HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-07-09 Hearings Board MIN CITY OF -ASHLAND ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JULY 9, 2002 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Kerry Kencaim. Other Commissioners present were Colin Swales and Marilyn Briggs. Staff present were Bill Molnar, Mark Knox, Maria Harris, and Brandon Goldman. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Briggs/Swales rn/s to approve the minutes of the June Hearings Board meeting. Voice vote: All AYES. Motion passed. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 2002-070 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to add a sixth unit to the existing hotel located at 4:38 North Main Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Employment; Zoning: E-l; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 05 DA; Tax Lot: 2800. APPLICANT: Harriet Maher The action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2002-077 is a request for a two-parcel land partition and 1'-6" lot width Variance for the property located at 1642 Ross Lane. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Single Family Residential; Zoning: R-1-10; Assessor's Map #: 39 !E 15 D; Tax Lot: 500. APPLICANT: Richard Lucas The action was approved with the addition of a new condition (#10) requiring that the rear yard setback be increased for both parcels from the base setback of 10' per story, to a minimum rear yard setback of 25'. It was clarified that because a new condition was being added, the action would be re-noticed with a 7-day period within which a public hearing could be requested. It was clarified that the commission would not review the decision again unless a hearing request was received. PLANNING ACTION 2002-078 is a request for a Land Partition and Physical Constraints Permit to divide a lot into three parcels for the property located at 196 Nutley Street. Applicant is also requesting approval of a second driveway approach for one lot (lot with existing house). ComprehenSive Plan Designation: Rural Residential; Zoning: RR-.5; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 08 AD; Tax Lot: 5200. APPLICANT: Rodney and Mary Farmer The action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2002-080 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to expand an existing non- conforming structure into the front yard setback area for the property located at 286 Eighth Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 IE 09 AB; Tax Lot: t00. APPLICANT: John and Mary Ellen Cole The action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2002-081 is a request for a Conditional Use Permit to transfer ownership of an existing traveler's accommodation located at 115 N. Main Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Multi-Family Residential; Zoning: R-2; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 09 BB; Tax Lot: 4500. APPLICANT: Maria Warren-Tarabbia The action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 2002-082 is a request for Site Review to construct a 7,107 square foot addition to the Ashland Community Hospital (ACH) at 280 Maple Street to accommodate ten in-patient rooms and related support facilities. APPLICANT: Ashland Community Healthcare Services The action was approved. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING ACTION 2002-083 is a request for a Site Review Permit to construct a three-story, 33,000 square foot addition of laboratory and office space to the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory located at 1490 East Main Street. The application includes a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a building height in excess of 40 feet (52 feet proposed) and a Conditional Use Permit for the addition not already noted within the Southern Oregon University Master Plan. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Southern Oregon University District; Zoning: SO; Assessor's Map #: 39 IE 10D; Tax Lot: 1300. APPLICANT: National Fish & Wildlife Forensics Lab Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts All commissioners noted having made site visits. STAFF REPORT Associate Planner Mark Knox gave background information and outlined the details of the application. He explained that the Forensics Laboratory is the only one of its kind in the world. He discussed the need for the conditional use permit for building height in order to address the state of the art equipment required to serve the lab, and discussed the applicants willingness to relocate parking to meet design standards and to use landscape elements such as trees, boulders and a bio-swale to address federal defensible building design requirements. Knox noted that two conditional use permits were required here, one for the height and the other because the project was not included in the SOU Masterplan. He added that he had received a letter from the University conftrming that the project was discussed and intended for inclusion in their masterplan but was omitted in error. Knox explained issues around parking, and noted that the applicant intends to propose 64 sp3ces and 12 on-street spaces based on the unique nature of the use, which involves employees and only about 5 visitors per day. Knox concluded that staff is very pleased with the project and the amount of effort the applicant has put into their design, iHe concluded that the stepped approach of the design mitigates the height of the building. Edgar Espinosa, Deputy Director of the USF&WS Forensics Lab at 1490 East Main discussed the mission of the Fish and Wildlife Service and the lab's role in that mission. Added that the increased demand and post September 11 security needs necessitate this addition. Stated that proposed building is supported and endorsed by the University, and briefly discussed the lab's positive role in the community. Espinosa introduced Gary Corneo of Harvey Ellis Architects & Engineers to discuss construction details. Corneo noted that Mark West of Medford was the structural/civil engineer, and that all other design work was done by Harvey Ellis out of Detroit, MI due to their expertise and experience in laboratory design. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JULY 9, 2002 CorneD discussed the personnel and evidentiary security requirements as background issues to the design of this project. He noted the size constraints created by the site itself, and discussed the issues encountered in determining to do the project as multi-story to avoid hardscaping more of the site. Corned presented slides and discussed the project design. CorneD noted that while some codes would not def'me the third level as a story, he believed that based on the visual impact it was certainly a story. COMMISSIONERS' DISCUSSION AND MOTION CorneD confirmed for Briggs that the new windows would retain the same color palette while being less reflective and more energy efficient. He also noted that the new metal siding would be slightly different but would be compatible with the building and its surroundings. CorneD also stated that they had analyzed the project for LEED certification, and while "green building" was not the driving factor on material selection, they felt the materials selected were reasonably sustainable. CorneD explained for Swales that berms had been considered, but they were found to be somewhat out of character with the site. Site drainage was discussed, noting that there was some retention to allow evaporation, and water would then cascade through several ponds before feeding into the storm drain system. CorneD noted for Kencairn that run-off was not metered, but parking area was being reduced and the two story design was further reducing impervious surface to reduce runoff. CorneD stated that he did not feel that site drainage would be significantly more than it is presently. The actions was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:12 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JULY 9, 2002