HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-01-12 Planning MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 12, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairperson Barbara Jarvis. Also present were Cloer, Hibbert, Medinger, Carr, Bingham, Thompson and Armitage. Staff present were McLaughlin, Molnar and Yates. REMEMBRANCES James Ragland, former member of the Planning Commission and active member of the community, died this week. Chairperson Jarvis recollected just a few of Mr. Ragland's many fine contributions and accomplishments and a moment of silence followed for this distinguished gentleman. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS The Minutes and Findings of the December 8, 1993 Regular Meeting were approved. The Minutes and Findings of the December 8, 1993 Hearings Board were approved. PUBLIC FORUM Cloer would like to see something done about preserving the conservation areas that are noted on the Open Space map. He sees that they are being developed little by little. As development moves from the natural areas to urban areas, it will be more difficult to retain them as they were, but how much change should be made? In some cases it can change enough that the areas should probably not be called conservation areas. The Comprehensive Plan calls for a local preservation group to be formed. Jarvis agreed and thought it would be appropriate to add this to the list of priorities being discussed tonight. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 92-133 200 SKYCREST ROAD APPLICANT: WILEY FAMILY Postponed at this time. PLANNING ACTION 92-136 EAST SIDE OF NORTH MAIN NEAR MAPLE STREET APPLICANT: CLIFF CURRY Postponed at this time. OTHER Review of Priority List of upcoming projects for Planning Medinger is particularly interested in developing a layout for street design, etc. to allow for development of areas such as Strawberry Lane. Hibbert and Thompson agreed and thought a subcommittee might be a good idea. Jarvis added that it would be beneficial to have a study session and the subcommittee can report back to the study session. Thompson, Medinger and Bingham will form the subcommittee and meet at end of January for a Study Session. The Commission agreed on setting priorities as follows: I. Transportation Plan Update Street Capacity Resolution and Effects on Development/Wildfire Lands Map Amendments and Limitations on Density Bonuses/Base Density within Wildfire Lands. Implementing ordinances for Oregon State Transportation Rule (first step taken in adopting Comp Plan Policy on cul-de- sacs/interconnected streets). Strawberry Lane Special Area Plan II. Historic Ordinance - Remodels, Demolitions, New Single Family Structures, within Historic District, etc. III. Ashland Street (Highway 66) Special Area Plan IV. Land Use district Updates - R-l, R-2, R-3, RR, WR Conservation Easements V. Railroad District Special Area Plan ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 12, 1993 VI. Overall Land Use Ordinance, Zoning Map, Comprehensive Plan Map Update. Periodic Review Amendments - Modifications to the Land Use Ordinance to Comply with the Requirements of Periodic Review of the Comprehensive Plan. VII. Affordable Housing - Encouraging and Overseeing the Development of a 40-50 Affordable Units. Cloer did not believe the implementing ordinances were always consistent with the policies and goals in the Comprehensive Plan. Jarvis agreed to work with Cloer on reviewing all the goals and policies and noting changes that should be made. Affordable Housing was a topic of considerable discussion. The Commission did not want to see the work of the Affordable Housing Committee end for lack of someone to continue the work they only began. Medinger said a person is needed to help RVCDC to write a block grant. The Commission decided to send a resolution to the Council to use some of the funds from the Garfield affordable housing and hire a person to help with the grant writing and to hire an ombudsman. Resolutions Carr resolved that Staff prepare the Transportation Element update of the Comprehensive Plan. This was seconded and approved. Carr resolved that Staff schedule and adopt ordinance amendments to comply with Periodic Review work plan requirements. This was seconded and approved. Medinger resolved that Staff update Residential Zone codes of Land Use Ordinance (R-l, R-2, R-3, RR, WR, Conservation Easements). Also, to accept comments from those interested in senior housing in R zones. This was seconded and approved. Carr resolved to adopt ordinance amendments to comply with State Transportation Rule. This was seconded and approved. Carr resolved to have Staff prepare a memo to the Council toappoint an ombudsman for a part time position funded with money from the Garfield project. The ombudsman would assist in grant preparation and make contacts ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 12, 1993 regarding further affordable housing. Also, the ombudsman would act as a contact person for various City departments and for the citizenry at large. Additionally, there should perhaps be an advisory committee for affordable housing as an on-going body. The Planning Commission believes this would take care of unaddressed issues. This was seconded and approved. Planning Commission Site Visits/Training Session Some places of interest to visit: Shopping Center and signal Sewage Treatment Plant Strawberry Lane The Planning Commission Site Visit/Training Session will be held January 30th. APA Conference Brochures will be mailed to the Planning Commission. City will pay for Planning Commissioner training. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. The ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 12, 1993