HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-01-12 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. by Jenifer Carr. Other Commissioners present were Bingham and Armitage. Staff present were McLaughlin, Molnar and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS The approval of the December 8, 1992 Minutes and Findings will be approved at tonight's meeting. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 92-132 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR A 20-UNIT CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX TO BE LOCATED AT 2350 SlSKIYOU BLVD. APPLICANT: XEL, LTD. Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Each Commissioner had a site visit and Bingham noted the location of the trees in relationship to the buildings and also the area of the floodplain. STAFF REPORT The property is about 1.5 acres with a barn and slab on the property. Clay Creek runs along the west of the property and the applicant is proposing 20 units to be located in five separate structures to be attached by breezeways. There will be parking for approximately 38 stalls located to the rear of the structures. There are no improvements proposed for the floodplain corridor. Molnar read the criteria for Site Review. Sidewalks will be installed along the front of the property. The landscaping was reviewed by the Tree Commission and they were concerned because the plan did not show the existing mature trees. The applicant was showing smaller stature trees and not fast growing. Without complete landscape plans, there were unanswered questions. There will be 5,000 square feet of landscaped area to the north of the lot, adjacent to the parking area for a children's play area, pavilions and barbeques. No modifications can be done to the floodplain corridor without a Physical and Environmental Constraints permit. The area is shown as a wetland so any modification would require approval from the Division of State Lands. Molnar showed an example of siding to the Commissioners. Staff would like to require a sidewalk along the front of the property and an extension of another 100 feet to Siskiyou Boulevard to link with the asphalt sidewalk on Siskiyou. Staff's main concerns are those of the Tree Commission. The Site Design and Use Guidelines state that as many trees as feasible should be saved. However, there is no information on the exact location of the trees. Staff has added 14 Conditions of approval and might want to consider continuance of this hearing. PUBLIC HEARING LEO ZUPAN, VanVleet Real Estate, representing the applicants, stated they would like to see the plan approved. They do not believe the property can be developed without removing some of the trees. The applicants want to plant with drought resistant trees. CAROLE ANDERSON, said there are about seven cottonwood trees. He noted that Port Orford cedars do well on this property. TONY SMITH, Patricia Sprague Real Estate, said the applicants are reputable and believe the neighborhood will be enhanced by this project. RICHARD HILL, 2234 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashlander Apartments, remembered the flood that damaged three of his buildings. He is concerned that the runoff not go near that creek because it could cause more pressure for flooding. Molnar, in looking at the grading, thought any water would drain into a catch basin on Bellview Avenue and that the water generated by rooftops would probably not add that much water. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION McLaughlin noted that most of the trees on the site consist of cottonwood. In most developments, cottonwoods have been removed because they tend to lose their limbs at inopportune times. The application could be approved with revised landscaping plans being submitted. Molnar stated that the Tree Commission liked the variety of trees. Armitage agreed that the cottonwood trees were short-lived and felt the site could obviously handle trees that like moist conditions. Bingham thought this was a large project and he would have trouble supporting it without more careful scrutiny. He would like to talk to someone who is physically involved in the project and would like to see a map with the existing trees and landscaping plan to be reviewed by the Tree Commission. Does the design need to be modified to preserve trees? ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 1993 REOPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING ZUPAN thought it could be approved with contingencies. The applicant says he will do whatever the Commission wants him to do. SMITH talked to Jack Garrity (applicant) and none of the applicants were able to come because of illness. The applicants are willing to do whatever is necessary to obtain approval for the project. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Bingham would still like to see further review of these plan. He moved to continue PA92-132 and ask the applicant to address the concerns raised by the Planning Commission and specifically those concerns raised by the Tree Commission, specifically what might be done to save trees deemed desirable the by Tree Commission. Also, have the applicant indicate what the trees are and whether they will remain or be removed. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. This action will be scheduled for the February 9, 1993 Hearings Board. PLANNING ACTION 92-137 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW APPROVAL FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A DISC ANTENNA LOCATED AT 1801 CRESTVIEW DRIVE. APPLICANT: RANDY VORIS Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Armitage had a site visit and observed a difficult situation for a disc antenna. He could see how the antenna would impact the neighbors directly above no matter where it is placed. Bingham had a site visit and noticed the antenna in question is laying on the lawn in front of the house along with a metal bracket. He looked around the site for alternatives to placing the disc on the house. Carr had a site visit and had similar observations as above. STAFF REPORT This application was a approved as Staff Permit and called up for public hearing. There are standards in place for satellite discs. It is Staff's understanding that the court upholds the right of the property owner to have a disc with minimizing impacts. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 1993 3 The Planning Staff does not claim to be experts at locating discs. There is a statement included in the packet by applicant's engineer. PUBLIC HEARING RANDY VORIS, read a letter from Tarus Communications into the record and showed a picture of his site. Voris said by putting the disc to the east side of the back deck there will be less visual impact. The pole will have to protrude about four feet above the roofline. He said the disc will be gray in color. JIMMY HAL, 1800 Crestview Drive, said he will see this disc wherever he is in his house and it will affect his view, no matter where it is. The dish is large and he feels the City should protect his property. He has not seen any other dish in Ashland where a house looks down on this site. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Armitage also noticed there are not any other discs. He would like a second opinion that there is no other option for placement. He also believes there is more than one house impacted. Armitage said he would almost rather see it in the front yard. McLaughlin said since this is a corner lot, the front yard could be either Hillview or Crestview. The Commission could direct the applicant to pursue a feasible alternative. REOPENED PUBLIC HEARING Armitage questioned Voris about satellite discs and talked with Hal about various options. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Armitage would like more confirmation that this is the only option for placing the disc. He would like to see a compromise worked out that would impact Voris' neighbor less. Bingham and Carr agreed. McLaughlin thought the applicant should investigate using the front yard (referring to it as the side yard). Bingham moved to continue 92-137 and directed the applicant to pursue the option of placing the disc in the front yard or the yard facing Crestview Street or to investigate an optional sites. Also, try to work out a compromise with the neighbor. Armitage seconded the motion and it was carried unanimously. This hearing will be scheduled for the February 9, 1993 Hearings Board. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 1993 PLANNING ACTION 92-144 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR A TEMPORARY OFFICE/STORAGE/SHOP BUILDING, TO BE LOCATED ON LOT I OF THE RECENTLY APPROVED SOUTHERN PACIFIC SUBDIVISION. APPLICANT: STEVE HOXMEIER Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Bingham had a site visit and noted the existing fence and access. Armitage and Carr also had a site visit and noted the same as Bingham. STAFF REPORT This application is for a temporaw building that will be used in preparation for further development on the site. The applicant met with Mr. Sandler yesterday afternoon and Sandler has withdrawn his concerns after gaining further understanding of the proposal and how it ties into the subdivision. Staff's position is that the building is temporary in nature, proposed for one year, after which time it will either be removed or redesigned in such a way to comply with the Site Design Standards as a permanent structure. Staff has recommended approval. PUBLIC HEARING STEVE HOXMEIER, would eventually like to put a gym on the site. Though Hoxmeier said he would like to have the building on the site for more than a year, the Commission and Staff fully explained that he would need to go through a Site Review (a much stricter review) in order to place the structure permanently and that he could leave the proposed building on the site for a year before reviewing. Hoxmeier said he would use the building primarily for office and storage. He does not want to put down a foundation. He said he had no plans for a fence, curb cuts or a bathroom. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Bingham moved to approve PA92-144 with the attached Conditions. Armitage seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 1993 TYPE I HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 93-001 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS LOCATED ON NEVADA STREET, EAST OF OAK STREET, AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF NEVADA, NEAR BEAR CREEK. APPLICANT: GREG ADAMS AND DAN BUNN This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-002 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE AND GARAGE TO BE LOCATED AT 726 IOWA STREET. APPLICANT: KAI JACOBSON It was moved and seconded to call this action up for a public hearing due to concerns of the Historic Commission. PLANNING ACTION 93-003 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION AT 1660 PEACHEY ROAD TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS WITH THE REAR PARCEL BEING ACCESSED BY A FLAG DRIVE FROM PEACHE¥ ROAD. APPLICANT: YAIR STRAUSS This application was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-005 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONAL WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE SPACE, AND TWO APARTMENTS TO THE EXISTING BUILDING LOCATED AT 437 WILLIAMSON WAY. RESIDENTIAL APARTMENTS ALLOWED AS A SPECIAL PERMITrED USE IN THE E-1 ZONE. APPLICATION ALSO INVOLVES A REQUEST FOR A SOLAR WAIVER. APPLICANT: MIKE BROOMFIELD This application was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JAN UARY 12, 1993 PLANNING ACTION 93-006 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONVERSION OF AN EXISTING APARTMENT UNIT TO OFFICE SPACE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 108 S. MOUNTAIN AVENUE. APPLICANT: HARRY DETWILER This application was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-007 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW DENTAL OFFICE LOCATED AT 277 FIFTH STREET. APPLICANT: SHERBOURNE/JACKSON Armitage moved to call this action up for a public hearing before the Hearings Board. The motion was seconded and carried. PLANNING ACTION 93-008 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONVERT AN EXISTING BUILDING TO A STUDIO APARTMENT UNIT, AND A PARKING CONFIGURATION VARIANCE TO ALLOW FOR STACKED PARKING. NO VARIANCE FROM THE NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED IS REQUESTED. REQUEST IS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 671,673 AND 673 1/2 SlSKIYOU BOULEVARD. THIS REQUEST WAS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED OVER ONE YEAR AGO, BUT HAS EXPIRED. APPLICANT: GOLDEN/FREEMAN This application was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-009 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT LOCATED AT 244 WALKER AVENUE. APPLICANT: TOM AND DEBBIE CAMPBELL This application was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-010 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ALTERATION TO A NON- CONFORMING PORCH LOCATED AT 393 GRANITE STREET. APPLICANT: DOYLE BRIGHTENBURG This application was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 1993 PLANNING ACTION 93-011 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR ALTERATION OF A NON- CONFORMING STRUCTURE AND A SITE REVIEW FOR EXTERIOR CHANGES TO THE HISTORIC STRUCTURE AT 234 VISTA STREET. THE HOUSE IS LISTED ON THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES. APPLICANT: DAVIS & DOWNEY CONSTRUCTION This application was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-015 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT LOCATED IN THE LOWER LEVEL OF THE EXISTING HOUSE AT 686 HELMAN STREET. APPLICANT: LEIGH & BETH SPEARS This application was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-016 REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION OF A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT COMMERCIAL RENTAL SPACE AND SHOP SPACE FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 260 HERSEY STREET. APPLICANT: DENIS TONEY This application was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-017 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALTER THE EXISTING NON- CONFORMING FRONT PORCH AT 287 MORTON STREET. APPLICANT: SANDI ZARCADES This application was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-018 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR STRUCTURAL ALTERATION OF A NON-CONFORMING STRUCTURE (THE BARN) LOCATED AT 247 THIRD STREET. APPLICANT: JACQUELYN PEAKE This application was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 1993 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JANUARY 12, 1993