HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-08-09 Planning MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 9, 1994 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Barbara Jarvis at 7:15 p.m. Other Commissioners present were Hibbert, Thompson, Carr, Powell, and Cloer. Staff present were McLaughlin, Molnar, and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS Carr moved to approve the Minutes and Findings of the July 12, 1994 Regular Meeting. Cloer seconded the motion and everyone approved. Carr moved to approve the Minutes and Findings of the July 28, 1994 meeting. Cloer seconded the motion and everyone approved. PUBLIC FORUM ROBERT MCCOY, 160 Orange Avenue, lives directly across the street from the development on Orange being done by Daryl Bonin. At the time of the hearing, neighbors expressed concerns about construction traffic on Orange Avenue and McCoy left the meeting with the impression that the bulk of the work would be done at closest to Mountain View. Instead, about eight weeks ago, the street was being cut through Orange Avenue and Bonin had been told he could install utilities. At this time, there are a number of construction vehicles using Orange Avenue. The neighbors agree there is a dust problem. McCoy would like Bonin to take care of the dust problem or he will have to ask for a stop work order. McLaughlin met with Bonin and he said he would start watering tomorrow morning. McLaughlin will make sure Bonin complies. Bonin is doing the improvements for the entire project according to McLaughlin. Daryl Bonin agreed to keep the road watered. TYPE III PLANNING ACTION PLANNING ACTION 94-101 REQUEST FOR A BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 545, 547, 550, 560, AND 580 CLOER LANE. APPLICANT: VERNON G. LUDWIG Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT Molnar reported that last year the Council denied a zoning change to allow a recreational vehicle park. Last month Staff approved a lot line adjustment which involves a natural relocation of the Clover Lane right-of-way. The adjustment will create deeper parcels with frontage on I-5, thus creating more commercially viable properties. This application is normally a Staff Permit and the only criteria is that the general zoning has been met. In this case, the property is zoned E-1 so there are no setback requirements. Conditions can be attached regarding easements and dedications. The adjacent neighbors will be speaking on the potential connection of Spring Creek to Clover Lane. There are two parcels that stand between Spring Creek and Clover Lane connection. Staff has recommended approval with the attached six Conditions. Jarvis announced that the Commission does not have any any way of dealing with the problem of connecting Clover Lane at this time. They will listen to the neighbors, however, the criteria does not include what the street is going to do. A letter submitted by Sarah Joy Burnson and signed by several neighbor children was entered into the record. A letter from Katrina and David Burnson was entered into the record. PUBLIC HEARING RUDY WERTEPNY is interested in approval of the lot line adjustment because he wants to develop the property. VERN LUDWIG, 535 Clover Lane, discussed the proposed lot line adjustment with the owner of tax lot 1300 and he had no concerns. JOANNE JOHNS, 650 Spring Creek Road, said the neighbor's concerns are what the next proposal might be. The applicant is proposing to make the Spring Creek connection in the future. If the proposal is approved and commercial development occurs, she is concerned about where the traffic will go. Johns read a letter stating her concerns. CAROL ENGLE, 581 Spring Creek Drive, agrees with Johns. She is concerned that if the neighbors don't speak up now, when will be the proper time. She does not want to see E-1 falling into a residential zone. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 9, '1994 MINUTES LYNN WALLIS, 640 Spring Creek Drive, cannot see how it would be beneficial to connect the streets but would be only detrimental. Testimony Request forms were received from the following and all were against the proposal. Charles & Ruth Ranger, 630 Spring Creek Drive Laurie Bixby, 571 Oak Hill Circle Nelson Hickling, 604 Spring Creek Drive Catherine Hickling, 604 Spring Creek Drive WERTEPNY said the street connection was decided by the City not Ludwig. The neighbors should be concerned when the adjacent property is annexed. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Carr moved to approve PA94-101 with the attached Conditions. Thompson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Cloer mentioned that he thought it was desirable to buffer the residential from the E-1 development. Thompson suggested erecting "No Thru Traffic" signs and a turn around for truck traffic as options for site review approval. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. NOTE: The Minutes and Findings of the July 12, 1994 Hearings Board were approved after taking a telephone vote on August 10, 1994. Powell, Hibbert, and Jarvis approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 9, 1994 MINUTES