HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-07-12 Planning MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 12, 1994 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Barbara Jarvis. Commissioners present were Cloer, Armitage, Powell, and Carr. Molnar, McLaughlin and Yates. Other Staff present were APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS The Minutes and Findings of the June 14, 1994 meeting were moved to be approved by Carr and seconded by Powell. All Commissioners favored. Carr moved to approve the Findings for the June 28, 1994 meeting and Powell seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted approval. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 94-092 REQUEST FOR OUTLINE PLAN AND FINAL PLAN APPROVAL FOR A FIVE-LOT SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 965 TOLMAN CREEK ROAD. ALSO REQUESTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO LOCATE ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNITS ON THREE OF THE FIVE LOTS. APPLICANT: BILL ROBERTSON Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Jarvis made a second site visit. She looked at the driveway in the rear near Jaquelyn Street. CONTINUATION OF HEARING FROM JUNE 28, 1994 STAFF REPORT This application was continued because of insufficient information provided by the applicant at the last meeting. The applicant, ten days ago, submitted additional information. Included was a more detailed inventory of the trees located on the property. Two letters have been submitted for the record; one from Susan Hunt, Tree Commissioner, noting her observations on the site; the other from Cynthia Dion who was unable to attend tonight's meeting. Molnar addressed the comments in the letters. Hunt spoke of the large tulip tree in the approximate location of the new driveway. Molnar said there appears to be enough room between the tree and existing residence to have the driveway curve around the tree without having to remove it. Staff would recommend something other than paving around the tree. In Dion's letter, she mentioned an 18 inch pine tree on Parcel 1. That tree is more centrally located in a buildable area. Through some creative design, a home could be designed around the tree so the tree could be retained, however, it is questionable what impact construction would have on the tree. With regard to the future thru-street, the City Attorney said a Condition could be attached that the applicant would agree to sign an irrevocable agreement to dedicate the right-of-way to the City. (Condition 13 in the Staff Report). Molnar suggested Condition 14 that temporary fencing be installed around the dripline of the trees to be retained on Parcel 1 prior to issuance of a building permit. In response to Dion's letter, Molnar agreed that it looked like Robertson took Findings from another application, but the Commission needs to see if the application before them meets the criteria for approval. It appears all the issues have been addressed. Cloer sees some uncertainty about the property lines between Lots 1 and 2 and wants to make sure the trees would be preserved on both parcels after construction. PUBLIC HEARING BILL ROBERTSON, said that he would have to run an electric line, cable, etc. that would interfere with the tulip tree. On the neighbor's property there is a very large cedar tree. If he saves the cedar tree, the tulip tree could be lost, or if he saves the tulip tree, the cedar tree could be lost. He would rather save the cedar tree. He is in agreement about the fencing the trees around the driplines. Robertson did cut and paste from applications to come up with his own. He will have to remove the pine tree. Armitage thought some clarification should be made in Condition 14 that the trees be protected on Parcel 2 also. Robertson had some concerns about the street dedication but decided he would agree to that Condition. Cloer wondered how the trees would be preserved in light of the change in the hydrology (less irrigation). Robertson did not believe there would be much change except for the poplar tree in the rear. He said this property has not been irrigated the way it used to be. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 12, 1994 2 Staff Response As part of the Conditional Use Permit criteria, there has to be sufficient information in the record that the buildings will be compatible with the buildings in the area. Robertson might be adjusting floor plans and modifying some exterior components. Staff feels comfortable with the information provided. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Cloer thought it would be problematic to save the tulip tree if the street were to go through. Armitage moved to approve PA94-092 with the attached recommended 14 Conditions (addition of the temporary fencing, as above). Amend that Condition to add Parcel 2. Carr seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. OTHER Letter from Don Paul - Altamont access McLaughlin reported that access will be worked out before a building permit is issued and attached to a building permit. No further action by the Planning Commission is necessary. TIMELINE McLaughlin reviewed the projects currently underway by the Planning Department. The Transportation Plan has been about half completed and expected adoption would be early 1995. Work is being done on revising the Historic Resource Inventory and there will be an all day workshop on historic design review on July 20th, beginning at 8:30 a.m. at the Old Armory. The work on the Railroad District (under a grant from the State) should begin in September and take approximately a year to complete. The Department will be looking at the ordinances regarding open space and pathway dedications. After the Dolan decision, questions have arisen about what to do next. The State is willing to provide the City with a grant to work on our ordinances. This should be complete by next July. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 12, 1994 Work will be done for a new Urban Growth Boundary Agreement through a grant provided by the State. This would be complete by next July. The North Mountain Avenue neighborhood plan is in process. In a month or so, the Strawberry/Westwood steering committee will be starting their meetings. Staff will be preparing a specific plan for the Ashland Street Plan and this will need to be completed by next July. The Affordable Housing Committee has been revamped. The Commissioners will be provided with a copy of the timeline in their next packet. There will be no Study Session in July. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 12, 1994 4