HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Ashland Fire SENr BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 6-29-94 1~55PM 5034881201~ IIIIIIIIIIIB Jackson C<<Inty L fbl'AI'Y Smell /lledfard. QR 91501 tW~NTY YEARS AGO- \ 1".H E ASH LAN D FIR E 01 Harold A. "Red" Thomas and . 4ows.rc1 G. ''Hop'' Hopkins " AS~'tr-m ~T.r~lrC UBRART '~m. OREGoN 1I1UQ Origin41ly puolished 11'1 Timberl:iJ:tes, volume 2.3, SepteMber 1979. 'l!imberlines ia t!1e publ1catio%1 of the "mli::y-Year Club of Resion Six, U. S. Fonst Service. SO 07374 .1ACDON CCUM'T U......, STIl"M WDIIOIA. 0IIGC:a n.1 . - .... .~r:----__. 4 .... _ . ...._.,--_._-~- --.-.-... 503 488 5311;# 2 ,. '. SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 6-29-94 1:56PM 5034881201-+ 503 488 5311:# 3 .. . TW~NTY Y~RS ACO - THE ASHLAND FIRE By HU'oU A. II Red" Tholll&s and. HOllard. C', "Hoy" Hopkins The .uhland. tlro of August, 1959 W&/S ons of the memorable events of or~on' s Centeo.o.la.l ~ear tOl:: the lIl&J1y people who laW it. or pr.rtlc1pa.ted. 1n controlling it. It rece1.vecl'top b1lling frolll the Southern Oregon nevs' Il'led.ia. at the t.iIle. All ot t.he ...menta 'or a. good. newlS story w.rs ther$'1 \lI'luaual public visibility, hleh drua, extrel'lle potent.ial tor vut ~e ~ar. beyond. the :3800 &cr.. &ctually bw:ned., gr_t public concern: v&liant etforts t.o control, cooperation 'beyond. a.DY expecta:t.1en ~OJlt ~ ol.....nte of th. c:u~..un1t.y ~ a.nd. UnQ8ual. even 'ol~&n"e happenings. Tho tire started near Jackson Hot 'Spr1ngs 1n. Sta.te Forestry protected. ar~ IIOre than three .11,. north ot the nearest national forest. laM., on Sa.t~y, AUgUst 8, It vas . first. reported. at 12.45 p. 'by Stat.'a Socia. . !it.n.. Lookout.. It appeared to be ot 1noendiary origin. rUe c!&rlger' W&G extra.e. Thill va.s the to\lrth day ot t8lllpera.tur08 ovel:' 100 ~ogr..s. The' hum.14ity vas very low., A gentle 1Iind vas 'olodl'lg o\.tt of t~~ northwest. The t.ime anti d.ay "ere 1II08t inconvenient., even inconsiderate. fot" a. r1ie to start on or near ~he Rogue River N&t.1onal. rarest! . A Foreat-wid.e p1c;nlc was being held that. &rt.ernoon at L&ka or tt\. Woods 'ror R1UfF tolks a.nd f'rlel2Cla t.o 8&y fa.rev.ll, to the Foreat. ',s popW.&%, F1re Sta.f't ~!1cer, S. T. "TennY' 1100re, vite A11ce ~ tully as t.hey d.eparted. Hed.tori for Tenny'. ne., aaalgnlllent. AS Fire Control Officer 1n Region a at Denver. The story or the early .tag.. at the tire a.D:1 State Fore.try &Otton to control are here retolcl 1ft $Ollle d.etall by condensing thetr a.ct\IaJ. . .fire reports ot t.he -Jackson Hot. Springs Ftr,,". J'ra.n1c Low1s, '1r~ Controi, 8-6, secured. & oopy for our u.e, throut;hcont&et 'd.th Asat. StAt. Forestar Ron Sa1th. BOll also happened to M-ve besn on the Aahl&llli Flre aa Fire ' Boes ot t.he state ove~ead. teu that. took charge or Sta.t* Ut,1on at. 6 &JIl Auguat 9. Rosrett&bly, we caJ'lDot ratell tho Foreat. Se:v10. a.ct1oa with t.he n.il. prea1a1on. .s our eftort.. to retrieve t.he F.S. !'lre report. !'ro. as). areh1.ves r.sulted. 10. &Clvlcs that th.,. lI'ere uong reco2:d8 clost.reYed &8 obsol.te, t.he~ vere oleic th&1l the t.a ye.t.ra rlltant.10n period.. We are obl1ced. t.o clepend. on our fallible .8II0r18s, lIuch 11m1.ted penonal netes ... "e found, newepaper reports at the tae, .net d.iacu..lolla with. tew part101pant.. S1noe ve ca.nnot sive proper credit to 1I0st. ot those who P&%"t101p&tec1 1n t.h. Forest Service oontrol eftort, lie uel1l111t1Dg our .ention ot naa.. to those lie clear'ly rec&ll as t&k1ng cert.aJ.n actions. (lier. tollows the condeMed. ven10n froll tbe St&te report as 1'ecoried. 1n Fire R.port by D011. Stockton, Ant. Warden, Medford. D1.tr1ot. Sta;t. ror..t.ry tor Aucuat 8. 1959.) . It15.s P.M. F~., atUl veJ:'Y ....u. reported. to State's AahlaM. Cuari. lUll Cobb. alaoat. bo 1Il11es &va.y. Ked.!orcl Dl&tr1c't ~. not1.tle:1. 1 iO) P. Cobb reportai tire spre&d.1Qg tut and. voulcl need. two tOur-..n . orevs. Crews ellapatched.. 1 iOS P. .Doyle Stockton, A..t. D1.t. W'~en, lert. 11e4t'0~ D1atr1ct KCl. tor t1re; ordering a.Ild.1.t.ioaal crave by radio on the vay. J 127 p. Stockton at !'ire. ru. about 20 acres. Spot tire reportecl a.bau't one .u. aouth. (Proba.bly anot.ber set..) 1.)0 P, Stockton hea4e tor s!,ot tire. Orders bon.h drops. 11)9 P. Stockton o~.ra out D1atr1ct TO-14 (bulldozor) _ lll~ _ SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 6-29-94 1:57PM 5034881201-+ 503 488 5311;# 4 (, 1150 P. Stockton orders out 35 lUora men a.nd. 2 mora 'oulldozer:s. NOll had 125 llIen h1r8d or ordered. 4 bulldozers, 7 ta.ziJc trucks. Much of the effort of' llIen on the fire being Gpent prot:.Ele'tlng hOlDes in path of . t1J:e along its N.E. rl&nk. V1nd. from NW 1.5-200 IIIph. Zc)O P. Th. two tires had bUrne4 together. SsOO P. Stockton recorda th&t tire, now .bout ,00 acres .~ been headed . off, they have about one mile of l1ne to coar.~bte aM can proba.bly control r1r~ by 6 J 30 it wind. doesa' t chans'e. S(30 p. WiM has chansed. to north and lncr88Jled.. Fire spottiZ'T6 acrcu5a tire line and. Ashland Mne RO&li, and. is axP&nded. to s. 6.00 P. Fire incr....ed. to 2000 &eres. Hum1ciitl reported. At U", temper- : ature 1050 wln&i N. 20-'0 lIlph. Sevenl crews cut ott on Ashland. Kine BO&ci. Stockton t.a.lked. 'by radio t~ Curt Neshei., Mat.riot. Ward.eft, I r-.gud.1ng "blow up". (Neahell1l lias just b8.ck frOIl the 5ru~ins : cont.rol of ~nother State For.stry project tire.) Nesheu a.ctvlsed. : Stockton t.hat. L State t1re t8&lll would. cOllie in to tak. over: a.'t 6 A.M.. 6.)0 P. Stockton aga11l talked to heaclqua.rt.rs. Ap~ou.toly 12.5,1I8n . , N.". been hired. for the night crev. ilquiplIIe.nt, tools and. :lunches ord.i. 7a~0 p. Night. creva arrived aM lined ou1:. Divislon 'bo.... vere John' . : Black, ~111 Totten and. Mo.. Bush. Homer'Smet.s 1s scout.. 8.00 p. StocktOQ ~ by radio to Neshe1m and ~.e Port (Area. Supervisor : trail !&lea Ottico ot State Forestry) regUlUng pla.na tor tomorrow. Dec1d.ed Oft )00 lIl8n and 6 dozers. . 9.00 P. Stockton and. Lee Port attended. A moeting in Ashla.ad. Distriot , Ra.ngerl8 off'ice lfith Ra.Zlger TbollWLG .nd. TonnY Moore reg&%'d.1cg lUv- lalon betwoen State &Dd F.S. Dool.10n was al80 made to set up the . f'1re cup. In Llthi& Park. . 4,00 A.M. SI1nd&y, Auguat 9. StocJct.on returned. to Med.f'ori Hq. to mo.t w1t.h Ron SlIl1th, F1re Bosa, &nd other members of' Sta,te team. 5.00 A. Stockton returnel1 to fire with Ron Smith aDd. Lyle Beyers and . . v.nt over tire s1t.u.at1on wlth thom. . 6.00 A. DILy crevs starting to arrive &.nc:1 being moved. into place on State portion at tire. 9100 4.. Stockton r8tu.rned. to head.qua..rti.era. Ron Sut.h ln chArge ot St.ate : action. (N1<<h~ or...s ha4 a.lrea4y eOMected. line on Mi: sid.e ot tire , with U5i"S line above Ashland.' a Llthia Puk., On weat. side, 11ne &long Wagner Creek ridge tora.'I:lou.t. tt J!I1loa at north end was 1n and. hold.ing.) . (~~.t" Thoa&S" story) ~ On. August 8, J959, while my tUlUl IIU lO&d.lns our t..aa1l1 car 'bofore le&v1Q6 tor the p10nb tor the Moor.., 1 hea.:d., over the Diatr1ct radio lase set at lIlY house, our Vaaner Butt. Lookout report. the t1re to 'the D1,s'tr1ct ottice. JIa Zborulkl, Kea.r:!quartera F1rM&n, vaa 111 'the of'tloe Ort resula.r "..kand duty a8 cl.bpatcher. I ca.llod. li:d. .nd. 1natructed hilll to. rel&y the report to th., State and. to the !upuviaor' 8 ottice. We then. l.tt tor the P1cnic. HOII.ver, as w. st&rted. up De&d. ID41&n Rae4 I vas abl. to look acro.. the vallay at. the- t1re. It va.s aprea4.1l1g rapidly. I:'t.urnod. arouncl am heac1eci tor the o:Cf1ce. At that. 't1.. 1t. 11&5 ~oO&ted. 1ft Oo"n1;owZl A.ahlanci. up.taus oYer a .st.ora. Right behlnd. me coad~ up the sUlra..II&S Bob Asher, nA. He had also h8arlt the report as h. va.s cir1v1ng up Dead. TM1&A Road. ADIi lu8liia:t.ely turned. lack. A.a he cu. cio,," the 1I0Wlt..ain he also $&If the fire 1ll0Ving tut t.Ova.rcl AshJ.&nd.. . . I a.akl!ld. Asher to get A.sat. Ranger Ro'bert 'ta.ylor'. Wagner ~p '~eman t.a lCenner1y and. such other i.eaporarf elftployeea a.a. could. be oontacted. a.M go up the AahJ.&M. M1ne aC&d. to help the State torces. I uso told. hill and. Ed Z. I ~O~ SO 1n my ~e~8onal oar to the Wiloy residence on top at a hill \ - 1l~6 - ....." SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 6-29-94 1:57PM 5034BB1201.... 503 4BB 5311;# 5 in N. W. Ashla.nd. where I vould. have an excellent. vb... ot the !ire area. and. ha.V& telephone l;;)lllllll,micat1on. 1 arrlved. at. Wl1eya at 1141 P.K. and. called KopK,1na in S.O. 'to ad.v1se of alt.uat.ion.&8 I saw it. and. ac~lon I'd. taken. . r..ter I found out. tha.t a.bout this 5&4\e time, John Fleeger, Voc4s Su~. 'lor Cheney St.uds, ha4 heard. the '!Ue report over t.he "Roxy" X'8dio newtork. (Roxy wa.a the cooperative ra.d.lo net operated. 'by the Southern Ore!on T1lIlber Industry AsIOC.) John 18 an ex F .S. toreater. He lias in his pickup oa Oheney's t.isber sale are& on TolMl'l Creek 8. rev lUl.ea So. or Asbland. ne.,..8%' 11D1led.1ahly set a.bout ~ing to move the 0-8 oa.t froia Cheney. s operation to the Ashla.n4., "1ft. Road to help the State as neeiied.. ae n.41oed. tor Stave WUaon' s' hea.V)" hauler and. arranged. with HarV1n Huunenly. gypo logger a.nd. owner ot the 0-8. aM tOl:: oat skluer, : Dick Wallac. to go vIt.h it. The pe.rti~ul&r: a1gn1!1oance of th1s lndepen- " ~.~t decision will soon become .vld.ent~ . : I rema1ned. at \lUe1. o'boerv1ng the progress Of the tire a.nd.the , ..e:1&1 att.&ck on the tir. wit.h bent.e slurry whioh only aloved. 4:\ aUghtlt. I .... , A'bout 51)0 Pill "hUe still ..t "'UaY8 I again ,t.alked to Hopldna 1n th.. SO. He had. jQst. returned. trOID &n a.ed.a.l rec~M&18_nce' !):!'the 11re. Ke reported. that it looked quite :Ca.vo::ra.ble. Ther'e seHed a. ,ood. poasib- 11! t:.y that atat.e er8lls could. "head it.": that evening., I told. h111 "Go look gut t.he window. It'. Qlowlng up!- Tt. fire had. juat' 'beco.. a rorest Se:!:'Vloe fire! 1 asked Hop t.o ha.ve .. small pl.&lle ttoa Ktdtom. .e.t lie at the Ashland. a.irport, and lert. VUeys 1n .y personal oar tor T.b~ a.lrporl. ; It. took t.h1a plane an hour to ar.r1VII, a 'ble..1ag tor .., tor vithout .. ~a41o O~ telephone I ~to at&rt think1ng aad.pl&nn1ng the pos8ible control stra.tesi t.o koep ~h. tire aut. of the unrQa.cled. 14,000 acree of A.shland. watershed. .rh. &11::port p:ov1cled &n exceUent viewpoint ~o. which to: _teh the :C1.re 1II\lshrooll1ng upwud tovaxd the .for.at 'boua4.8r1. . Thua I had. tin to Z'l!I.elllber the VPA J 9)4 f1.telJrea.k ~llt tor the c1-ty o~ Aahla.Dt trOIll the canyon road. up to tho SkYline KiDe r0a4. I kn~w at this t1re'bre&k 'because an Aah1a.nd. attorn;y, vuUaa Br1gs, who kn-.w the cOlUltry vell. ha4 shown lIle the 'begiM.1Zl8' o'.rt.he f1l:ebruk 1.Jl th~ .~er ot 19~. That. tall. after laY 80n K.Z'IIli.t ha.d. worked. tor the Sta.te Foreat.,- Suppruslon crev, ",. clecided. to' take &. hike. I v&s anxious to : soil thls i'b:ebreak a:ul tb1. gave IIUI a.n opportunity t.o 41acli88 w1~ X:UII1t wb.&t. l\e ha4 learned. about. fire tighting. A.bou.t 7100 pia tbe plane arrived frola Medtom in .. 4:et.otl..,e con41t1on - e.,. sco1R1ng' the tir. troll the air proyed. i.po..ible. At t.his Use Tenny . Moore arrive t'roa r..x. at tne Woocb. R-.1.1s1ng that. w. coulCl not fly, he. ret.urnecl. to Meclton. and. I returnee!. t.o the bhJ...aJv1 oC!1ee t where I tOWld. ay. vite Cven. a.ncl. Shlrley Asher had. taken over t.be of'f1c:e 41sIat.~h1ng to relie.,e i'4 Z. t.o go out. Oft the !ire ",Uh Aaher aM Taylor &nd. the t.e.pcmtry .~loy.e.. . We n.e4.-1 l~ht.. tools. a.ncl C&l1t.ena. i Mnt.ionc OQX' need of tl&ah.llahta t.o ell.a. &nli Shirley, 1In1ch t.hey conyeyed. te t.b. rad.10 station. T~e r..ponae vas i_cu.te &ZId. sen82:Clus. The wo.ea. vere -y tor.. oouple o'! hours 1d.entU)lng t.hese l.l.gh.ta 'by MAe. w.t~~. rad.io st.&t1on, city petliee &.ad.. nellspaper ....isted. 1n return1.ng these lights t.o their oric1=&l o,;nus. About 7&45 John 'leeger ~ame into lilY o!no. to tell Ile t.ha.t. he bad. iI. D-8 C&t on St..,. WUsonl s lowboy on t.h. st.reet. below: John st&ted. t.hAt t.he Sta:te had. not neec1ec1 it on the t1re. When. b. ..ked. se -elo you need. ? 1~?" ! lLl1sw.r~ '"Da t ever!'" 'the cat owner and. the C1pe%Stor w.r. ,,1t.h it. - 1117 - SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 6-29-94 3:21PM 5034661201" 503 466 5311:# 2 I ukad h1.lll to take the lowboy wlth the cat is fa.r: a.a poss1ble up the c&nyon roa4 ..bovs the city tUter pla.nt'. I aholled. hb on the 4-1.noh-to- i. the-..lle vall lII&p the locat1tul of the WPI. t1rebrea.k a.nc1 prolllised. hilll I W'ou.ld. have someone up there too suide hll11 t.o that. loca.tion.I was &ble' to purch.a.ae from Scr1pt.or-MclCeever Ka.rd,ware two la.rg-e ra.llroa.d. type fi&shlights. the only one. available. Asher and Taylor vholll r had. dis- patched up .A.shland Mne Road. reported. to lle at 8.3,0 PH Gtat1ng tha.t they had. gone up Strawbe1:ry ~e but vera run out. vh.nth. f'ire Gpot ted. over - t.he.. 'they ha.d. & narrow escape ret~n1og to the ottice. On t.he vall III&p I .~la1.ned to t~e. lilY lkn tor \lalas the ca.i: up t~e WP.A. t1re'brea.k to the Skyline fUne road. I I&ve tbea t.he two luge tluhl1<<hta and. inatnoted. th~ to pick up & packsack ot tu2ee..they would ti~ in our basement \f&r.houa~. Asher vas in charge &llIi '1'a.ylor c.a.:rlecl the !\lae.. &lid. the only portable radio. ! told Asher to x-eporl to .. when they had. rial.hed. wld.erUns the t1.rebrea.k to the Skyline Mlne road., at whioh t.ll1e ne vait to st~ burft1ns, trolll the Sky11ne road. d.ovn. . ; Through Fle..r I later learned. that. B01:l Taylo1' aet. hlll &t the tire- 'break start where the cat. wa.s unloaded. At th&t tilDe In. the n1,ght it a.ppeare4 11lpoeslble to take the cat up t.ne at~ep e.bankm~nt vhere the fir.break started. But. Dick Wallac. cUd. It. WUhO\lt Dick'. skill. tnia could. never hot...." been accoaplbbed.. The t1rotra.l1 was ooapleted thAt night. due solely to th.1'. IIAn'. 8\lperb abUlt-y. . At 9 pm Doyle Stockton, Le. Port. a.nd. Tenny Moore cu. lnto IftY africa t.o consult. on !1re plana. They. ree.c:ned ~r.ellL.nt. on the division point. bet....n the State and. 10"5 control. ..ctlon. On. key n.eel va. t.o set up f1re oupe. lie vera discussing the pouible 1.1... ot Ashland.' s Lithla. Park vhen the c1 ty a4Illni.t.~tor L'111er, Biegel walked. into lay ofnoe a.nd. asked how he oould. 'help on the tire. Ke was told. ot the need. to ..;ablbh two !1re cUlpe. lllUlledla.tely he led. tour ot u.s to the u.pper end. ot the park and. showed. us the d.ringklng vater and. toilet facilities. HOare and Port q,\llckly IICreed. on the Ue. at the &rea to e.tablish ae,p&1'&t.e Stat.. and. r.s. tire oupa. By 1I0mlns a FS &n4 StAte t'1re C&lIp were all1.a to handl. approx1_tely )00 11M. Bob Krell. auist&nt Dist.riot a&nger of the PrOspect Dhtriet. II,.. JUde FS cuap bel... A'bou.t 9.)0 plIl I clrave up toward the \laterahecllockecl sate. th.n elI.bed up the road to the residence at Dr. Kazv.y VooU bi,h aDo.,. LUhb. .Park. )-ro.. this point I couJA lock dlrectly into .A.ahl&nd Ca.nyon &t. t.he t'1r. bac~ ra.p1clly tovru:d. any houses aloag the la.e or the h1ll~ It w&a obvio\lsly necessary to l:lackt1re 'behlnd. th... houees. aet.urn1ag t.o t.n, tire C&lllp I round. s...,enJ. :tonet People l.nclu41ng Hector ,L&11gd.on, Hobert ell.or. &Ad other lRNF ..ploy.... I led. the.e !laea up ~o Dr. 'Iood.'. ;r..1d.ence to get a <lu1cJc look at the tire aituat10n. and. then v. r..ew:ned. to the fir. a'bov. rea1d.eace. &].ong Ashland. Creek. Tnb back flz:1ns vaa ca.pla~ad. ~ about a1cl.n1cht:. Becau.ao t.he dist.rict. portable nd.lo vas wUh Asher a.n4 T'11or I neected t.o return to th. ot'ne. trequenUy to "keep lIlyaelt. G".n &ad. Shir1..,. intoried.. at. ~ ... I found. th&t 0".0 aM Shiorley had. been relieved. by two vo.on tram. Toh. SO. 1'h1s e.-bled. .. t.o walt tor t.he reports by Aaher alId. "1'aylor. ! t.nu.s h&4 tLll. to thJ.nlc ot how to lJIl.prQVO ay ea.rli.r lnat:uot1ons 00 how to burn ou. t ",1 t.h fuzees. A~ 4 &Ill Asher n.410ed. in that they h&4 tLed. into the SkyUne 111ne l(~d a.nd tlere n.a4y t.o sUrt burninc O\lt., &lid. toh.y t.'ollO\fed. ay illproved. lnSt.r-. I.Ict.1ons. - lhB - SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 6-29-94 3:22PM 5034881201-+ 503 488 5311:# 3 I then drove up the Ashland Canyon to the foot of the fire trail where I lIIet. r'leeger and. Haalllle:r:sly. This va.s betore daylight, about. 5 _;0. They had.. been "Uh Asher a.s he receIved, my lIIe$sage to st.a.:t. 'burning out and had worked with hllft brhny at. the start.. 'they described. th.e trall a.nd I ct.escr1bed t.he fire &1.t.ua.t.ion. We d.1.scusaec1 the p%'O'olelll a.nd. fl-re ma.na.gelftent. I felt reassured that we now had. a cha.nce to control the !in 10'1 thln t.he planned bounda.ries. They returned. up t.he tre.il a.nd. I returned to the office. ; Soon anel:' t.he ~'re"'ont Nt' overhead crew arr1ved. at the ort'1ee. I showed them the fire situation on the wall mAP and sent. them t.o the tlre ea~p for ~laP&tch. : About 6100 all lioplc1na a.rr1ved. trom Hec1!ord wUh a supply of' 4"-/II11e blow-up. or t.he topognph1c lIIap of the tlre uea.. They "'ere just vhat. ve ne~ec1 tOl:' crew atl5P'otch t.M. 1.l5e by fire crew 'coaus. About 9 ~. HopkinS t.oqk me home to set:. .000e rest. I coulciD't sl.ep and 800n retUrned to the'.. fir. C&Ilp &lid. le&rned. the Forest had. stationed ... heliocopt;er at the .&1.r- port. About 9.)0 am I ".nt: t.o the L1rport t~ us. the heUoe,opter to scout. th~ fire. 'the c..iling was 1010' and it wa.s very atioky. too' low aM. SIRoky for an aLrpla.ne to have 'been of use. .'rolll t.he 'copter I 'c,ould. d..terOllne wh.re firellnea had been burned out an4 where th!& re~1ned to be ~one. We la.Med. at. Dick Iteynen' 8 cle&red. lot on flld6e Road. directly a.bove the nr. CUlp. I a.~rJ6ed. with- ifeyn.n to eonti.nu.e us1ng this a. lL hel1.port fa+, the dur..t:.lori of t.he tire. Beca.uae my pickup was still a.t the a.lrport I had. a 1'r1end. tAke lIle to the fire C&IIlP, wher. I reported my t1~1ng. on the fire beha.vlor. During the d.&y 1 llI&de severa.l helicopt.QJ: flights 1n an; att.empt. to cliscover how we could hanc1le tbe bdrn1ng "cut. in Ashland. Ca~yon tba.t night.. About.) or 4. gllI I ~iacussed this d.i!!1cult. problem wit.h Hopkin. and. Moore. It. was a challenge to all ot u.. Another ex&I\ple of volunteer. partlc1.pa.Uon t.h&t .Ucks 1n my Iftelllory . occurred. this Sunday 1I0rnil16. a.1though I dld.n'.t Ienow ..'bout it \lntl.l la.ter. Ra.lph Weise, Butte Falls Distr1ct Ranger told lIle that Charlie T~grston ha.d 'been working on the t'1r. 11ne on Su.nd.&y, Charlie, who open.t~ & ra.cllo repe.1r shOP 1n MecU'ori ..... an ex-foreat ranger. In 1926 &11 a 16 year old. youth I had worked On a. tire on. the Little IU,ver D1etrict ot t.he Ulltpqu.a. If.F. ror Ranger Thurston. Ho made q,uite an upre.aion OEt IIlO when I watched. h.1.JI ba.ckf'lr1ng wit.h & Hauch Ton:h, which saved. a su.ll q,vmUl. La.t.er he zse:r:ved. a.a D1str1et Ra.tl5er On t.he Dl&l11ond Lake D1strlc't ot the . U..pqu& &net. on the (ltt~ 8&k~r and. ttt. Hood Fcr..ta. It Se8lll1l that Charlie hee.t:d. tho public :ad.io C&llll on Satw:'day .Yen~ 1 nil ror volunt.eers to help: oontrol the ,s.r.. S.rere d.a.yl.!.ght. Sund.a.y all he $howed. up, calked 'boo'ts 1n hand, &t. t.h. f1re c..lIlP just 5ett1ng organ- bad.. Ke "II &SI1gne4 t.o & cr." to llurn C\lt and. IIOp up !1re Una. Charlie probably cou.l~ hav. perr01:'lled. eUecUve1r in any t.op job on the !In. ' A few days later durlng the lIlop.up .tage I had. an opportun1ty' to tue Charlle &long on a 'copter t'l1ght. over t.he entire t'1n. He t.old. 1ft. the burning out h&d. sone well (as L cou.l4 h&ve known it woul~ "lth hl~ 011 t.he job) wt. they luf'terec1 'or d:l1"J(1ng """ter. Aa so onec ~ppeas 1a this klnd. of' situation we dlc1n't succeed 1n getting dr1nk1ng wator a.n4' lunche. ell st:-1 but.ed. 1n &. t.il1lely III&nne'r to &ll c;."'. d.ur1ng tna.t. first 4&y, an4 night. I have no recollec:t1.on or specULc a.ctioM taJc:en Oft the 'rltGt 01 t.ha.~ c1ay, SW1d&y. AUf;ust. 8. Abuut 1:)0 pal >'!oore a.nd. Hopk.1ns, seeing I vas pcop-t. SW!I$"t.ec1 r go hOllle to bcc1. I wa,s ooftoe:-nec1 &~ut gett1l'1g the A.ahl&nd. Canyon 11ne burned. out 'aut liopk1na ~r.ec1 to peraona.lly sup- .~1.. t.hIlt toouChY job. Kit IlIUSt. have ru.lly sol~ .8 becauae I Ilrent. nClllle. went rl~ht. t.o :sl88p &nd d,lc1n' ~ !taken until 6 all on the 10th. - lh9 - SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 6-29-94 3:22PM 5034881201'" 503 488 5311;# 4 / I illll'lled.1a.tely went to the fire camp a.nd t.het'~ va.s Hopkins. sort or t1l:Od. but happy \';0 say t:he tough bl.trn-out job "a.s d.one. Ed. Z. told me "'hat. a. hot. d.&rl6erous burn-out it. ha.d. been clown th~ steep nu-:'ow Ashl.a.nd. Ca.n; on. Rapid and thorough mop-up was now requlred. Two unu6ual ~816t8 in aceomp11shlns thi$ were~ (1) the f.bulous supply of V&ter 4%&10111 out of Ta.ylor B'rothers' deep Skyline lUna on top ot the 2;'14e ..bout 1 ill. \lest of t,he h1&'hest point of the burned. usa. (seo Kopkina' vrlt8-l1p) s a.M (z) the also fablUous $upply ot 31 in. !1re ho.. Md.e a.va1la.bl. 'by IIU.k. Lwa'ber Co. ot Cent.n.l Point.. Su Taylor. lak Lbr. Co's. fOl:..t.u (no rela.t.lon t.o 8UheZ' Asat. RAnger Bob Taylor. nor Taylor Broe. ot Skylino M1ne) .. lo~ t,1JIle friend., ot uno and. excellent cooperator. had. .OII.U... previously shoWIl lIle t.h8ir !ine stock o( 1:ire suppresaion equ1il11lent.. lZlClu41Ds 1Ii1... ot 1t 1n hoae. t phoned. SaIl a.nd asked. for use or the1r fire hose. . Ke 1aI1ILed.1ately bro~t oVer a "hole tNOk load.. Th1s prov1d.ed.. tho' ,la81e fb..t. t.wo IIl1les ot has. U.ne tlsed. to spread. wahr hauled. fro. the Mj,no d.Qwnh1l1 "through9\lt t.he hea.vy lftOp..l1p aru.. . , ' " - Elk's hoae vu all paint lIl&rked. on the cO\lpling. grea.tIy s1alpl1f'y1ng t.he -1ob a.thr mop.-~p lias cODlpleted. ot ret.urning to the."t~t \lhieh U5 unc1a.ma6ed. and or. replacing t.hat. which tIaS dalll&ged 1n use. Of course mucn other hose waa &180 ueed. 'but Elk'. ...~s the t1nt. put ln pla.Qe on the 1I\0p- up an<l the ast :to be pulled. out. It. vu a vital p&rt at lL rapid. thor- ough IIlOP-UP job..' : , Hop-~p and patrol progressed. aa.t.1sractorily. In tha toUoving veeks and. month. the Hi' portion of t.he burned area. "as aeed.ed. tor eroslon con- t.rol ..net the Iaoet. crt Uc&1 slope. vere contour trenohed. The tire-killed t111iber was sold. a.nd. 'logged. New road.a mad.. t:he ..rea lIluch .oro access1ble.: 'l"htf suce... ot the rererelllAUon 1s nov clearly ..,lclent a.a the ~ ar-. " is ;seen trom the hllb and. streets of Ashland.. ('l'be State Itaport contLnuea. ror Sunclay. August 9. 1959.) " I' & IQo A. Stockton and Meci!'e= nist. people relieved by eyfthead. tUlll 1118- . p&toh~ by Salall. D&y crews be1ns aovc into pl&c:e. Key.people "ere. ken Sldth. Fire 8oas~ Lyle ,Byers, Mat. r1re ao..; D1v1don "Does.., Jotm I.a.nsrell. by Slllpaon. Cene Ja.cobeon &Cd. S..berger~ 8CI0Qt Roberl tta,4..n; and. 6 BI.H lien as sector bosses. Suppre..10n : re.ClU."Ce. 1nclwteci ..bout. 2! 0 llIeD. 1lO8Uy ci1.p&toh~ by t,1IIlber 1.nd.ua- . tr1eel savsn doc.rel severa.l fallers; a.n4 2 or IIIOro t&Dker-pwapers._ . JOilS A. Sm1~h lett dlsp&toh a.r~ to go around !1:. line on lnspection : and center'DCe. vlth ciivision bo..e. and scouts. . 11 ~oo A. Radio cloIlCllunlca.t.1on on rtr. 1& poor. A r8,pea.te%' b being In- . .t&lle4 a~ As.hla.n4 Park. JZi)O P. Sa11;.h lIlet wUh Carroll Hrovn. Supervlsor HRNF. agreed. to ch&nge lcc~t1on a! break b.t.....n State and NF control act10n to forks or road. 1n sectlon 18. Tenny 1II0oro .~reued. caMern ..bo~t. unbuned : 1ala.nli near 'forks of rO&l1. 1 .00 P. Sdth 4ecides to let. un'l:lurnecl island. 'burn out. 2. 1 5 P. Lunch mix-up reco.cdai. dellv,reel to vrong C"v. lunches n-oN. Z::30 P S.1th 111 Ked.!ord Kq,. rar oonference vUb Brow. Kerb St.one -.ncl It:d Harah&l.l or usn. :they ~ee.ed. utistled.' with Stat.e a.cUvl ty a.nci eoopen.t.lon. Z .45 o. -lte4- 'rho_. oU.red. SIl1t.h WI. of hcl1copter. ) 110 P. Na.t.lon&l ~ua.rd. trucks dispat.chttd for cu....r f1.&el. ea.na ot WliLt.cr a.IId. It&. ter bags. ~.ZO P. SeH.h lns!lecting fire lines a.nd 1NLk1ng pla.na tor totl1f;nt. and. :text day. - 150 - SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 6-29-94 3:22PM 5034881201'" 503 488 5311:# 3 I then drove up the Ashland Canyon to the foot of the fire tr&il where I .et rle~er &n4 Ka~mersly.This was betore da~11ght, about 51)0. They had been w1th Asher as he ~eceived my ~e~5age to 8~t burning out and had worked with h1m briefiy at. the st&rt.. 'they clesedbed. the trail and I descr1bed the fire &1t~tion. We eliscussed the problem and fire m&~ement. I felt raa$sured that we now had a chance to control the tire wUhin the pl&l'1ned. bouruia.ri05. They returned. up the tre.ll a.nd ! returned to the office. ; Soon aft.e%;' the io'remont HI<' overhead crew arr1ved. at the ornee. I showed them the fire situation on the wall map and sent them to the tire camp for dlsPLtch. : About 6:00 all Hoplc1na a.rr1ved. from Ked!ord wlth a supply of 4"-mUe blow-ups ot the toposra.pb1c lI\B.p of t.he !1re aru.. They flere just what we ne~oc1 for crew atapatch aM. U5e by fire crall beISel's. About. 9 ~. Hopkins t.aqk me hOlle to set SOlDe rest. I aaulclJ11 t sleep and. lIoon retUrned to the'., fire QUIP and learned. the Forest had. stationed .heliocopter at the ,a1r- port. About 91)0 all ! wen~ to the a1rport t~ usa the helloc~pt.r to scout th~ fire. 'rhe c.aiUng was 10" and. 1t wa.s ver:y alioky, too' lov &rld. sllIoky for &1\ alrpl&.ne to have 'been of use. Jo':r;-Olll the leopter I 'o.ould. d..ter.lne wh.re fire11nea had been burned out and where th!& re~1ned to be d.one~ ~e . laMed. at. D1c:k It eynen I s cleared. lot on fUd6e Road. d.1;,ectly a.bclve the t1re cup. I a.'tnn<<ed V1tb- Naynen to continue us1ns th1s as a he11port. fOJ; the d.ur..t1ori of the tire. Boc&u8ll! my pickup lI&S still at the a.irport I had. a. fr1end. take aut to the fire C&lIlp. where I reported. my C1nd.1llg1S on the f1re behav1or. Du:lng the clay I llI&Cle $evenl helicopter tl~hts 1n ani attelllpt. to d.!scover hOIl we could han4l. t.ne bdrn1ng cut 1n Ashland. C&~yon t.ha.t n1gt\t. About:5 or 4. 911 I d.iscussed. th1s difficult problelll with Hopkins and. Moore. It was a challenge to all of ua. Another exa.mple of volunteer. partLclpa.Uon that. sticks 1n my Iltuory , occurred. this Sunday lIlorn1ng, although t did.n'.t Il:now a.bout it lUltll later. Ra.lph Welse, Butte Falls Distr1ct Ranger told .. that Char~ie Thurston had. been working on tbe tire Uno aD SundAy, Charlie I who opented. & neUo rep&1r shOP 1n "ed.tori 11&8 an ex-forest ranger. In 1926 &lS a 16 year old youth I had worked Oft .. tire 01'1 t.he Lit.tle Hiver Dietrict or the UtI\pqUA H.F. tor Ranger Thunton. He lUdo q,u1t.1!t a.n 18Ipreaa1.oft on llIe when I watched. h.1m l:ac1cf1r1ng wit.h & Ka.1,ICh Torch, "hien saved. a sull &&VlIIlll.. La.t.er ho .erved. &0 Dhtrlct Ra.nger on the Dl&l11on4 Lake D1str1ct of the ' UapqU& &lid. on the Mt~ Bak~i- and. !ft. Hood. Foroata. It sena the.t Ch&rl1., hea.N the public :ad.lo calls on S&tu.z:da.y' even- 1nig tor volunteers to help: control tne fire. a.tore d.a.yllght Sun4&y &11I he showed. up, calked. boots 11'1 hand. a.t. t.he fire CUlP jU$t getting organ- i:od. He was &&signed t.o & cr8" to "Durn out and. 1l0p up t1ro 11ne. Charlie prObably could ha.ve per.tor1lled. e!'!ectlvol,y 1n any t.op job on the !In. ' A r.", c:l&,ylS la-tel' dqrlng the 1II0p-UP at.&&e I h&d. an oPP<'rtl.&nlty' to tak. Charlle &.long on a .copter :Cl1ght:. over t.he entir. f1re. He t.old. Ill. the burning out had sone ",.11 (as ! could h&ve known it "ould with hi~ o~ t.he jOb) but. t.hey .uttered. to'l: d%1l'.Idng ~ter. Aa so oftea happ.as lli this k1tld. of situation we diclJ1" t succeed. 1n get.ting d.r1n.k1ng w&hr a.nc{ lunches d1str1buted. in .. timely I118.nner to &ll C=8\4S dur1ng t.ha.t. f1nt d.a~ and. night. I h&~e no recollectLon of speQit1c a.c:t.iOM ~n On the rest at t.hat. day', Su.nc1&y. 4l.1(';wst 8. About 1:)0 pi! l.'lQore a.nd. Hopk~ns. seeing I VL$ pooplld. suggested. I go hOllle t.o bec1. I was oOl'1cerned ..bout gett1.ng t.he Ashland. c.a.nyon l1ne 'ourneci out. but Hopkins 8<<reeci to personally sup- .~i... t.hat. t.ouchy JOD. Ke /lUSt. have ru.lly sold 118 because t I{ent hOlAe. went ri~ht. t:.c 31ttep a.nd. (iidn I t vuen until 6 am on t.he 10tl\. - lh'.> - SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 6-29-94 3:22PM 5034881201-+ 503 488 5311;# 4 /' . I i1nmed1.a.tely went to the !ire ca.mp a.nd. thet'~ va.s Hopkins, sort. of tlred. ~t happy ~l) say the tough Durn-out job was done. Ed. z.. to14 me ",hat. a. hot d.&nserous burn-out. it. ba.d 'been down th~ at.ep nar=ow Ashla.nd. Can10n. Rapid and thorough =op-up was now required. Two unusual as8ista 1n acco.p11sh1ns thl~ \ferec (1) the fa.Qulous supply of vater ~&wn out ot T~ylor Brothers' deep Skyline Hine on top of the ridge a'bou~ 1 mil. ~est ot t.he hishest. point of the burned. area. (see Kopkins' nib-up). a.nd (Z) t.he also fa'bW.ou5 supply of It in. !ire base Dl&d.e a.va1la'ble 'by m LwaOer Co. or Centnl Point.. Salll Ta.ylor. l.:1.k Lbr. Co's. tor..t.r (1lO rela.t.ion t.o .Uhel:' Asat.. Ratlger Bob Ta.ylor. nor Ta.ylor Bros. at Sl(yline Hine) & lo~ t.1.IIle friend.. ot ..lRe and excel.lent. cooperator. ha4 aOllletae praviouslf ahOWD .e their f'1ne stock ot fire suppresslon equ11l11e1'1t, 1llClu4.1Ds tiles of 1t 1ft hoae. I phoned. S&Il and a.sked for us. of their tire hose. . it. 1llU1\ed1a.tely bro~t over a. whole truck load. Th1s provided. ~be. ,l:IU1c: 'first two lll1l.. ot ho.e line used. to spread. wa.ter hauled !rei.' the M1ne dcwnh1l1 through9ut t.he hea.vy 1Il0P-UP are.a.. . . . I . ' Elk's hoae IIlLS all paint. u:rkecl on the cou:pl1ng, grea.tIy 51..pUfying t.he -10'b alter mop-up was cODlpletad. or returning to the. .t~t. which 85 u~ed and o!',replacing that ~h1ch was d.alMged 1n ua~. Of oourse much other hose "... a.l.ao u8ed. 'but ~"lk'. v~. the fint put in plaoe on tt'le 1Il0P" up and t.he last ~o 'be pulled. out. It vu a vital plLrt o!' L rapid. thor- oUSh mop-up jOb..' : Hop-up and. patrol pro~res8ed ea.t.1aractorlly. In the f'ollolllcg weeks a.nd llIontn. the HI' portion of the burned &1'8& vas ...s.ed tor erosion con- trol &nd. the 1I0St. cr1 t.1eal elope.. lIere contour t.rench~. The tire-kllled. t1mber vas 801d and. .log&ed. Nov roac:l.s made the a.rM lIlueh 1Il0re accessible..: Th. &U<<::cen of t.he reforestation 1s nOli olearly .v14ent ... the 'bu.rra area. '. ls;seen tram the h~lls and streets of Ashland. ('l"be State leeport continues. tor Su.n4ay, AU6uat 9. 1959.) r 6.qo A. Stoclcton ant! MedEo=. elat. people reU8Ver:l by overhead. tea.lll 418- . p&tobecl '0)' Sale.. Day crell. be1ng JnClVC into place. Key.people wer.. Hon a.it.b, ,ir. Sossr Lyle .Iyers, Asst. Fin Be..; DivldoD 'boss.a, JOM w..nsre1l, R~y Sll1l]ilson. Cen. Jacobson &a4. S..bergerr BOOQt Roberl: tfa,4.enr and. 6 BLK Dlen aa sector Qossea. S'lppre..ion : re.ource. lnclw:iecl ,.})out 2! 0 llI8ft, IlClSUy d1sl&tGhed. by t1.lR'ber 1JJdua- . trles. aeven dOCeJ:al s..,.ra.l. taller.; a.M 2 OJ: IlClr. t&nker-puapers. - J 0 p.s A. Smilh let"t cUapat.oh area. to go &.round. t1.J:e liA. OD lnapect.1on - . a.n4 co~er.ac.8 1I1t.h clivislon 'bo..es and. acou-ts. . , j 11~OO A. Radio oo""unlc&tlon on ttre i. poor. A repeAter 1. being 1ft- , at&Ue4 a~ Asnla.n4 Park. JZiJO P. S.lth ..t w1th C~roll ~rovn. Supervisor RftNFJ &sreed ~o change location ot b~..k bet.v.en St&t.e and. NF control act.ion ~o torks ot road. ln .eat-lon 18. Tenny Moore expre.sed. concern a~ut unbul:ned. 1sl&n4 near forks of r0a4.. 1.00 P. Slllth t1ec1d.H t.o le~ un'aurnec:l 1aland. ~ out. Z. t 5 P. Lunch mlx-up rec:o~a1. deli v.red to wrons cnll. luncl\M n-ON. 2::30 P S..1t.h 11'1 Kedfom Kq. for conterenee w10th B1:'OWD, Her'o St.one &ncl * Harsb&ll ot USFS. .'they see.ad u.tistied.' with St.&te activlty and coopera.t1on. Z c4S O. "fted" 'rho__ oft.red S.1th use of hcl1~pter. ).10 P. N&Uona.l Cua.rd trucks d1spa.tchltd. for clh..I fuel, ean.a ot \$.t.er , aa:l wa.ter bags. ~&20 P. S.l~h lns~ecting fire lines and ~lng plans for t.onight and ~ext "y. - 150 - SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 6-29-94 3:23PM 5034881201'" 503 488 5311;# 5 6 ,J~5 P. Curt. Meshell in pl~ne over !'ire reports slop-over In Sec. 18. Crews : Oft groun4 take acUon. . 7s00 p. Smith a.nd. cl&y forces rel1eved. l:ly night shirt 'bos. Bud Van How and. ~ night crew or ~pproxiD&t.11 8S.men. 8.00 p. F1re line completed. StAte sectIon of fire reported. controlled. Patrol and mop-up oontinu... August 10. 1959. Mond&t' , 6.15 A. Crews cha.n4ed.. Same overhead. &8 on Surr4&y. About 200 men &ssigned. . to S&Ille four d.lvlalona with ..... clivi.ion bassea. 7.4., A. liaa.t.her f'orecut, lit.tle change, cont.1nuec1 c!.ry'. bigh 94<;>> 9147 A. S1IL1th fiy1nc t1rs 11ft.. &11 hold.ing. W'lWrned. )0 acre 1ela.a4 1n . Sec. 18 requir.. aot10n~ radio coftmUn1cat.10n on fir. 1a still not 8&t.lafa.oto:ry . 1] .00 A. Crews for'rued&y omered. 1115 P. Burn-oub insid. Un. 1n gOod. concU tion. He11port. area cl-.::ed. aoi ready tor u.e. ) .20 P. All but. three d.ocea to be releue4. 6100 P. Day crews being rel1f1ved. 'by night cr..... Bn4 Va.n Koy ~bt. ahUt . boas ag&1n. August. 11, 1959. Tl1eada.y 6.00 A. Da.y crews being placed, S&II8 four d1visions &nd' d.1v1aion 'boas.., , 157 lIlen, 2 a.a.va, 2 doz.rs. One t&rUutr-pulllper. 8~OO A.; Smith to Ashland. tIre camp 'for confer.nca w1ttl. Hopkins, Neshe1m and Stockton. . 1.0.00 A. SlIlith and J&d.sen tly fUe. .\11 11nea burned out a.nd. tlold.1ng, few ; 8~okes except cent.r ot Sec. 18. 6~OO P. Sm1th turned tire over to night boae, a.rt Cook, and la men. AUg\lat JZ, 1959, Weclnncla.,y 6.00 A. D&y crew being placed.; l&I\e !our d.1visions &nil .11v1a10n 'bosses, . )1meft, 2 c1ozera. 4 4-wheel d.rlve pickup t.&nker-pwapers. lchoo A. Sadth reports all lines 1n good. aMpe, Iftop.up pl'Ogreea1.ng ".11.' SiOO ,. fire turned over t.o John BlAck &zx:l 5 lien. . 'total wrne4 &.creage out-ald.e HF (1470 a.o~o. 11ate4 &a oo..roIal torest la.nd) 2870. Owners ot 'burned. la.ft4 listed, exclUding Z10 acres 1n 1'lWIl820U8 .1II&l1 t.racta, 20; Flr.11ne perll1lot.er, 880 ~~" Su,~..a1on ooats, S'U.te. $)),298.00. S.1th's log recorda crews from the tollovl~~ t.l.bar 1n4ua~1.a on ; the f"1re on d1!!erent days. Meci!oM Corp., ""7; OlsoA-Rosa Llr., 40, - K~ap !trg., J2J Burrell Lbr., JS, 1i:1cler Logging, 211 Creen Spr1nsa Lbr-., JSI L~tb1& Lb%".. :30, 0&1. Sll1th. 2tl Taber Proct.UOt.8; 171 Sierra. Ouca4., 10. I .: Hu.. ef !IJ4 mllft moftihnad ..rll liil!!g.!'~ 10%'11. Hut." Re.ss8!'. ~1on, Ku.a. Brookw.ll. &.nd. Brown. .HQ~ Ko~klna Sto~ On Sat.uday, A.U6ust a. 1959, I was 1n the Supervisor.. ottic. as rir~ Clftic.r CI! the day. r have no d.iu,. or ot-her d.et.alled. %'8Corc:l. ot' the hour- by-hour happenings 'but. will toucn on so.. tb&t. stick in ray m_o~. ,uttlougn it 'lUn.t. lL Motional. !ore.t f'1re 1t. was reponld. to .. wit.h- 1n t.en minutea ot cliscov.ry. 1 then contact.ed. each d.ut.r1ot. cU.apa:toher and. &d.v1..d. that lI~PFC'..s1on crewe be put. oa. &loan tor p08a11:11. caJJ. barorlt 'tone day vas over. or ccurse I &lao a.rn.~ed. tor b&ciwp ma.nn~ ot the ottice lLIU1 lI&r.house. At. t.he .... t1.. the Sout.hern Oreson Tr.. Fa:a .usoc1&t.1on (t.h. loc&l t1111.ber l.od.u8t.ry group) vaa &l.n~ &ll their lIettbers. About Z&)O P.a. J::ucene Burrell. proprietor ot Burrell. Lw:atler Co. or Whit.. City, phoned in otfering to :1y .e on an a.r1&1 reconnal&&nc. of' the C1re. I rl&d1y &eceL'ted.. a.nd. was back in the of'~lce l:lef'ore tit. Olowp at 6. - 1.~l - SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 6-29-94 3:24PM 5034BB1201~ 503 4BB 531J;# 6 . Arter the blow-up I V&$ ~.y tar ~nto the night. &r:an51~ to rill oriers tor men aiJd equ1pIlutnt tor night crews. lord. through the RegionaJ. D1si:at.cher, overhead. and. crews for t.he !ollowlng d&y. 2&ch d18t-r1ct of the Forost. was e&llec!. on for oY'erhe&d. cre"s and. such specIa.li~ed. equIp- ment. a.s tanker-pUmpers. 'ruber operators were oalled. on for bulldo~ers, h~h voluae W&t.er t.ankers, line crews and fallers. Front page articles in t.he Medford M&11 Tribune gIve sOllie re.Ung or the fir., .... tha blaze traa.tecl area res1Aenta to .. borr1bly th:c'Ul1ng 418pla.y as a dense, IIwJ:ti-colored cloud. of SlIIoke covered the southern skies." ....th. vast. plllare that thrust 11ke an at.o.le cloud thousaDd. or t..t In' the air Satu.rd.a.y evening vas .. sight no vords or :Phot.ogra.pha' e1ther~ c&D reall;y cleacrl'be. Ita n...e. wera a brUli.a.ftt. pltUc nearly to the tOll. "here a m1fn or pure 'WhIte glistened 1n the sun. It va. yblble in Cn.nt.. Pass I. a.M.: down in C&l1f'ornIa. II .. Kuftd,rad.a of Valley res1clenta were pa.tUd. Oft hill. to va t.eh tho tire... . " : Sa.turi&y eyening the Oreson Shak..peuoan Fest.ival' a play lIaS · ~nthony and: Cleo:patra". .The l.a.rge aud.1ence wu 41atmated t1.. atKi aga.1n a. the corif'lagn.t1on fiared. aNi roa.t'ed a.long t.he rWge to their. 'left. Tho.e in th4i &Ud,ience aa weU aa t.hose on etqe "ere lUUJd.n&te4 In the eerle glo"I' · I ;'p !ire and. a1r; lilY other ole.ent. I give t.o laser l"reJ t.he dying Cloope.tra. cried. a.s the t.1:86ed.y neared 1. t.s eDd. ", ,~ l!y SWId&y &Dorning the \l1nd. h&cl died. clown and the tempemt.ure wu down a.bC~t. 10 degrees. The C1re was relat.1vely quiet. The job no.. 1f&1 to got.' a. 11re line around. it and 1l0p it. up to aa.tety. Thea. jobs lIl.uat be elone b.tore it was C&ught. by &nother lUst of vinci and. u.c1e & ruA to the aouth. ' ' up into the .t.ep, unrO&d.e4 v1rgln-tll1l.~8red Ashl&D4 Canyon above t.ho aeecier Dua. The wa.te:-ahecl. &nd. d.&a are A.ahl&n4 Ci~y water souroe. ~.I."J' erfort. was directed. to the oontrol objective. . : At. 6 A.M. I vas at. Aahla.nd. Dist.rlct. Ranger's o!C1oe d.ellvenn<< Decclec1 III&pa ot t.he area to "ked." and. eiiacussing' t.he alt.uatlon 1f1.'th hb. I checked. lnto t.he :f'1re oa.a.p. The Ashla.Nl CUy Pa.rk provided. & aoat. ww.aual tire CUPI runnlQS water. toUet., tables. not. arra.ngOli exactly... .1gbt be lIlost d.esir_ble. l:a&.lt. muoh hatter than lIoat hastily set up fire 0&IIlp8. I' Aa1;1la.bd. cUy of'tlc1&ls and. c1tl~eC1. vere unuaually coopera.t1ve &D4 hel:p- . tul.. Th. local hospital attored. t1nt aiel 8upplbs. 'the loca.l prlYl.tely Otlnea. and. open.tcd. PUblic sw1l1U1U.ttg pool "Tvin Plu.agos" .ent up wOrd. 1n- v1tlng the :tire f1&hters to retresb theaelve. there vlt.h tree .howers. I ~Q~.l.. av1a suit. and awlmal~! SUM.a.y "onIng I was back to relieve Red.. Ke ".... IIWCb 4;:oncerned ..bout getUng the touchy bu.rn-out of Ashl&nd. Canyon clone 'before .orn1ng, b\tt. he 111&8 in no sha~e to personally h&ndle it.. Ke vu penuad.ed. to go to: bed ~heA I agreed to supervise the ~-out. Vita a. sull ~t select cre" equipped. dth !la..a, ~k pack pwIlp c&na. h&N:1 tools an4 & ta.Llker-pwaper ". started. 'burn1%lg out. ahortJ.y a:fter' cta.r.lc. W. cl14 1 t. !lreedy. little S8C~1.0ft by little aec:t.iol:l, oheck1ns c&ref'WJ.y to u.ke sure ~h&t no spa..k f'ro.~tho bu.rD.-OQt tall &r:ld. sot tall Oft the wrong ald.o or the steep-sWed C&l\)'oa.. It. 11&& touch am.. go at tia. but. before ul11ght the JOb...waa clone. The tins had. run up the b1ll to ...t the .lII&1.n tue 'tacking 81o"ly clown into the c&n.yoa.. The Aah1.a:l4 !!ro' cO\llcl. now 'be .onaicler~ corra.lled.. Kucb sop-up nuJ.ned. to make t.h. !1.re safe. This vaa the challet\Cs ror Mond,ay. 'there vere hurW.red.s of snags and. down logs still burning within t.he burned over &rG.. 3M<< fallers ve CQuld. ~.t. ~ va.ter liaS _ ~S2 - SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 6-29-94 3:25PM 5034881201-+ 503 488 5311;# 7 ,. . " ne~ed to put these rires out. they had to be w&tered out after the snags l' wer~ on the g:round, and. in SODle O&$.S to cool them ciown before ~he fa.llers co\lld do their work. . The srea.t need for w&t.er was on the upper sl,?pe. of the ridge, which 1s iLbout Z500 rt.. higher th&n Aehland.. Skyline hlne roa.d wa.s .t.e.p, rOU6h n&rrov w1th sha.rp switch-backs. K&u11ng &11 the water needed up t.hat roAd. 1n tankers vould. take d.&ys &n4 <lays. Q.uick ~p-up was vital. Vha.t to Cio? : I : There" was a slllCL1.1 ponti. in the aad.c1.1e near the II1ne, about. bAlt a. .11. beyonc1 the Wrn, out &. !'lILt top section or riqe. So.. one &rr8Jl6ed. to 'pulllp water out ot 1.t into large tank trucks tlM-t. then hauled. tn. wa.t.:. 'b&c.k to ace ess i ble points &lo~ the !ire line troat wbare h08e Unea were 8x~end._ out il'l~o t.he bu1:n and both up a.nc! down hLll. That wo:ked. "ery well: tor baJ.t a 4&1 until the ponc1. wa.s puDlped dry. Ho:n W&ter W'M need.ed..' Ho,,! 1.t w&a a8Cu:~ 1. qu1te a story 1~ ltaelf. . '.:',' , The water bonansa in Skyline Min.. "Red." knew that the Sky+1ne c;aJ.d.' Mine, not ope:r:a.ted. 1n the last Cev )'8&%'8, had. 'Deen pllL6Ued. vit.n vater ae~plng 1nto th.e <leep shafts. Ke contacted. "Shrl.p" T&y~or, one ot the owners ..ho lived in tho Ashland &rea, lot con!1rut1oa tha.t the shaft. ot. the lIline vere ne&rly rUiecl. 'II1th 14ter. T~ldr read.11y agreed. to try to. get va.ter 'o~ t vl th .Uher the aU "cIIle::ged. punlp or the bailer. The Bailer wa.a a. huge .teal bucket holat.ed. a.ncl lowered. by . winoh powered. by a 5&5011n. engine ln the .hart hOUS.. Ta.ylor vent. up to the adne to opea the pl"e. The au'baaeqed puMp could. not 'be started. b,t the 'bIr.lle1:' cUd. work. It would. br1ns up so.. SOO gallons each 10&4. At portable canvas relay tank Ifa.a set up ",here the ailer d.WlIped.. It filled. quickly. 'I'n. t'.hlrsty t.a.nkors l1ned. up t.o load an<l haul tho precioua ",ater out t.o the . clry hoses on the t1reUne. Kop-uP proceeded. at an accelerAted. pa.c. tor ..~.ral hours. . On T~ead.ay .ornlng I left fire caDlp and took the standby helicopter Croal the ....hland. teapon.ry hellport on aaynen's lot atop RlcSce Road., to the fire heliport buUt n8&r the junction of Ashland. M1n. &nei Skyline H1ne roads. I ~ted to se. this remarkable operation. It wa. hard to })eu.e.,.. kind. or .. alraele, a f'a.bulous n.ter s~pplJ in OD8 at t.he 4st plaoes you would. expeot to find It. The ",lne ia ~CC&ted. on top of: the long r14ge leading to V&fSner Mt. A.tter confining that it wae real and tna.t the volUlle of wl,ter in tbe 1I1ne 5h~w.cl be enoush to do the entire : .opo-up job. I vent. Ollt in t.h. burn to obaerie the prosress of .op-up. Shortly the supply of water to the hose line. 4r1eci up. 'lord cue -.. t~~ the baUer 11&5 blocked. by a loose plAnk in tho abaft Un1ns. .Because t.He a.1r was '*". "r. 'raylor could.nl t. 10 clown in tbe shatt to tuten the . pla.nk lI1t.hout .n o~ygen outC1t. I ..nt. a lIlo-sa&e to be radioed. to the tire e.aJllp to ..nd. up by heUcopter a lICU'ca diYing or oxygen Qutf'lt. About an hour later I v&a 'tack at the hel1port. The oJ;ysen. 0\lt!1t h4d.n.It, arrlvecl.. I got. camp boas Bob K.rell on t.h. rad.1o. "Iou sean that wa.a for re&l1 I thought. 1t ".... a. 11.6. I'ye 'been gett.ing ori,era II1t.hClut. end. ,troa up there tor has. &Dl1 other eq,u1.PID.nt too. II". 'been trying t.o get ver1flc&tioc that ...,uytMna ord..reti 1. r.ny noeded. Wha.t. 1n the wor14 do you If&l1t & scuba. d.lvl~ o~f'lt up thore Cor;?" I expl&iDC. H. got debt. Oft 1.t.. Directly the _nsqe cue backs "The Ashl.&Dc1 lire Dept. has t.wo oxygen out.t! t.a. 'rho Chiet, Chuck Davia, 18 be1ngIns t.he. up personally and h. "iU ~u1p Mr. 't&ylor, show hll11 how to uae it and. 50 cio~n the &halt lIith hia.- Ka did and ~lthln little a~re than a hour the water was &gain 'oe1l1g fed. out t.he ha.. lines to the 1I0P-UP cr."s. - 1~3 - SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 6-29-94 3:25PM 5034881201.... 503 488 5311;# 8 '. .1 . .. . . , Befote the end or the weeK when mop-up was completed. it was estilllated tha.t. llIore tha.n JOo .000 ga.llons or wate:r: had. been pulled. cut Q~ the Skyline Mine shatt. It waa ~ major contri~t1Qn to fast. tinal control of the !1re. . Then there was the bizarre c&Se of the drop-in fire tighter ~ho aMO\lnced. he lias a skilled. tint. ald. Mr!., One vas needed. a.nd. he ~a& aasigned. to lllan the Firat. Aid tent. All Scelled. to go lIell until he va.s obaerved. acting like a. d.octor prepat'l~ to give an lnject10n tor.. poison o&Je.. rash. IUs real qualifications vere then investigated.. He could.n't. pr~\lo. even a Reel Croe8 tirst aid. card.. Ho alai.cd extenaive e:qerlonc:e . w1t~ a.mbula.nce co.pan1e. in Send and. Portland.. I2hone oal1a tor oon:f'irm- . &t.1~ft 41ac1O$ed t.hat he had. worked. for one &8 a.n unskilled. a.8elatant for a. very ahort period.. His quallf'1ca.tiona, it ....ed. "ere a deaire to apPear 1aJlOrtal1t~ a.nd. a remarJcable gift. 01' gab. H. had. even goo. to the loc,al. boapitaJ. and persuaded. tn.1ll tQ furnish h1m the injectlon: syr1ng. andj matelal. H. vas I'e118ved. of' first aid duties, ortered work on the : r1re line but left O4Ilp vithout wait-ins for p&)' tor the tilne .be ~t. In. The tire was eontrolled a.nd. mopped. up. The Medford. Ma.1l Tribune later 1n that August w.ek quoted Forest Service eat1A&te, ot $100,000 in ::f'1re eoatrol costs and. $15.000 1n t.uber d.a~.8. The C&\use vent In~o the reoords aa i~en41a.ry, two ,seta,. by unid;ent.lt1ed. part.y OZ' parties. . : , \ , The el...n burned. portions of' the national forest land. on the steep slope aDove LUh1a. Pe.rk and. Ashland. Creek 118re promptly seeded for eroslon oontrol. Alao, contour ditcheator er0810n control were hand built. in the lIIoat. oritical spats. The t1re-k1l1ed tilnber was sueees8- tuily aalvaged in a va.y that held. erodon to a mlnilllwaJ loU8%' Bob !Cline used. a traUer-aounted mohUe high-lead. ya.rdeZ', new In that. ar.,a, at ' tha.t. tillle. . In the following years, the Dls'tr10t, h&untecl by the narrowly avoid.eel 41eaater or a. :tin ave.plQS throUgh' the unroacled. lor&tar.hed. abOve Reeder DuI, d.id. d.evelop :oacls there 'by t.1all:l.r sa.lea, Sllta.t.lon in Reeder R.8.l'Vo1r 18 reported.. to have acoeleratGli. a.tte:z: t.he logging and road. bullctlD1. an tmhappy 'but possibly una.vold.&ble by-pnciUGt. ot the illlproved opportunl ty to prevent a. tar "or.. ctlS&at.r. t I " - l,h -