HomeMy WebLinkAboutEstimated Escrow Statement .. . ~' -' 4," . - ,.- .$ / II G I:.-~~ h....... ~~..--C... .) 't:="; f"\C\.",~ (?/f:>\- ~ C-. ,,~) I "R.Jc,\.~ '-'0 c.(\)~ C?',rro(;))-4- ~ ~'t\" -6~ /NTINENTAL LAWYERS TITLE c, 2ANY JACKSON COUNTY TITLE DIVISION 370 LITHIA WAY ASHLAND, OREGON 97520 ESTIMATED ESCROW STATEMENT Buyer/Bo~rower: CITY OF ASHLAND Estimated Close of Escrow: 04/15/96 Escrow Officer: PATRICIA GRAY, CEO (L) - Denotes Lender Deducted Fee Property Location: IMPERATRICE RANCH ASHLAND OR 97520 Escrow No.: LP-65935 Debits Credits CREDITS Earnest Money................................... DEBITS Purchase Price.................................. County taxes paid in advance from 04/15/96 to 07/01/96.................. 76 days at 1.510000 per day Special assessments paid in advance from 04/15/96 to 07/01/96.. ................ 76 days at 0.374111 per day TID (TRACT D) from 04/15/96 to 10/01/96.................. 166 days at 20.315000 per day Recording of Deed............................... Settlement or closing fee.... ...... ............. Tr ans fer Fees................................... Talent Irrigation Dist BUYERS REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT TO ESCROW................................... Sub-totals Balance due this company 5,000.00 946,000.00 114.76 28.43 3,372.29 60.00 672.50 40.00 50.00 950,337.98 5,000.00 945,337.98 TOTAL 950,337.98 950,337.98 You are instructed to make deductions, adjustments and disbursements as estimated above. Estimated amounts may be adjusted depending on date of close of escrow. If funds are insufficient to pay our closing costs, we agree to deposit sufficient funds for payment thereof. T I L .~1'.}...~11. ~ _ :1 .. -, , :1. , "1' - I ,: I" , ....' I j ". .1 ~.)l: _.J'.../ 11 .ma<scK CXXIflY TITLE DJ:VlSI~ <.XN1'INBNr.AL I.AWlr!'mS TITLE CDfPANY ESCRarl INS'I'R.aIOOS (-, ESCRarl 00. LP-65935 pg DATE: March 28~ 1996 OFFICER: PA'lRICIA GRAY, CEO -. CXR;IDmATIOO' ~OF ESaDl BUYI:R CISH 'J:1RXUI ESaDl ~ OF RPXDm ~ OF REXXIm NE14 EN:U&Wa: NE14 EN:U&Wa: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,000.00 941,000.00 TOO'AL CXH)IDERATIOO' $ 946,000.00 I/WE will hand you, ar cause to be handed you, all cash requiJ:ed as set forth herein \K1der "~ERATI~', sufficient funds to pay CXlSts and praratia1S char:geabl.e to buyer, and all aJYER docunents IleOeSsary to c::x:aply with these inst:J:uctia1S, WHIOI YaJ ARE Al1DDUZm TO USE WHI!N YaJ O\N ISSUE OR CAUSE TO BE ISSUm Ya.lR STANDARD CMNERS Pol.icy of Title Insurance in the aroount of $ 946,000.00 insuring the undersigned buyer that ti tie to prenises described in title r~ t dated 03/01/96 under Order No. LP-65935 IS "~.1'.w m; CITY OF ASHlAND, a municipal c:orp:>ration SUB.J'EX:T <M.Y TO: 1. Usual printed exceptia1S, stipulatia1S and c:x::Ildi. tia1S in above form ( s) of Policy. 2. Taxes far the 1995-96 fiscal year PAID IN FULL 3. Covenants, c:x::Ildi.ti.als, restrictia1S, easements, rights and rights of way of :reca&::d, if any, shown as i tens (s) 2 through 28 of title r~ l above, a copy of t.irlch the undersigned has REX:EIVED AND APPROV'ED. Parties herein are aware that property to be cx:::nveyed has been zcned or qualified for "Fann Use" tax deferment. In the event the property is disq:ualified for such deferment, the property will be subject to additicnal taxes, interest arx:i possible statutory penalty. Any such add! tional taxes shall be the responsibility of the buyer. Parties herein ac.k:rxJwledge that all contirYJen::ies involved in this transaction, specifically any set forth in earnest nnney agreaTent in connection herewith, have been or will be satisfied outside this esc::::rav with fX) responsibility anj/or liability to the escrow oolder, arxl you are instructed to prcx::Eed with the closin;;J of this esc::::rav. IF AN DRNEST ~ AGREEMENr ar any form of Sale/Purchase Ag:k::eement is ~i ted in this escrow, or held outside, you are not to be c::x:noemed with the terms ar provisia1S of said OOoDeDt, M)R do these i:nstruct:i.als supersede same, lM.ESS expressly CXX1ta!ned herein. '!HE PARl'IPS ~ that their Ear:nest lbley Agx'eemeut may CXX11:a.in provisia1S ~ch, despite the intent of the parties, may fail to survive the closing due to other provisicns of the agreetnellt ar n1les of law. It is understood that these issues are far the parties to resolve with closing docunents of their Ofrn c::x:uposi tien. You are hereby released fran fran liability for the absence of same in the closing docunents. In the event parties hereto utilize facsimile transmitted signed inst:J:uctiCXlS/docunents, parties hereby agree to acx::lE!pt and hereby instruct the Escrow !bIder to rely upcn such inst:J:ucticns/doa.Inents as if they bare original signatures. Parties .adaxMledge am agree to provide to i:he Escrow Holder the instructiCXlS/docunents bearing original signatures within 72 hours of transnissicn of facsimile. Parties understand thai: any early release of funds fran escrow will not ocnu: until Escrow !bIder has reoei.ved originally signed inst:ruct.iCXlS. Parties further understand that facsimile signed docunents will not be accepted for reoardatien. f.DaES ImNDED TO '!HIS CXJofPANY IN '!HIS ~, alcng with m::nies received in all esc:rows with this CXJDpany, will be deposited in ncn-interest bearing accounts. In ClCXlSideratien of these a<XXXJnts, the bank provides benefits (i.e., escrow accounting se.r:vi.oes) which are passed en to our aJStaners by not making add! ticna.l charges far these se.r:vi.oes and in the cala.1l.atien of our escrow fees. Accardi.ng to our 1995 figures, these benefits averaged $24.58 per individual closing escrow. Read & Approved: ~:~ KIMBERLY WHITE / KAREN WHITE MARION IMPERATRICE T n - I' ......... CXlft'INpfl'AL LAWYERS TITLE ....cftIPANY ---. m:;aQl R). LP-65935 DM'E: Mardl 28, 1996 YOO ARE K1l' TO BE a:N:ERNED WITH THE LEASE FOR PAS'IURE lAND AND ALL ~':I"I'ERS ~ SAME SHALL BE ansIDE YaJR ~. AS 'ro TRACl'S A & B ONLY: The parhes to this esc:::rcM are aware that it is the intent of KIM3ERLY WHITE am KAREN WHITE, Exchangor Seller, to create a tax deferred exchange in cxnfonni ty with Secticn 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code arxi any awlicable state c:x:des. In order to acxx:npl1sh this, Exchangor Seller, entered into an agreeate It with l'DUH AMERICAN REAL ESTATE SERIlIcm to act as an "Accca'I'~tor" in c::x:rlneCtic:n with this transactic::n. All ~s shall be paid to the Accca'II~tor for ~si tic::n of like property at a later date, arxi the closing statanent shall reflect the sarre. The closinJ statanent shall stx:M the hx:u.lluJator as seller with the Taxpayer I S name in brackets. It is un:1erstood by all parties to this escrow that THE ~'Im NAMED HEREIN ~ l'l) LIABILITY FOR PNi Di:;1o&;.LS OR REPAIRS REOJIRED CN THE ~ m>PERTY, or with any defect& in the CXXldi tic::n of title rnr.r or in the future. All such warranties or :responeibili ties shall rest with the Taxpayer for whose benefit the Accu.I.ulator is perfonn.i.rYJ . You, as esc:::rcM oolder, shall rot be responsible arxi/or liable for the tenns arxi c:x:nii.tioos of the ag.ceemel1t between the said Taxpayer arxi Acx:x::rm'odator, which has been prepared outside of esc:::rcM. All fees of the Aca:::lIl1uJa:tor shall be harx:lled outside this e.scI'OVl between the Taxpayer arrl hx:uIIILAlator unless you are harrled written instructia1S to the cx:otrary. No representatic:n is made by the e.scI'OVl oolder as to the sufficierx:y of any AanIllOOator Agreenents or with the form of this transactic:n as to the legal sufficierx:y, legal tax effect or tax ~ of this escrow, as such det:ermi.natic::n would be subsequent to the close of t,his escrow, at the discretion of the taxing authority. THE VAllJE ASSIGNED 'ro TRACl'S A & B SHALL BE $208, 120.00 AND SHALL BE THE FULL AM:XJNI' OF E:XQi.Al\GE VAllJE FOR EX~ "WHITE". l'l)RI'H AMERICAN REAL ESTATE SERVICES, hereby directs you, as escrow oolder, to prepare the deed lInEr this escrow to stx:M the subject property being deed directly fran KDeERLY WHITE arxi KAREN WHITE to the purchaser herellI"rler. AS 'ro 'lRACl'S C, 0 AND E, ONLY: The parties to this esc:::rcM are aware that it is the intent of MARION D. IMPERATRICE, Exchanger Seller, to create a tax deferred exchange in cx:nfonni ty with Sectic:n 1031 of the Internal. Revenue Code arrl any applicable state cxXIes. In order to acx.xJ1plish this, Exchangor Seller, entered into an agrearent with l'mI'H AMERICAN REAL ESTATE SERVICES to act as an "Acx:x::rm'odator" in ~on with this transaction. All proceeds shall be paid to the Acx:x::rm'odator for ac::x;IUisition of like property at a later date, arrl the closinJ staterrent shall reflect the sarre. The closinJ statanent shall stx:M the AccoIllLAlator as seller with the Taxpayer I S name in brackets. It is UI"rlerstocXi by all parties to this escrow that THE ACC()I.MJI:)A'roR NAMED HEREIN ASSU1ES l'l) LIABILITY FOR PNi DJ:J:' &;.LS OR REPAIRS REUJIRED ON THE SUB.JEX::T PROPERI'Y, or with any defects in the o:::n::li tion of title rnr.r or in the future. All such warranties or responsibilities shall rest with the Taxpayer for whose I:len=fit the Accolll~tor is perfonn:i.nJ . You, as esc:::rcM oolder, shall rx::>t be responsible an:]/or liable for the tenns an:] c:x:nii.tioos of the ag.ceement between the said Taxpayer arxi Aca:a. I. cilator , which has been prepared outside of esc:::rcM. All fees of the Acco.lluJator shall be har:dled outside this escrow between the Taxpayer an:] Acc:ClllluJator unless you are harx:led written instructioos to the cx:otrary. No representatic:n is made by the escrow holder as to the sufficiency of any Accolllcdator Agreements or with the form of this transaction as to the legal sufficierx:y, legal tax effect. or tax a::nsequerx:es of this esc:::rcM, as such dete:z:minatic::n would be subsequent to the close of this escrow, at the discretion of the taxi.rYJ authority. NJRI'H AMERICAN REAL ESTATE SERVICES, hereby directs you, as escrow oolder, to prepare the deed under this escrow to shJw the subject property being deed directly fran MARIOO IMPERATRICE to the purchaser ~uOOer. THE VALUE ASSIGNED 'ro TRACl'S C, 0 AND E FOR SHALL BE $737,880.00 FOR EX~ MARIOO IMPERATRICE. READ & APPROVED: ~ INITIAL INITIAL J(TMRRRT ,y WHT'l'R / KAREN WHI'IE INITIAL INITIAL INITIAL MARION IMPERATRICE T 11