HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09-13 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 13, 1994 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairperson Steve Armitage at 1:35 p.m.. Other Commissioners present were Hibbert and Thompson. Staff present were Molnar, Knox and Yates. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING ACTION 94-109 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE REAR GARAGE TO BE CONVERTED INTO A ONE-UNIT TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 774 "C" STREET. APPLICANT: MYRTLE FRANKLIN Ex Parte Contact or Site Visit Hibbert and Armitage had a site visit. STAFF REPORT Knox passed around the original photos included in the record that are clearer to see than those in the packet. This request was originally approved by Staff as a Type I and called up by a neighbor for a public hearing. The proposed conversion will be a traveller's accommodation in the summer and a rental unit in the fall, winter and spring. The applicant will provide a parking space for the unit made of brick pavers and low-lying ground cover. The application meets the target use of the zone with the rental unit being allowed. traveller's accommodation has no more impact than a rental unit. The use is encouraged by the Ashland Comprehensive Plan as outlined in the Staff Report. A Knox recommended the addition of a Condition 5, that street trees be planted every 30 feet prior to issuance of a business license. Thompson said a distance or time should be determined to consider what would be a "reasonable proximity to public transportation". PUBLIC HEARING MYRTLE FRANKLIN, 774 C Street, submitted a written statement to the Planning Department. She plans to improve the driveway. She will also cement the curb cut, making a better approach to the driveway. PHILIP LANG, 758 B STREET, stated his opposition in allowing any more transient uses in the railroad district. He is not opposed to permanent rental housing. The neighborhood is being destroyed with transient daytime uses. Lang believes Fifth and [] Streets are a social desert. The livability standard is ridiculously vague. Family values should be a part of livability standards. Discussion ensued between Lang and Hibbert about the difference between a traveller's accommodation and other commercial uses. Lang feels what is happening now is that the neighborhoods in the Railroad District are turning into places where people work and there is no opportunity to get to know the neighbors. Hibbert wonders if some commercial uses should be retained. Lang said expanding space for beds is much different than expanding space for a small home based office. They both agreed that a plan needed to be developed for this area. Thompson noted that a few years ago the Planning Commission was going to have meetings to see what percentage of the Railroad District would be commercial and what percentage would be residential. Thompson wanted Lang to know he was not the only one becoming impatient in dealing with this situation. Thompson would also like to see a plan and see the Planning Department move ahead on this as well as many other projects. Thompson reminded Lang that the traveller's accommodation ordinance does require someone to live on-site whereas a hotel/motel use would not require anyone to live on-site. Staff Comments Molnar stated that the final interviews for the request for proposal for the Railroad District planning grant were happening this week. The deadline for having a plan in place is June 1995. The plan that will develop over the next year will involve significant citizen involvement. Knox added that the Historic Commission members have expressed their desire to create a plan for the area also. With regard to Franklin's application, Staff does not have a problem. FRANKLIN, in rebuttal, said she does not plan to destroy the neighborhood and she plans to follow the Conditions of approval. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Hibbert said that under the existing laws and rules, he could see no reason not to approve PA94-109. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 13, 1994 Thompson did not think the impact would be great enough to deny the application, therefore, he moved to approve with the added Condition 5 (one tree every 30 feet). Hibbert seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. TYPE I PLANNING ACTION PLANNING ACTION 94-116 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITION TO A NON-CONFORMING RESIDENCE TO THE PROPERTY AT 730 ROCA STREET. APPLICANT: KEN KRUMDEICK This action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES SEPTEMBER 13, 1994