HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-12-13 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES DECEMBER 13, 1994 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m.by Vice Chairperson Steve Armitage. Other members present were Bingham and Giordano. Staff present were Molnar, Knox, Madding and Yates. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 94-122 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR A SECOND-STORY ADDITION TO THE BUILDING LOCATED AT 509 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD. A VARIANCE TO THE CITY'S OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS IS ALSO REQUESTED. APPLICANT: CHRISTOPHER BRISCOE Site Visit and Ex Parte Contacts All Commissioners had a site visit. STAFF REPORT The applicant is proposing a 1,200 square foot second-story addition to the existing single stow structure. Staff has two major concerns: design and parking. The parapet on the Briscoe Studio will be removed and a four foot wide deck added to allow more visibility to the Carter House than would have been afforded in the original design. The windows on the main floor will be changed out and replaced with store front windows. A wall will be added next to the sidewalk area to give a more pedestrian friendly feel. Staff favored a six foot balcony but the architect can design a four foot balcony by tapering the second story toward the structure, thus creating a more usable space. Giordano noted that if the balcony is tapered, there won't be six feet of space on the balcony. Knox suggested the addition of a Condition that two sample elevation redesigns be submitted to Staff and the Historic Commission for evaluation and approval of a plan. The applicant is asking for a variance to reduce the parking from six spaces to two. There is a verbal agreement with Cucina Biazzi for shared parking (day/night). There are spaces on Siskiyou Boulevard that will accommodate three cars. A deed restriction can be added stating that if the second floor use changes, the use would have to be residential. A letter from Kate Jackson (Anne Hathaway's Cottage) was read into the record regarding the parking Variance. The proposed solution to the parking will continue the already existing confusion with the parking. Bingham wondered why the parking spaces on Siskiyou Boulevard were only 15 minutes. He also asked about the visibility of the Carter House and what will happen to the view from the Carter House on the south side of the house on the second story. Giordano was not certain there was enough space on Siskiyou for three cars to park. Knox noted that the Stratford Inn had received no Variances for the parking. The applicant plans to stack the parking. Giordano asked with the City's intent to diminish the use of the auto, is it appropriate to require the full parking standards in this situation? Molnar said there are a number of commercial uses that share the parking spaces. By giving consideration to a residence above, it is not as pressing to worry about parking. This is a difficult lot and Staff wants to give Briscoe the opportunity to better utilize the property, but any other commercial use upstairs will probably exacerbate the parking. Bingham entertained the idea of changing the parking times on Siskiyou to one hour. Molnar said he could attach a Condition that the applicant would go before the Traffic Safety Commission and request a change the time limit. CHRISTOPHER BRISCOE, 509 Siskiyou Boulevard said the windows on the south side of the second stoW of the Carter House are a bathroom window and a frosted window. Briscoe said that with regard to the parking spaces on Siskiyou, the 15 minute time limit is not enforced. Cucina Biazza is only open at night and Briscoe's last clients are finished by 4:00 p.m. The only reason he wants to add a second story is for more photo studio space. Briscoe said he did not expect an increase in business and that his occasional assistant and he never book appointments at the same time. He employs two people. Briscoe noted that the deck he is currently using on the top of his building is noisy and he felt it would not be very quiet for anyone using a deck. Briscoe plans to install parking signs. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES DECEMBER 13, 1994 LES LANGMEYER, 1629 Parker Street, stated that the owner of the Carter House is comfortable with the proposal. The parking problem occurs mostly at night. Briscoe is adding spaces that could be used at night by other businesses. Langmeyer brought a sketch showing the parking layout. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Add to the first sentence of Condition 5, "or a use that is determined by the Staff Advisor to be equal or less intensive". Condition 6 be changed to: "That the balcony be a minimum of six feet in depth in the front and that the depth be taken from the interior of the space and if the applicant wants to relocate the balcony somewhere else on the building, it would be re-noticed to the neighbors". Bingham moved to approve Planning Action 94-122 with the suggested changes to Conditions 5 and 6. PLANNING ACTION 94-142 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW AND OUTLINE/FINAL PLAN APPROVAL FOR A FOUR-LOT SUBDIVISION, AND A 3-UNIT MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 634 IOWA STREET APPLICANT: EDWARD P. EICHLER Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT The applicant proposes to divide a lot into four lots with access off the existing driveway. There will be a pedestrian path from the sidewalk to the current residence with the extended path to the back units. The units will be single story. The target use of the zone is five units. The applicant has been sensitive about the natural features of the land. The applicant has delineated which trees will be saved (approximately 30 to 40 trees). Trees will act as a buffer to the surrounding lots. Staff has recommended approval with the attached 10 Conditions. PUBLIC HEARING BILL EMERSON, 90 Fifth Street, said the area where houses are to be situated is surrounded by trees. The architectural style is similar to the other houses in the area. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES DECEMBER 13~ 1994 JUDD HYA-I-I-, 287 Harrison Street, (lot 9400), has been following with interest this property to see how it will impact their back yard. He appreciates the single level homes and his concerns about the trees have been addressed. Molnar said the landscaping plans shows replacement of the rear fence, not the side fence. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Armitage did not notice a sign posted on the property indicating a planning action. Even though Bingham is strongly opposed to flag lots, in this case, there appears no other way to develop and he believes the applicant and designer have done a good job. Giordano moved to approve PA 94-142 with the attached Conditions. Bingham seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 94-139 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS LOCATED AT 2017 WINE STREET. APPLICANT: DON & CAROLINA SENESTRARO This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 94-143 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS WITH THE REAR PARCEL ACCESSED VIA A FLAG DRIVE LOCATED AT 704 CLAY STREET. APPLICANT: MARY E. NELKE This action was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES DECEMBER 13, 1~ 4 PLANNING ACTION 94-144 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 964 JAQUELYN STREET. APPLICANT: B. EMERSON/MARGARITA LAZARO This application was withdrawn. PLANNING ACTION 94-146 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A FOUR APARTMENT UNITS ON THE EAST SIDE OF CHESTNUT STREET AT LUNA VISTA. VARIANCES ARE BEING REQUESTED FOR A REDUCTION IN DRIVEWAY WIDTH FROM 20 FEET TO 17 FEET AND A REDUCTION IN THE REAR YARD SETBACK FROM 20 FEET TO 10 FEET. APPLICANT: SCOTT FOSTER/HOUSING AUTHORITY OF JACKSON COUNTY This action was called up for a public hearing. PLANNING ACTION 94-149 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A 3,840 SQUARE FOOT METAL OFFICE AND ASSEMBLY SHOP USED FOR THE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. APPLICANT: ELY SCHLESS This action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES DECEMBER '13, 1994