OCTOBER 13, 1970
A special meeting of the City Council was held in the City
Counc!l Chambers, City Hail, on'the above date. The meeting
was called to order at approximately 7:30 p.m. by Mayor ~,~cKeen.
Counc;Imen present' Bailer, Dodge, Jones, Robie, ·
Couhcilmen absent: Roberts
Mayor McKeen indicated that this spe'cial meeting was cai led as a~ oFo'~
public hearing for discussion and Council action on resolutions pro~,sing
amendmenls !o the 1889 Charter of the City of Ashland, Jackson
County, Oregon, as amended by the various charter amendments
to date and further providing that said proposed charter amendments
be sub.mitred to 1'he electors of the Cil'y of Ashland under bal.lot
titles herein set forth for their approval or rejection at a
special election c8l led and to be held on November 3, 1970, and
declaring an emergency.
A!' this time, City Administrator Almquist read a resolution
establishing abal lot title to amend Article Xll I , Sections
and 3 of-the 18S9 Charter of ti~e City of Ashland.
It' was moved by Bailer, seconded by Jones that the rules
be suspended and resolution passed t'o second reading by
Mr. Donald Pinnock indicated that he felt this matt-er was
a "farce on the integrity of the voters of 1'he City of Ashland
· . . a Trojan horse." He questioned 1-he Council's intenl-ions
of adopting the resolutions on an emergency basis. He expressed
dissatisfaction with not being able to review the content of
the resolutions before the public hearing. M.r. Pinnock then
reviewed the chain' of events whici~ eventually led to the present
proposed amendments t-o the charter. He requested that study of
proposed amendments take place in January 1971 by a group that
"doesn't have any axes to grind." He e gain requested that the
meeting be terminated at this time.
Fei lowing 'some discussion regarding the. legal il'y of the
bal lol titles, Mrs. Connie Battaile indicated 1hat it makes
it very difficult, for members of the Charter Revision. Committee
to discuss the proposed amen-dments when copies cf the
resolutions were not made available for public review.
Mrs. Battaile asked if the amendment pertaining to appointive
officers residing within the City. limits was meant to include
boards and commissions. Dodge repl led that it was meant to
include all appointive officers, Mrs. Battaile point,ed ou~
that the ORS states tha~' Planning Commissions may h'ave not
more than two members living outside the Cit.y limits. Some
discussion fol lowed on this matter.
There was some discussion regarding the nonavailability of
the proposed charter amendments. Robie asked if the a~nendments
could be postponed to a special meeting in January. Several
of the Council members replied that the voters ~:ould have
three weeks to study the amendments before voting. Mayor ~'icKeen
also expressed some concern that copies of the proposed amendments
were not made available before the public hearing.
Mr. Tommy Parker indicated that he was 'not necessarily opposed
to the proposed amendments; however, he did question the manner
in which Council was presenting them. He questioned the
emergency in adopting the resolutions and asked that the people
have more time to stud~ them.
Mr. Donald Cleaver asked that the ballot title for the first
resolution be divided into two separate ballot titles, since
they are not rela±ed and voters may wish to cast conflicting
votes for the two items included in the one title.
Mr. J'ames Conklin asked the City Recordeor the cos't of a
special election. Mr. Bartelt replied that it wouid be
approximately $800-900.
Robie moved that ~nspublic hearing be delayed until sometime in
January 1971. - His motion was declared invalid due to a motion
on the floor.
Mrs. Connie Battai le questioned the amendment that would require
all appointive officers to reside within the City limits. She
pointed out that the Charter Revision Committee had studied this
matter at some length and decided that it would be more desirable
to leave that particular requirement out. She also pointed out
that section 2 in the present charter was left out; she asked if
i~ was the intent of the Council to leave it out and, if so, it
should be reflected in the ballot title.
There was considerable discussion regarding Council's adoption of
the charter amendments earlier in the year.. Jones. and Dodge
indicated that they were not given sufficient time to study the
complete document. They pointed out that Council had been assured
thai no major changes had been made to the completed document
~nd later they found out changes had been made.
Others participating in the discussion were Roland McCannon,
Ar~'hur Phi I iips and Emmit Whitham.
Council Minutes -3-
October 13, 195:0
Following more discussion, a representative of the 'Ashland Key
Club indicated that he tried to ob~'ain copies of the proposed
amendments at Mr. Scannel I's of'lice. He was directed 4'o the
City Recorder's office and was told that copies were not
available. He asked Council how they could conduct a public
hearing when the public is ~ignorant of t'he resolutions.
Following discussion, Robie requested that the ~layor asked 'the
maker of the original motion if he would be ~iiling to withdraw
h'i's moP'ion. The May'or then asked Jones if he would be willing
to withdraw his second. Jones replied that he would not.
Mr. Gary Afseth indicated that he felt it was irresponsibility
on the part of Council to not make copies of the resolutions
available for the public.
At this ~time,
read a letter
concerning the
is on file in
requested that
in Mr. Brigg's
Mayor McKeen requested that the City Administrator
dated October 13, 1970, from Mr. William M. Briggs
proposed amendments. (A copy of the letter
the City Administrator's office.) Wii Istatter
the City Attorney answer the questions brought in
letter. Mr. Scannell replied to the five points
in the Mr. Bri~g's letter.
Following more discussion, Bailer amended his motion to create
two separate ballot titles from the first resolution (Article
X!!!, Section 2 and Article XI I 1, Section 3). Jones seconded
the mol-ich to amend.
Mr. D. Rounds asked Council to"explain their reasons for
making these changes. Wi l lstatter repl led thai' the issue
of restoring the pod:er to Council to remove any appointive
officer ~as one of the changes he was in favor of originally
and ,;as not included in the present charter.
On roll call on Bai let's motion to amend his orig.~nal motion,
carried unanimous i ~.
On roll call to pass resolution to second reading by title only,
carried unanimously. Following second reading by title only,
it was moved by Bailer, seconded by Dodge that the resolution
es~'aUlishing the ballot title to amend Article XI ! !, sections 2
and 3, be adopted, as amended. On roll call, carried unanimously.
City Administrator Almquist read resolution establishing the
bal lot ti?le fro amend Article VI. It ~as moved b~, Bailer,
seconded by Wi list-at,er that 'lhe rules be suspended and resolution
passed to second reading by title only. There was some discussion
regard;ng the duties o~ the City Recorder. On roll call, carried
unar. imous!y. Follo:.,'ing second reading by title only, it was moved
by Bai let, s~::conde.d by Dodge 'lh~ the resolu'?io~ be adop~'ed. On
roll call, c~rricd unanimously.
Council Minutes -4- October 13, 1970
City Administrat
title 1'o amend A
Wi llstatter, sec
resol'ut ion passe
or Almquist read resolution establishing ballot
rticle XVI, Sections I and 5. It was moved by
ended by Bailer that the rules be suspended and
d to second reading by title only.
There was some discussion regarding establishing a percentage
requirement of' votes in the matter of disposal of the electrical
Power, water and sewer systems.
Mr. D. Rounds asked if the establishment of a uti I ity district.
would make provision for City service outside the City limits.
There was considerable discussion on this matter. Wi I lstatter
indicated that one of the thoughts behind the possibility of
est-ablishing a public uti l ity district by a vote of the people,
would be that it would "take it out of the political ring."
Mrs. Audrey Hawk indicated thai- the original intent of this
particular section was to protect the. water rights. There
some'disc'ussion regarding this matter. Robie objected to
the inclusion of the possibility of establishing a utility
On roll call on motion to pass resolution to second reading,
carried unanimously. Following second reading by title only,- it
was moved by Wi I lstatter, seconded by Jones that the resolution
be adopted. On roll call, carried unanimously.
Following some discussion, it was moved by Roble, seconded
by Wi llstatter that 60 percent of the voters would have to be
in favor of selling or otherwise disposing of the electrical
power system before any such action could be taken. On roll
call, defeated 4-1, with Robie voting in the affirmative.
City Administrator Almquist read resolution establishing ballot
title to amend Article i I i, Sections 2 and 4. I~ was moved by
Bailer, seconded by Dodge that the rules be suspended and
resolution passed to second reading by title only.
Mr. Pinnock suggested that 'l-wo separate bal lot titles be created
from the one sta~ed in the resolution. It was moved by Bai let,
seconded by Wi ! Istatter to amend the motion to create two
separate bal lot titles (Article I ! I , Section 2 and Ar-~icle I ! I,
Section 4). On roll call, carried unanimously.
Following second reading by ~itle only, it was moved by Bailer,
seconded by Wi I lstatter that the resolution be adopted, as amended.
There was some discussion regarding Council's decision to remove
the time limit for filling a vacancy in office of Mayor or Council.
On roll call, carried unanimously.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned subject
t'o the c~il of 1'he Mayor.
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