HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-03-10 Hearings Board MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES MARCH 10, 1998 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by Second Vice Chair, Anna Howe. The other Commissioner present was Barbara Jarvis. Mike Gatdiner was absent. Staff present were Bill Molnar, Mark Knox, and Susan Yates. MINUTES AND FINDINGS Jarvis moved to approve the Minutes and Findings of the February 10, 1998 Hearings Board and Howe approved. TYPE II PLANNING ACTION PLANNING ACTION 98-022 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEWTO LOCATE THE COI~4UNITY HEALTH CEIv~'.~RAT ~ EXISTING BUILDING AT 112 HELMAN STREET. A VARIANCE IN THE PARKING FROMTHE REQUIRED 14 OFF-STREET SPACES TO ALLOW FOR NINE SPACES IS BEING REQUESTED. APPLICANT: C0~[U'NITY HEALTH CENTER Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site Visits were made by all. STAFF REPORT Knox noted the applicable criteria. The proposal is to relocate the Community Health Center. The property requires some upgrading. A Variance is the other part of the request in addition to the Site Review. The existing structure is located at Helman and Central and is 4800 sq. ft. in size. The applicant proposes to convert the building to medical and dental health services for low income citizens of Ashland with some counseling services as well. Site improvements will include general upgrading, restriping of the parking, curb and gutter improvements, and sidewalk improvements. On the notice map, the site plan has been revised showing a sidewalk that goes around the tree. The applicants are eliminating the small mansard that wraps around the building and propose to install an awning that wraps around the southwest corner of the building. On the Central Street side, they are proposing to replace the existing T-111 door entry to a glass front door. The Historic Commission reviewed the proposal and approved it. They asked that an awning similar in design and materials as proposed on the elevations also be applied to the side entrance. With regard to the Variance, the applicant is required to have 14 parking spaces. Seven spaces can be provided on-site and two can be provided Ashland Planning Minutes March 10, 1998 off-site. They are asking justification for the Variance by submitting letters from similar health clinics that have estimated the number of vehicle trips versus the number of alternative mode trips. They also state a bus shelter is within a mile distance of the clinic. There will be sidewalks provided. Staff believes there are more on-street spaces than typically allowed by the ordinance, however, there are five more spaces on-street that can be provided to the facility. In addition, there is a public parking lot on Water Street. The previous- tenant operated under similar circumstances and there were no complaints from the neighbors. Howe wondered about the space provided for garbage. Knox said that is covered by Condition 11. The site is not too accommodating right now and they will probably end up carrying the garbage cans to the strip along the south side of the building. When the street is improved there might be a better location for dumpster facilities. Jarvis thought it would be reasonable to allow the Variance but revisit it after Central Street is improved to see if there is any area that could be used for parking. She recalled there were complaints from the neighbors with Pyramid's operation. Molnar said a Condition could be added to evaluate the parking at that time. PUBLIC HEARIN~ RAY KISTLER, architect, 545 A Street, Suite 3, said the site has slopes immediately behind the building. They are proposing building a wood platform with a gate to the existing driveway. The garbage cans would have to be walked to Central Street. They are asking not to build a dumpster enclosure until Central is improved. PEG CROWLEY, Executive Director, Community Health Center, explained they have a separate weekly pick-up for hazardous waste. Jarvis asked how many spaces the clinic in Medford provides. Crowley said they have 14 spaces with an average of ten staff members with patients rotating. There is on-street parking also. The clinic will be comparable in use. The building in Ashland will be slightly larger with a conference room for small group meetings or staff meetings. Average staff in Ashland will be eight. Several of the staff walk or bike and reside in Ashland. Kistler said they will re-paint the exterior and they are investigating recovering the stucco-type system. There will be lots of landscaping and maintenance done to the property. Concerning the Variance, Kistler said about 50 percent of the patients do not drive. Parking will be open for the neighbors at night. Crowley said the clinic will be open until about 5:30 p.m. and as programs develop their needs may change and they may stay open until 7:00 p.m. or hold classes at night. Jarvis suggested parking could be added where the area in back drops. She mentioned when the Haines project moves in, the parking could fill up on the Minute~ Match 10, 1998 street. The Grower's Market takes parking away in the summer and she reminded the Commission that Bard's Inn was not allowed a restaurant use because of lack of parking. Crowley said as long as revisiting the parking would not change their approval, she would be willing to look at finding more spaces after Central is improved. She is cormmitted to continually looking for additional parking. Jarvis assured her it would not change their ability to operate the clinic. Jarvis believes it is important to retain the outdoor area. RON KELSO, 220 Patrick Lane, thinks this has more on-street parking than most locations in town. He doesn't see a lot of on-street parking around condos in town. When Central is completed, he sees there will be more parking available. He is supportive of the project. CC~ISSIONERS' DISCUSSION AND ~0TION Jarvis is not enthused about the installation of another awning. A flat awning would be acceptable. Kistler said there is an existing awning that could be extended. Jarvis moved to approve with the attached Conditions. Add that the off-street parking be reviewed when Central is constructed (Condition 13). Off-street parking for the site be evaluated under an Administrative Type I procedure in conjunction with the design and construction of Central Street. At that time the Staff Advisor may require additional parking on-site. Designate employee parking. Howe seconded the motion. ADJOURNmeNT The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. March 10. 1998 3