HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-06-03 Historic MIN ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes June 3, 1998 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at the Community Center by Chairperson Jim Lewis at 7:38 p,m, Members present were Jim Lewis, Terry Skibby, Vava Bailey, Dale Shostrom, Carol Abrahamson and Joyce Cowan. Also present were City Council Liaison Steve Hauck, Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman, Members Keith Chambers, Joan Steele and Curt Anderson were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Shostrom moved and Cowan seconded to approve the Minutes of the May 6, 1998 meeting as submitted, The motion was unanimously passed, PUBLIC HEARINGS Planning Action 98-034 Conditional Use Permit and Site Review 122 Church Street Tim Sargent Knox related the applicant proposes to construct an accessory residential unit on the rear of the property which will face Pine Street. He will be restoring the existing house also, The application meets the criteria for an accessory unit, however, since this section of Pine Street is unimproved, one of the conditions of approval will be to improve it with crushed rock from Baum Street to High Street. Tim Sargent clarified he plans to build the accessory unit first, then work on restoring the existing house. He does not want to add on to the house, He noted he and his brother designed the accessory unit to fit into the neighborhood, Skibby asked about changes to the existing house, Sargent stated he is not sure if the exterior will change because there were some incompatible additions that were constructed in previous years, The front will be left as it is, Bailey commented she likes the orientation of the unit with the parking in the back, She is also pleased he decided to build a one story unit rather than two. Skibby said he feels comfortable with the placement of the parking also, Cowan remarked the window to the right of the door on the west elevation does not look right. Sargent said it will be a kitchen window and will likely have a stove, sink or counter space under the window, He said he could reposition it so it will be the same distance as the window to the left of the door and also make it the same width. Bailey added the window grouping on the south elevation would look better if the middle window also had a horizontal bar. Sargent s.aid he could change that. The Commission also suggested all five windows on the south and east elevations be the same size. Cowan moved to recommend approval of this application with the condition the applicant change the windows on the south and east elevations. The motion included all staff conditions also be approved. After discussion, it was clarified the windows on the east elevation be all the same size. Abrahamson seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Planning Action 98-047 Site Review Between 548 and 628 North Main Street Ashland Community Hospital Foundation Knox explained this proposal is for the construction of a 1,770 square foot medical building on the front portion of the lot facing North Main Street. Parking will be in the rear and will be shared with the Ashland Internal Medicine Office, The design is simple and fairly contemporary with a shallow roof line. Staffs main concern is that the applicant is proposing T -1-11 siding, which is discouraged in the Historic District. The application meets all the other criteria. Pat Flannery, representing the Hospital Foundation, clarified the building will have press board, not T-1-11, Lewis suggested he also look at HardiPlank siding, which is cement-based and does not show the nail holes, Skibby stated he would rather see horizontal siding than vertical siding on the building. Flannery also noted the building was designed so it can be used for a business other than medical. Bailey said she was disappointed the building design is more in keeping with the contemporary designs of the buildings to the north than with the buildings in the Historic District. This building is in the Historic District and she feels it would be more interesting if it was more compatible with the retirement center than the medical office next door, Flannery said they looked at it more as being a part of a medical service complex. Abrahamson said it was designed more for function, which is a challenge because one is outside and the other is inside the Historic District. Discussion ensued on the windows, The Commission agreed they would look better if the large windows were divided into two or three vertical ones. Flannery stated the windows were designed to display the durable medical equipment, but the viewing would probably not be impacted if the windows were divided. He also said changing the siding from vertical to horizontal will not be a problem. He will research the types. Bailey and Cowan commented the entryway roof pitch should be higher. The Commission agreed, Shostrom moved to recommend approval of this application with the following three conditions: 1) 4" to 6" horizontal siding be used, 2) break the large windows into three vertical ones in each group, and 3) increase the entryway roof pitch to at least 6" x 12". Cowan seconded the motion and it passed unanimously, Planning Action 98-049 Conditional Use Permit 298 Hargadine Street Mark A. and Maddalena M. DiRienzo Knox explained this application is for a transfer of ownership for a one-unit travelers accommodation which was originally approved about three years ago, The applicants have read the record and file and are not proposing to make changes in the operation, Staff is recommending approval. BUILDING PERMITS With a motion by Skibby and second by Shostrom, it was the unanimous decision to recommend approval of this application, Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of May follow: 71 Dewey Street 40 North Main Street 311 North Main Street 170 Oak Street 135 Coolidge Street 671 "B" Street 137 Nob Hill Street 355 High Street 272 East Main Street 370 Lithia Way Langley/Buckley Gordon Claycomb Carol Delgado Ashland Sanitary & Recycling Hector Aleman Thelma Olson Steve Rouse Richard Fulton Pangea Grills and Wraps OR Pacific Financial Advisory/etc, REVIEW BOARD Addition/Remodel Awning Extension Reroof Convert Storage to Office Carport Deck Garage . Garage Sign Sign Following is the June schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m, in the Planning Department: June 4th June 11th June 18th June 25th July 2nd Bailey, Cowan and Skibby Steele, Bailey and Skibby Chambers, Cowan and Skibby Lewis, Shostrom and Skibby Shostrom and Skibby Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 3, 1998 2 OLD BUSINESS Proiect AssiQnments for PlanninQ Actions I PA# I Address I Person(s) Assigned I 96-086 685 "A" Street Curt Anderson/Jim Lewis 97-018 661 "B" Street Jim Lewis 97-075 40 North Main Street Dale Shostrom 98-022 112 Helman Street Vava Bailey 98-082 141 Lithia Way Dale Shostrom 98-034 221 Oak Street Dale Shostrom 98-039 Holly Street Joan Steele and Joyce Cowan 98-045 122 Church Street Vava Bailey 98-047 Between 548 & 628 North Main Joyce Cowan Street Meter Locations Pete Lovrovich was unable to attend the meeting, so Abrahamson gave the Commission a summary ofthe meeting she and Skibby had with him a couple months ago, She said Lovrovich was very positive something could be worked out in the location of the meter boxes, He would like the Planning Department, Electric Department and Historic Commission to work together as a team, Certain requirements need to be met, but there are location possibilities and options available. Procedures will also need to be worked out. Ideally, the Electric Department would like the criteria and procedures to be given to the applicants at the pre-application stage, Abrahamson then stated since this would be her final meeting, it will be important the Commission study Lovrovich's proposal, then respond to it. Hauck added there is a whole series of aesthetic language in the cell tower ordinance, Also, the franchise agreement with US West should have language the Commission can use regarding the location of the utility boxes. Abrahamson stated the Historic Commission has a chance here to make a difference. Southern OreQon Historical Societv Presence in Ashland There was nothing new to report. National Historic Preservation Week Skibby stated it is important to continue to have activities during the week to not only remind people of their heritage but also the heritage of the City of Ashland, After discussing the process of having judges who are not affiliated with the Historic Commission, it was decided if the Commission were to be the judges, the members would have more background information about each nomination. Therefore, Shostrom moved and Abrahamson seconded to officially designate the Historic Commission members as judges during National Historic Preservation Week, The motion was unanimously passed, Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 3,1998 3 Grant for National Re~ister Web Site Since Ashland has more structures on the National Register than will be allowed on the web site, each member will rank them for inclusion, Steele will write the summary for each site that will be included. NEW BUSINESS Discussion of Restoration of the Name "Mill Creek" Hauck commented if the Historic Commission decided "Ashland Creek" should be changed back to "Mill Creek", the recommendation would go to the City Council, then that recommendation would most likely go to the State Geographic Board for final determinati.on. This would have to be researched, Skibby stated he favors Ashland Creek and suggested the Commission receive more input on how the citizens feel about the name change, Shostrom noted it was named Mill Creek to begin with, then 16 years later it was renamed Ashland Creek, and has remained so for the past 130 years, Since no one on the Commission was enthusiastic about the name change, it was decided it should be discussed at a later date, after more citizen opinions are gathered. House Move Skibby stated Brad Roupp is proposing to move a house to 287 Oak Street. Skibby presented photographs of the house and Lewis commented the house seems compatible with the area where it will be moved, Skibby noted that after researching the house, it seems to be one of the first houses in the area and could have been the Hargadine cabin, Bandshell Color Shostrom informed the Commission he had spoken with a painting contractor who told him he had been commissioned to paint the bandshell white, Knox said Public Works Director Paula Brown had asked him to research the original color. He had received help from Skibby in the determination it was off-white, Shostrom wondered if off-white would be appropriate now and suggested it be repainted a hue similar to what it is now or an earth tone, Skibby maintained off- white was the original color and Abrahamson added most historic public buildings were originally painted off-white, Skibby was the only member who felt the bandshell should be repainted off-white, Knox will speak with Brown regarding the color. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Shostrom and second by Skibby, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:48 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes June 3, 1998 4