HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-0206 Tree MINAshland Tree Commission Minutes February 6, 2003 Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm by Chairperson Rich Whitall. Additional commissioners in attendance included Bryan Holley, January Jennings, Ted Loftus, Bryan Nelson and Laurie Sager. Also in attendance were council liaison Kate Jackson Parks liaison Donn Todt, and staff Robbin Pearce. Approval of Minutes - Minutes for January were approved with corrections. Welcome Guests – Paula Brown, Public Works Director (item F under Old Business) Paula reported Tom Frantz, local contractor is taking the existing Siskiyou Boulevard island tree. So far the tree is doing fine. January Jennings clarified the review process: Greg Covey was recommended to review the trees with Donn Todt. Therefore January did not see the plan but not because Paula Brown didn’t get it to her. Bryan Nelson recommended the proposed boulevard ginkgo be removed from the plan as it will distract from the proposed ‘holiday’ tree. Staff will draft a memo recommending keeping the Fat Albert selection and removing the Ginkgo from the Siskiyou redesign plan. Bryan Holley asked Paula Brown if the Tree Commission could have the ginkgo for an Arbor Day/Week tree planting and she agreed. It was agreed to discuss a location for an Arbor Day/Week ginkgo planting at the March Tree Commission meeting. Ted Loftus recommended the location not be a windy spot. Paula Brown also agreed to supply the list of CIP (Public Works - Capital Improvement Projects) for 2003/2004 so commissioners could let her know which ones they could offer reviews of. Paula asked if the commissioners had any suggestions on tree protection practice training for project managers and crews. Rich Whitall recommended the video on protection of root zones during construction. Staff and Donn Todt will look into video availability. Bryan Nelson recommended plaques (large signs) stating “this tree is required to be protected during construction”. Staff recommended making the signs available at pre construction meetings. Paula recommended making the signs bright orange and she also pointed out Public Works is trying to link public works project specs with Medford so contractors will only have one set to follow. Medford has not yet responded to that proposal. Bryan Holley stated he would establish an action item list from each meeting. He would send it to staff for approval the day after the Tree Commission meetings and after staff approval it will be forwarded to all commissioners. This will allow everyone a headstart on what they need to accomplish before the next month’s meeting. Old Business Recommended Street Tree Guide matrix – Bryan Nelson will bring his examples of matrix in March. Bryan Holley asked that everyone review the media release about the Recommended Street Tree List and get comments to him by February 13. Goals 02/03 – 1)Heritage Trees – Bryan Nelson stated the goal of the committee in developing the brochure will include the intent and an outreach approach. Bryan also submitted the nomination form, fact form, inspection form and agreement form. Staff will have the forms reviewed by Paul Nolte. The goal is to keep the process as simple as possible. Discussion included: the level of responsibility of the property owners; offering a carrot – possibly pruning money, an assessment services to help property owners know how to maintain their trees, tax credits, reduction in city taxes, water bill reduction in the summer, arborist consultation time, pruning voucher; what we are trying to accomplish by having this program – a program that educates the public about the significance of heritage trees while encouraging people to create community and honor their trees by nominating the trees they love. Discussion continued with considering the impacts on staff time; quarterly or annual reporting to council. Staff will research what is the process and cost of registering something on a title. 2. Public Works Specs – Laurie Sager submitted the memo. It was reviewed and amended. The amended document was approved. Laurie Sager will send the final document to all Tree Commissioners for final approval before forwarding it to Public Works. 3. Arbor Week Transition – Staff will review dates for Fall nomination and voting timeline, will check with Fran to reserve utility stuffer space. Bryan Holley will develop a Media Release and work with Ann Seltzer. January Jennings presented an educational program she/we purchased last year. Staff will make copies for all interested commissioners including a copy for North Mountain Park. Mapping Project Update – The work is continuing. The students are about one quarter of the way done. There are a few snags with identification. They will report again next month. Arbor Week Activities – Professional Design Standard Condition – A)Laurie Sager submitted for review a revised condition. Staff will scheduled time with Senior Planner Bill Molnar to introduce the idea. B)Bryan Nelson suggested a program to review three projects per month. Any and all commissioners would be invited to attend the review field trips. The projects would include a current project, a project recently completed and one completed within the year. Staff will create a list. Memo Response from Paula Brown – see Welcome Guests Other – 1)Commissioners approved the removal and replacement of the silver maple on Van Ness. 2)Morton Street – The $300 is available for education endeavors. 3)Ginkgo at the Library – Staff submitted a memo to Wanderscheid, Adroit and the Landscape Architect to allow the existing gingko to be the only ginkgo New Business Site Reviews – Schless & Johnson on East Main - *Is the riparian area protected by a conservation easement? *Screening/buffering from the driveway on the adjacent property should be taller than the proposed plant material. *Japanese Black pine is susceptible to wind damage – we recommend an alternative such as Austrian Pine. Parks Department Report – The commissioners thanked Donn for a comprehensive report. Other – 1)Donn discussed replacement for the Japanese Maple in the front of the park. It will be something tougher, smaller in stature which will be staked for a minimum of five years. Donn is considering a Trident Maple (Acer burgureaum) . Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 7:25pm