HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-04-13 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 13, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Jenifer Carr. Powell and Armitage were also present. Staff present were Molnar and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS The Minutes and Findings of the March 9, 1993 meeting were approved. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 93-033 REQUEST FOR A FRONT YARD SETBACK VARIANCE TO ALLOW FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW GARAGE 12 FEET FROM THE FRONT PROPERTY LINE RATHER THAN 20 FEET AS REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE. VARIANCE REQUESTED FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 264 GRANT STREET. REQUEST WAS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BUT APPROVAL HAS EXPIRED. APPLICANT: EARL AND JILL MCGONIGAL Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT Molnar noted this application was previously approved in 1991, but that approval had expired. The garage is two-stoW but will appear only one-stoW because the garage portion will be below ground and the studio above. The right-of-way for Grant Street is 60 feet. The distance from the curb to where the property begins is 12 feet. Because of the slope of the property, the further back the garage is placed, the more cut and fill would be required and the longer the driveway. The garage would obstruct the neighbor's view more by building the garage further back. The first approval was a case of the applicants and neighbors getting together to see what they would like, but since that first approval, the property owners have changed. PUBLIC HEARING No one came forth to speak. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Armitage is concerned that this time around, there is a neighbor who is in conflict over this Variance. In measuring the criteria for approval, he does not consider the 60 foot right-of-way unique or unusual circumstances. Have there been other Variances granted on this street that are similar? If the applicants were here, maybe a compromise could be reached. Powell mentioned that the applicant can build the garage anyway and without excavating which would cause it to obstruct the neighbor's view much more than building the way they have requested. Armitage felt that since no one was at this hearing to speak, he would like to give them another opportunity and would like to continue the hearing. Powell is still convinced it is far better to grant the Variance than not. Carr felt the unique and unusual circumstances were the numerous boulders on the property and perhaps it would be difficult to build in the buildable area. She also thought that because of the slope and length of the driveway, it would greater enhance the property to grant the Variance. The view would be better maintained by granting the Variance. Powell moved to approve, Carr seconded and Armitage voted "no". PLANNING ACTION 93-051 REQUEST FOR A CHANGE OF CONDITION TO NOT REQUIRE PAVING OF THE ALLEY FOR A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SITE REVIEW AND VARIANCE FOR THE PROPERTY AT 671 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: NANCY GOLDEN/GREGORY FREEMAN STAFF REPORT Molnar gave a brief history of this application. There is a new property owner and he had gone ahead with the work required to bring the buildings into compliance with new code requirements. He has requested one of the requirements be deleted or deferred altogether and that is, paving of the alley. Many people use the alley for walking. Children use the alley. Many neighbors support the deferment. Also, the Alley Committee is still reviewing alleys in this area. Staff feels little will be gained by paving this short segment of the alley. It would be better to pave it all at once. The character of an unpaved alley seems to encourage slower driving speeds. Staff recommends attaching a Condition that the applicant sign in favor of future improvements of the alley. That Condition would void Condition 3 of 93-008. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 13, 1993 Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Powell had no site visit this time, but has viewed the property before. Armitage had no site visit. Carr went down the alley. PUBLIC HEARING DAVID FREEMAN said the paving issue came up when everything was being brought up to code. All the neighbors were angry with what had taken place previously. In order to have a peaceful relationship with his neighbors, Freeman asked input on everything he has done so far. Several neighbors had grave concerns about safety in the alley as she has small children. He is willing to sign in favor of paving. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Powell moved to approve Planning Action 93-051 with the Condition that the applicant sign in favor of paving the alley. That would delete Condition 3 in the January 12, 1993 Findings. Carr seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 93-046 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO LOTS LOCATED AT 70 WATER STREET. APPLICANT: ROBERT AND ANN CLOUSE This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-047 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL LOCATED AT 438 N. MAIN STREET INTO TO TWO LOTS WITH THE REAR PARCEL ACCESSING FROM LORI LANE. APPLICANT: JOHN AND CHERYL COLWELL This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-048 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONVERT THE STRUCTURE AT THE REAR OF THE PROPERTY AT 119 THIRD STREET INTO AN OFFICE AND THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE GARAGE ON THE EXISTING HOUSE. APPLICANT: BRAD ROUPP ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 13, 1993 This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-049 REQUEST FOR AN EXTENSION OF A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE REVIEW FOR A 57-UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX TO BE LOCATED AT 2225 SISKIYOU BOULEVARD. PREVIOUS EXTENSIONS HAVE BEEN GRANTED FOR THIS APPLICATION. APPLICANT: LANCE WASSERMAN Carr moved to call this action up for a public hearing. Because of the size of this project, it seemed best to review this proposal. The motion carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 93-057 REQUEST TO TRANSFER THE APPLICANT OF THE MARKETPLACE ON CALLE GUANAJUATO TO THE ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION. COMMISSION TO BE THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY FOR OPERATION OF THE SEASONAL MARKETPLACE. APPLICANT: ASHLAND PARKS COMMISSION/KEN MICKELSEN, DIRECTOR This action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES APRIL 13, 1993