HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-05-10 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MAY 10, 1994 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. by Susan Powell. Other Commissioners present were Jarvis and Hibbert. Staff present were Molnar, Knox, Madding, and Yates. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 94-004 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO REPAIR AND EXPAND A NON- CONFORMING STRUCTURE (ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT) 163 HIGH STREET APPLICANT: JOHN MCCLENDON STAFF REPORT The incorrect Staff Report was included in the packet, therefore, the correct Staff Report was distributed at today's meeting. It is a request to expand a non-conforming structure from a single story to a two-story unit. A Conditional Use Permit is needed since the cottage unit is approximately four feet from the property line. Staff's main concern has been with the architecture. At last month's Historic Commission meeting, the application was denied based on the incompleteness of the application, incompatibility of the design, and the excessive square footage. The applicants have submitted a redesign which the Historic Commission approved as well as Staff. Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all three Commissioners. The carriage house consists of rooms rented out by the owner for artisans. They contain no kitchen or bath facilities. PUBLIC HEARING No one came forth to speak. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION The Commissioners agreed that the new Staff Report was within the guidelines for an accessory unit. Powell noticed a sludge deposit in the street that had a plumbing odor to it. Knox said that would be noted and would be investigated at the time the building permit is issued. Hibbert moved to approve, Jarvis seconded the motion, and the action was carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 94-062 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A 2980 SQUARE FOOT OFFICE/RESIDENTIAL BUILDING 255 "A" STREET APPLICANT: ELLIS WILSON Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT This proposal was approved administratively last month by Staff and a request for hearing was filed. Two apartments above are proposed over the 3,000 square foot building. The application complies with the Site Design and Use Standards and the various design aspects have been included in the Staff Report. Staff believes the proposal complies with the Detailed Site Review Zone. Traffic concerns have been mentioned along A Street. Although there is a lot of change in this area, A Street is well within capacity to serve a development of this size. The parking was a concern, but the applicant has met the parking requirements for off-street parking. The Traffic Safety Commission and Bike Commission are working on the removal of on-street parking on the north side (railroad track side) of A Street to accommodate a bike lane. The biggest dilemma with this application for Staff and the Historic Commission was with design and the vision for this overall area. Should this be designed commercially, residentially or a mix? There are ideas on both sides of this argument, but it was reviewed on the basis on the compliance with the Site Design and Use Standards. In the future, a Study Session will be arranged with the Planning Commission and Historic Commission to discuss this issue. Staff recommended approval with the attached Conditions. The Historic Commission was divided over their decision regarding roofing materials -- should it be composition ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MAY 10, 1994 2 or metal? PUBLIC HEARING RAY KISTLER, 208 Oak Street, architect on the project stated that he elected to design a contemporary style building and he feels the metal roof compliments the projects, although composition shingles would be acceptable. The metal roof color is a dull pewter. The building was never meant to imitate the historic nature of the neighborhood. PETER BRUNNER, 77 N. Main Street, said he owns lots 2 and 3 of the Railroad Village Subdivision. He favors the proposal. With regard to traffic, Brunner knew that the parking will be eliminated on the north side of A, but in addition mentioned that the Planning Commission had required a bike lane in the subdivision in the alleyway. Brunner believes this is an attractive proposal and he has no problem with the pewter roof. ELLIS WILSON, 1475 Windsor, would like to construct the proposed building on this site. Staff Response Molnar said that the Historic Commission members who were opposed to the design thought the building was nice, but wondered if it met the theme this area would be striving for. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION For lack of any specific standards for the A Street area, this proposal will be fine. Jarvis moved to approved with the attached Conditions. Hibbert seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 94-074 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A ONE-UNIT TRAVELLERS ACCOMMODATION. ALSO REQUESTING A VARIANCE TO LOCATE A TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION BEYOND THE REQUIRED 200 FEET TO AN ARTERIAL OR COLLECTOR. 298 HARGADINE APPLICANT: WILL CARR ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MAY 10, 1994 Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Jarvis stepped down from this hearing because she is a friend of the applicant's. Hibbert has been on the property in the past. He knows the applicant but feels he can make an impartial decision. Powell had a site visit. STAFF REPORT The applicant is requesting a one-unit traveller's accommodation. There is an existing guest house on the property. The home is located in excess of 200 feet from an arterial, thus requiring the need for a Variance. The Comprehensive Plan states there is an additional need for tourist accommodations in the next five to ten years. About two years ago, the Planning Commission denied a request for a Variance for a four- unit traveller's accommodation on First and Hargadine Streets because it was being developed to the maximum density of the target use. In the application today, one unit is much less than the target use for the property which would be three to four units. It is geared to fill a specific need for a population that has medical complications. This has created a unique circumstances in this application. Also, given the existing use as a guest house, this conversion for a seasonal traveller's accommodation would have a minimal impact. There are five Conditions of approval if the Commission wishes to approve. PUBLIC HEARING WILL CARR, 298 Hargadine Street, read comments from his application which were included in the packet. Hibbert has no problem with the Conditional Use Permit but asked why this application for a Variance is unique because this is taking a potential long-term rental off the market. Carr said it is not a long-term rental now. Hibbert wondered about changing the number of feet from an arterial. PETER VANVLEET, Helman Street, wants to lend support to this application because of the fact that this is the type of spirit and atmosphere and surroundings that is conducive to a traveller's accommodation. There are unique circumstances because the whole area is commercial. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MAY 10, 1994 Staff Response Molnar, in addressing the unique and unusual circumstances, stated that there is a transition between First and Hargadine and the applicant's property. There is less on- street parking used near the applicant's property and less commercial intensity. Hibbert wondered if there would ever be a zone change in that area. Molnar said there has been discussion about an in-between zone on the south side of Hargadine. Knox added that the type of service that is to be provided meets the needs of a segment of our society that is not always accepted in other traveller's accommodations. Besides the fact that the unit is located across the street from the Cabaret Theater and Winchester Inn, the 200 foot requirement was designed to encourage the walking of the patrons to the downtown. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Hibbert moved to approve, Powell seconded the motion and it was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-075 REQUEST FOR OUTLINE PLAN AND FINAL PLAN APPROVAL FOR A 3-LOT (6- UNIT) SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 170 S. MOUNTAIN AVENUE. APPLICANT: JONATHAN LANDES Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT The Planning Commission approved a Site Review for a tri-plex in 1993 as well as a driveway width Variance. This application would just put lines on a map. There is no change in the proposal. It is difficult to get a residential loan for more than four units on a tax lot. Staff believes the criteria have been met. There are attached Conditions. The Commissioners and Staff wondered if there would ever be a problem of any additional units being added. PUBLIC HEARING RICHARD HOUSTON, 574 East Main, was available in place of the applicant for questions. Hibbert wondered if the applicant would have a problem with not being able to divide the lots any further. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MAY tO, 1994 The Commissioners wanted to add a Condition that no additional units will be allowed. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Hibbert moved to approve the application with the added Condition: That the overall density of the subdivision site will not exceed the permitted density in the zoning district. Jarvis seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 94-067 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR A SIX-UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX LOCATED ON VANNESS STREET BETWEEN HELMAN AND LAUREL STREETS. APPLICANT: DAVE GREENE This action was called up for a public hearing. PLANNING ACTION 94-068 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS. DRIVEWAY ACCESS TO THE WESTERN PARCEL WILL BE VIA EASEMENT THROUGH EXISTING DRIVEWAY OFF CHESTNUT. 439 CHESTNUT. APPLICANT: SHIRLEY GILBERT This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-069 REQUEST FOR AN EXTENSION OF A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS 70 WATER STREET. APPLICANT: ELIZABETH CHANDRA This action was approved. Hibbert abstained. PLANNING ACTION 94-071 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND A SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITIONAL CAR WASH BAY (420 SQ. FT.). SlSKIYOU BOULEVARD APPLICANT: ASHLAND BUGGY BATH ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MAY 10, 1994 This action was called up for a public hearing. PLANNING ACTION 94-072 REQUEST FOR SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A 3900 SQ. FT. SHOWROOM/WAREHOUSE. 1020 BENSON WAY APPLICANT: DAVE & JANE LE FORS This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-073 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO APPROVE AN EXISTING ACCESSORY UNIT 131 CHURCH STREET APPLICANT: BRUCE & POKII ROBERTS This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-076 REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FOR A 15 FOOT FRONT YARD SETBACK INSTEAD OF THE REQUIRED 20 FOOT SETBACK FOR THE ADDITION OF A BEDROOM. 1293 QUINCY STREET APPLICANT: RANDE POWELL This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-077 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS 937 OAK STREET APPLICANT: CATHY GOLDEN This action was called up for a public hearing. PLANNING ACTION 94-079 REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO APPROVE AN EXISTING NON- CONFORMING ACCESSORY UNIT AS PART OF THE DETACHED GARAGE. 167 N. MOUNTAIN AVENUE APPLICANT: NANCY SPENCER This action was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MAY 10, 1994 PLANNING ACTION 94-080 REQUEST FOR A MODIFICATION OF A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A 3240 SQ. FT. (1920 SQ. FT. DOWNSTAIRS COMMERCIAL/1320 SQ. FT. UPSTAIRS RESIDENTIAL). ALSO REQUEST FOR A 50% PARKING VARIANCE. 233 FOURTH STREET. APPLICANT: TOM FRANTZ This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-061 REQUEST FOR SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT TWO MIXED USE BUILDINGS CONSISTING OF RETAIL SPACE ON THE FIRST FLOOR AND APARTMENT SPACE ON THE SECOND FLOOR. TO BE BUILT ON THEIR INDIVIDUAL LOT LOCATED ALONG "A" STREET, LOTS 8 & 9 OF THE RAILROAD VILLAGE SUBDIVISION. APPLICANT: ALLAN SANDLER This action was approved. Revise Condition 3 to add street trees (1 1/2" calipers). Add Condition 13 that prior to submitting plans for a building permit, the applicants meet with the Historic Commission's review board to redesign the overhangs, copper roofs, and signs on A Street. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MAY 10, 1994