HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-12 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 12, 1994 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Jenifer Carr. Other Commissioners present were Cloer and Thompson. Staff present were Molnar, Knox and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS Cloer moved and Carr seconded the approval of the Minutes and Findings of the March 8, 1994 Hearings Board. The Minutes and Findings were approved. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 94-004 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO REPAIR AND EXPAND A NON- CONFORMING STRUCTURE (ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT) LOCATED AT 163 HIGH STREET. APPLICANT: JOHN MCCLENDON This action has been postponed. PLANNING ACTION 94-053 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR AN OFFICE/STORAGE/SHOP BUILDING TO BE LOCATED ON LOT 1 OF THE RECENTLY APPROVED SOUTHERN PACIFIC SUBDIVISION. APPLICANT: STEVE HOXMEIER All Commissioners made a site visit. STAFF REPORT The applicant made the same request in 1993, however, for a temporaw building. The proposed building would be located in the Railroad Subdivision. It should be noted that when the Planning Commission approved the application, it was approved as temporary for one year and after that year, the Commission would review it as an extension or give permanent approval. The property involves the construction of an 1100 sq. ft. office/storage building. Since the time the Staff Report was written, the applicant has submitted a revised site plan. It shows lawn and shrubs along with the elevation facing Fourth Street. Molnar drew the Commissioner's attention to the Minutes from the Historic Commission meeting. This is a critical corner for the future development of the railroad district. It will serve as an anchor building for that area. The proposed design looks residential, given the pitch of the roof and the materials. The underlying zoning is Commercial and the Comp Plan Designation is Commercial and historically, that area has developed with a commercial tone. There was a concern that the type of design was more residential than urban in appearance. The Historic Commission recommended that the application not be approved at this time. The main concern was the 46 feet of building length, that there were not enough changes in mass or articulation and therefore recommended the applicant come back to the Historic Commission subcommittee to address those type of issues. Also, the Historic Commission felt work needed to be done on the trim, and the windows originally approved a year ago indicated double hung windows. The applicant is agreeable to the double hung windows. The Staff Report has made additional comments with regards to landscaping and public sidewalk improvements. Since Hoxmeier's last proposal, new commercial development standards have been adopted for highly visible areas such as the A Street area. The new standards include mandatory sidewalks on all street frontages, landscaping plans, buildings that would have to incorporate changes in mass, articulation, alcoves, overhangs--details that would make the buildings more pedestrian oriented as well as breaking up large linear facades. Staff has to require the sidewalks. There needs to be a site, size, and species specific landscaping plan submitted for at least the perimeter of the building. The majority of the lot, the applicant would like in the existing natural state. It is a mainly grassy area with maple trees that he would maintain. The area closer to Fourth will need a specific landscaping plan. Given the recommendations from the Historic Commission meeting, Staff is recommending the applicant allow the Commission to continue the application for at least a month to review the issues of building design. Cloer feels awkward about this application because he is trying to anticipate what the entire development on that lot will be. The way the building is being placed, it looks like there will be further development on this lot and it seems that without a total plan, he is uncomfortable with reviewing this application. Molnar said the Historic Commission had similar concerns and they would like to see a larger building wrapping around that corner. The only reason the Historic Commission did not completely deny the application is because it is set so far back on ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 12, 1994 2 the lot and it would be possible that another building could be built closer to the corner. PUBLIC HEARING STEVE HOXMEIER, 435 B Street, stated that he brought this application to the Commission once before for a temporary building. Since the Historic Commission meeting, he has made some changes to the long side of the building to break up the mass. He has agreed to double hung windows. The porch will be made larger with a bannister on the front with an arbor. Hoxmeier said the porch was approximately eight feet in width with the stairs being indented. He submitted new elevations. Cloer wondered if Hoxmeier felt comfortable with the placement of the building and how it will relate to the rest of the area. Hoxmeier responded that he still plans to build a gym or a sports place. So Cloer deduced that Hoxmeier would still like to have a temporary building. Hoxmeier would, but was unable to get a building permit for a temporary building as he was in conflict with construction codes. Thompson did not believe the building was that disagreeable with the revised elevations. Hoxmeier added that he would like a garden on the corner. Hoxmeier intends to share the elevations submitted today to the Historic Commission subcommittee. Carr thought that for a permanent building, this looks very temporary. She did not think it looked commercial. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Cloer felt that from the applicant's standpoint, what Hoxmeier is attempting to do is something that is feasible for Hoxmeier in terms of development of his property. Cloer is hesitant to get in the way of that if Hoxmeier can meet the design requirements of both the commercial development standards and the Historic Commission. Cloer believes that ultimately there will be more commercial looking and more desirable buildings along Fourth Street. He would hesitate to say a small building is unacceptable. Thompson explained that some of the building requirements have been tightened to the point it is difficult to get permits. He believes any conditions placed on the applicant, should be with more latitude than restrictions. Thompson believes the criteria have been met. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 12, 1994 3 Cloer thought adding a Condition 6 -- that the building design incorporate changes shown on the revised elevations (Exhibit P-1 submitted 4/12/94). Those changes are to be reviewed by the Historic Commission subcommittee and approved by the Staff Advisor. Thompson moved to approve PA94-053 with the attached 6 Conditions. Cloer seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 94-039 MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS 389 E. HERSEY STREET APPLICANT: IRAJ OSTOVAR This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-054 FINAL PLAN APPROVAL FOR A FOUR-LOT SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION GRANITE STREET NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF GRANITE AND SOUTH PIONEER STREETS APPLICANT: GARY AND DIANE SlETZ This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-059 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A TEMPORARY USE TO OPERATE AN ESPRESSO BAR OUTSIDE 142 E. MAIN STREET (FORTMILLER'S). APPLICANT: SHAWN POLLARD AND TANYA TRAISTER There was some question about the call-up of this hearing. John Schweiger submitted a letter that came into the office past the deadline. Thompson was requested by Bill Robertson to call this action up for a public hearing. A letter will be sent to the applicant explaining the procedure. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 12, 1994 4 PLANNING ACTION 94-060 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A TEMPORARY USE TO OPERATE THE MARKETPLACE UNDER THE VIADUCT ON WATER STREET. HOURS OF OPERATION WILL BE: SATURDAY AND SUNDAY FROM MAY THROUGH OCTOBER FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. APPLICANT: LITHIA ARTS GUILD Cloer was concerned that the Brew Pub has the lease from the land from the State. Molnar said the City still oversees the operation. This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-062 SITE REVIEW TO/CONSTRUCT A 2980 SQUARE FOOT OFFICE BUILDING 255 "A" STREET. APPLICANT: ELLIS WILSON This action has been called up for a public hearing. PLANNING ACTION 94-063 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW FOR THE ADDITION OF A TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION OWNER'S QUARTERS 137 N. MAIN STREET APPLICANT: BRAD PARKER This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-064 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FOR A TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION 668 N. MAIN STREET (MORICAL HOUSE) APPLICANT: GARY AND SANDRA MOORE This action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 12, 1994