HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-06-09 Planning MINASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 1998 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chairman Steve Armitage. Other Commissioners present were Anna Howe, Russ Chapman, John Fields, Marilyn Briggs, Mike Cardiner, and Chris Heam. Absent members were Ron Bass and Mike Morris. Staff present were John McLaughlin, Bill Mofnar, Maria Harris and Susan Yates. PUBLIC FORUM - No one came forth to speak. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS Howe moved to approve the Minutes of the May 12, 1998 meeting. The motion was seconded and everyone approved. Howe moved to approve the Findings of the May 12, 1998 meeting. The motion was seconded and everyone approved. TYPE II PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING ACTION 98-044 REQUEST FOR OUTLINE PLAN APPROVAL FOR A 21-LOT SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF NORTH MOUNTAIN AVENUE DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM MOUNTAIN MEADOWS RETIREMENT COMMUNITY. APPLICANT: MOUNTAIN MEADOWS LLC Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts All Commissioners had a site visit. Fields saw Medinger on site. Fields walked out through the out cropping and down below. STAFF REPORT Molnar gave a brief review of the adoption of the North Mountain Neighborhood Plan. Molnar showed the proposed five acre site on the overhead. Mountain Meadows Retirement Community is across the street. He explained the topography and said some notable features are rock outcroppings on the bluff, several trees on the property (oak and evergreen) with Kitchen Creek skirting the southeastern comer of the property on its way to Bear Creek. The newer course 0fthe creek tends to parallel the maintenance route for the sewer line, The proposal involves the extension of Mountain Meadows Drive from across the street and two other streets. There are a few alley systems as well which will provide access to some of the garages. There will be no direct access to garages off North Mountain. Staff is concerned with maintaining the consistency with the plan as this is the first application with the North Mountain NeighborhOod Plan and ensure that any modifications proposed still provide connectivity and a smooth transition into neighboring properties. Molnar outlined some concerns raised in the Staff Report. Major amendments include re-alignment of Mountain Meadows Drive. Due to the slope of the area (about 22%), the applicant has proposed to swing the road to the north in order to stay with the contours and not have to deal with extensive cutting of the original placement of the road. This will make a suitable transition to the parcel to the north (Zare's property). Staff would concur the slope prese0ts some difficulties and though a deviation from the North Mountain Neighborhood Plan, during the three day planning charrette, some deviations were bound to happen upon further analysis. Staff noticed, however, on the North Mountain Neighborhood Plan to the back of the north property line is a proposed alley which is intended to serve the three lots on the proposed project as well as eight lots on the property to the north. Staff is still hoping the applicant could explore bringing in an alley to provide access to lots 9 and 10. The plan discusses the major amendments and should not result in creating a street scape where garages have more of a focus. Howe asked if there will be substantial reduction in the cuts along Mountain Meadows with this proposal. Molnar affirmed. Armitage said since the alley to the north is not on the applicant's property, it might be difficult for the applicant to provide access. Molnar said the neighborhood plan did not address whether it was on the applicant's property or not. lfthe Commission finds the alley is desirable, since this is the first application, the applicant could probably accommodate it with a partial alley improvement. Another element of the proposal will be finishing off the improvements to North Mountain Avenue along the frontage of the entire property. One aspect involves installing an eight foot wide center landscape median. Another major amendment is the change in land use, allowing for Lot 21 to include an area that is designated as neighborhood open space on the NM Plan. Additionally, the rear portion of Lots 16-20 include rock outcroppings and steeper sections of the bluff that are also designated as open space on the Plan. Since the writing of the Staff Report, Molnar met on the site with the applicant and tried to get a better idea of the break in the slope of the cliff. It is not their intention to have the buildings descend below the cliff but to have a flatter area for those homes. The removal of Lot 21 would be adjacent to the public right-of-way creating a neighborhood focal point, like a neighborhood pocket park. The Commission needs to ask the applicant about their intentions of improvements to those areas. Staff is not completely opposed to modifying the open space but how does it relate to public right-of- way. Howe asked if they are offering a flat area and Molnar said "yes" at the base of the bluff. The applicant is requesting a minor amendment to shift Hilltop Drive slightly to the west. Staff does not believe this modification will adversely affect the functioning of the NM Plan. Lastly, there is the issue of storm drainage: Where exactly was it going or where would it daylight? The tentative engineering is shows the storm drain heading towards Kitchen Creek. Molnar said Staff has included 18 conditions if the Commission approves the proposal. Briggs said the text says Lot 8 has solar shading. Does it shade Lot 7? It would be similar to east and west elevation provided by the applicant. Molnar said in moving to a more traditional neighborhood design, they look more for east to west trending streets to allow for lots with north/south lot dimension which are better for solar. As we look for tighter lots, it conflicts with the six foot high shadow requirements so Staff has tried to have the applicant specifically address a building design and try to plan for a specific height shadow on the south wall of the adjacent property and coordinate window and interior spaces such as garages. The Performance Standards Option states it is mandatory that the perimeter of the project complies with the underlying setbacks of the zoning district but within the property it allows for flexibility. Molnar said this project represents essentially Phase V of the Mountain Meadows Retirement Community. The intent is to provide wider lots for single level floor plans which created Great Oak Drive which by its nature doubles the number of lots that will not have alley access. Staff felt it was still valid to explore Lots 11 and 12. McLaughlin added that the changes in one part of the plan should not lessen the integrity of holding to other parts of the plan. Adjustments can be made but not to the detriment of the next part of the plan and how it relates to the adjoining property. Each incremental change needs to be appropriate. He believes that is what the applicant is showing in their ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 1998 revisions that the intent of the plan can be met. Molnar said while the building envelopes are being pulled back (the area of the bluff), does the applicant plan to fence along the rock outcropping.'? Fields noted it seems there will be a loss of mixture of residential types with this proposal. This project is a spilling over of the senior development. Do we let the market decide or do we uphold the intent of the plan.'? Fields also thought without some kind of retention of the storm drain, there will be way too much volume going into Kitchen Creek. It would seem 60 to 80% of the water can make it to Mountain Avenue. The bend in Mountain Meadows will create a sort of terminus to the open space. This seems like a good trade-off. Molnar responded that the overall density shown on the Plan and in this proposal is consistent (around 25 lots). A key point is the change in concentration of units mainly to accommodate single level floor plans. Elements of a rico- traditional neighborhood is a mixture of housing types. The narrow longer lot is part of that. Staff is concerned the type of development proposed will spread throughout the NM Plan. The six lots between Mountain Meadows Drive and the open space are extremely lengthy lots. While the open space is narrow and surrounds the bluff, most likely the homes on those properties will be oriented more towards the street so there would be an additional open space buffer which will be the rear yards of the property thereby not putting so much pressure of encroaching onto the cliff area. PUBLIC HEARING LARRY MEDINGER, 115 Fork Street and MADELINE HILL, 828 Boulder Creek Lane. Medinger said some of the focus has shifted to single family homes and they are looking to meet that need. There is a group of people who are active and are looking for a single level single family homes. Large lots are not practical. Seniors cannot afford to build yet the senior community has certain needs that need to be met. They have tried to hold to the initial density. He does not feel this is contradictory to the original NM Plan. With regard to the alley to the south, the idea is to connect it so city vehicles can have access to the sewer line. People use that road all the time now for walking and he wants to integrate that road as part of the open space experience. Medinger said originally the NM Plan showed trees in the median of the North Mountain Boulevard design. Engineering has a water line underneath the median. Medinger met with the Tree Commission and they are very interested in having a double canopy of trees. They are sending a representative to the Engineering Dept. and asking them to install trees. He would like the Planning Commission to back that approach.. With the exchange of open space, there is really no loss or gain of open space. It is close to an acre of green space. Medinger explained Great Oaks Drive is a small alley-like street and not a neighborhood accessway. They tried to protect the accessway and have as few garages as possible on it. There is no possible way to have an alley behind these lots. He said the storm drain will come down and go to into Kitchen Creek. All other storm drainage will come off the other side of North Mountain going straight into existing creeks. Engineering has never said they have to do something else. There will be no fencing allowed along the bluff area. The back yards are natural areas. No storage sheds will be ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 1998 allowed in the rear. Medinger said it would not be difficult to install a temporary looping path. In the future, the actual pedestrian activity will take place on the roadway. Howe wondered if above Mountain Meadows Drive, possibly a pedestrian path could get through (edge of 21). Medinger said access will be possible after the road is built. Howe mentioned the more intense development to the north intrudes into M, edinger's property which are now Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8 and in the initial plan show smaller lots for possibly lower income housing which would develop a more diverse housing stock. Medinger said he thinks there is a market for something smaller but he knows there is a market for the senior housing. Hill said Ashland seniors really want to live in single family detached homes that are easily accessible. The number of homes in this range is very small. Chapman asked Medinger if he had a problem with any of the 18 conditions. Medinger said he is most concerned about the alley access (Lots 11 and 12) and if he builds a home that would point backwards and then never build the alley; then what? Molnar said the adjacent parcels will be coming before the Commission very soon and Medinger could temporarily improve the alley. He could do an eight foot improvement and it can be reviewed at final plan. Medinger said with Condition 14 they will have to get additional authorization from Division of State Lands to culvert Kitchen Creek. If they could avoid disrupting any of the creek bed so they did not have to extend the toe of the slope, they would not need DSL approval. McLaughlin said, "if required" could be added at the end of Conditions 14 and 15 to clarify. All other Conditions are agreeable to Medinger. Change Condition 9 that "no installation of fencing along the boundary line be allowed". The city maintains the Mountain Avenue median. Medinger will install irrigation. Medinger reiterated Engineering may not work for a double tree canopy without encouragement from the Planning Commission. Medinger explained the pedestrian node between Lots 14 and 15 is a transit area with a bench. This will be a senior pick-up area. He will consider covering it. COMMISSIONERS' DISCUSSION AND MOTION Howe moved to approve 98-044 with one additional condition and changing of 14, 15, 9, and 1. Condition 19 to read: That an alley be incorporated into the final plan to serve Lots 11 and 12. Applicant to be responsible for half the improvement and associated right-of-way dedication. Gardiner seconded the motion. Howe commented the applicants are establishing the whole tone of development for the west side of Mountain Avenue and are hitting a very high level of performance in conforming with the plan. Under Criteria C, attention has been put into the natural areas and with continuation of the footpath where the street will eventually be, people should still be able to enjoy this area to a high degree. They have a high level of open space-20%- (Criteria E). The motion carried unanimously. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 1998 OTHER Railroad District National Register Nomination This will be going to the Council next week. 'Fhere is a menlo to the Council and if it encapsulates the Commission's feelings about the nomination, they could move to have the Commission chair sign it. Howe so moved to sign. Hearn seconded. All approved. Land Use Decision Workshop - Briggs reported on the Land Use Decision workshop. Briggs will remember mock presentations the most. McLaughlin thought it would be good to do something role playing the in the future. ADJOURNMENT - The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JUNE 9, 1998 ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 9, 1998 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. by Anna Howe. Other Commissioners present were Russ Chapman and Marilyn Briggs. Staff present were Bill Molnar, Mark Knox and Susan Yates. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND FINDINGS Briggs moved adoption of the Minutes of the May 12, 1998 meeting. The motion was seconded and the Minutes were approved. Briggs moved adoption of the Findings for May 12, 1998. The motion was seconded and approved. TYPE II PLANNING ACTION PLANNING ACTION 98-043 REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE SOLAR CHAPTER OF THE ASHLAND LAND USE ORDINANCE TO ALLOW A CASTING SHADOW FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1075 HLLVIEW. PROPERTY OWNER AT 1065 HILLVIEW HAS NOT AGREED TO THE SHADING. APPLICANT: JAMES A. MARTIN Site Visits and Ex Parte Contacts Site visits were made by all. Briggs said Mrs. Martin showed her around the site. STAFF REPORT Knox asked the Commissioners to review the diagram in the packet and he outlined the contents of the Staff Report. There are three structures on the property. The yellow house will be demolished and the dome house will replace it. There is. a blue garage studio building in addition to a barn being used for storage. A variance is necessary because the adjacent neighbor to the north did not wish to the sign the solar waiver agreement. Knox gave an explanation of how the solar calculation is computed. The length of the shadow on December 21st at noon is 42 feet. Usually if there is a problem with a waiver, variation can be made to the house thus mitigating some shadowing. The house the Martin's have proposed is geodesic and they do not wish to construct it in a different location on the site. Knox read the criteria for a Variance. Unic~ue or unusual circumstances: Staff does not believe there are unique or unusual circumstances in this situation. Negative imoact on adjacent vroverties: The neighbor believes there is some negative impact regardless how minor to his property. There are things that could occur on the neighboring property that a shadow might effect. In addition, staff has not had any evidence proposed that would offer any energy saving opportunities. Conditions or circumstances not willfully self-imoosed: This has been a difficult application because the applicant purchased a dome kit three and one-half years ago without knowing if it would work or not and was told at the time of building permit it would not work. They have worked during this time to get the neighbor to agree to the shadow. Purchasing the kit was a self-imposed condition. All three of the criteria have to be met and in Staff's view, the three have not been met and Staff, with much dismay, has recommended denial. B661. 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She would like to see them bite the bullet and find a place on the property the house will work. The barn serving as a workshop is not a building that will last very long on its own and probably will not be renovated as the years go by. If the dome has to be built and that is the only place, that building might have to be sacrificed and the storage space in the garage might become a shop. Chapman feels compassion for what the Martin's are up against in this situation, however, he has to adhere to the criteria and he simply cannot find anything that will give the Commission any flexibility. They are left with a mathematics issue. He could not find anything that says "if the affect is minimal", therefore he believes the Martin's are going to have to respect Sammons disagreement with the waiver. Howe said if it can be measured in the neighborhood and shown everyone has a solar shadow because of the topography and layout of the lot, that could make an effective argument in an appeal. Briggs moved to deny PA98-043. Chapman seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. TYPE I PLANNING ACTIONS PLANNING ACTION 98-029 REQUEST FOR A MINOR LAND PARTITION TO DIVIDE A PARCEL INTO TWO PARCELS 108 GRANITE APPLICANT: GORDON MILLER This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 98-041 REQUEST FOR FINAL PLAN APPROVAL FOR A FIVE LOT SUBDIVISION UNDER THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS OPTION LOCATED NEAR THE GRANITE STREET/WINBURN WAY JUNCTION (SOUTH OF 247 GRANITE STREET). APPLICATION: ROB CAIN This action was called up for a public hearing. PLANNING ACTION 98-042 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO ALLOW FOR AN EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE CONVERTED TO AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE. 482 HERBERT STREET APPLICANT: WILLIAM GARRETT This action was approved. PLANNING ACTION 98-045 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND SITE REVIEW TO ALLOW FOR AN ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL UNIT. 122 CHURCH STREET APPLICANT: TIM SARGENT This action was approved. Briggs agreed with the Historic Commission regarding the windows. Chapman feels if houses are fronting on alleys, he would like to see the alleys paved. PLANNING ACTION 98-046 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT TO CONSTRUCT THREE UNITS ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 9, 1998 784 PARK STREET KNECHT DEVELOPMENT This action was called up for a public hearing. PLANNING ACTION 98-047 REQUEST FOR A SITE REVIEW TO CONSTRUCT A SINGLE STORY MEDICAL SERVICE BUILDING (1,770 SQ. FT.) LOCATED ON NORTH MAIN STREET BETWEEN THE MOUNTAIN VIEW RETIREMENT CENTER AT 548 NORTH MAIN AND THE ASHLAND INTERNAL MEDICINE OFFICE AT 628 NORTH MAIN. APPLICANT: ASHLAND COMMUNITY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION This action was approved. Howe suggested a couple of footpaths connecting the properties. PLANNING ACTION 98-049 REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR TRAVELER'S ACCOMMODATION 298 HARGADINE. APPLICANT: MARK A. AND MADALENA M. DIRIENZO This action was approved. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m. ASHLAND PLANNING COMMISSION HEARINGS BOARD MINUTES JUNE 9, 1998