HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-10-06 Historic MINASHLAND HISTORIC COMMISSION Minutes October 6, 1999 CALL TO ORDER At 7:45 p.m., Chairperson Jim Lewis called the meeting to order at the Community Center. Members present were Terry Skibby, Jim Lewis, Dale Shostrom, Keith Chambers, Joan Steele and Vava Bailey. Also present were Associate Planner Mark Knox and Secretary Sonja Akerman. Members Curt Anderson, Gary Foil and Kay Maser were unable to attend the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chambers moved and Bailey seconded the Minutes of the September 8, 1999 meeting be approved as submitted. The motion was unanimously passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS Planning Action 99-108 Site Review 340 Oak Street A Street Marketplace, LLC Knox reported this application is for the conversion of Oak Street Tank & Steel to a marketplace. The existing building consists of three separate contiguous structures. It is ranked primary contributing in the Railroad District National Register of Historic Places. It was originally a fruit and produce building. Staff is happy with the renovation of the fa(;ade and building use. The exterior will remain relatively unchanged. The existing sliding door will be replaced with windows on the Oak Street side which will be similar to the Whittle Garage Building. The right side will be an open-air market, of which the top portion will remain corrugated metal. Most elements of this portion of the building exist, however, some crossbars will be added. The sidewalk along A Street will continue to Oak Street and in one area will go between the pillars and the building. A railing will occur along the front. Staff has suggested the owners eliminate the landscaping on the left section in order to utilize the area for public seating. This would add a human scale to the project and staff feels these areas are important. The Planning Commission will address concerns other than design. The new clock tower will be centered on Pioneer Street and somewhat mimics the Oak Street side. The squares on the entryway section are grillwork, not glass. Applicant Allan Sandier responded to a question on lighting by stating the lights will most likely be ground level and flare up on to the building. Skibby read #2 of the Secretary of Interior Standards and asked the applicants how much of the historic elements will be removed. Sandier replied the only change will be where the corrugated metal comes down on the right side, which is not historic anyway. He and his partner (Ed Bemis) want to keep everything historic, including the roof. Chambers asked if any of staff's concerns relate to the Historic Commission. Knox answered the only concern was answered in an elevation that was submitted at tonight's meeting. Sandier stated they will take care to clean up a lot of junk on the property. The building will be kept almost identical to what it is now. He said he and Bemis listened to previous concerns of the Commission and incorporated them into their proposal. Lewis related the building will maintain its historic character and noted the design has come a long way since the original proposal. Sandier added the material on the clock tower will match the concrete on the existing building. Architect Dave Richardson stated a lot of work has to be done to the building in order to keep its original historic look. He then explained the proposed color scheme. The base colorwill be rust on the railings and columns. The steel members will be deep green, as well as the entrances. The grillwork on the mullions for the windows on the Oak Street side will be yellow. The ×s on the right portion of the building will be blue or green with the rust columns. Knox asked for the size of the mullions and Richardson answered either 1% or 2". He also clarified the rods for the Xs will consist of two sets and will be relatively narrow. The columns are existing and they are 8 or 9 inches. The Xs will be added. Sandier added the concrete in front of the entryway will be stamped. Skibby noted the jog in A Street in front of this building is the demarcation between the Helman and Hargadine Donation Land Claims. When Shostrom asked about the openings, Sandier responded they will all remain the same, although some will be extended. Knox asked for clarification. Richardson explained no openings will be widened or closed in. He also said they will add clear story openings on the Oak Street side to match the rest of the building. Shostrom inquired if all windows shown on the submitted elevations are existing. Sandier replied they are, however, some are covered with plywood and these will be exposed. Shostrom then asked about the clock tower. Bemis stated the cement will look like the original building. Shostrom asked about the side elevation of the clock tower. Richardson said he has not drawn the details for the roof yet, but that portion of the building will step back. Sandier added the tower will be at least as deep as it is wide. Shostrom said his only concern is the change from the galvanized metal bars that are proposed to be painted. He would not like that portion to look too modern. Sandier said the color of the bars will be for highlight only, the massing of the building is gray. Lewis said he would rather comment on the colors when it comes time to paint. Overall, the Commission thinks the architect and applicants have done a nice job. Steele moved to recommend approval of this application to the Planning Commission as far as the design is concemed, noting the Commission would like to see the openings on the west end of the building retained. Bailey seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Sandier thanked the Commission for its involvement and said he appreciated the input. He said this has been a cooperative effort and he is looking forward to a much better project than what it started out to be. BUILDING PERMITS Permits reviewed by members of the Historic Commission and issued during the month of September follow: 307 North Main Street 289 Idaho Street 365 Scenic Drive 365 Scenic Drive 155 Eighth Street 46 Union Street 25 North Main Street 67 East Main Street 25 North Main Street 92 North Main Street 300 East Main Street 5 North Main Street Glen & Fran Thomsen Lucy Strasburg George Psomas George Psomas Jane Stewart Eric Laursen Ashland Holdings LP Wells Fargo Bank Ashland Hardwood Gallery Oregon Homes Loans Wolf & Son Gateway Realty Foundation SFR Addition Bath House Shed Dormer Addition Reframe Existing Roof on Garage Masonic Temple Remodel Re-roof Sign Sign Sign Sign REVIEW BOARD Following is the September schedule for the Review Board, which meets every Thursday from 3:00 to at least 3:30 p.m. in the Planning Department: October 7th October 14th October 21 st October 28th Skibby, Steele and Bailey Skibby, Shostrom and Lewis Skibby, Shostrom and Lewis Skibby, Steele and Bailey OLD BUSINESS Project Assiqnments for Planning Actions PA# 96-086 PA# 97-018 PA# 98-039 PA# 98-045 685 "A" Street 661 "B" Street Holly Street 122 Church Street Anderson and Lewis Lewis Steele and Lewis Bailey Ashland Historic Commission Minutes October 6, 1999 PA# 98-047 PA# 99-020 PA# 99-062 PA# 99-102 PA# 99-108 Between 548 & 628 North Main Street 525 "A" Street Van Ness Avenue 141 Lithia Way 340 Oak Street Foil Lewis Foil Shostrom Shostrom Grant for National Reqister Web Site Knox stated everything was completed and mailed to the National Park Service. He commended Brandon Goldsmith (from the Planning Division) for the work he had done in formatting the photos and creating the hyperlinks. He also thanked Steele for the narratives and Skibby for the historical photos. Staff will make certain this is publicized as soon as it is on the Internet. Southern Oreaon Trainin_q Workshop Knox, Skibby, Lewis and Bailey discussed the workshop they attended, and talked about where Ashland is compared to other communities relating to historic preservation. NEW BUSINESS Goal Setting/Orientation Meetina The Commission decided the best date would be pdor to the January 5, 2000 meeting. Members will think about topics, including where the problems are and information they would like to know more about, and bring these back to the next meeting. Open House Lewis related it would be well worth the trip to Central Point to go through the Chavner Family House on October 16. ADJOURNMENT With a motion by Bailey and second by Steele, it was the unanimous decision of the Commission to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Ashland Historic Commission Minutes October 6, 1999 ASHLANb COMMISSION Agenda Octob¢ 6, 1999 HISTORIC II. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 p.m.- ASHLANb COMAAUNITY CENTER (59 Winburn Way) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 8, 1999 PUBLIC HEARINGS: IV. PLANNING ACITON 99-108 a request for a Site Review to remodel and renovate an existing building (currently housing Oak Street Tank and Steel) into the "A' Street Marketplace located at 340 Oak Street. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Employment; Zoning: E-l; Assessor's Map #: 39 1E 09 BA and 04 Cb; Tax Lots: 1300 and 14600. APPLICANT: A Street Marketplace, LLC OLD BUSINESS: A. B. C. Review Board >~ appointments/volunteers Project Assignments for Planning Actions Update on National Register Web Site Update on Southern Oregon Historic Commission Training Workshop E. Other V. NEW BUSINESS: VI. ADJOURNMENT