HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-07-13 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JULY 13, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. by Chairperson Barbara Jarvis. Commissioners present were Cloer and Hibbert. Staff present were Molnar, McLaughlin and Yates. Other APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS Cloer moved to approve the Minutes and Findings. Hibbert seconded the motion and the Minutes and Findings were approved. TYPE II PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 93-092 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A ONE-STORY YOGA STUDIO TO BE LOCATED AT 247 N. SECOND STREET. APPLICANT: KEVIN COOKE Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT In 1991, the Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit to convert a portion of the existing residence for professional office use. The applicant is requesting to construct an approximately 1150 square foot yoga studio at the rear of the lot. Classes will be offered twice a day with six to ten students per class. Three diagonal parking spaces will be located off the existing paved alley. The target use of the zone is for a duplex. The application lacked information concerning the type of exterior materials to be used, however, was reviewed by the Historic Commission and five recommendations were given, making the building compatible to the existing residence. Staff has added six additional Conditions. The Historic Commission recommended perpendicular parking spaces instead of diagonal. Diagonal parking would have a tendency to influence the traffic to proceed down the unpaved portion of the alley, but if cars are parked perpendicular, traffic would funnel toward the improved portion of the alley. The parking spaces would need to be improved with brick or grass pavers. PUBLIC HEARING KEVIN COOKE, 247 N. Seventh, stated the if the yoga studio ceased to exist, he would like to be able to convert the studio to a single family residence and would construct it accordingly. STEVE SACKS, 259 B Street, owns a cottage that will face the studio directly across the alley. He is concerned that the studio would create a great deal of traffic on a very small alley and he did not understand how traffic could be forced to go one way or the other. He did not think enforcement of class sizes would happen. Everything around this property is residential. It is difficult to find parking on B Street now. With class sizes of ten, Sacks thought there would be lots of traffic coming and going. He felt the use of the Bundini building in that area has expanded over time and the same will happen with the yoga studio. He would not mind the studio if it were located on the street instead of the alley. He is concerned if the applicant moves, it could become an even more intense use. Jarvis assured Sacks that the Planning Commission has the authority to limit class sizes, but more than likely would be up to the neighbors to help enforce. She also pointed out to Sacks that this lot has the potential for two more rental units. Sacks felt the yoga studio is an inappropriate use of the property. JACKIE SIMS, 269 B Street, agreed with Sacks. The property would be better used for another residence. Her main concern is parking; she cannot get a parking space on B Street during the day at this time. Sims assumed the new parking would be upgraded and extended because the only thing that fits in the alley now is a subcompact car. Cloer asked Sims about parking on Second Street and she indicated it was suitable, but noted it is like B Street was several years ago. Sims did not feel three spaces would be adequate for the studio. Staff mentioned the parking spaces were based on square footage of the building. Cloer wondered if a Condition could be added that would allow the Planning Commission to monitor the yoga studio use. McLaughlin said it could be monitored over a year's period and reviewed again at the end of the year. Cloer also queried regarding the expansion of Conditional Use Permits over time. McLaughlin said that in the case of the dental office on B Street that was granted a CUP many years ago, that no limitations were placed on it when it was approved, but the Commission would not approve that sort of use again, without placing limitations. KEVIN COOKE, rebutted that he operated the yoga studio on Bridge Street for over ten years. The class sizes are predictable and he is certainly willing to work with the neighbors, should any problems arise. Cooke said there is a total of 20 students. On ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JULY 13, '1993 any given day, there are four to six students--he could have as many as ten, but that is not likely. Class times run from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Cooke mentioned that several of the students live in the Railroad District. He was agreeable to an approval for a year based on traffic and parking. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Hibbert had difficulty with the application because it is residential property and there is commercial property available, such as Town Hall. He felt that the traffic impact in the R-2 zone for a commercial use would be greater than if the property were used for residential and would therefore vote to deny. Cloer would see a potential parking problem and he felt Sacks and Sims concerns were valid. However, he did not feel the impact would be felt in this particular use. would like to approve and review in a year. He Hibbert believed that by constructing this building as a commercial use, that would be casting in concrete the commercial use of the building and that would be asking for trouble. Jarvis said that with class sizes of ten, it would seem there might be more than three cars parking at a time and that could create a much greater adverse impact in the area. She did not believe this was the best use of the property and that there were better places to carry on this type of business involving this many people. Hibbert moved to deny and Jarvis seconded the motion. The motion carried with Cloer casting the dissenting vote. PLANNING ACTION 93-093 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING WITH THREE RESIDENTIAL APARTMENTS, TO BE LOCATED IN THE RAILROAD SUBDIVISION AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF FIFTH AND A STREETS. APPLICANT: J. ELLEN AUSTIN This application has been withdrawn until further notice. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JULY 13, 1993 TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 93-087 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONVERT AN EXISTING GARAGE TO A STUDIO APARTMENT LOCATED AT 746 C STREET. APPLICANT: PHYLLIS SANDERSON This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-090 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR A PROPOSED SECOND STORY ADDITION WITH BALCONY ON MACARONI'S RESTAURANT LOCATED AT 58 EAST MAIN STREET. APPLICANT: ALLAN SANDLER This action was called up for a public hearing. PLANNING ACTION 93-091 REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A FIVE FOOT HIGH FENCE WITH AN EIGHT INCH LATTICE TOP, RATHER THAN 4 FEET IN HEIGHT AS REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE, ALONG ASHLAND LOOP ROAD. PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1030 MORTON STREET. APPLICANT: DEBORAH & DENNIS HOFER This action was called up for a public hearing. The Commissioners were in agreement that protection is needed, but would like to see some variation used in the fence and perhaps not be built as high as requested. PLANNING ACTION 93-097 REQUEST FOR SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 5,100 SQ. FT. RETAIL/OFFICE BUILDING LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF "A" STREET AT THE END OF SECOND STREET. APPLICANT: JOHN FIELDS This action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JULY 13, 1993