HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-11 Planning MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 11, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairperson Barbara Jarvis. Other Commissioners present were Carr, Armitage, Bingham, Medinger, Cloer, Hibbert, Powell and Thompson. Staff present were McLaughlin, Molnar and Yates. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Hibbert nominated Jarvis for Chairperson and Carr seconded the nomination. It was moved, seconded and approved that the nominating ballot be the electing ballot. Carr nominated Armitage for Vice Chairperson and the nomination was seconded. It was moved, seconded and approved that the nominating ballot be the electing ballot. Carr and Bingham were nominated 2nd Vice Chairpersons and the nomination was seconded. It was moved, seconded and approved that the nominating ballot be the electing ballot. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - HEARINGS BOARD Powell moved and Carr seconded to approve the Minutes of the April 13, 1993 Hearings Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING Carr moved and Powell seconded to approve the Minutes of the April 13, 1993 Regular Meeting. FINDINGS FOR REGULAR MEETING The Findings will be adopted later in the meeting. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 11, 1993 MINUTES PUBLIC FORUM 1) Carr requested that a hand microphone be used at the podium instead of the stationary microphone because she has noticed while watching public meetings on Cable Access that she cannot hear any sound coming from the microphone at the podium. McLaughlin said a hand microphone had been ordered and he would look into it. 2) The Commissioners decided to use time cards to indicate to those giving testimony how much time they have left. Bingham was selected as tonight's timekeeper. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 93-050 REQUEST FOR OUTLINE PLAN APPROVAL OF A 32-LOT SUBDIVISION LOCATED AS A WESTERLY EXTENSION OF MILL POND ROAD CONNECTING WITH FORDYCE STREET. Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Medinger stepped down during the hearing. Carr, Cloer, Hibbert, Powell, Jarvis, Armitage, and Bingham had a site visit. Bingham had a discussion with Gary Schrodt about drainage in the area. Thompson had a site visit and noticed the flat area with a slight slope and drainage in the middle. STAFF REPORT This action was reviewed last month and was re-noticed because of a slight change in the plan. The applicant is proposing a 32-1ot subdivision. There are two major differences between the old plan and the current plan. The new plan has reduced the drainage crossings from two to one. Also, Evan Lane is no longer a dead end but goes through to Fordyce. One issue raised at the last meeting concerned the streetscape and the Commissioners suggesting off-setting the garages, combining some driveways, and perhaps serving lots 11 and 12 with driveways off Evan Lane. Another issue raised was the common open space. In the previous plan, it appeared that a significant amount of open area would consist of the drainage channel itself, therefore, the Commission suggested that the applicant incorporate decking in the area as well as a pedestrian bridge across the channel to allow access across the ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 1t, t993 MINUTES ditch. The Capital Improvement Plan has allowed for channel improvements along the drainage. Staff has recommended approval of this application with the attached 12 Conditions. There were two exhibits on the board. Carr mentioned that on her map, along Mill Pond Road (near parcel 4) parking spaces are shown that do not now appear on the open space map. PUBLIC HEARING LARRY MEDINGER, 295 Iowa, answered Carr's question by stating that the parking spaces used up some natural useable area and in reviewing, there were enough parking spaces to meet the requirement, therefore they are deleted on the landscaping plan. Medinger said he generally agreed with all planning recommendations. He would prefer that in Condition 4 that the subdivision as a whole sign in favor of future improvements to Fordyce. Medinger explained that with regard to Condition 5, the master storm drain plan, Medinger talked to Jim Olson, Engineering, who said the drain sizes are being refigured. The plan will be changed somewhat with only a limited amount of water coming down the channel. Medinger is concerned that in Condition 5 the wording sounds like the subdivision will pay for the improvements. Accordingly, he has proposed new wording for that Condition in the record. Jim Olson is having a meeting soon with neighbors along the creek to discuss what is going to happen. It should be clear by next month as to what is going to happen. Medinger discussed how open spaces are used and drew on his experiences with Jessica Lane and Mill Pond. Common areas have several different uses that are "real" uses. People tend to like places of sanctuary or refuge--just a place to sit. A good open area gives some open site lines around significant features in the landscape, such as water. There is an opportunity in this case to improve stream quality and use as a wildlife refuge and food for wildlife. Children use open areas. The open space areas are rarely used for neighborhood gatherings. He does not see the purpose of a deck. Armitage asked Medinger the size of the park area. Medinger said it was seven percent of the total area. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 1t, 1993 MINUTES RICK LANDT, 487 Rock, Environmental Planner for Medinger, said that in looking at this area, he thought the best approach was to preserve the existing features. Underneath the blackberries, there is a lovely little creek in the drainage. The existing trees are assets. The soils are riparian and do not occur in a moment nor can they be replaced in a moment. The goal would be to protect all the existing trees, wherever possible and create an environment for maximizing revegetation. Landt will want to minimize erosion and excavation in the riparian area and keep heavy equipment from the area. They will be planting with appropriate plants and trying to cover the area on the edges of the creek wherever possible. There will be trees on the six-foot wide street parkrows. They will be using a number of different species but using with continuity. The trees to the south of most of the houses, are trees from the City's tree guide for solar friendly trees. Bingham wondered if they were going to be adding any trees along the creek. Landt said until the engineering happens, they will not know how many trees they will need to plant, but they will add them, as necessary. HERMAN SCHMELING, 492 Fordyce Street, lives in the county with his neighbors residing in the City. He has numerous problems with garbage, electrical fences cut without prior notice, and problems with drainage and flooding. Since the Cota subdivision was granted, he has been flooded three times. His property was flooded in the major flood of 1974. In between 1974 and two years ago with the Cota subdivision, he had never been flooded. Flooding creates large gouges in his yard and flooding in his basement. If Medinger is permitted to put a diversionary 10-12 inch pipe, Schmeling needs to be informed. Though Schmeling is aware of the City's plan to improve the storm drain system, he is very concerned about the impervious surfaces that occur with each development. Schmeling was concerned that he be notified of any changes or slight modifications in plans that may not go before the public. If any changes in this area occur and it includes a diversionary pipe into the TID water along Fordyce, he would ask that it go before the public. McLaughlin would recommend that these suggestions are considered and Schmeling's thoughts are taken to the City Engineer. He also told Schmeling there would be a neighborhood meeting soon. GARY SCHRODT, 526 Fordyce, property owner on Fordyce and Chairman of the Ashland Wetlands Coalition, noted that he also gets badly flooded during a heavy rain. He believes there is more water during a heavy rain because of the increased development upstream. In development of a master plan, Schrodt would strongly urge ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 11, 1993 MINUTES preservation of the riparian values as much as possible through the use of screening material to hold turf or rock. He does not want the drainage area lined with concrete, but retained in a natural state. DEAN PHELPS, 1383 Oregon Street, was speaking on behalf of the landowner on Romeo Drive, Betty G. Kansala. She bought the lot when it was a cul-de-sac and he can see with the Eldman application that Romeo Drive would no longer be a cul-de- sac as she had expected it would always be. McLaughlin explained that when Romeo Drive subdivision was developed, it was designed to connect with Mill Pond as per the subdivision plat. Also, the application for Eldman involves an accessory unit. Only if she wanted to divide her property, would she be required to dedicate an area for a street. McLaughlin stated that with regard to the proposed wording of Condition 5, he would be hesitant to accept Medinger's wording without first discussing it with the City Engineer. He liked the proposed wording at the beginning of Condition 5, "That the Mill Pond Road creek crossing and culvert be designed and constructed by the applicant consistent with flow rates in the City's Storm Drainage Master Plan". MEDINGER is still concerned with the wording. He does not mind taking care of his own subdivision, but does not want to take care of the drainage from above. That should come from the capital improvement funds. Schmeling brought up a good point about storm drains. Medinger said they could move storm drains to flow into the creek, rather than down Fordyce. There is subsurface water all through the area and they would make sure it was a couple feet below the surface. McLaughlin suggested additional wording on Condition 5, "Construction responsibilities to be determined by Public Works at the time of final plan." McLaughlin recommended the following wording for Condition 5: "That Mill Pond Road creek crossing and culvert be designed and constructed by the applicant consistent with flow rates in the City's Storm Drainage Master Plan and that the drainage channel be modified to comply with the City's Storm Drainage Master Plan for the area. All channel improvements to be reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department prior to signature of the final survey plat. Construction responsibilities to be determined at the time of final plan in cooperation with the Public Works Department." ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 1'1, 1993 MINUTES COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION All Commissioners were in agreement that there was not any evidence presented that would show that the applicant has not met the criteria. Thompson agreed with the applicant that in Condition 4, delete the first portion of the sentence and it would read: "That the subdivision as a whole, sign in favor of future improvements to Fordyce Street, including curb, gutter, paving sidewalks and storm drainage". Thompson also thought in Condition 11, it should read: "That a size and species specific landscaping plan for the common open space area be submitted, including a pedestrian bridge across the drainage channel at the time of Final Plan approval. Bingham moved to approve 93-050 with Thompson's changes to Conditions 4 and 11. Also, with McLaughlin's last change to Condition 5. Carr seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PLANNING ACTION 93-053 REQUEST FOR SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FOUR TOWNHOUSES TO BE LOCATED AT 230 VAN NESS. AUTO AND PARKING ACCESS TO BE VIA THE ALLEY AT THE REAR OF THE PROPERTY FROM LAUREL STREET. PEDESTRIAN ACCESS PROVIDED FROM NEW TOWNHOUSES TO VAN NESS VIA FLAG DRIVE. APPLICANT: DARRELL A. BOLDT Include in the record the Historic Commission Minutes, a memo from the Planning Staff, and a letter from Gary Brewer. Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts ->Carr had a site visit along Van Ness and the alley. ->Armitage had a site visit and conversation with Victoria Duremis who lives north and east of the property along the alley. They talked about alley width and her property line. Her fence was not on her property line. She was concerned about the alleyway and trees, particularly a large box elder on the northeast corner of the property where the townhouses are to be located. Armitage also had a conversation with a woman at 230 Van Ness. She hoped a paved alley would not go through her front yard. ->Bingham had a site visit. ->Medinger had a site visit and noticed the same large tree. He saw it was preserved on the landscape plan. ->Cloer had a site visit and talked with Gary Brewer who gave an oral version of his ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 11, 1993 MINUTES 6 letter presented tonight. Brewer is concerned with the traffic Icad to be generated by improvement of the alley and increased speeds, not necessarily the impact of just the townhouses. After Cloer viewed a flag drive east of this property, he feels that paved flag drives accessing the rear of property ruin the streetscape. Cloer noted Brewer was unable to attend the meeting due to the death of his grandmother. -*Hibbert had a site visit. -*Powell had a site visit along the alley and Van Ness. -*Jarvis had a site visit and her concerns are indicated in the memo prepared by the Planning Staff. STAFF REPORT This lot was created in 1992 by a Minor Land Partition, creating a flag lot with the flag off Van Ness to the rear. The applicant is proposing four townhouse units, the base density. The issue of design has been addressed through the Minutes of the Historic Commission and the applicant will speak to design. The main issue appears to involve appropriate access. Is it the alley that serves the rear or is it more appropriate to use the flag drive? Staff has recommended the alley is the choice for parking access in that it is already an existing designated use for the automobile. It has served in the past for access to these areas. The parking off the alley can be used most efficiently with the least amount of asphalt. The concern with using the flag drive for access is that it would considerably increase the amount of asphalt used for parking and backup space besides the improved area of the flag. The concerns of the neighbors should be addressed also. There are no established criteria for the capacity of an alley. The capacity is limited by the number of lots that can be developed. Staff believes this alley will function as an access to the rear of these parcels, not a through street. There are some points such as privacy on an alley that should be considered as well. Powell wondered about the status of the alley off Skidmore. McLaughlin checked with Pam Barlow, Public Works, and she said they would be reviewing it again. Traffic Safety has expressed, initially, opposition to putting up any barriers. Jarvis was looking for a definition of a flag lot and wondering if Staff was considering pedestrian access as a driveway. How can you have a flag lot if you have only pedestrian access and no driveway? McLaughlin said the ordinance requires the driveway to be paved. Thompson thought it would be best to approach the application by looking at the best end product and work toward how to get to that--maybe a Variance will be needed. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 11, 1993 MINUTES This project is a proposal for infill and it involves using an alley and not marring a streetscape. If these are the types of things the Commission favors, how can the Commission make it happen? Jarvis was not convinced that if the application is approached in that manner, that it could legally stand a challenge. If this is approved with the pedestrian path and no driveway, Jarvis is not sure what we have. McLaughlin explained that in the memo it explains legal access and functional access. This lot has legal frontage on a public street and legal access to that street, but functional access is via the alley. The issue of the driveway would have to believe you can be forced into that way. The Variance would This would require re-noticing. be addressed with a Variance. McLaughlin does not requiring use of the driveway because it is partitioned be to delete the requirement of paving of the driveway. Armitage had the feeling there is not much room on the alley. He is concerned that the alley could not be widened around the box elder without killing it. Carr was also taken by the narrowness of the alley. McLaughlin felt the short length of driveway would not be a problem for cars passing and the parking area would have room to pull off. McLaughlin read the letter in opposition to the proposed development from Gary Brewer, 229 W. Hersey Street, into the record. PUBLIC HEARING DARRELL BOLDT has always planned to use the alley for access since he purchased the property 20 years ago. He met with the Historic Commission to discuss the redesign of the building, at their request. The Historic Commission preferred the new design. Boldt realized when the Historic Commission was looking at using the flag for the driveway, that paving the flag would require an additional 3,300 square feet of asphalt and would also involve moving the units closer to the alley and providing no private outside space. It made more sense to use the flag for pedestrian access and use the alley for vehicle access. Boldt's intent was to leave as much landscaping as possible, including the box elder. Paving the flag drive would eliminate a large cedar tree. He would use pedestrian pavers for the pedestrian access. He thought it seemed to have less impact to have the parking on the alley side because the houses on the other side of the alley are further away. Medinger suggested Boldt add decorative attic vents and Boldt agreed. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 11, 1993 MINUTES JANET DESPARI, 4343 Pioneer Road, owns lot 800, and she is opposed to using the alley for access. She agrees with many of Brewer's points in his letter. If the alley is to be paved two-thirds of way with granite, she is concerned with granite dust. From her 15 years experience on Laurel, she has used the alley as a shortcut and she believes others would use it as a shortcut too. There is a feeling that cars have precedence over everything. When cars are allowed to go wherever they can go, they do not acknowledge that even animals need safe passageway. The alley is used by bicyclists and pedestrians. She would like to see the property fenced and to use the flag to funnel the traffic to a paved street. However, she does not like the idea of more paving on the property either. KATHLEEN TAYLOR, 227 Hersey, stated that her backyard borders the alley. She is opposed to the alley being used for access to vehicles. One of the special things about Ashland is its aesthetic charm. Children use the alley to ride bikes and access to and from school. The alley is the only place in the area that has very little traffic and is safe for this use. Vehicle access to the alley would be very dangerous for children. She is also concerned about her garden bordering the alley, and air pollution. She would urge the Commission to consider use of the flag for access in order to preserve the alley. JANET DESPARIS, read a letter from Vickie Doremis, 259 N. Laurel, into the record in opposition to using the alley for access. DON PAUL, Fire Department, would prefer to have 15 feet of alley width. McLaughlin said Staff was not recommending paving of the alley because of the concerns of the Historic Commission and Gary Brewer, however, the Commission could require paving. McLaughlin read the definition of a flag drive -- that it be accessed by a driveway. The definition of a driveway -- flag drive serving a flag lot shall not be a driveway. Then the definition of a driveway does not apply, which puts it back to the definition of a flag drive. That brings it back to: what improvement standards are required for a flag drive -- that it be paved, thus, in this case, requiring a Variance. DARRELL BOLDT, stated that when making this proposal, he asked what is the best use overall for this parcel and what will have the least impact on the neighborhood. He believes using the alley would be best because the flag would require too much paving. Boldt thought the width of the driveway can be achieved by trimming the old foliage. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 11, 1993 MINUTES Thompson wondered if Boldt's plans would be reviewed again by the Historic Commission. McLaughlin thought it would be a good idea to add as a Condition. Carr wondered, in the event this action is continued for a Variance, if the record would be left open to discuss design. McLaughlin said the Historic Commission could review any changes submitted by the applicant. Medinger suggested to the neighbors that they request R-2 zoning because he feels this neighborhood is inappropriately zoned. Thompson felt the alley is the most appropriate access to this project. He would prefer the alley remain unpaved with a crushed rock surface, not granite. Powell felt the alley as access would minimize paving. She is concerned, however, about setting a precedent. What if lots 1700 and 1800 decide to divide? She is concerned about the steepness of the turn in the alley for fire trucks. Hibbert favored the alley access because of the impact of the flag drive. There are other properties that need to be accessed the same way. Cloer favored access from the alley. At the American Planning Association workshop, the speaker felt communities should move more in the direction of using alleys for access unless they would rather have a street full of flag drives. Medinger generally favored using the alley for access and leaving it unpaved. Bingham felt there was no good way to access this parcel. The alley is narrow, there is already a lot of infill and this one does not have to use the alley, therefore, he is going with accessing by way of a flag drive. Armitage thought that with all the other development that is probably going to develop, this will be a defacto street, with a very narrow situation. He would prefer paving the flag. Carr agreed with Armitage and Bingham. She would like more from the Historic Commission at the next meeting regarding design and would like a member of the Historic Commission present at the next Planning Commisson meeting. Jarvis felt access should be from Van Ness. She believes if there is a flag lot, there has to be a driveway off Van Ness. Also, additional traffic through the alley is not ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 11, 1993 MINUTES 10 reasonable and would be setting a poor precedent. Boldt can decide how he wants to proceed. Armitage would like more information on the alley -- what is the width, are there any encroachments. McLaughlin posed the question -- If the flag had not been on paper and this was just one large parcel, not requiring the flag drive, how would the Commission have felt? Boldt waived his 120 days for a continuance. Carr moved to continue PA93-053 until the next meeting. Bingham seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF FINDINGS The Findings from the April 13, 1993 Regular Meeting were approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-049 REQUEST FOR AN EXTENSION OF A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SITE REVIEW FOR A 57-UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX TO BE LOCATED AT 2225 SlSKIYOU BOULEVARD. PREVIOUS EXTENSIONS HAVE BEEN GRANTED FOR THIS APPLICATION. APPLICANT: LANCE WASSERMAN Site Visits or Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT This application was called up for a public hearing by the Hearings Board. Staff thought it was time to take a fresh look at this proposal because it has had four extensions. Since the last extension, there are new energy requirements, landscaping requirements, etc. PUBLIC HEARING No one came forth to speak. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 11, 1993 MINUTES COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Medinger recommended denial of PA93-049 and Carr seconded. The motion carried unanimously. OTHER Jarvis talked with the Mayor about a joint study session with the Council and Planning Commission. The Commission directed Jarvis to write a letter to the Council requesting a joint session. OPEN SPACE DESIGNATION He has recommended that when a request for open space designation is made, such as the Richey's, that the applicant is asked to address the criteria outlined in his memo. Jarvis suggested adding historic sites to the list. McLaughlin explained that this process came about to pull the pressure off developing the property because of property tax relief gained by keeping as open space. Carr moved to direct Staff to forward the suggested criteria, including historic sites, to the Council. Powell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 11, '1993 MINUTES ~2