HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-05-06 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes May 6, 1998 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at the Community Center by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:38 p.m. Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Joan Steele, Vava Bailey, Dale Shostrom, Keith Chambers and Joyce Cowan. Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Carol Abrahamson and Curt Anderson were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chambers moved and Shostrom seconded to approve the Minutes of the April 8, 1998 meeting as submitted. The motion was unanimously passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS Planning Action 98-034 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 221 Oak Street Marguerite J. and Stephen W. Smith Knox reviewed to application, informing the Commission the applicants would like to operate a health clinic, which will occupy approximately 580 square feet in the lower level of the house. The remainder of the house will be utilized as a private living space. He noted the house was built in 1907 by Mr. Smith's great grandfather and has been in the Smith family ever since. The only exterior change would be a handicapped ramp on the south side of the house from the rear to the front porch. The ramp will match the existing porch. Knox said there should also be handicapped access from Oak Street. The driveway will be paved and there will be a bike parking rack in the rear. He went on to say the property is zoned R-2, and given the fact it is over 20,000 square feet, it could accommodate six multi-family dwelling units. Therefore, the target use would have a much greater impact on the area than the proposed use. Knox stated Staff is recommending approval of this application with four conditions. The second condition requires the applicants to apply for a Conditional Use Permit Modification if there are any changes in the applicant's on-site residency or changes in the health clinic's operation or space. Condition #4 requires the applicants to submit a landscaping maintenance agreement. Lewis asked if there would be interior changes. Knox said the hallway will open up for access to the exam room. Lewis stated his concern is that if it were to be drastically changed, it would be difficult to convert it back into a residence. Marguerite Smith stated a firewall will also be installed to separate the dining room from the clinic area. Since she and her husband would like to make the house their permanent home, there will be few interior changes. Chambers commented the second condition is vague. He would like it to be more specific in number of practitioners also. Shostrom asked about the fire codes and wondered if the fire walls have been taken into consideration. Stephen Smith answered his contractor will make certain all the fire issues are covered. Lewis remarked this application almost meets the criteria of a home occupation, so the proposal will not have much more impact. Also, it is important the house be able to revert back to a single family dwelling. Chambers added it is a compatible business with the neighborhood. The Review Board will look at the handicapped access from Oak Street. Chambers moved to recommend approval of this application with the stipulation the wording on the second condition be made more clear. Cowan seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Planning Action 98-039 Site Review and Outline Plan Approval Holly Street - Between Gresham and Holly Streets Evan Archerd and Hal Dresner Knox explained the applicants propose a nine-lot, nine-unit multi-family subdivision. Each taxlot will be the footprint of the unit. There will be one driveway off Holly Street for six units; the remaining three units will access off the alley. Staff feels the units are attractive and the designer has !ncorporated porches, window trim, hipped roofs, intersecting gables, bay windows, patios and balconies in order to make the design compatible with the neighborhood. Therefore, Staff is recommending approval. Bill Emerson, designer for the project, related the driveway for the six units will be 12 feet wide. By incorporating only one driveway, it eliminates garages off Holly Street. He said all the-units are individualized. The only trees being removed are under six inches; the larger ones will remain on the site. The alley is already paved. When questioned by Skibby regarding the siding, Emerson responded it will be hardboard horizontal siding or hardboard horizontal shingle siding. Emerson then passed around photos of styles he emulating in the design, which is post World War II. He then explained units 1 and 9 are split level and he has attempted to conceal this fact with the visual effect of the design. Lewis asked if mullions will be incorporated into all the windows. Emerson answered the windows will be vinyl and that only some will have the interior grid. Cowan stated she feels a mix of plain and mullioned windows will look better than all one kind. Bailey commented she liked the various styles of the units. Skibby thanked Emerson for responding to the Review Board comments. Lewis stated the overall design has a nice feel. Cowan agreed and added this proposal is something different for Ashland. The design is getting away from the Craftsman style which has been so prevalent. Shostrom stated that generally, he feels the site plan is wonderful. However, he has a concern about the south exterior elevations of units 1 and 9. In his opinion, he feels the entrances are a little out of scale and if they are reduced, they will be more compatible. Emerson replied he was concealing the fact they are split level and in order to integrate transom windows by the doors to let in more light, he made the entryway larger. However, he will bring in examples of lowered roofs to a Review Board meeting. Chambers said that given what Emerson has done in disguising these split levels, he feels he has reached a good compromise. Shostrom suggested using a gable roof on unit 1 in order to create more bulk. After discussing setbacks, it was decided Emerson could go another two feet closer to the property line on unit 1. Knox added he is also allowed an 18 inch overhang. Shostrom moved to recommend approval of this application with the condition Emerson revise the street elevation entrance on unit 1 by using gables and posts and that he provide drawings tol/4 inch scale in order to provide a better sense of entry for the historic scale. Cowan seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 6, 1998 Planning Action 98-040 Amendment to the Site Design and Use Standards section of Land Use Ordinance City of Ashland Knox briefly summarized the commencement of the Downtown Design Review Committee. Originally, the design standards were so subjective, conflicts resulted, which was not only time consuming, but costly for the applicant as well. The City was in need of something clear for the applicants' designers. Allen Sandlet and Ed Bemis had these problems as they were in the design stage and in the construction of their new building on East Main Street, so they went to the Mayor, who agreed better standards needed to be adopted. As a result, a committee was appointed consisting of Lewis and Shostrom from the Historic Commission, former Historic Commission member and OSFA employee Le Hook, architect Jerome White, downtown business owner Michael Donovan, and downtown business person Bob Rasmusson. After numerous meetings, the committee drafted a set of standards. One public hearing has already been held. Tonight the Historic Commission is holding a public hearing, then it goes to the Planning Commission and finally the City Council for adoption. The committee worked out height, setbacks, width, openings, horizontal rhythms, vertical rhythms, roof forms, materials, and exceptions. Basically, the text has not changed since the first public hearing, however, better visual graphics have been added and the text has been clarified. Bailey inquired about the differences between standards and guidelines. Knox related originally the Site Design and Use Standards were guidelines. After the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) had ruled guidelines are not enforceable, the City Council adopted the guidelines as standards. Lewis added the standards are still flexible. Allen Sandler, 1260 Prospect Street, stated he has read the new standards and thinks they are fabulous. However, he has the following three concerns: 1) detail - what size scale will be required? 2) which will supercede - design or code ? Knox stated fire and life safety requirements will supercede the standards. 3) is there a way to receive Historic Commission consensus prior to plan review stage ? Lewis stated it is good to bring in sketches even before the pre-application stage. A real decision can only be made at a full commission meeting. Knox added applicants can start by coming to the Historic Commission meetings in an informal capacity, but reminded Sandler that before the members can make a binding decision, a complete set of plans would be required. Lewis asserted if everyone works together in good faith, the process will work. Ed Bemis, 398 Dead Indian Memorial Road, stated in his opinion, as long as the criteria is met, the standards will be met. Sandler said he wants assurance if he gets an opinion from the full Commission, the decision will stick for the final approval, and he wants it incorporated in the Standards. Steele pointed out what Sandler is seeking is procedure and should not be part of the policies or standards. She suggested Sandler work on this as a separate issue. Shostrom moved to recommend the Planning Commission and City Council adopt the Downtown Design Standards as written. Steele seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of April follow: Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 6, 1998 376 East Main Street 340 "A" Street 77 Scenic Drive 128 Sixth Street 145 Sherman Street 311 "B" Street 67 East Main Street 70 Third Street 120 High Street 478 North Laurel Street 94 Granite Street 199 East Main Street 62 East Main Street 399 East Main Street 51 Water Street 485 "A" Street Andy South A Street Enterprises Louis & Beverly Kohler David Heller William Webber Larry Marshik Wells Fargo Bank Otto & Jean Glausi Norbert Bischof Bill Snell Craig Mesco Jerry Garland Kat Wok Claws & Paws The Atrium Yoga Arts of Ashland Interior Remodel Remodel Addition Accessory Unit Retool Remodel Auto Teller Machine Addendum Basement conv to Acces Unit Addition Remodel Remodel Sign Sign -Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the May schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: May 7th May 14th May 21st May 28th Bailey, Steele and Skibby Skibby, Shostrom and Abrahamson Chambers, Steele and Skibby Lewis, Skibby, Steele and Abrahamson OLD BUSINESS Project Assit, nments for Planning Actions PA # 96-086 97-018 97-075 98-021 98-022 98-082 Address 685 "A" Street 661 "B" Street 40 North Main Street 44 North Second Street 112 Helman Street 141 Lithia Way Person(s) Assigned Curt Anderson/Jim Lewis Jim Lewis Dale Shostrom Dale Shostrom Vava Bailey Dale Shostrom Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 6, 1998 PA # I Address 98-034 221 Oak Street 98-039 Holly Street Person(s) Assigned I Dale Shostrom Joan Steele and Joyce Cowan National Historic Preservation Week Lewis announced the judges will be former Commissioners Le Hook and CliffLlewellyn, and architect Ted Mularz. He emphasized the importance of attending some of the events that have been scheduled, especially the award ceremony on Friday. NEW BUSINESS Grant for National Register Web Site Thanks to Steele, the Department of the Interior National Park Service has selected the Historic Commission's proposal to prepare a National Register of Historic Places Travel Itinerary. Steele said she will need Commission members to help in deciding which sites on which to focus. (Chambers left at this time - 10.' O0 p.m.) (The Commission agreed to meet after 10.' O0 in order to finish discussing agenda items.) MORE OLD BUSINESS Southern Oregon Historical Society Presence in Ashland There was nothing new to report. Railroad District Nomination to National Register of Historic Places Lewis reported the joint study session with the Planning Commission went well. Only one person had negative comments. Two public meetings have been held and over 300 letters were mailed to property owners each time and approximately 10% of these people attended the meetings. He stated this is a tremendous benefit to the City of Ashland. He also thanked Knox for all the work he accomplished in writing the grant, thus making the research for the nomination possible. Knox stated this should go to the City Council on June 16th. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Skibby and second by Chambers, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 10:18 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes May 6, 1998 5