HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-12-17 Housing MINASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 17, 1997 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was cafied to order at 4:10 p.m. by Chairperson Gerry Sea. Other Commissioners present were McKeever, Hill, Vaughn, Harris and Medinger. Tiffany joined the meeting at 4:30 p.m. Medinger left the meeting at 4:35 p.m.. Staff present were Molnar and Yates. Absent members were Hauck and Ware. HOME OWNERSHIP AND RENTAL ASSISTANCE Sea and Mo/nar went before the Council at their last meeting and explained the program. The Council endorsed both programs, a/locating $30,000 for each. The Council asked for an annual report on the programs. Molnar reported the request for proposals have been sent out. The deadline for submittal is January 5, 1998. Molnar thought it would be beneficial to review some of the questions asked by ACCESS about the request for proposal. Hill, Medinger and Sea volunteered for the selection committee. A format for an evaluation is available. Hill thought it was best if only the selected proposal was made public. The rest should remain confidential. Everyone agreed. Harris asked if this was being presented as a pilot project. If so, at some point the project can end and be assessed or could from that point go forward with some form of permanency. Sea said it had more to do with the contract with the agency that was selected. Molnar said the period of time could be limited if all the funds have been expended. Harris wondered if there was more money that could be put into the program if the Council wanted to keep it going. If there is, everything could possibly be left in place. Vaughn said it needs to be taken into consideration who will keep on administering a one-year pilot program when it comes to payback of loans. Molnar said the rental assistance program will be run through the City's Utility Department. He said the five year deferment on home ownership will probably go to the City but he needs to check. Harris said if the agency is doing their job and things are being done properly, it would be advantageous to use the odginal agency. Getting everything set up is a big job. Tiffany joined the meeting. Sea recapped there are some contract issues that can be worked out later. Medinger left the meeting. ACCESS'S Questions 1. Q: What is the maximum grant amount that can be requested for each program? A: By keeping the amount to less than $30,000 for each program, it will give the Commission time to do an evaluation. 2. Q: Re: Home Ownership Program criteria, there is a specific maximum grant award amount of $2,500, but no mention of a minimum contribution required by the recipient. Is this up to each applicant's discretion or was this overlooked in the preparation of the R.F.P.? A: Molnar reminded the Commissioners that in previous discussions they did not want a minimum. Harris mentioned the importance of people having a vested interest in the property and if they have to put $1,000 of their very own money in it, that would be good. Molnar referred to the Springfield home ownership program. They have to contribute $1,500 minimum and a maximum of $4,000. Tiffany liked using a percentage such as one percent of the purchase price. Everyone agreed. 3. Q: What about different wording for residency requirements? A: The wording should read: "The participant must have resided or worked in Ashland". 4. Q: How is the $25 loan fee handled? A: The loan fee has to be paid and will go to the administering agency. 5. Q: Who will be responsible for collection of the loan in the event of late or defaulted payments? A: Molnar thought it would be the City of Ashland. Status of Home Ownership ProQram The next step in this program will be marketing and education. This might be premature until the agency is selected. Harris said whoever gets the administration of this program needs to bufid an education program into their program. Tiffany said teaching a course on how to manage their money would be good for applicants. Hill volunteered to work on realtor education after they know who is selected. She might do a possible presentation to the Board of Realtors. UPDATE - HOUSING REPAIR PROGRAM. Molnar reported that Ware had a meeting at Hunter Park (materials in your packet). McKeever was there. McKeever volunteered to do the coordination. There are problems of liability, lien forms, matching the right repair person to the right problem. What are the parameters for qualifying? The program needs to be carefully scrutinized. The Commissioners might want to form a committee to work out some details. Also, a block grant is being given to Jackson County Housing Authority for $30,000 for home repairs. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MONTH Housing Element Marketing and education with the home buyers and rental assistance programs. Housing repair program Grant award ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 17, 1997 Molnar said some of the other Commissions advertise through the utility billing newsletter. Housing Commission should consider this. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. Maybe the ASHLAND HOUSING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 17, 1997