HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02-09 Planning MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jarvis at 7:05 p.m. Other Commissioners present were Bingham, Medinger, Hibbert, Carr, Powell, and Armitage. Staff present were McLaughlin, Cochran, and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS Carr moved to approve the Minutes as corrected and Hibbert seconded the motion. correction was made to page 4 (continuation of item 5) and the words "advisory committee" were stricken and replaced with "reactivation of the Affordable Housing Committee"), The minutes were approved as corrected. A PUBLIC FORUM Jarvis communicated that Thompson would like the Commission to consider whether or not schools should be a criteria for approval of subdivisions. Jarvis recollected the issue went before the City Council and they had determined that the Planning Commission had no jurisdiction over schools and schools could not be considered a criteria. She confirmed her recollection with a Council member. Several of the Commissioners expressed a concern with the notice signs that are required to be posted on the site for each planning action. The signs get knocked over, stolen, etc. It was suggested that the applicant be given, in writing, the requirements for posting the sign and that if the sign is not posted correctly, the Commission could delay their application. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 92-133 REQUEST FOR OUTLINE APPROVAL OF A 25 LOT SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS GUIDELINES LOCATED AT 200 SKYCREST ROAD. APPLICANT: WILEY FAMILY Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Bingham was not present at the first hearing, however, he has listened to the tapes of the November hearing and will be participating in tonight's hearing. He has made three site visits; once with Commissioners Medinger and Thompson and John McLaughlin (discussed transportation plan for entire area), and two with the entire Commission (discussed extension of Skycrest Drive to Dr. Hald's property). Medinger made the following three site visits: by himself, with Thompson and Bingham and John McLaughlin (subcommittee work on transportation in the area), and with the entire Commission during their overall look at the City. Armitage had two site visits: by himself and with the Commission. In addition to Bingham's comments, the width of Sunnyview was discussed and issues revolving around width of streets. Powell had three site visits: by herself and two with the Commission. She understands now where the roads go. herself Carr made five site visits one of which was January 30th with other members of the Commission. She lives on the corner of Grandview and Grandview and spoke with Chuck Wiley last summer when he was counting cars. Hibbert had three site visits and he also attended a neighborhood meeting several months ago. Jarvis made three site visits and she has looked where the road extension would go through the Hald property. Bingham added that during the site visit with Thompson, Bingham, Medinger, and McLaughlin, they had an ex parte contact with Henry Kneebone. They discussed the width of Sunnyview and the development of the overall area. Sunnyview has been improved to an 18 foot width and Kneebone believes the road should be improved to its full width. STAFF REPORT McLaughlin noted the criteria for this action was mailed with the notice and could also be viewed on the overhead. McLaughlin reported the applicants provided building envelopes and elevations of a typical home on a revised site plan. A criteria for approval is that adequate key City facilities can be provided, including access to and through the development. Approximately 60 percent of the traffic generated in the subdivision will use Grandview Drive, according to the traffic study prepared by the applicant. Presently, Grandview Drive is an unimproved City street, averaging between 16 and 22 feet. Since the ordinance requires paved access, an ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 option might be to use a chip seal surface from Skycrest to Scenic. This would be an interim improvement lasting for about five years. It is assumed that further development would be occurring in this area that would allow for further improvement of Grandview Drive to full street standards. Another way to approach this issue would be to assert that there already exists paved access to the site from Grandview Drive to Wrights Creek to Wimer to North Main Street. It is Staff's position that the majority of the traffic is proposed to use Grandview and some improvement should be done to Grandview. Staff believes the right-of-way should continue on to the south and abut the Hald property (20 acres adjacent to Wileys). This would be important to the development of the overall transportation for this area, should that property develop residentially. Should the City acquire the land for open space, it would be equally important that some form of access be provided to the open space, if not for full auto access, then for park vehicles and bikes and pedestrians. The applicants have provided several reasons why it should not be extended such as issues of privacy and additional traffic passing through the neighborhood. The applicants have chosen not pursue the density bonuses for open space and reduced the overall density to 21 units from 25. They are only requesting density bonus of conservation housing. Staff believes the application can be approved for Phase I with the attached 15 Conditions. McLaughlin recommended two additional Conditions. Add Condition 16 that a 10 foot pedestrian easement be provided along the northern boundary of Lot 19 from the Skycrest Drive right-of-way to the open space area. Add Condition 17 that all requirements of the Ashland Fire Department including hydrants, placement and residential sprinklers where necessary be met and addressed at the time of final plan approval for each phase. PUBLIC HEARING TOM GIORDANO, 349 East Main Street, Suite 4, stated that building envelopes and elevations have been provided. There are larger building envelopes on the bottom because there are not many trees, with smaller envelopes on the upper portion because there are more trees. A tree plan has been provided. Giordano said the chip sealing of Grandview is a reasonable request. But to have the subdivision pay for the curb, gutter and sidewalk and full paving when Phase II and III go ahead, is an unreasonable request. He suggested to let Phase I go ahead and ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 3 chip seal Grandview, with provisions for drainage down Grandview, but for Phase II and III that traffic generated from existing and future development be considered and that the Wiley development pay a percentage for the improvement of Grandview. This would seem an equitable way to share in the cost of paving. After talking with Wes Reynolds, Parks Commissioner and transportation planner, regarding the extension of Skycrest, he believes that auto access should not occur if the land becomes a park. The applicant is willing to provide a type of maintenance access, but an improved road would kill it as a new natural area. Because of the steepness of the slope in that location, Giordano believes there will be grading problems. The road would be much more visible than a bike path. It could change the character of the neighborhood. Though he agrees with connecting streets, this is a special situation where a cul-de-sac would work without changing the character of the area. Giordano said there would be no problem with added Condition 16 and 17. CHUCK WILEY, 2790 Donnalee, Medford, OR speaking for the residents that live in the area, said they treat it as a special area. There are other accesses other than going up the face of the hill that are much more gentle and will provide access without a negative impact. BILL WILEY, 200 Skycrest Drive, reminded the Commission that Kittelson and Associates recommended not developing Grandview and he would concur that the road would be better left as it is, at least until there is an overall plan and further development of the area. Medinger asked Giordano what would be the alternative to the extension of Skycrest. Giordano responded that the City has always talked about extending Westwood and Sunnyview. HENRY KNEEBONE 449 Orchard, is not opposed to the proposal but is against Sunnyview being such a narrow street. There could be fire dangers and other dangers if the street is only 22 feet wide. It should be at least 28 to 30 feet. McLaughlin said 22 feet would easily provide adequate capacity for the streets and not restrict future development of the area and still maintain reasonable traffic speeds for neighborhood safety. Jarvis mentioned letters in the record from Huecker, Lind and Schmitz, and Thompson ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 regarding the street. MYRA IRWIN, 300 Grandview Drive, mentioned her letter in the packet and also that her neighbors at 290 Grandview (Clements) support Irwin's comments. They support the chip sealing of Grandview as it creates lots of dust as it is now. In order to prevent further dust clouds from the construction and development of the subdivision, she would like to see the chip sealing done first. She supports the applicants position on the cuPde-sac and feels it is desirable to leave the hilltop the way it is. GIORDANO, in rebuttal stated that he worked on the Hald property conceptual design and believes it would be a gentler slope and a more ideal situation if Sunnyview were extended and come towards Strawberry. Giordano explained that the County has used a more environmentally sound method of surfacing instead of chip sealing. Perhaps that type of surface would work on Grandview along with some drainage and leaving the road at 20 feet in width. The applicants concur with Staff on the width of Sunnyview at 22 feet. Armitage commented that lignin (sp?) is used for dust abatement whereas chip sealing is paving. Jarvis wondered if Giordano was suggesting an LID. Giordano suggested that the applicants provide chip seal for Phase I, and find a relatively inexpensive way of providing drainage. For Phase II and III, when there is a better idea of the traffic generated for future development, then the applicants would pay a fair share of the total traffic impact for the cost of improving Grandview. McLaughlin said the City is not opposed to forming an LID and then the applicant paying their fair share. The City's concern would be that if they are ready to proceed with Phase II before anyone else is prepared to participate in an LID that the applicants are responsible for the Grandview improvements. BILL WILEY recalled that Wimer was improved in 1970 or 1980 by the State with the express thought that Grandview was not going to be improved. The thought in the area has always been, if there was improvement to Grandview it would be necessary to have an LID. His expressed further concern that if Grandview is not broken, why fix it. He suggested that time would make an answer more clear. The economic burden being imposed on one parcel is significant. They would be willing to sign in favor of an LID. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 Hibbert believes it would be an unfair burden for one person to pay for the improvements of Grandview. McLaughlin said if the Commission finds that Wimer is the primary access to the development, they will need to make a finding to that effect. BILL WILEY does not believe they are foreclosing any options with the cul-de-sac. There is still the ability to have full access. The improvement of Grandview has substantial implications. DAVE DELLER, 200 Grandview Drive, stated that lignin is supposed to work but has never worked. It has been used on Grandview and has never worked. He talked with the County and they are using chip seal. He thinks chip seal should be tried. It would control dust and give a hard seal. It does not have to be on more than a 20 foot surface. He would hate to have his trees cut down. GIORDANO said he would rather not do anything to Grandview except some type of dust cover. He would also rather not widen Grandview and see what happens after Phase I. And also, he would rather use the route down Wimer. CHUCK WILEY said Grandview was never a problem until the City began grading it and adding new material. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION The Commissioners agreed that the applicable ordinances of the City of Ashland requirements have been met. The Commissioners agreed that the existing natural features of the land have been identified in the plan of the development and significant features have been included with the open space and common areas. The Commissioners agreed that there are adequate provisions for the maintenance of open space and common areas. The Commissioners agreed that proposed density meets the base and bonus density standards. The Commissioners agreed that the development of the land will not prevent adjacent land from being developed for the use shown in the Comp Plan. They did not want ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 another situation with two cul-de-sacs ending within a few feet of each other (Crowson and Oak Knoll). Also, this is a City issue, not just a neighborhood issue. Whether or not this will be a park or residential, how many cars could there be beyond the cul-de- sac. If the street ends at the cul-de-sac now and the subdivision signs in favor of improving further on or if they do not wish to do that, require them to improve it now with a one foot street plug. The applicant will be required to pay for the cul-de-sac at this time and leave a City right-of-way and the whole subdivision sign for future development of the right-of-way, depending on what the final design might be. It could be only a two lane road that accesses a park. Amend Condition 2 to read: "That the right-of-way of Skycrest Road be continued on to the south allowing access to the adjoining 20 acre parcel. Right-of-way not to be improved, but the subdivision as a whole be responsible for the future improvements. Further .... " The criteria of access to and through the development were addressed and it was determined that improving Grandview would eliminate the dust problem and would be safer. It was decided to chip seal the road to an 18 foot width before any improvements or construction on the proposed subdivision begin. After further discussion, it was decided to find that Grandview Drive is adequate with a chip seal for the full development of the subdivision and that the applicant sign in favor of future improvements to Grandview Drive and agree to pay their fair share. The Commission decided that Sunnyview should be 22 feet wide. Bingham moved to approve Planning Action 92-133 with the attached Conditions in the Staff Report Addendum dated February 9, 1993, with the addition of Conditions 16 (pedestrian easement) and 17 (Fire Department requirements) and the amendment of Condition 2 and 4. Carr seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 93-007 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW DENTAL OFFICE LOCATED AT 277 FIFTH STREET. APPLICANT: SHERBOURNE/JACKSON Site visits Armitage had a site visit and dealt with this action at the Hearings Board and two ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 people from Euromek had information they wished to share with the Commission. Powell had a site visit. Carr had a site visit and heard this at the Hearings Board. There were two gentlemen claiming to have information that the Commissioners did not have, therefore, it was called up for a public hearing. Hibbert said he is familiar with the site. Bingham had two site visits. He noted some magnificent trees on the property. Also, he has taken note of an unusual and on-going parking problem in the neighborhood. Jarvis had a site visit and also took note of the trees of interest and in particular, noted the vehicles from the next door Euromek parked on the street awaiting repair. Medinger had a site visit. STAFF REPORT McLaughlin reported this action was a Type I planning action, called up by the Hearings Board for a public hearing. There are several trees that will be maintained outside the building area. There is a 16 inch dbh oak located in the parking area and it was recommended that the parking be redesigned so the tree can be preserved and credit be given for an on-street space. A concern, however, is whether or not the on- street space will be available, considering the surrounding use. The Commission cannot reduce an applicant's parking below the amount required if the applicant asks for it. It may be appropriate to delete Condition 2 and require that the tree be removed in order to maintain the parking spaces there. The Historic Commission has recommended approval. Add a Condition 13 to require two covered bike parking spaces. PUBLIC HEARING STEVE SHERBOURNE, stated that parking is a problem that relates to the adjacent business. Euromek does a high volume of auto repair and use parking spaces on A Street and Fifth Street for parking cars awaiting servicing. If the applicant eliminates one parking space this would add to the parking problem. The Euromek sign is now located on the applicant's property, and Sherbourne would like to have the sign removed and would like it added as a Condition. Two covered bike parking spaces ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 have been provided and they can be covered. McLaughlin wondered about having timed parking spaces on-street. Sherbourne thought a two hour parking limit might work. This could be recommended to Traffic Safety and could leave the applicant the opportunity to retain the tree. DAN JACKSON, 238 Terrace, has been concerned about the parking. The two hour parking limits sound like a good idea. Persons using his parking could be: a hygienist, dentist, patients, receptionist, assistant and a space for handicap. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Armitage believes this is a good application and does not see any options for saving the tree and would agree with Staff's recommendations. He moved to approve the application, modifying Condition 2 that the applicant consider redesigning the parking area and should the applicant redesign the parking, the City will grant a one space parking credit, add Condition 13 required two covered bike parking spaces and Condition 14 that the Euromek sign will be removed. Add Condition 15 that the roof material be either composition or a tile and Condition 16 that the applicant continue working with the Historic Commission Review Board to finalize their design. Powell seconded the motion. The Commission recommended to Traffic Safety to look into the parking problem in that area and consider two hour timed spaces. PLANNING ACTION 93-007 REQUEST FOR OUTLINE AND FINAL PLAN APPROVAL FOR A SIX-LOT MULTI- FAMILY SUBDIVISION LOCATED ON HERSEY STREET, EAST OF OAK STREET. APPLICANT: PACIFIC WEST COAST CONSTRUCTION, INC. Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Bingham had a site visit and tried to figure out where the pedestrian access would be to the Poplar Place subdivision. Medinger had a site visit. Armitage had no site visit. Powell and Carr had a site visit and saw where the pedestrian easement would tie into Poplar Place. Hibbert had a site visit. Jarvis had a site visit and came through the Poplar Place subdivision and saw access ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 for pedestrian easement. STAFF REPORT In March of 1992, this application was approved for a six-unit apartment complex. The plan is essentially the same except instead of apartments, that the units be on separate parcels and the land would be owned by each owner. In other words, there are six small parcels being created. It is a very good design with structures facing the street. One concern that was not addressed is that of a pedestrian easement. Staff's proposal would be to acquire an easement along the west side of the property and tie into Poplar Place subdivision. Staff has recommended approval with 12 conditions. PUBLIC HEARING PAUL HOPKER, 2850 Chanteel Place, Medford, 97504, representative for Pacific West Coast Construction, explained that unit ownership is a much more desirable project to have funded by mortgage companies because they have different fire standards. Hopker agreed with the Conditions with the exception of the pedestrian path. He said the pedestrian path continuation would be considered an off-site improvement outside the realm of this project, and would not fall within of the legal ramifications of the Commission. What the applicant would like to do with respect to the 12 foot pedestrian easement, is that it would be a dual type of access element and when it is so noted on the final plat, it would be specifically noted how pedestrian access is to work so as to not cause confusion in the future. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Medinger believes it is a great idea to have a path and there should be a provision for this. Jarvis noted that Condition 2 mentions an easement and wondered if Medinger wanted it developed. McLaughlin said the majority of the path will be available to walk on, but the difficult part will be the portion that goes down a bank. Medinger wondered if just the easements were required, then what would happen? McLaughlin responded that at some point it would have to figured out how to get the improvement done. Is the improvement of the walkway of benefit to this development? The benefit would be to the remainder of the area and other sections on lower Carol Street. McLaughlin said it will be more of a City responsibility in the future. The ordinances need to be amended to require this type of improvement. The City can work with the applicants when they start doing the final grading and maybe the City can grade in a walkway down the steep portion, leaving it an informal backdoor pathway. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 10 McLaughlin stated that all Conditions have been met according to Staff. The Commissioners agreed. Hibbert moved to approve the action with the attached Conditions. Powell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. OTHER Jarvis apprised the Commissioners that minutes need to be kept for any meetings of the Commissioners where a quorum is present. The site visit the Commissioner made to the Wiley property and Strawberry Lane area will require minutes. Powell mentioned the need to be vigilant of what goes on in the County. Medinger and McLaughlin elaborated on what has been happening with the beginning of re- zoning. After meeting with the County, McLaughlin said it would be beneficial to get together and look at the Urban Growth Boundary Agreement. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 9, 1993 11