HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-03-09 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MARCH 9, 1993 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Jenifer Carr. Other Commissioners present were Armitage and Powell. Staff present were McLaughlin, Molnar and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS The Minutes and Findings of the February 9, 1993 meeting were approved. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 92-132 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR A 20-UNIT CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX TO BE LOCATED AT 2300 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: XEL LTD. Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT This application is continued from last month and the issues focus on an accurate inventory of trees on the property along with modification of the landscaping plan to allow for larger stature trees. The applicant has submitted a survey and the Tree Commission has reviewed and approved the landscaping plan. The other issue in this application is the distance of the project entrance to Siskiyou Boulevard. The ordinance requires the entrance be 35 feet from an intersection. The proposed entrance on this application is approximately 150 feet from Siskiyou Boulevard which would exceed the requirement. Molnar watched the cars come around the subject corner and it appeared that because of the large curve radius, the cars do not slow. There could be an argument to change the street standards for a smaller curve radius. However, this action meets the existing requirements. PUBLIC HEARING JACK MCGARRITY, architect, and general partner of XEL, Ltd. said they would be working with local nursery people to obtain the most appropriate plants for this property. They would like to bring in plants that bear fruit and berries to draw birds. McGarrity added that solar access dictated where the entrance to the property would be. CAROLE ANDERSON also noted that there is not visibility at the corner of Bellview and Siskiyou because of the slope of the hill. He is willing to work with someone to level out the corner to allow for better visibility. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Armitage suggested the visibility at the corner should be brought up before Traffic Safety. McLaughlin thought that since the applicant will be constructing a sidewalk on Bellview that Anderson and the applicant could work together on a better solution to improve the corner. They would benefit by having input from Traffic Safety. Powell moved to approve 92-132 with the attached Conditions. Armitage seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 93-025 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A FOUR-UNIT TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION AND MANAGER'S UNIT WITH AN ADDITIONAL REQUEST TO ALLOW FOR TWO OF THE UNITS TO HAVE KITCHENS AND TO BE UTILIZED AS APARTMENT DWELLINGS DURING THE OFF-SEASON AT 486 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: SHIRLEY GREGA Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT This action is continued from last month with the main areas of concern being the capacity of the alley, parking, retention of the tree and whether or not the proposed use would be similar to the target use of the property. Since last month, the applicant has submitted two alternate parking plans. There has been a reduction in the number of spaces from six to five. There is a letter submitted by the applicant stating she would reduce the number of units from four to three. The new parking configuration would involve removing the existing slab and moving the parking deeper into the lot to allow for more back-up space. It is Staff's opinion that with the reduction in the number of units and the alternate parking plan, that the use becomes similar to the target use of the property. Additionally, tree experts have said that a seven to ten foot diameter should not be paved over around the tree. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MARCH 9, 1993 PUBLIC HEARING BILL EMERSON, 90 Fifth Street, said both parking options use turf stone. There are two options, with option A having 7 feet and option B allowing 10 feet around the tree. Option B has a low brick planter with straight-in parking. There will be a small berm on the asphalt so the water will not run into the parking lot. Option B allows 22 feet of back-up area. ALICE LEVY was happy with the reduction in the number of rooms and parking spaces. She is still troubled by the impact this proposal will have on the neighborhood. She would like to refer the alley to the Traffic Safety Committee because she believes perhaps "Yield" signs might be of help. Approval of this traveller's accommodation would be the first in the middle of the block and she would like the Commission to be aware of what this alley could turn into. Powell wondered about the 400 square foot requirement for a traveller's accommodation, particularly the unit that had no access to the house. McLaughlin said the 400 square feet includes shared space such as the bathroom, living room, etc. BOB MEISER, contractor, said that unit will have passage into the main house. Armitage suggested to Mrs. Levy that she come up with a solid proposal to accommodate any safety issue on the alley and present it to the Traffic Safety Commission. She could make a proposal in writing, but there is less likelihood they will act on this if they are simply asked to look at it. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION The Commissioners were happy there is one less unit and pleased with the parking. Armitage moved to approve PA 93-025 with the attached conditions. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MARCH 9, 1993 PLANNING ACTION 93-031 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A TRI-PLEX AT THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 170 S. MOUNTAIN AVENUE. A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IS ALSO REQUESTED TO ALLOW FOR THE TRI-PLEX TO BE USED AS A TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION DURING PART OF THE YEAR. ALSO A VARIANCE IS REQUESTED TO ALLOW A PORTION OF THE DRIVEWAY TO HAVE A WIDTH OF APPROXIMATELY 16 FEET RATHER THAN THE REQUIRED 20 FEET. APPLICANT: JONATHAN LANDES STAFF REPORT There exists a duplex and residence on the property. This proposal involves the construction of a new tri-plex to be used as a traveller's accommodation during the tourist season. The units will be just under 500 square feet. The applicant is also asking for a variance of the driveway width to less than 20 feet for an approximately 50 foot portion. That portion would be between 15 and 17 feet in width. The entrance off Mountain would be 20 feet. The applicant has submitted findings for the variance. The cedar trees on the south property line will be retained because the applicant feels the trees act as a buffer to the adjacent property. If the Commission decides to approve, there are 8 Conditions to be included with the addition of Condition 9 to expand the curb cut to 20 feet. Carr felt uncomfortable with the application, believing the units should be either a tri- plex or traveller's accommodation, but not both. Molnar said the applicant would like flexibility for both. PUBLIC HEARING JONATHAN LANDES, 170 S. Mountain Avenue, felt there was a demand for this type of housing with small kitchen suite units. Landes did not know for how long he would rent as traveller's accommodations during the year. He would just have to wait and see how business was going. He anticipated widening the curb cut. Powell mentioned that she pulled into the driveway and had trouble getting out of the parking area and ended up completely backing out. Landes explained the parking layout and how he thought it could work. He also thought he could establish a demand for these types of units. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MARCH 9, 1993 COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Site visits were made by Powell, Armitage, and Powell. Armitage was not comfortable approving the traveller's accommodation with the switch to rental units. Powell thought the "20 year" rule seemed to be stretched in this situation since all but one unit rented would be new. Armitage thought this action meets the criteria with the exception of the variance criteria. Were the circumstances self-imposed? Armitage moved to continue Planning Action 93-031 and take it before the full Commission on April 13, 1993. He would also like the Fire Department to look at the driveway. Carr seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. TYPE I PLANNING ACTION PLANNING ACTION 93-027 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR A BAKERY/DELl TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON A VACANT PARCEL AT 2255 HIGHWAY 66 (CORNER OF HIGHWAY 66 AND YMCA WAY). THE PROPOSAL ALSO INCLUDES AN ADDITIONAL RENTAL OF COMMERCIAL SPACE AS WELL AS TWO APARTMENT UNITS ON THE SECOND FLOOR. APPLICANT: DON GREENE This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-029 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS LOCATED AT 408 LAUREL STREET. APPLICANT: ALOHA HAYS This action was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MARCH 9, 1993 PLANNING ACTION 93-034 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS WITH A FLAG DRIVE ACCESSING THE REAR PARCEL LOCATED AT 842 CLAY STREET. REQUEST WAS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BUT APPROVAL HAS EXPIRED. APPLICANT: RALPH GEORGE This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-037 REQUEST FOR A TWO-FOOT HEIGHT VARIANCE--FROM THE REQUIRED FIVE FEET TO SEVEN FEET--FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE CURRENT "MINUTE MARKET" GROUND SIGN AT 1690 SlSKIYOU BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: SIERRA PLASTICS This action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MARCH 9, 1993