HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-0109 Tree MINAshland Tree Commission Minutes, January 9, 2003 Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:05pm by Chairperson Rich Whitall. Additional commissioners in attendance included Bryan Holley, January Jennings, Bryan Nelson, Laurie Sager and Jonathan Uto. Also in attendance were council liaison Kate Jackson, parks liaison Donn Todt, pending commissioner Ted Loftus and staff Robbin Pearce. Approval of Minutes – Minutes for December were approved with corrections. Welcome Guests – Brandon Goldman, City of Ashland Planner was in attendance with two SOU Geography interns (Seth Wilson and Mike Rowley). Brandson explained this project will map the ‘distinctive’ trees as identified with a digital link for intraoffice use. The interns will develop an additional data layer. Brandon and/or the interns will submit monthly updates to the Commission. Discussion included using this project to begin the documentation needed to develop a “coparenting” program between the City and the property owners for trees – specifically maintenance. Kate Jackson recommended a proposal that outlines maintenance costs for trees. Also discussed was the idea of creating a letter for the interns to use as presentation to property owners outlining the project including such points as: 30 years of history, sense of community pride and letting property owners know no publication or listing will be made without the owners approval. Old Business Recommended Street Tree List – The cost of $10 has been established. Copies are available in house and at the library. Bryan Holley will work with staff on a press release about the completion of the document. It was suggested to invite Ann Seltzer, Marketing Director to a meeting once a year to hear from the Commission what has been accomplished in the last year and what the goals for the next year are. Staff will coordinate a meeting with Ms. Seltzer. Goals for 2002-2003 – It was decided to establish subcommittees for each goal. The subs will meet between monthly meetings and report back to the Full Commission. 1. Heritage Trees – Bryan Nelson, Chair with January Jennings and Rich Whital. (Commissioners submitted the lists they have worked on. Staff will consolidate the lists for the interns. The next step will be to identify the trees: species, size, health, history and age. It was suggested to schedule a joint study session with the Historic Commission to get input from them regarding a Heritage Tree Program. 2. Public Works Specs – Laurie Sager will chair with Bryan Holley, Bryan Nelson and Ted Loftus. 3. Arbor Week Transition – Bryan Holley (will work with staff to draft a press release. Arbor Week issues will be discussed at the February meeting.) Morton Street Update – Bryan Holley met with Planning Director John McLaughlin. Bryan explained to the Full Commission that Donn Todt was able to value the tree because of its location as a right of way tree versus the property owner being responsible for the cost of the valuation process. Professional Designer Standard Condition – This item was tabled until February. Other – Library Ginkgo – Staff is reviewing the rumor the donation of another ginkgo. A letter will be drafted to: Jackson County Library Services: Ronnie Budge with a copy to Bob Wilson; Friends of Ashland Library and the Ashland Garden Club explaining the approved plan does not include room for additional plantings based on the principle of “right plant/right place”. This incident will be used as an educational opportunity. New Business Site Reviews – 1.Clay Street Church of God –Land Partition, Variance and Site Review – Interesting plant selection and irrigation plan should be submitted based on minimum requirements. 2. Alex Forrester – Outline and Final Plan & Site Review for the Construction of a surgery center and medical offices – The existing trees should be identified and an explanation submitted as to what will happen to them. The parking island trees should be large stature trees. Trees should be added along the interior west edge of the parking areas. Parking lot landscaping shall consist of a minimum of 7% of the total parking area plus a ratio of 1 tree for each seven parking spaces to create a canopy effect. An irrigation plan needs to be submitted prior to issuance of the building permit. The design professional should responsibly design root barriers into the plan (which trees or areas will actually include root barriers) and There is 285 feet of frontage. Allowing for 40 feet of driveway there is a remainder of 245 feet. At the requirement of 1 street tree per 30 feet of frontage a total of 8 trees are required on this project (existing and new). There are three existing street trees and three more proposed. Two additional street trees should be added. Electric Department Report – Staff will review this with the head of the electric department. January Jennings and Laurie Sager will provide staff with appropriate graphics for use in publications. Other – 1)Proposed evergreen for the boulevard ‘gateway’ – Discussion included concern over both scale and size of the tree choice; frustration over citizen input for NO big tree and yet one is included; great public input process which fell apart at the end; the gateway look being lost by the big tree look; what happened to the public art options; the tree should be a focal point but not dominate; another City project where commissions were not included in the process. Staff will work with Bryan Holley to draft a memo to Paula Brown stating objections and frustrations. 2)January Jennings presented information about a workshop that Tree Commissioners might be interested in attending. It was unanimously decided to send January to the conference. 3)RVTV City Talk – Rich Whital, January Jenning and staff will be live and representing the Tree Commission on January 16th at 6pm. Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm