HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-04-30 SDC MIN SDC Committee Minutes April 30, 1996 4 p.m. Council Chambers Committee members present: Kevin Talbert, Darrell Boldt, Larry Medinger, Ken Hagen and Don Laws. Ex-officio member Sid Field was also present. Staff present included: Jill Turner, John McLaughlin and Lynna Batters. Consultant Wes Reynolds also attended. Laws called the meeting to order at 4:05. Turner noted that John Nicholson has resigned from the committee due to an illness in his family. WATER SUPPLY Medinger objected to the first item on the agenda--Water Improvement Fee--saying he thought the committee had said there wouldn't be a fee for this because the City does not have a plan or policy for spending it. He wants the fee to be noted as "staff's idea. "... Laws disagreed, saying that water rights and the pipeline project are a part of City policy... Medinger said he has a problem with the growth percentage on the Reservoir to Treatment Plant pipeline. How is it assumed that 36% can be charged to growth?.. Turner said it has to do with the physics of water and the size of the pipe. This percentage was developed by Steve Hall and was used in the last estimate... Medinger said there is a cut off point to what can be served by Reeder Reservoir. This brings up yet another methodology. The capacity of the pipe has nothing to do with growth, and the pipe needs to be replaced anyway. He would like to see a review of the percentage used on this project. Relative to the TID water rights, Medinger said that if the water rights are big enough, Hosler Dam will serve more than 21,000 people. What is the new population it is going to serve? Divide by that number... Laws suggested staying with the 21,130 number for water projects... Hagen asked about listing points to be discussed. And following what was done with transportation--if we're not sure, don't charge for it... Field asked why fees are being charged if it is unknown just what the money will be spent on. WATER DISTRIBUTION Turner went on to explain water distribution SDCs--there was an error because the debt service on the Strawberry Reservoir and pipeline project had been added to the improvement list. It now is calculated as a separate reimbursement fee. WATER TREATMENT The reimbursement value of the unused capacity per capita was calculated to be $160. Used capacity at current population is the same as full capacity at future population --mathematically, these are the same on a per capita basis... Medinger noted that the water treatment plant is valued at $10 million. The engineers wanted some redundancy in the system. The capacity of the treatment plant should be considered the same as Reeder Reservoir, which is now at 85 %. Therefore, we should take 15% and divide by 3,000... Hagen said the capacity of the plant is greater than 21,000... Turner pointed out that the full value of the water treatment plant divided by the full population is the same as the value of used capacity divided by the current population. WASTEWATER TREATMENT The new calculation for WWTP (page 9 of the packet) tripled the fee using an improvement fee. The WWTP upgrade is primarily a standards project. Of the total $27M project only $3.1M is associated with additional capacity. WASTEWATER COLLECTION Sewer Collection (improvement fee) - The growth population number is equal to the WWTP capacity. STORM DRAINS Storm drains are the same as last time. PARKS Parks -- small active, large active have minor changes due to the addition of North Mountain Park. This resulted in a change of the acreage for the large passive parks. Passive Parks (reimbursement fee) -- In this category the City has 495 acres, which is far above the comp plan goal; therefore, a reimbursement fee is suggested. The cost of the land was developed using current purchases indexed to 1995-96 prices, less current debt service (62% of the acres were obtained in this time period). The reimbursement balance can be spent on any Parks capital improvement project and debt service. TRANSPORTATION Three options were presented. The option that the committee suggested at its last meeting is Option C -- This includes only Bicycle and auto passenger lanes. Medinger said he hoped to get more sophisticated methodologies based on real needs and real costs. He doesn't like being tied to Davis Bacon costs. NEXT AGENDA will cover water supply and will go through each type of fee item by item and reach consensus. That meeting will be held May 14 at 4 p.m. in the Council Chambers.