUP for two years and Staff concurs as long as a Condition is added that approval is for this specific application. Staff has recommended approval with the nine attached Conditions. PUBLIC HEARING JOHN STAHMER, staff member of Headwaters (newly formed corporation of REI) said he had one concern about limiting approval just to Headwaters and that is the difficulty in projecting two years into the future. It might be necessary for financial purposes to rent out two classrooms in the building to a non-profit organization or CPA or someone else. The applicants would rather not have this Condition 2 as it seems too restrictive. Stahmer wondered about removing the curb--when does that have to happen and would it be convenient to do when they move? Jarvis is concerned there is a violation going at the Waldorf School right now. She is concerned with parking in that area. Stahmer said Headwaters would not have a need for playground space. Jarvis wondered if any additional space could be provided on site. Stahmer said if the house is converted to residential, there would be very little backyard left if a portion is converted to parking. They will do that, if need be. JOE KNO'I-rS stated that the Historic Commission pointed out that the use of the building on the corner did not have parking. Only recently were there parking requirements. There are two separate tax lots involved and two separate historic uses. He is concerned that the house be residential with a yard and no parking in the backyard. Staff Comments When Staff was assessing the level of impact for this application, they took a conservative stance. Staff could agree to eliminate Condition 2. STAHMER, in rebuttal, felt the parking issue was cloudy. In order to use the buildings, they have to attach it to the neighboring property. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 1994 UHTOFF, 633 Roca, stated as a representative of Southern Oregon Land Conservancy that they would like to have a small place for their things. He thought there should be some way of limiting parking for certain uses, but other groups can use the building without impacting the parking that much. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION There was considerable discussion among the Commissioners regarding whether to specify the uses on this site. It was suggested the approval be for non-profit organizations or non-medical uses or non-intensive office use. Thompson moved to approve with the attached nine Conditions and revising Condition 2 to state: "That the approval be limited to the permitted uses in the R-2 zone office uses with the exception of medical and dental. Molnar suggested the approval be specifically for uses outlined in 18.24.030(E) excluding doctor, dental or any other practitioner of the healing arts. Hibbert did not think the proposal was sufficient for approval. If the lots need to be separated, then separate them, and if they do not need to be separated, then combine them. He said parking is a nightmare on B Street. Armitage felt the applicants had resolved everything except for one parking space. Thompson amended his motion to add Condition 10 that an access be made through 78 B Street to the parking lot. Condition 2 is changed and complies with the R-2 zoning (18.24.030 E) with the elimination of the medical professions. Any other similar use listed are acceptable. Carr seconded the amended motion. The motion carried with Hibbert voting "no". PUBLIC FORUM KEN HAGEN, reiterated what was stated in the letter he submitted to the Planning Commission. Hagen believes a development plan for the hillside areas should be a priority at this time. He would like to see the zoning change or development standards change and done on a point by point process so there is not more bad development. He has listed some standards in his letter. Most of the Commissioners agreed this was an area of concern. DANA KNOKE, 1030 Ashland Street, supports Hagen's ideas. SUSAN HUNT, 220 Nutley, said she was told hillside ordinances would come out of ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 1994 the Strawberry Neighborhood Plan. She believes this needs to be done prior to the Historic Ordinance. OTHER PLANNING COMMISSION TOUR - February 26, 1994 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 8, 1994 4