HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddendum "K" DEe 27 '95 14:42 8 AR P.l - ,..-.., A.S.H.L.A.N-D H.O.M.E.S . , ReA L EST ATe. INC F aC5imile Co'ver Sheet . To: --fJt4L ~/~ Company: ~ (1 ~ Phone:: ~f{- 3';"1 / Fax: 4PI-r~/ From: . Carlene He9ter, CR5, GRI Comp.ny: ,Ashland Home$ Real Egtate Phone: (541) 482-0044 Fax: (541) 482-0046 . voicael(541) 858-1838 D_te: . P -9- il1clu/.Un9 this . cov.r pae.: l:J.~1 ~ ~ Co_ts: 1:., ~'c<- :r~~~ ~ ~. ~ . ~ ~~ ~' ~ ~,<<~., ~~ ~ ~~~, ~~~ ~U-~.~ ~ ..A- ~ 7~ J ~ ..p- s-P/I-( 150 East Main Street Ashland, Oregon 97520 503-482- v--' . ~ DEe 27 '95 14:42 8 RR P.2 ~, ~ m PATRICIA SPRAGUE REAL ESTATE, Inc. De c . 2 ., , 1 99 S B~ian Almquist City AdmI~ist~.tor ct.ty of Ashland 20 E. /faIn Ashland, Ore~on 97520 Dear Srian- Thank you for taking the time. to meet w1tb David Sprague and myself last week. Z felc the meeting helped to clarify the po.jet.on of the City of AShland, your objectives, and the options available to the Seller of the subject property, Marion Imperatr1ce. Moreover, you clearly communicated to us the importance of b.j;n~ able to Justify the purchase price of the property, since the property would be purchased with public funds. It wa. t.nteresting to review the "Analysis and Interpretation" of the subject property, that wa$ performed by Vandekamp and Baird back in March 15, 1991. At our meeting last Tuesday, I appreciated the opportunity to share with you the comps (comparable sales) available today,. a.nd how my Seller arrived at her prlce. I discussed the "Analysis and Interpretation- you provided with my seller following our meetin9. As I am sure you are aware, Mrs. Zmperatrice h~s many parties other than myselE that she dl$cusses the issues relatin9 to the transaction with. They include he~ attorney Bruce Kelljn~to~, land use consultant Hike Lanier, and her daughter Nan Jihi.te (just to mention a few). She also knows many of the adjoining property owners, so she does have a keen awareness of what ne1gborin9 properties have sold ~or in the area. A~ter ~urther rev1ew and research with Jack~on County Title, please find the attached Jnformatlon r.l~t1ng to the sale of a nearby property that took place Nov. 29, ~993. This particular comp was 661.59 acres, non-irrigated, and sold for $536,220.00. Acco~dlng to our sources, this comparable property sold Eor approximately $810/ acre. This partiCUlar comp 1s much more current than the comps used in the 1991 appraisal, and very similar in size to the subject property. ASHLAND OFFICE: 98 NORTH MAIN ASHLAND, OR 97520 (503) 4I2-290S m DEe 27 '95 14:42 8 AR P.3 ,.-.. ..-.." PATRICIA SPRAQOE REAL ESTATE, Inc. 6S1.S9 ~on-jrrigated acresl Ireland property S04.00 non-irri~ated acresl I.per.trice property please feel free to have Carlene Hester research this particular comp, and let us know 1r she ~inds our sources to be reliable in regards to the size of the Zreland property, the sales price, and the date of the sale. As I am sure you are aware, Patricia Sprague Real Estate Inc. and myself represent the Seller. Notwithstanding, we feel that there are many more current comps avai1abl~ today that were not avaiJable back 1n 1991. fhese more current camps no~ only justify the purchase price, but demononstrate that vacant land parceJ. in the Ashland area are showing a fair amount of appreciat1on. annually. Please see the attached Addendum ~K~, from the Seller Marion Imperatrice. I fe.l the purchase price of $'46,000 is a fair purchase price, allQ very. much in Jine ~lth the "market valueu of. the subject property.. rr there is any way David Sprague or myself can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call. S1ncerely, ~Q.1h-- ~~_____ Alan Kaufman, Associate Broker. eel A~~land Ro.es R.E., Carlene Hester ASHLAND OFFICE: 98 NORTH MAIN ASHLAND. OR 17520 (503) 482-2905 l' .... DEe 27 '95 14:43 8 AR .FRCJ1 : N 1 W INTERICR) OEC--28-85 lUE \8: 10 .- AGE ~. PA,~fCIA SPRAGUE 5185217620 .~ FAX NO. 6034880304 P.4 Dec. CD 1 ~ 85: 42PI1 Pi P.02 ADD!NbUM TO 8ALE AGREEMENT. RECEIPT FOR EARNeST MONEY 1iMI* J( . ~MoaqJtoc:ef;ptNo. 34'4'" _.._ Data of. Buyer. StUtr. Plopc~ ~ IJSIJoApMmeal OClt.. ,!" 1'" MCeunrcrotrn'_ CJ. t, 01 ".IIJend '. . "~rto" Z....~at~1o., J:..r.a Nb.t td ,.. fb4 r~.~.*.~Cle a..on ~~~..zt~, ~44 Xl~~~!JM WhIte oL~ JJC,c.ze.!:... c:~k" 1f~~..9L..A..h and A4~.a..~ IL-l. .~p4G~~~_~P~. "t_. ~,p...8nr *!4~447r ARA 48. _...Ii...bl ~.~l.Ge. Jlll:la *b. I.J~.uJ.1' jclcl..lIp. ~: ." MM__"'_' JlJal. .aJ. "./lataa' part 01 . 1 'UJ Z'.~ ,.t.Z~.tI'M!.!.!l'ta.ftqe ..~o.r _. ___.. Selle.rl .ug.~ .g~oo, to'~oo..,.t. ~jt~ SeJ1.. .~ 40 CO~~ OZ _------- _._ J1&b.1Jtt, to .ag.!'. .PU.Oha.. .~l~. to b. ;'4~ODO-OD".11 ~..,b.~t eOB_ CJ... .~ ....row to ~e N.~ob 1'. J"'. - . ___~A. -.,ov..gg ~~oee~.., ,.1atlag to lr~lW.... .~~.., #A_lJ DO JOR..~ b. ~Act Q~ t~f. ..~...~at. _.. ~h. .B1I.~. ((U.'II ol.1J.bZ..l]" 11&6 ......011.11. ..t .,.;tth ." ~. ..1Ie.'8 ~..~...At.tj...I,~J.. K.~~..~ (~~.ool.t._~~Qt.~ f._~ Z,1.t11l.. .I,_Dt J, iUl.1l IJ..!"t.6 ..,.,u. (Otll!l."Jl/~'I.1C.z o~ p,. er.1GJ.. ....._ ~l.~.gu. ....1 ......, ZnQ. J, ~~ De,,- J!.,_ 1'.5. ~.JJ.I' 4l!lrl . '.~Z.~.. ~.~~..SDtae~v.. u.4~~...n4 th~t t~. .'J.~ tC1tJ of ..Ilaa4) ,i. a.tnl' ~U"J.tc hn".__lf.I~ t.. I.U.cb.....ol the ---!~~3ect ~.rOg..tg, .~.~o~J..t.IU la! ..O~.., .~~. oz 1.... ,aJ, ..1. t..contlG...t .U.~ ~h. 8u,.r'f ,..rq~.l __ 06 a49 I ..11 1a8,8otlo.., "JlI0~~!1 IjlJclj_,,~. _..,....... ---!J..lUCt~1. tut aot jjMlt.4 t~ ~e.~h t..*~a., ,Z.J~.1a.~v.. tltle reRort, elt, ~o..G~l ..prov.~. B.lI~I'8 Dl.fJo.PI.~" .n~~ro...nt.1 '1.. .~.e....atl~ oa or b.~O~.T ...............---..., .,.. r'" .' . . 'et. 01, Jill, 4 '.I!,lt IUI'~ t.,J. to ,J,e Seller N~1**.. a.t1~. 0' 1t. d~.ap..ro'P".z o~ ,..ltg CtOlJt111!'leno" or " __ ----!oalt.;l tloll .a 0' .".'.o~. 'ell..., aI, 1 "'"' the" the reflsClt:.1"ff... .._ .--. .. . ooatl!..lIcfY O~ oo.6~U9D .,".21.". ..!f!,!d ..t.t!,1atJ. o~ "".:tv..~...__.. ,..- _~Jl ..&'lJ!_t "~II.Jl.-,IJ..lJ ...... Jt.9.I2.'.~u"!f.A.l. at'ter 2/.fJ~/'S. . .__~ ,_. rh~. a.len.ua -B_', .1.l~~..co.~~lo.JJy ..,1~. ~~ JJ/1!/~$ ---It 5 D..., 1~ aa* .aG..t.~ b~ .D,e~ ~tt~J. th.~. tlmo"_,. ..~_. - -- . .. - .......-- ..-- ~III. ~J .- .. .. ~ .. . ..---.-.., - -.. --, T r --~. ~W' r It -f'-' -.. . . .- .---.- ..- A ,. , ' -~4~~'" DoIo,...~I~A-_. Sellar I _ DAre _ Buyer B_ LJatiQ&omcc '.tzlo~. .~~.... Jr~.., ~.a.c:.:.. S.lIinlnm~ _.I.1,d..nS! ~.~~1 ~~ -~~ !,IN. "'ml~asSYMBOL-UQUII1!A ATlJlDoalHlTr4U, ...., .:' . . ~ .,' ,.'~ ". . '. !., , ,.' '. .O...I....IJ._~*i..cPrz~ . ~. 0.__.. - DIm __ ..._ .. lIQ..... If. B. ~. In". . _ _._Oat.-- _- "',...... ... ..t, Iraktt.InJ1J.r._ __ .__ .. . " PD,Pl-. ...of:.:........_ : : . J.'" .:' .":"