HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-08 Historic MINCITY OF -ASHLAND ASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes January 8th, 2003 CALL TO ORDER At 7:05 p.m., Chairperson Dale Shostrom called the meeting to order at the Community Center. In addition to Shostrom, members present were Keith Chambers, Joan Steele, Rob Saladoff, Gary Foil, Jay Leighton, Terry Skibby and Joanne Krippaehne. Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox and Council Liaison John Morrison. Member Tom Giordano was unable to attend the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Krippaehne noted that with Planning Action 2002-139, the first line should read "Krippaehne stepped down due to a conflict of interest." Steele moved and Foil seconded to approve the December 4th, 2002 minutes as amended. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE OLD BUSINESS: Review Board - Following is the January schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: January 9th January 16th January 23rd January 30TM Skibby, Foil and Steele Skibby, Krippaehne, Saladoff and Chambers Skibby, Saladoff, Steele, and Krippaehne Skibby, Shostrom and Leighton NEW BUSINESS Tidings Article with reporter Myles Murphy - Myles Murphy, of the Ashland Daily Tidings, presented to the Historic Commission an idea about a dedicated one page weekly insert/article about Ashland's History. The page will have historic photos and articles. Most of the data will come from the library's microfiche, but asked the Historic Commission if they would be interested in writing an article for each page. Mr. Murphy stated that Terry Skibby's photos would also be needed and very helpful. Knox questioned Mr. Murphy if the page could be used to advertise current Historic Preservation efforts such as Historic Preservation Week or the Historic Preservation "brown bag" workshop series with Jacksonville. Members of the Commission, with the concurrence of Mr. Murphy, stated the new page really wouldn't be for current events, but that maybe an event like National Historic Preservation Week would be possible. Mr. Murphy stated the idea is still in the working stages and that some of these issues still need to be worked out. The Commission concluded the conversation by stating that a monthly article from the Commission seemed more appropriate and asked staff to list the item on the monthly agenda as a monthly reminder. Steele mentioned the National Register Travel Itinerary Web Site as a great resource. Also mentioned as a resource was the Southern Oregon Historical Society. National Historic Preservation Week - Knox stated the nomination pamphlets needed to be reduced from three columns to two. Krippaehne stated it shouldn't be too difficult and agreed to work on the pamphlet. Discussion followed about the importance of timing and getting the pamphlets back in time in order to complete the follow-up work. The Commission agreed the earlier the better, but no later than the end of March. ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA House Move - Knox stated the residence at 2275 Siskiyou Boulevard is proposed to be demolished, but that Brad Roupp Ashland Historic Commission Minutes January 8th, 2003 has agreed to move the house to his Oak Street property as long as the Historic Commission viewed it as an acceptable location. The move needed to occur by January 26th. Mr. Roupp presented the Commission with pictures of the existing home and its proposed site. Also presented was a new site plan and elevations showing the home in its proposed site and how the streetscape of the home relates to the other homes along Oak Street. The Commission agreed the home would be acceptable and appreciated Mr. Roupp's efforts. House Demolition - Knox passed out a printed copy of an e-mail from Colin Swales, Ashland Planning Commissioner, to Ashland Building Official Mike Broomfield pertaining to the demolition of the house at 916 East Main Street. A memo from John McLaughlin, Director of Community Development, was also handed out regarding this matter. Mr. Swales is asking for a response from Mr. Broomfield as to why the building had to be demolished. Mr. Swales' letter states there is a glaring loophole in the ordinance to allow such destruction. Knox stated he was in agreement with Mr. McLaughlin's memo in that there is no loophole. Knox stated there are a number of items the inspector looks for and that Mr. Broomfield was able to put his foot through the floor, smelled gas and noticed the building was in disrepair. However, Knox stated that he and Mr. McLaughlin spoke earlier in the day about improving the internal policies about documenting a building's condition (photographs, etc.) prior to issuing a demolition permit. The Commission disagreed that there was not a need to amend the existing ordinance and asked that a member of the Historic Commission or Demolition Committee be present during these inspections. Morrison suggested the Commission write a letter to the City Council regarding this matter. ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA Mission Statement - The Commission reviewed the draft Mission Statement completed by Keith Chambers as well as the proposed edits by Joan Steele. Mr. Chambers reiterated the purpose for the Mission Statement and the Commission agreed. However, after some discussion, the Commission asked for a couple of amendments, including changing the heading so that it is more pronounced, and changing and adding some of the text. Historic Commission Pamphlet - The Commission noted a number of items needed to be addressed or corrected on the Historic Commission's pamphlet. These include adding the Mission Statement, eliminating the apostrophe in 1970's (first sentence), updating the text to acknowledge the "four" National Register Districts, amend the map to show "local" historic boundaries and National Register boundaries. ANNOUNCEMENTS Knox stated the contractor for the Earthly Goods rear addition is asking for some window modifications due to seismic constraints. The contractor will attend the January 16th Review Board meeting to go over the proposed changes. Knox asked if Dale Shostrom, Rob Saladoff or Joanne Krippaehne could attend the meeting. Saladoff and Krippaehne agreed to attend the Review Board meeting. Knox stated that property owner of 142 Church Street, Doug Widney, has asked for the Commission to come to the site to evaluate his remodel proposal. Knox added that Mr. Widney had met with the Commission previously, but that the Commissions comments were not positive, but that Mr. Widney believes he has figured out a way to do the remodel and keep the Commission happy. Next Meeting Date February 5t" at 7:00 p.m. in the Siskiyou Room of the Community Development/Engineering Services Building. ADJOURNMENT It was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes January 8th, 2003