April 19, 2000
Civic Center Council Chambers, 1175 E Main Street
Mayor Shaw called the meeting to order at 1:41 p.m., in the Civic Center Council Chambers.
Councilors Laws, Reid, Hauck, Hanson, and Wheeldon were present. Staff present included Associate Planner Maria Harris and Assistant City Administrator Greg Scoles.
Associate Planner Maria Harris presented the Draft CDBG 2000-04 Consolidated Plan and explained that the city receives approximately $220,000 a year in Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for projects benefiting low and moderate income residents. As a condition of receiving these federal funds,
the City is required to have a “strategic plan” for spending the money. In addition, the City is required to update the Consolidated Plan every five years in order to continue receiving
these CDBG funds.
Harris explained that some changes proposed in the draft plan include creating living wage jobs and installing traffic calming measures in CDBG-eligible neighborhoods. Noted that rankings
of some spending priorities have been included, along with some criteria for making the annual grants to local public service agencies. She noted that turn-over in the budget subcommittee
membership makes it difficult when awarding funds to local public service agencies, and suggested that council consider including members of the Housing Commission or the Social and
Human Services Committee who have some experience in this process.
Harris explained that part of the update process is that two public hearings are required. One hearing must be held during the development of the plan, and one hearing held after a
draft is completed. The first public hearing was held March 22nd by the Housing Commission and the Social and Human Services Committee. The second public hearing on the draft plan
will be held at the City Council meeting on May 2nd.
Wheeldon commented on how un-affordable rents are in this community and stressed the importance of bringing this issue into the discussion.
Laws expressed his concern with eating up “multiple family” lands with single family housing units, and expressed his support of the Ashland Community Land Trust program.
Council discussed the role of property values, housing costs and taxes in setting rents.
Larry Medinger/Medinger Construction/P O Box 702/Noted that there are large numbers of people who are a part of this community who live outside the city. Urged the Council to do everything
it can to reverse this trend, or see all service personnel living outside the city. Noted the example of Burlington, Vermont where the city sequestered away 21% percent of housing
stock to keep it affordable for people who work in the city. Also noted that the city's Systems Development Charges are possibly the highest in the state, but recognized that this
isn’t a huge factor in the affordability of housing. Noted that a builder can watch
Reid emphasized that there is a need to keep affordable housing in mind before increasing Community Development fees, as Ashland has nearly the highest fees in the state.
Medinger stated that the city is aggressive in charging fees to development, but recognized that this was not all bad. Stated that he didn’t believe the market could be a consideration
for these fees if livability is to be maintained. Emphasized that the Ashland Community Land Trust is a good solution. Emphasized that the city cannot build it’s way out of the affordable
housing problem.
Councilor Wheeldon left the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
Shaw noted Medinger’s suggestion to charge SDC’s based on house size rather than fixtures to encourage smaller houses and decrease the use of resources. Stated that this would also
encourage people to fix up existing homes.
Freeman reminded Council that the revision of the Housing Element of the Comprehensive Plan is a priority for the 2000-‘01 fiscal year and there will be ample opportunity to discuss
these issues as early as this fall.
Medinger noted that he has been appointed to a task force by the Governor to address distribution of incentive funds generated out of the lottery to help applicants do good planning
in the state of Oregon. Explained that housing is a big part of this, and monies will likely be available to address some of these issues during the current biennium.
Laws stated that this is the best report he has seen addressing the issue of poverty for a specific community, and voiced his reservations about the amount and degree of poverty in the
community as he feels that voluntary poverty may distort figures somewhat. Emphasized that the report was much appreciated and very helpful.
Reid and Shaw concurred, and recognized Harris for her work on the city’s behalf in the Planning Department.
Harris noted that the “free market” approach to awarding CDBG funds continues, and stated that she would like the council to be aware that this process can be changed at the council’s
discretion to support specific programs if they so desired. Harris confirmed for Freeman that the Land Trust will be competing in the process for CDBG funds.
This item was postponed to a later date.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
Submitted by Barbara Christensen
City Recorder/Treasurer
Council Study Session 4-19-2000 Page 2 of 2