HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-12-14 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 1993 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. by Brent Thompson. Other Commissioners present were Michael Bingham and Larry Medinger. Staff present were McLaughlin, Knox and Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS The Minutes and Findings of the November 9, 1993 Hearings Board were approved. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARINGS PLANNING ACTION 93-142 REQUEST FOR A BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT AND VARIANCE FOR A PARCEL LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF MOUNTAIN AVENUE, NEAR HERSEY STREET. A VARIANCE IS REQUESTED TO ALLOW FOR THE PARCEL TO HAVE A WIDTH GREATER THAN ITS DEPTH AND A WIDTH IN EXCESS OF 150 FEET IN LENGTH. APPLICANT: CITY OF ASHLAND Site visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT McLaughlin reported that the design and purpose of this application is to make a boundary line adjustment for the future location of the electric substation. Any other area surrounding this parcel will be acquired by the City for park land. The lot dimensions are unique and require a variance. Staff believes the circumstances for this application are unique and the variance should be allowed. Medinger is concerned that the substation could be an eyesore if located right on Mountain Avenue. He would like to see it located further from the road. Thompson wondered if there could be any latitude where the substation could be placed on the lot. McLaughlin noted the substation was about 100' by 100' and the property is 300' deep. McLaughlin explained that several public hearings have been held with regard to placement of the substation. PUBLIC HEARING No one came forth to speak. COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION AND MOTION Thompson believed the Council studied the siting of the substation and got citizen input and has handled the issue fairly. Medinger said the notice does not say anything about the substation. Thompson added that if it turns out this is not a generally known future location of the substation, he would have a hard time voting for the Conditional Use Permit when it comes up for approval. Bingham also felt the Council studied this thoroughly. Bingham moved to approve, Thompson seconded, and the motion carried with Medinger casting the dissenting vote. APPROVAL OF FINDINGS Planning Action 93-142 Findings were approved with Medinger casting a "no" vote. TYPE I PLANNING ACTION PLANNING ACTION 93-139 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A 31,845 SQUARE FOOT LOT INTO THREE LOTS CONSISTING OF 7,457, 7,629 AND 16,758 SQUARE FEET. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY SITE IS LOCATED AT 235 NEVADA STREET. APPLICANT: DAN BUNN Medinger is opposed to subdivision by minor land partition. Thompson believes there should be some sort of pedestrian link to the north. He believes there should be a policy to require a pedestrian easement if any development goes over a block. There seemed agreement that there would be a bridge over the creek in the next 50 years. This action was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 1993 PLANNING ACTION 93-140 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO ADD A WOMEN'S BATHROOM, OFFICE & STORAGE SPACE, AND A MECHANICAL ROOM TO THE ANGUS BOWMER THEATRE BUILDING. THE ADDITION'S EXTERIOR COLORS, MATERIALS, AND DESIGN ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE EXISTING PRIMARY BUILDING. THE SUBJECT ADDITION CAN GENERALLY BE DESCRIBED AS BEING LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ANGUS BOWMER THEATRE OFF OF PIONEER STREET. APPLICANT: OREGON SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-141 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN ADDITIONAL TRAVELLER'S ACCOMMODATION UNIT (BRINGING THE TOTAL TO FOUR UNITS PLUS THE MANAGER'S) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 271 BEACH STREET. APPLICANT: DALE SWIRE This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-144 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONVERT A 675 SQUARE FOOT GUEST ROOM INTO AN ACCESSORY RENTAL UNIT. THE SUBJECT SITE IS LOCATED AT 512 HERBERT STREET. APPLICANT: MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR T. PHILLIPS This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-146 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONVERT 500 SQUARE FEET OF EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY LIVING SPACE INTO AN ACCESSORY RENTAL UNIT. THE SUBJECT SITE IS LOCATED AT 596 HELMAN STREET. APPLICANT: JULIE NORMAN This action was approved. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 1993 PLANNING ACTION 93-147 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 10,000 SQUARE FOOT OFFICE/WAREHOUSE LOCATED AT 385 WILLIAMSON WAY. APPLICANT: Mark Reitinger This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 93-149 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A PRIVATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, GRADES K-5, TO BE LOCATED IN THE EXISTING CHURCH FACILITIES AT 188 GARFIELD STREET. APPLICANT: CHRISTIAN CENTER This action was called up for a public hearing. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES DECEMBER 14, 1993