HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02-09 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. by Jenifer Carr. Armitage and Powell were also present. Staff present were McLaughlin, Cochran and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS The Minutes and Findings were approved from the January 12, 1993 meeting. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 92-132 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR A 20-UNIT CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX TO BE LOCATED AT 2300 SlSKIYOU BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: XEL LTD. STAFF REPORT This is a continuation of last month's request. The Commission had concerns regarding the location of mature trees and the Tree Commission had concerns as well. A letter was received from XEL dated January 29, 1993 stating they would comply with all points of the Staff Report and a small plan was submitted showing the trees to be retained. McLaughlin read the criteria for approval for a Site Review. He had a phone conversation with the applicant and they stated they would do everything that was asked of them. Criteria B states that the applicant shall provide a landscaping plan prior to approval. PUBLIC HEARING TONY SMITH, Patricia Sprague Real Estate, representing XEL Ltd., stated that the applicant could not be here and he would give the Hearings Board the most recent information. Smith went to the property with David Chasmar, member of the Tree Commission and they looked at trees to remain and trees to be removed. There is a western juniper on the north boundary of the property that will be retained and a western red cedar on the northwest portion of the property that will also be retained. Chasmar thought it would be nice to retain some cottonwoods on the perimeter of the property, which Smith thought the applicant would do. Chasmar suggested maples and oaks for the property. DIANE BEAMER, VanVleet Real Estate, has been working with Carole Anderson and has recently communicated with the applicant. They will retain all the trees on the perimeter and have a screening between the property on the south. The applicant's intention is to develop the property in such a way to attract the birds of this area and use drought resistant trees. They would like approval of the project with the condition that the final landscaping plan be approved before permits are issued. The applicant did not understand that the landscape plan needed to be complete at this point in the process. RON THURNER, 1170 Bellview Avenue, is not opposed to development of the property. He has questions about safety because of the location of the proposed access to development. The access to the development appears to be about 150 from Siskiyou Boulevard. Bellview intersects Siskiyou at an angle, inhibiting vision up Bellview because of the lay of the land and the slope of the property. He wondered if it would be wise to move the access mid-way or to the high end of the project. Referring to applicable approval criteria, 18.72.050d (adequate transportation to and through the subject property) and 18.72.0701 (conditions that the Commission can impose in amending a plan) would allow this project to be modified to accommodate safety and the integrity of the major street (Bellview Street). Thurner requested a continuance of the hearing since new information was presented for the record. He is also concerned about the tree that will be retained at the access point. TONY SMITH stated in rebuttal that the western cedar that Thurner is concerned about, it is on the upper part. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION McLaughlin explained since Thurner requested a continuance because of new information being presented, that this action could be heard at the regularly scheduled Hearings Board on March 9, 1993. Powell commented that she listened to the tapes of last month's meeting and was expecting more information in the packet. She needs more information in order to grant approval for 20 new units. The new information will need to be received in the Planning Office by 3:00 p.m., February 26, 1993. Carr thought it was made very clear to the applicant that landscape information was needed for this meeting. The trees need to be shown that will be retained and the trees need to be shown that will be removed. They will need to follow the procedure required for the City of Ashland. Armitage could have accepted Condition 3 had it not been for the procedural requirement to continue the hearing. He would recommend a landscape plan. He ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 would like the City to address the issue brought forth by Thurner regarding the access and vision clearance. Armitage would like to see a traffic count. PLANNING ACTION 92-137 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW APPROVAL FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A DISC ANTENNA LOCATED AT 1801 CRESTVIEW DRIVE. APPLICANT: RANDY VORIS STAFF REPORT McLaughlin asked Voris for an update. PUBLIC HEARING Voris said he could locate the antenna in the front yard, which could be considered the side yard. It would be nearest the intersection to Hillview and Crestview, and it would be out of the skyline. It would be on the bank, not in the yard and it will barely protrude above street level--about two feet. The base will be covered by vegetation. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Armitage moved to approve the application as amended to move the antenna off the roof into the yard location. Voris will provide a final map of the approved location as part of the building permit. Modify Condition 2. Powell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Armitage would recommend vegetation to conceal the dish as much as possible. PLANNING ACTION 92-014 REQUEST FOR MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL AT 309 SHERIDAN STREET INTO TWO LOTS WITH THE REAR PARCEL ACCESSING VIA FLAG DRIVE FROM SHERIDAN STREET. APPLICANT: SALLY KIESS/TERRY STEGNER Site visits were made by Armitage and Powell. Powell observed the steepness of the lot and the 20 foot wide street. Carr reported the same. STAFF REPORT McLaughlin said this lot is approximately 19,900 square feet and the proposal is to split the parcel into two lots with the rear parcel to be a flag. The front lot has an existing house. This application was originally approved as a Type I and called up by ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 a neighbor for a public hearing. Sheridan Street is approximately 20 feet wide and meets minimum the requirement. The criteria was mailed with the notice map. Staff has recommended approval with the attached six Conditions. PUBLIC HEARING SALLY KEISS, 309 Sheridan, stated the new lot will be for a single family residence sometime in the future. She thought any added traffic would be negligible. ED VERSLUIS, 337 Sheridan Street, understood Sheridan Street is a lane. Currently, the houses on Sheridan produce heavy traffic. Other street changes from Tucker have been suggested with Tucker accessing to meet Sheridan. Once the traffic is increased in this way, it is irreversible. Previous planning actions have restricted access to Sheridan (flag to the apartments and pedestrian easement at the top of the hill). Versluis would like to see this application denied. The approval will make this street more dangerous and affects the livability of the area. If approved, he would ask it be with the condition that there be no parking on Sheridan on both sides. He is concerned about four possible lots that could be subdivided and causing more traffic to flow down Sheridan. It would seem to Powell as though banning traffic on both sides of the street would increase traffic speeds because there would be no obstacles. Versluis believes instead that it makes oars weave at high speeds with cars parked on both sides. KEISS said this will not be a parking complex. She is owner occupant on that street and knows what the traffic is like. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Powell wondered what the slope of the flag is and McLaughlin said it is now at 15 percent and would require additional fill and retaining to get it level. McLaughlin suggested adding to Condition 3, "Flag drive construction plans to be provided at the time of building permit application." Powell thought this was one of the worst flag drives she had seen and is struggling with the criteria about undue harm. McLaughlin added that engineered drawings of the flag would be required prior to building. Armitage said removing the parking from both sides of the street is really a sensitive issue. He would like to forward to Traffic Safety and have them take a look at the parking issue. McLaughlin said it would be possible to review the ordinance with regard to street capacity. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 Armitage moved to approve Planning Action 93-014 with the addition to Condition 3 as stated above. Also, recommend to Traffic Safety that the Planning Commission give them the issue and the request about no parking, the reasoning why, and ask them to review. Sheridan will increase by one or two more flag lots in the future. Powell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 93-002 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE AND GARAGE TO BE LOCATED AT 726 IOWA STREET. APPLICANT: KAI JACOBSON Site visits by Armitage, Powell and Carr. STAFF REPORT The application was approved as a Type I and called up by the Hearings Board because of the concerns of the Historic Commission. Since last month, the applicant has met with the Historic Commission review board and Jacobson has submitted additional information. The Historic Commission was concerned with design and landscaping. Most of the questions were resolved at the Historic Commission and they recommended approval in that the design was acceptable and the it was architecturally compatible. Jacobson has agreed to meet again with the review board with regard to the garage. PUBLIC HEARING KAI JACOBSON, wants to build an accessory structure. The first time through, he did not understand the process. He has changed the windows, siding, and roof. The large oak tree will be retained in the front yard. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Powell moved to approve with the attached Conditions and the applicant will remain in contact with the Historic Commission for any further advice. Armitage seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 PLANNING ACTION 93-004 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR VARIOUS TEMPORARY USES TO OCCUPY A PORTION OF THE PARKING LOT THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. APPLICANT: ASHLAND SHOPPING CENTER STAFF REPORT In the past, temporary uses have occupied the parking portion of the Ashland Shopping Center. They have operated without a permit and have resulted in enforcement actions. The uses have also been beneficial and have increased the activity along the street and are seen as being beneficial. There have to be some ground rules, however. If someone desires a Conditional Use Permit, they have to come to the Planning Commission and would be looking at a two month process which requires too much planning ahead for use being proposed. Therefore, it was decided to propose a blanket CUP with some specific guidelines. This was approved as a Type I and a public hearing was requested by the neighboring property owner. Staff is recommending approval with the 4 attached Conditions. Carr asked whose responsibility it was for obtaining a business license. McLaughlin said the approval would be for the owner of Ashland Shopping Center, and anyone using it would be required to follow the Conditions of approval or there could be a violation and revocation of the CUP. Armitage thought there must be other uses that would require Health Department inspections and thought that Condition 3 should be expanded. Site visits were made by all. Powell is not certain what has been envisioned for this area. Maybe a space should be clearly defined for a space being occupied. Carr noted a lack of landscaping. PUBLIC HEARING DENNIS SWEET passed out documentation to the Hearings Board. He has no objections for temporary uses for most of the uses. He is concerned with the barbecue and pet vaccination clinic. Sweet wants to make sure these uses would be on an even playing field with other established businesses. There are expenses involved in starting up a business and obtaining of inspections and permits and he ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 wants to make sure these temporaw uses would be regulated and that they don't gain a financial advantage. Sweet checked with the Jackson County Health Department or Department of Agriculture and no one had ever applied for a permit for a barbecue at the Ashland Shopping Center. With regard to the pet vaccinations, there is a danger that diseases can be spread if the parking lot area is not cleaned up properly. He would like barbecues and pet vaccinations excluded from the temporaw uses. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION The applicant was not in attendance and the Commissioners had several questions. Are these temporaw uses appropriate for the location? How many uses have been non-profit? How does this fit into the Highway 66 plan? It did not seem that the pet vaccinations would be appropriate for a temporaw use. The Commissioners asked this be moved to the full Commission. PLANNING ACTION 93-025 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A FOUR UNIT TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION AND MANAGER'S UNIT WITH AN ADDITIONAL REQUEST TO ALLOW FOR TWO OF THE UNITS TO HAVE KITCHENS AND TO BE UTILIZED AS APARTMENT DWELLINGS DURING THE OFF-SEASON AT 486 SlSKIYOU BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: SHIRLEY GREGA Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Powell visited the rear of the property. Armitage had a site visit. Carr had a site visit. STAFF REPORT In addition to information in packet, two letters were handed out from Greenblatt/Levy and Everett. McLaughlin said the applicant is asking for a total of five units, including the manager's unit. The cottage was constructed in May of 1991 on the alley. There is some confusion about the cottage and Commission may wish to question the applicant. Staff's understanding is that it is a guest house with no kitchen. The applicant has requested two units be allowed for apartments in the off-season. Parking is proposed off the alley with spaces required. The Conditional Use Permit which is required would create a similar impact as the permitted use on the site for multi-family units. The Commission must find that the traveller's accommodation would be similar in impact as a multi-family dwelling. In general, traveller's accommodations generate fewer vehicle trips than multi-family. There are no ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 standards for alley capacity. A policy has been encouraged for parking off the alley. The Commission can use discretion in granting a Conditional Use Permit based on excessive traffic or safety concerns. There are 7 attached Conditions. PUBLIC HEARING SHIRLEY GREGA would like to have the option of a travellet's accommodation or apartments. The proposed parking will be concrete grass pavers. Grega explained there will be a foot and half retaining wall at the end of the parking and will be somewhat elevated at the end. BOB MEISER said there will be a one-quarter inch drop per foot. There will be a slight slope that will accommodate drainage. Armitage was concerned that there is not much room for the tree. EDMOND DEWS, 470 Siskiyou Boulevard and owner of 478 Siskiyou Boulevard which is adjacent to the property for which the application is being asked, said he would not oppose the traveller's accommodation, but opposes it as requested. The request is for three apartments plus two traveller's accommodations as it exceeds the target use. Secondly, Dews has concerns about the so-called apartment on the alley. Less than a year ago, a small, one-car, low-profile garage and storage area was built. Since then, it has become a self-contained apartment with all modern amenities, living room, bath, bedroom and kitchen. The former owner wanted to remodel the garage but decided the existing garage would not take remodeling and so it was torn down. A building permit was issued with no planning action. The building permit was for an office and storage area, then it became a studio and storage area, then it became living quarters. No Conditional Use Permit was ever issued for these changes which have been achieved gradually. Thirdly, the structure is not in conformance with the accessory structure three foot side yard setback. Dews said the structure is very nearly on the same footprint as the original garage, however, the new foundation slightly expanded the area and moved the foundation toward Dews' property. The structure is now approximately two feet from the property line. Dews feels a certain amount of resentment about the way this has been allowed to happen. The other apartment is not connected with the house by an interior doorway. It is essentially a new structure with about 280 square feet. That seems small for a traveller's accommodation and he is uncomfortable with such a small apartment that has no interior connection to the house. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 There are also severe parking problems. He has calculated there is 27 feet from the maple tree area to the next property line toward the south, the space available for the parking lot. There should be a foot or two left for the hedge. Dews is concerned with safety problems on the alleyway. When Dews built his garage, he designed it so he did not back up or head out to the alley. He parallel parks. This is a special alley as it is a narrow, paved, two-way alley, sometimes as narrow as 13 feet wide. There are many existing structures within inches of the edge of the alley and in some cases appear to encroach upon it. There are no stop signs and no speed bumps. When cars meet, the alley is so narrow that most often one car must stop and the other car has to find a place on private property to pass by. This area has some of the most dense and fastest alley traffic in Ashland. It is used as an alternative to Siskiyou Boulevard. There are 16 parking places frequently used at the library and in addition to those, there are 45 to 50 existing parking places on the alley now in that one block and many are blind. Adding four additional perpendicular parking places would be very dangerous. Dews would recommend that the space available will allow for only three parking spaces that should be slanted. ROY LEVY, 514 Siskiyou Boulevard, had concerns about traffio and parking. In addition to Dews' comments, there are severe discrepancies since the City claims the alley is 16 feet wide, however, in places it is 13 feet wide. He has not seen the new submission, but in the original sketch, the parking is one and one-half feet into the alley. They have all the library traffic and through traffic. There is a severe parking overload from existing residences. It seemed to Levy that a car could not back out and turn. He believes diagonal parking is essential. ALICE LEVY, 514 Siskiyou Boulevard, believes the City will be setting a precedent by allowing stacked parking. She could see no way for cars to get out. There is no guarantee that guests would park in the alley. LIZ JONES, 489 Allison, stated that her property backs the alley across from the proposed application. She wants her fence and garden protected. When she parks on her property, she has to back onto Grega's property. LAURA SHREWSBERRY, owner of Shrew's House, and employee in the professional building on Siskiyou Boulevard, said she concurs with everyone regarding parking and traffic. The alley is more heavily travelled than many streets in Ashland. As an innkeeper, she knows the guests will not park in constrained parking. Her guests will typically park on Sherman Street. Grega's guests will not know how to find her house. She believes this ought to be limited to two guests. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 LEVY said that because new drawings have been presented that a continuance would be in order. He was not provided the materials when he was in the Planning Office. GREGA, sympathizes with concerns of the neighbors. She would be willing to compromise and extend parking further onto her property for a better turning radius. She does not want it to be an eyesore and would like people to get in and out comfortably. She is proposing a hedge to come down along the side and not have the fence go to the alley so there visibility down the alley. Stacked parking is not unheard of but she will explore other options. In order for guests to find her location, she will enclose maps and directions so they can find the house. Angled parking sounds good, if it would be feasible. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION McLaughlin said it appeared the latest information was not made available to the Levys. McLaughlin also suggested the applicants be given some guidance as to the key issues. First, does the use meet the target use of the zone? The owners unit and apartment are small and have an impact of 3/4 of an apartment. The total would be 2.25 units. Add two traveller's accommodations and that equals three apartments. This needs a careful look. The applicant needs to provide additional information and should perhaps consider reducing by a unit. By reducing the number of units, the parking impact decreases. The applicant's plan does not show the improvement depth of the alley or the depth of parking. The back-up distance should be reviewed. Additional information is needed on the tree. It does not appear to be drawn to scale. Armitage felt the tree was under stress already. He would like the Tree Commission to give an opinion as to whether it should still stand. This application will be continued on March 9th at the Hearings Board. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 93-019 IS A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT TO BE LOCATED AT 386 NORTH LAUREL STREET. APPLICANT: KRAMER-VANANNE This action was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 10 PLANNING ACTION 93-022 IS A REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO THREE LOTS LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF A STREET BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND STREETS. APPLICANT: JOHN FIELDS This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-024 IS A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A TWO-UNIT MOTEL EXPANSION IN A SEPARATE COTTAGE FOR THE WINCHESTER INN LOCATED AT 35 SECOND STREET. APPLICANT: MICHAEL GIBBS This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-026 IS A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE AND RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 376 B STREET. PARKING TO BE LOCATED BEHIND THE BUILDING OFF OF THE ALLEY. APPLICANT: SUE DEMARINIS Powell felt this action should be called up for a public hearing to continue the questioning of granting more Conditional Use Permits in the Railroad District particularly for a new structure. The house on the corner has a CUP that will go with the property. Carr was concerned with the residential portion of B Street and thought it should be scrutinized more closely. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 11